Family Time: The Beginning
PROLOGUE: Part one
Princess woke up from a dream she could not remember. Her mouth was dry, but she was very wet down there. She tried hard to remember what her dream was about but could not. Her little sister, Sissy was cuddled up next to her, asleep and breathing softly. The two often slept together. They were very close, and Sissy practically worshipped her big sister. She followed her around like a puppy and was always eager to do anything that Princess suggested.
Princess gently disengaged herself from Sissy and rose from her bed. She tiptoed out of her room and down the stairs towards the kitchen for a drink of water. As she passed her parents’ bedroom, she heard them speaking. Their door was slightly cracked open, and she heard her mother say in a frustrated voice, “I want to make you happy, but I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to do!”
Princess paused to listen closely near the crack in the door. She heard her father sigh and reply, “It’s ok, Jean; I know you are trying.” He too sounded frustrated.
Jean said, “The problem is we both want to be dominated, and neither of us knows how to do it.
Princess gave a quiet gasp. Had she heard that right? Was she hearing her parents talking about their sex lives? She heard her father say, “I love you, Jean, no matter what, but I don’t know what to do either.” He sighed again and said, “Maybe we just have to learn to live with it.”
Princess heard her mother crying softly. “I love you too, Jim,” she said. “Can I do anything now to help? Do you want me to use my mouth to make you feel good?”
Princess again gave a quiet gasp. Was her mother talking about giving her father a blowjob? She heard Jim sigh again and say, Thank you, dear, but my heart just isn’t in it right now. Let’s just go to sleep.” Princess heard the soft rustling of bodies shifting. Peaking into the cracked door, she saw a shaft of moonlight coming through a window that spilled across her parents’ bed. They were lying with their backs to each other. She could still hear her mother crying quietly.
Princess pulled away and continued towards the kitchen. Her mind was a whirl. Shock at hearing her parents talking about sex, confusion at thinking of them as sexual beings for the first time, and sadness for their situation. She quietly got a drink of water before heading back to her bed. Princess was not one to let a crisis go. She was a natural leader and often took charge in most situations. She had been class president in school because when she spoke, people listened. She knew how to take charge.
Back in her room, she stood at the bed looking down at her little sister, and the beginnings of a plan began to take shape in her mind. She quietly got back in bed and lay on her back to think. Sissy stirred and rolled over to cuddle into her sister’s side, draping an arm and a leg over her, her face resting against Princesses’ firm breast. Her breathing soon became regular again as she sank back into sleep. Princesses’ mind was racing; her nipples hardened as the details of her plan took shape.
When Princess awoke the next morning, she was alone. Sissy had already arisen and gone to class. It was after 9:00 am, and that meant both her parents were gone as well—her father to work at his company and her mother to her club to swim laps and for her yoga class. Princess stretched and got up. Part one of her plan required some research, and having the house to herself was the perfect time to do it. Princess knew a lot about sex, of course, as any young person that grew up in the internet age did, but she didn’t have any experience in the world of domination. For her plan to work, she knew she needed to immerse herself completely. Going to her computer, she googled dominatrix, and Wikipedia came back with a definition.
A dominatrix, or domme, is a woman who takes the dominant role in BDSM activities. A dominatrix can be of any sexual orientation, but this does not necessarily limit the genders of her submissive partners. Dominatrices are popularly known for inflicting physical pain on their submissive subjects, but this is not done in every case. In some instances, erotic humiliation is used, such as verbal humiliation or the assignment of humiliating tasks.
Princess did not want to inflict any pain, but she thought that erotic humiliation sounded interesting. She spent an hour researching the psychology behind the submissive and what they craved from their dommes.
Once she understood the mindset, she decided it was time for more empirical research. She googled for erotic stories about subs and dommes. Finding one that looked interesting, she began to read. It was about a strong, beautiful woman who seduced and claimed first a woman, then a man, and then both together. As she read, her nipples hardened, and the folds of her pussy grew slick. She loved the words that the woman used to control her subs and the subtle body language she performed that made them more aware of her dominance. She loved how they craved the humiliation and shame of her dominance.
Princess had never thought of herself as being a domme, but now the thought of it filled her body with a powerful need. Continuing the story, she couldn’t help but slip her fingers into her panties and play with her wet pussy. She pictured herself as the woman in the story, and when the story reached its climax, so did she. She cried out as she came, and it was one of the most powerful orgasms she had ever had. Shuddering from her release, she began to smile. It was time for part two of her plan. If she was going to make this happen, she was going to need a helper.
