Fantasies From Afar Pt. 02

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The sweltering heat was brutal as Mike reached the sweet relief of the air conditioning. His team was in the process of inspecting the warehouses and loading sites which had made for excruciatingly long days. Mercifully, it had been an early day. They had been at it for hours and being able to get out of the heat and off of his feet was all he had been looking forward to.

Mike plopped down on the couch in the small studio apartment and put his feet up on the coffee table. He leaned back and closed his eyes, relaxing for a moment. He desperately needed a shower and a good dinner.

Mike felt his watch vibrate. He opened his eyes to see that Ashley’s name had popped up on the watch.  

“Good morning! I hope your day has been good. I love you,” it read. He took his phone out of his pocket and texted her back.

“I love you too. What are your plans for today?” he asked.

“I have a few showings this afternoon, including that couple from last week. I’m shocked they didn’t look for a new agent,” she told him. That got Mike’s attention. The couple had seen Ashley unbutton her shirt while they were having fun on a video call. No doubt the husband would still be picturing that when she was showing them the house today.

He had been the jealous type when he was younger and his girlfriend being seen that way would have put him into a spiral, but over the years he had mellowed. He had never expected that he would find it as… interesting, as he currently did. It had just kept coming infiltrating his thoughts at the least opportune times.

“That should be interesting,” he answered. He was curious if Ashley had any feelings about it in the vein that he had.   

“If by interesting, you mean awkward, then yes,” she shot back over text.

“At least it’s Friday,” he texted her back, deciding to drop it.

“Oh shoot, speaking of the weekend. Sarah invited me to go out on the river tomorrow with Rob and some of his friends. I’ve I’m trying to think of an excuse. I’m not really feeling that social,” her next message read. He had met Rob a few times but he didn’t know him that well. There were possibilities here too, though. He pictured her out on Rob’s boat, tanning with Sarah while the men watched them.

Fuck. What was wrong with him? He cleared his thoughts and decided to change the subject to get his mind off of it.

“Speaking of, how is Sarah?” he asked.

“Lol. She’s the same. You should see what she posted this morning. Apparently, she still needs as much attention as ever,” she answered. Sarah was reasonably pretty but didn’t get nearly the attention from men that Ashley did. Before she had started dating Rob, she had routinely posted pictures on social media to fish for that male attention that she so clearly craved. He flicked over to his app and searched for her post. It was a picture of her from the gym, turned halfway so that you could appreciate the shape of her ass in her leggings. Apparently, even dating Rob wasn’t enough to satisfy it.

“Some things never change,” he texted back before he walked into the bathroom and turned on the water to let it heat up while he stripped his clothes off. As he was about to get into the shower, he got another text back.

“Whatcha doing?” Ashley asked him.

“Hopping in the shower before I get some dinner,” he told her and set his phone down on the back of the toilet next to the shower. He stepped under the water, letting it clean the sweat off of him while he tried to keep his thoughts away from the things that kept tempting him.

A buzz from outside the shower told him that she had sent him another text. He reached out and dried his hand on the towel hanging from the hook on the wall, then grabbed his phone.

“Oh, sounds hot,” she had sent him. Mike couldn’t help but smile at that. The lack of physical contact had been having a big effect on him lately and he had been thinking about sex constantly.

“It’d be hotter with you here,” he texted her back and then waited while he let the water run over his back. It didn’t take long for her to answer.

“Mmmm, that sounds perfect right now. But I have to get ready to go to work,” she sent back.

Mike read the message with disappointment. He was desperate to see more of her body, but those crazy thoughts just kept coming back to him… As much as he wanted to see her, the risk of her being caught or outright teasing other men added a layer of excitement to it that he couldn’t explain. He thought about how to answer and weighed his options.


Mike struggled with the weight of the bar as he pushed hard, trying to extend his arms away from his chest. He had come to the gym early in the morning before work to see if exercise would help him put away the thoughts he had been having. Ever since Ashley had been caught in her car by her clients, Mike couldn’t stop thinking about it. He managed to rerack the weight and sat up to catch his breath. The gym was quiet this early in the morning and there was only one other person in the gym. The sound of them running on the treadmill was the only noise breaking the silence of the morning.

He thought about the showing later today that Ashley had with the man who had so flagrantly checked her out the week before. She would be waking up and getting ready in just a few hours and his imagination kept spinning out of control. The night before he had laid awake in bed, wondering if it was normal to have these thoughts… these desires. He didn’t know if it was but the very idea of another man looking at his wife that way had a hold on him that he couldn’t break.