When Sissy got home from her morning classes, she walked in through the front door and into the living room to find Princess sitting in a high-backed chair and looking at her. There was something different about her. For one, she was dressed differently. She was wearing tight-fitting black pants and a very white, low-cut blouse that revealed a lot of cleavage, as well as knee-high black leather boots with a high heel. But there was something else that was different, something in her eyes as she looked at her. “Hi Princess,” Sissy said brightly. “What’s going on?”
Princess smiled and said, I was waiting for you. I have to talk to you about something. Come, sit down, and listen.”
Sissy automatically came over to the nearby couch and sat down on the end that was nearest to her sister. She always did whatever Princess said. She didn’t think about it. That’s just how it had always been between them.
Princess looked into her eyes for a moment before saying, “Last night I heard Mom and Dad talking in their room. They have a problem, and I want us to help them.”
She then told Sissy everything she had heard and seen. Sissy gasped then giggled when she heard the part about her mother offering to please her father with her mouth, but then her eyes welled with tears when she heard about her mother crying.
Princess said, “It made me sad as well. It made me worried for them too, because if they are unhappy with their sex life, they will be unhappy in their marriage. They have a difficult problem. They both want to be dominated; they both want to be submissive, and neither knows how to give the other what they need.
Sissy now had a tear rolling out of her eye. “But what can we do to help them?” she asked.
Princess took a tissue from a nearby box. She leaned forward, taking Sissy’s chin in one hand; she used the other to gently wipe away the tear. Continuing to hold her chin in her hand, she looked into Sissy’s eyes intently and said, “I have a plan.” She took a deep breath and said, “I am going to be their domme, and you are going to be my helper.”
Sissy’s eyes went wide, and she exclaimed, “You mean you are going to be like a dominatrix? like, sexually with Mom and Dad?”
“Yes,” said Princess. “They love each other very much, but they are not happy. Neither can give the other what they need, so I am going to give it to both of them.”
Sissy sat back in her chair with a dazed look. She was trying to imagine what this would look like. “And what would you want me to do?” she asked.
Princess said, “I have been researching how to be a dom and learning what the submissive craves. I think I have a good handle on it, and I think I will be good at it. We will have to convince them both to go along with this. Probably one at a time, and probably with Mom first. I have a plan for that too, but first I want to practice, like a dress rehearsal, and that’s where you come in.”
Sissy said quietly, “You mean you want to practice being a dom on me?”
Princess looked her very directly in the eyes and simply said, “Yes.”
Sissy felt her nipples begin to stiffen. This was wild. “What do you want me to do?” she asked.
Princess rose from her chair, and taking both her sister’s hands in hers, she pulled her up to stand closely facing her. Princess was several inches taller than Sissy, her body more full and womanly. She took Sissy’s face in both her hands and, leaning down, kissed her just on the edge of her mouth. The kiss was slow and just a little wet. When at last she pulled back, she said. “Come to my room tonight after Mom and Dad go to bed, and I will show you.”
Part three:
The family dinner was quiet that night. Princess was watching her parents closely. They were distant and didn’t talk much, and they both seemed a little sad. Princess noticed Sissy watching them too, with a new understanding of how they had been acting lately. After dinner, Sissy and her parents went to the living room to watch some TV before bed. Princess excused herself, saying she wanted to read in her room. As she was leaving, she caught Sissy’s eye and gave her a quick wink before heading up the stairs and into her room.
Inside her room, she stripped naked and went to her full-length mirror and looked herself up and down. Tall, long-legged, and buxom, she ran her hands over her full breasts, down her tight, flat stomach, and over her smooth thighs. She partly turned and looked over her shoulder as her hands slid behind her to caress her round, firm ass. She was beautiful, and she knew it. In high school and after, boys and men, girls and women had been attracted to her. She had been with a boy as a senior in school and dated two different men and one woman later, but none of them seemed quite right, and nothing came of the rather short relationships. She was starting to suspect what was missing.
She put a black silk robe that came down to mid-thigh over her naked body and a pair of black high-heeled shoes. Going to her bedside table, she opened the drawer and took out a couple of items, and laid them on the table. She retrieved a hand towel from her bathroom and covered the items, hiding them from view.
She went to her dressing table and turned the chair in front of it to face her bedroom door. Sitting in the chair, she took out her phone. It would be a while yet before her parents went to bed and Sissy came to her room. She used the time to find another story about domination. This time she found one about a mature woman seducing and dominating a young girl. She delved into the story and became more and more aroused as she read. Her nipples became hard and sensitive, and the silk fabric sliding across them felt delicious. Her pussy was getting wetter and wetter with each sentence she read. The story was nearing its climatic moment when she heard her parents’ door close and, right after, the sound of Sissy on the stairs.