He had considered what could happen today when she went to the showing. Would the man stare at her tits the way he had last time? Would he be even more blatant about it than last time? Mike shifted his athletic shorts to cover how excited it made him. He had considered suggesting to Ashley that she wear something more revealing, tease the man and leave him wanting but he hadn’t been able to make himself type out the words.

Mike cleared the weights and moved to use the dumbbells. The other thing that had crossed his mind was the invitation for her to go out on the river on Saturday. Ashley had never been before but Mike had seen the pictures Sarah had posted in the past.

Usually, the pictures were of Sarah in a bikini that was a size too small, drinking with Robb and his friends while they rode up and down the waterway. It looked like it could be a fun time and he didn’t want Ashley to stay home all of the time while he was gone. That wasn’t what interested him about it though. The same thoughts about Ashley came to mind as he pictured the attention she would get if she dressed like Sarah out on the river.

Mike finished his workout and made his way to work to get started on some of his reports before the office got busy and people started coming in to talk to him. Once that happened, his concentration always dropped off. The day went by uneventfully as he waited for Ashley to wake up and answer his good morning text. Finally, it came. 

“Hey, I hope you’ve had a good day,” it read. It was after lunch already for Mike even though she was just waking up.

“It’s been alright, just waiting to be able to talk to you,” he typed back for her.

“It’s not the same sleeping without you next to me,” she sent back. Reading that sent a longing through him. Damn, he missed her so much.

“I know. I can’t wait to be back and I know it has to be lonely without me,” he texted her back.

“Yeahh,” she answered. “It definitely can be.” Mike hadn’t been able to suggest to his wife that she tease the man today at the showing but this was easier. He found himself typing the words while he tried to convince himself that it would be good for her and anything else would just be extra.

“Why don’t you go out with Sarah tomorrow? Get out of the house?” he suggested. It didn’t take long for her to answer.

“I already told her that I couldn’t go,” she told him. Damn, he thought. He didn’t want to let it go though.

“Just tell her that you’re free now. It’ll do you good to see her. Plus, a little sun is good for you,” he said as persuasively as possible. A few minutes went by and he started filling out another spreadsheet while he waited.

Finally, she answered. “I guess it would be good to see her,” she admitted.

“Exactly. You deserve to have some fun and relax,” he texted her back as his imagination went wild. They kept texting while he worked and she got ready for her showing, chatting about their lives halfway across the world. The end to their separation couldn’t end soon enough.

“Well, I have to go. It’s almost time for the showing. Hopefully, he offers on this one,” her following text read.

“He probably wants to drag it out as long as possible. I would so I could keep seeing you,” he joked with her.

“Oh, ha ha. Glad you enjoy making jokes about my struggles,” she answered him.

“Struggles? I’m sorry that you’re a knockout. It must be hard to be a ten. I wouldn’t know that struggle,” he texted her back, enjoying a little banter.

“Come on, you’re pretty good looking yourself,” she joked back with him.

“I don’t get the kind of attention that you do,” he sent back, “and there’s a reason for it.”

“That’s not true,” she said, “I don’t get that much attention. Just the occasional pervy older guy.” Ashley was trying to play off her looks again. She enjoyed the attention but it wasn’t something she liked to admit.

“Want to bet on it?” he asked her as the idea came to him. If there was one thing he knew about Ashley, it was how competitive she could be. He had learned this early in their relationship. Board games, sports, it didn’t matter. If it had a score or a winner, Ashley’s competitive side came out.

“I’m getting ready to work, Mike,” she told him. He wouldn’t let it pass that easily.

“I get it. You know you’ll lose,” he responded. Mike was doing his best to bait her competitive side into coming out.

“…“  was all she sent back to him. He considered a few answers but kept deleting them. In the end, he didn’t answer and instead let it marinate with her for a few minutes. He hoped that she wouldn’t be able to resist. He worked on his spreadsheets while he waited for her to text him again.

Finally, another text came through from Ashley. There it was. “What do you have in mind?” she asked him. He had been thinking about how to phrase it while he had waited for her response and knew what he wanted when he won. 

“I bet you get more attention from Robb than Sarah does tomorrow,” he typed out before hitting send. She couldn’t refuse the bet without dropping her pretend humility about her looks.

“Wow, Mike,” she answered. “Sarah’s cute.”

“She doesn’t hold a candle to you, though,” he sent back.

“What do I get when I win? And what do you want?” she asked him. Mike couldn’t help but smile to himself. He had her.

“It doesn’t matter what you get because you won’t win,” he answered, “but when I win, I want pictures of you whenever I want for as long as I’m away from you.” When Ashley was in the right mood she would happily send him pictures but it wasn’t always consistent and he could always use more.

“Lol, when I win, you’re going to redo the shower when you come home,” she told him.

“Only rule though is that you have to wear a swimsuit like Sarah,” he told her.

“What does that mean? A bikini?” she asked him.

“Yeah but Sarah’s are pretty revealing,” he answered, trying to phrase it in a way that wouldn’t make her too suspicious.

“That’s because her tops are too tight, Mike,” she texted him back.

“Then that’s what you have to wear,” he told her.

“I don’t have any swimsuits that fit that tight,” she answered him.

“I guess you’ll have to get one tonight,” he said, hoping she wouldn’t draw a line at this demand from him.

“I guess you’ll have to redo the whole bathroom then,” she told him.

“Like I said, it doesn’t matter to me. You could say you want me to redo the whole house if you win and I’ll take that bet,” he answered confidently. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that Ashley would have every man’s attention.

“I don’t want to hear any complaints when you’re stuck with projects for the next few years of married life because of this one bet,” she told him.

“So we have a deal?” he asked her, holding his breath until her next message appeared on his phone’s screen.

“Fine,” she answered, “I have to go, though. I have to head to work. I’ll talk to you later.”

Mike reread the conversation, giddy with anticipation for the next day.


Without work, the morning went by excruciatingly slowly as Mike waited. He knew they would be heading out early to get on the river soon after sunrise but that would still be mid-afternoon his time. He had run some errands and then turned to cleaning the apartment to work off his anxious energy.

Mike finished vacuuming and looked at the clock on the oven. Ashley would be waking up any minute. He breathed out slowly. He had fallen asleep before she had gotten off of work and he didn’t know if she had stopped to get a new swimsuit or not. Only time would tell.

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he scrambled to get it out of his pocket to read the message from Ashley. “They just picked me up and we’re on our way to the landing,” it read. Part of him wanted to play it cool and just see what happened but the rest of him needed to know every detail.

“What are you wearing? Did you get a new swimsuit?” he asked her in response. She didn’t answer immediately and Mike was left waiting anxiously for an answer until it came twenty minutes later.

“Well mister, I’d send you a picture but you haven’t won our bet,” she told him.

“You’re the worst,” he sent back.

“You love me,” she answered. “But we just pulled in. I won’t have reception the whole time on the river. I’ll text you when I can though.”

“Okay, have fun!” he said, hoping that he would get an update fairly soon. Unfortunately, over the next two hours, he only got the occasional text from his wife and none of them gave him any idea of how their bet was going. All he knew was that besides Robb and Sarah, a couple of other guys had gone out with them for the day. Mike turned on the TV while he waited but spent his time cycling between checking to see if she had read his last text and checking Sarah’s social media to see if she had posted anything. Nothing so far.

He sent her another message, unable to wait any longer. “Have I won yet?” he asked. That message must have gotten her attention because she read it almost immediately and answered him. 

“Nope. Looking forward to picking out the new tile for the bathroom though,” she answered playfully. Damn. He had been pretty confident that she would have all eyes on her. A few more minutes went by before he got another update.

He refreshed Sarah’s page and felt his heart rate accelerate. Oh shit, Sarah had posted some pictures. Finally, he thought. The first picture was of Sarah and Robb. She was wearing a bikini that fit like they always did. Ashley’s friend was in good shape and had a nice body and she was cute. Enough that he had jerked off to similar pictures of her a few times in the past. He kept swiping through the pictures until he found what he was looking for. There it was, a picture of Sarah and Ashley together.

Ashley had her long strawberry blonde hair down and looked like a model with her high cheekbones and light blue eyes. She was wearing a white knit cover-up that just barely showed the red bikini she had on underneath. Even with the cover up it was evident that she had an hourglass figure, but it was hard to know exactly how revealing her top was.

He typed out a message to his wife quickly, “You look incredible in the pics that Sarah posted. Not sure how I haven’t won this bet.” He immediately flicked back over to look at his wife again. Sarah was cute, as Ashley had said, but damn Ashley was so sexy. Sarah was like an above average girl you knew from high school while Ashley looked like she had been prom queen. And well, she had been prom queen.

“I told you!” came her response. He looked at the cover up she was wearing and wondered.

“Did you take off the cover up?” he asked her. She read his message and started typing something out but then stopped. A couple minutes later she answered.

“No, I didn’t want to burn,” she answered. No wonder. She was trying to cheat a little but that wouldn’t work.