Princess put her phone down and composed herself. She sat straight-backed on the chair and crossed one long bare leg over the other, the robe barely covering her naked wet pussy. The front of her robe hung low, revealing her buxom cleavage and just hiding her areolas and hard nipples. Dark red lipstick gave her full lips a stark contrast with the pale skin of her beautiful face. She was calm, ready, and completely in charge.
There was a light knock at her door. “Come in,” said Princess.
Sissy walked in, and taking one look at her sister, she gasped and said, “Oh wow!” Her eyes were very wide.
“Close the door, Sissy,” said Princess
Sissy turned and closed the open door behind her, then faced her sister again. “You look amazing, Princess!” She exclaimed
“Thank you, dear,” said Princess, “but in this room tonight, you will address me only as Mistress. Do you understand?”
Sissy giggled, but then seeing the stern look on her sister’s face, she quickly stopped and stammered, “Yes, Mistress.”
“Good girl,” said Princess. “You have secrets to tell me, Sissy,” she said. “Things you have been hiding even from yourself. And in this room, we are going to discover them together. Before I am done, you will beg to tell me your secrets. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Prin, I mean Yes, Mistress,” said Sissy
“Walk towards me slowly,” said Princess
Sissy slowly approached her sister, and when she was about three feet away, Princess said, “Stop.” She stopped as told and stood looking at her sister. “Look me in the eye and take off all your clothes at once,” said Princess
Sissy gulped but began removing her shorts and then her top. Standing there in her bra and panties, she hesitated. “Everything,” said Princess
Looking down shyly, Sissy reached back to unhook her bra.
“Look at me!” commanded Princess, and Sissy’s eyes snapped back up to look her mistress sister in the eye. Her face bloomed pink with embarrassment as she unhooked her bra and slid it off to reveal her pretty b-cup breasts and gumdrop nipples. They were stiff, Princess noted and inwardly smiled. “Panties too,” said Princess, and Sissy’s face turned more red and flushed as she hooked in her thumbs and slid them down her legs. Her eyes never left Princesses’ as she stepped out of them and kicked them away. Raising back up, she stood naked and exposed, with one arm over her breasts and the other trying to hide her bare pussy from sight.
Princess uncrossed her legs and stood up before her naked sister. Still looking into her eyes, she said, “Hands by your side.”
Sissy slowly lowered her hands, her body now on full display. Princess began to slowly walk around her sister, inspecting her from every side. “Such a pretty little bird for Momma to play with,” said Princess approvingly. Coming up behind her sister, she pressed her silk-covered breasts into her back. Sissy could feel her sister’s hard nipples through the thin material pressing into her naked skin. Princess wrapped her arms around her and cupped her breasts with her hands, squeezing and kneading them and then rolling her nipples between her thumbs and fingers.
Sissy felt a heat and then a gush of wetness from her pussy. She gave an involuntarily moan as her sister tweaked and teased her sensitive nipples.
“You like that, don’t you, girl?” said Princess in her ear. “I can feel your hard little nipples getting excited by your mistress sister’s touch. You want me to touch you, don’t you?” She gave the stiff little nubs a pinch and said, “Answer me!”
“Yes Mistress!” she panted
Princess slid one hand down her sister’s stomach and dipped a finger into the inner folds of her hairless slit and felt the wetness within. Sissy moaned again and more loudly as Princess coated her finger in her slick secretions. Still massaging her breast with her other hand, she brought the glistening finger to her sister’s lips and rubbed her juices over them, coating them with the smell and taste of her own pussy. Sissy’s mouth opened as she involuntarily licked her lips and tasted herself. She licked and sucked Princesses’ finger deeply into her mouth, trying to get more of the taste. “So,” said Princess, “the first secret comes out. The little girl likes the taste of pussy, doesn’t she?”
Sissy blushed furiously but nodded, still trying to suck the finger clean.
Princess pulled her finger away. She released her sister and walked back around to stand before her once more. Placing a hand on each of her shoulders, she gently pressed down and said, “On your knees, little one.” Sissy fell to her knees as commanded. “Spread them apart so I can see your wet little pussy,” ordered Princess. Sissy, blushing even more, spread her knees wide apart to reveal her wet, hungry hole. “Cup your tits for me and tease your nipples,” said Princess.
Sissy did as asked. She massaged her breasts and pinched her nipples as the juices from her horny pussy dripped onto the floor.
Princess drew close to her. Towering above her, she opened her robe to reveal her glorious tits and smooth, shaved pussy, mere inches from Sissy’s face. Sissy could smell her sister’s arousal, and it heightened her own.
Princess cupped her face with one hand and, taking the middle finger of the other, slipped…