“You have to take it off to honor the bet,” he told her.

“Mikeee, the top is a little much,” she told him.

“That was the deal,” he answered. “Take it off.” The dots appeared again, telling him that she was typing and then they stopped. He knew she didn’t have a case after she agreed to it the night before.

“Fine, but it won’t make a difference,” she protested when she answered him a few minutes later. Mike could feel himself get hard knowing that across the world she was there with several men as they watched her peel off her cover up and reveal her gorgeous body. 

“Let me know when I’ve won,” he texted her back. Mike rubbed himself slowly through his athletic shorts while he imagined what was happening. The message wasn’t delivered though and Mike figured that must mean that she had lost cell reception for a little bit.

The wait was now agonizing as he waited for an update from his wife. It was two hours later before he got a text back from her.

“Hey,” was all it read. He didn’t know how to interpret the short answer but he couldn’t wait to find out more.

“Well?” he asked. 

“You win,” she said shortly. Mike felt how dry his mouth was as he read the message. His cock was fully erect within seconds of reading it.

“What happened?” he asked, trying to get her to elaborate. While he waited for her answer he went back to Sarah’s page to see if she had posted again, but she hadn’t.

“Everything is kind of awkward right now but I’ll tell you when I get home,” she answered. “Sarah is pissed and had a big fight with Robb.” Mike hadn’t expected that but he had won nonetheless. His guilt over causing a fight for the other couple was minor compared to how horny he was and desperate to find out more.

“Send me a picture of your swimsuit,” he sent back.

“Not right now, Mike,” she answered him.

“That’s not what the bet was,” he told her.

“Ugh,” she texted him back. A minute later, a picture came through. Ashley had taken a selfie of herself in a tight fitting red bikini. The swimsuit itself wasn’t risqué, but the top was a size too small and her perky breasts were nearly spilling out of the top. The way her lean neck tapered down to her exposed shoulders and her perfect cleavage was quite the sight. Her light skin had no tan lines and no blemishes that he could see. No wonder she had caused problems for Robb and Sarah. Her body looked like it had been designed to be as fuckable as possible and he knew that pictures didn’t do it justice.

“God, you’re so fucking sexy,” he sent back.

“You think so?” she asked him. Ashley loved a good compliment.

“What happened with Robb and Sarah?” he asked, hoping she wouldn’t really make him wait until she made it all the way home. He was thankful when she answered him quickly. 

“Well I had been talking to his friends. But once I took the cover up off, Robb started talking to me and asking me questions. After a little bit, I could tell Sarah was a little annoyed, but it blew up when he offered to put sunscreen on me,” she told him.

Mike had lost his shorts while he read the message and was stroking himself to the picture of his wife while he imagined the scenario she described. He typed out a response to try to get her to keep talking.

“Wow, bold of him,” he said. “How did Sarah react?”

“She looked pissed when he offered but she stopped talking to him once he started rubbing it into my back,” she answered. Oh God, she had actually let Robb put sunscreen on her?

“He actually rubbed it in?” he asked while he stroked himself faster.

A minute went by as she started and stopped typing a few times. Finally, she answered him. “Don’t be mad okay?” her message read. Mad? What had happened that would make him mad?

“Okay?” he answered.

“I tried to play it off, but Robb didn’t take no for an answer and started rubbing some in on my back. But his friends, Seth and Brett decided to help and the next thing I knew, all three of them had their hands on me. I’m really sorry. It was only for a minute or two before I stopped it,” she admitted.

“What the hell, Ashley?” he typed out as jealousy filled him. He hadn’t expected them to get handsy with her or for her to let them.

“They were pretty aggressive, but I made them stop after a minute. I can’t lie to you about it. Please don’t be mad,” she told him. He still felt the jealousy, but it was mixed with lust in a way he didn’t understand. He felt heat on his chest but he couldn’t stop rubbing his cock. Mike was getting closer as he thought about the three men he had seen in the pictures with their hands all over his wife, rubbing in sunscreen.

“Aggressive? Aggressive how?” he asked her.

“Like, trying to inch toward my chest and butt. I’m so sorry, Mike. I stopped them whenever they started to try any of that,” she told him. “Are you mad?”

Mike looked at the selfie she had sent him and imagined Robb’s hands on her tits, rubbing in sunscreen while his wife laid out on the boat. He could feel himself about to erupt. 

“No, I just didn’t expect that to happen,” he told her moments before he came, his imagination recreating the decadent scene for his own pleasure.

Published 11 months ago

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