“She sure must be mad at us.”
“Give her some time. She will come around. You have been a good judge of people till now.”
“Yeah, I know. There is something different this time. I thought I read her right.”
“She must be wondering about Chris too. I think we should let her deal it with and come to terms. Don’t do anything to fuck it up.”
Mel paced around the house. For the first time, in many years, she was not sure of herself. She felt she was on shaky grounds with Jane.
“Why could I not just shut up? I could have told Sean about it later too?”
Sean was amused. He felt there was nothing to worry about. He had a long day at work and did not have time to indulge Mel’s state of mind.
“Why don’t you get ready too? Come with me to the office. We can discuss this on our way and back.”
“Good thinking!”, she exclaimed and in minutes had her formal clothes on. Brushing her hair, she followed Sean into the car.
Traffic was heavy. Sean maneuvered the car to stay ahead of most drivers. Mel was lost in her own thoughts. She did not speak much.
Finally, Sean decided to ask, “Did you think of anything?”
She did not immediately respond.
“It may be a good idea for us to leave the situation as-is. Let’s play a waiting game.”
Having no ideas of her own, Mel agreed. The car halted in traffic. Sean leaned over and kissed his wife. She kissed him back with passion, softly mouthing, “I love you so much.”
“We all love you.”
Reaching the office, Sean was buried in meetings. Mel sat in her room, looking for emails and follow-up activities. The morning went by.
After lunch, Mel answered Chris’s call, “Hi, Baby.”
Chris shared with Mel his meeting with the Coopers.
“They love you. You can do no wrong.”
“Yeah, I know. Sarah seems very perceptive.”
Mel knew exactly what he meant. As Chris spoke, she reflected on the first time they met Sarah and Vince; Sarah immediately detected the Wilkins liberal lifestyle. Days later, they were closer than they ever thought they would be.
Chris shared everything with Mel and Sean. There were no secrets between them.
“Ma. Jane and I joked about me getting a booty call. To my surprise, she said – Go Ahead, I give you a hall pass.”
“When was that? When did she give you the hall pass?”
“Yesterday morning. When you two were together.”
Mel knew exactly when Jane gave Chris the hall pass.
“Ma, last night, I had my first black experience.”
“WHAT?” She was not expecting to hear that.
Chris detailed his experience with Keisha to his mother. Mel was a good listener.
“Are you going to see her again?”
“Does Jane know?”
“No Ma. I don’t know if she was serious about giving me the hall pass. Don’t want to hurt her.”
“Have no secrets with Jane. You should tell her.”
“I know. I know. I will find a way to tell her.”
Mel casually asked her son, “What if Jane had such an experience?”
Chris paused for few seconds.
“Ma, I like Jane and me to have what you and dad have. Your lifestyle and your openness.”
“You two should talk soon.”
Chris agreed. He saw the Chinese couple – John and Sue Chen – walking through the revolving door.
“Ma, I got to go. The Chens are here.”
“Go get them. Close the deal with them.”
Mel put down her phone. New developments with Chris excited her. She could not wait for Sean to be done with his meetings. She spent the rest of the workday thinking about Jane, Chris, and Sean.
Later towards the close of business day, she admitted to herself, “I may have made a mistake with Jane.”She was now driven to keep her family together. She realized Jane needed love, attention, and trust. She couldn’t undo the past but could do something to bring them close again.
The Wilkins headed home. Mel placed her bag in the backseat. Her eyes fell on the floor. Jane accidentally dropped it in the car. She read it aloud, “Mr. Martin Hightower.”
Sean looked back puzzled. He saw Mel holding a business card in her hand. He saw her eyes smile. She had a way to get back into Jane’s love. At that moment, she called Jane.
“Oh, hi Mom,” Jane was her assured self.
“Janey. You dropped Martin’s card in the car.”
Jane played down her excitement, “Oh! Really. I forgot about it.”
She was lying.
Sean drove back home. Mel continued to speak to her daughter-in-law.
“We are on our way back home. We love to come by and spend few minutes with you.”
Jane hesitated. Realizing Sean would be there too, she agreed.
“Great. See you in thirty minutes.”
Back together
Jane took her time to answer the door. Mel was at the door. They greeted each other with an uncomfortable and awkward hug. Sean arrived at the door a few minutes after. Mel noticed her greeting her husband with more warmth than she did her.
“Good to see you again. How was your day?”
Jane avoided eye contact with her, “Yeah, went well. The investment deal closed without a hitch. The monies are in the bank. Woo! Hoo!.”
Sean – “Congratulations. We must celebrate.”
Jane – “Yeah. Chis should be back soon.”
Mel immediately thought about what Chris was up to. She knew her son. He was going to be with Keisha again.
Mel – “That would be awesome.”
The next few minutes, Sean engaged Jean. Jane was conscious that Mel was waiting patiently for her moment to step into the conversation. She felt sorry for her but enjoyed the moment.
She knew Mel was going to use Martin’s card as leverage but did not know how.
It was time to leave. Mel waited for Sean to leave.
Mel – “Janey, you are the best thing that happened to us. We want the best for you always.”
Jane – “I know, Mom!”
Mel loved to hear being called ‘Mom’. She moved forward to hug Jane. This time, the hug was warmer and lasted longer. As she stepped out, she turned to Jane and placed Martin’s card in her hand. Without saying a word, she quickly got into the car and Sean drove away.
Closing the door behind her, Jane shook to a short body tremor. She admired the way Mel did it. She stared at the card, reading the information again and again, trying to memorize his information. Once done, she began to wonder how she should approach him.
After a glass of merlot and a sandwich for dinner, she sat on the bed with a pillow being crushed between her black leggings; a grey tank top covering her excited, hard-pounding heart.
In her mind, she ran through different ways to initiate contact with her lover.
“Hey, it’s Jane. Hope you are thinking of me.”
“Do you really want to meet me again?”
“Am I really delicious?”
She squeezed the pillow between her legs. Her lips were wet. She swooned and sighed, “Fuck, I want him again.” After some deliberation, she slowly entered his number as contact ‘MH’ in her phone and texted him – “Jane”.
The next few seconds …
“Is it too soon to text him? Will he reply? Am I being silly to reach out? Does he really want me again?. Oh God. I should not have texted him.”
Almost immediately, her phone chimed with two kisses emojis and an excited ‘YaY!’.
Jane could not contain her grin. Her phone chimed again.
“I can’t stop thinking of you.”
She shouted into the phone but did not text, “Me too. Oh My God! Me too.”
The messages continued.
“Woke up thinking you were still next to me. You make me feel young again.”
He sent kisses, hugs, and flowers emojis.
She laughed, ‘Ha!’ Realizing it was her turn to respond, “I had a wonderful time.”
“You are my first after my wife.”
Jane exclaimed ‘Woa!’.
“It’s been almost twenty years. You excite me. I am hard already.”
It excited her. Her hands crawled in between her legs, pushing the pillow aside. She was wet. She wanted to hear more.
Then her phone displayed his picture. Well-Dressed, Elegant, and Composed.
“Me. Right now.”
Jane responded, “Handsome.”
“Not right now. In my leggings and tank top.”
She obliged.
“Marty Likes.”
“Ha! Ha! Ha!” She loved his Marty reference, “You make me smile.”
“I like to go away with you for a day or two.”
Without hesitation, she replied, “Me too.”
While she was still wondering ‘When’, her phone chimed with an incoming message.
There was a picture of a boat named ‘Little Princess’, followed by a text –
“Can you drive up to the Cape?”
“I travel light (with a winking emoji).”
“I will try to travel light.”
“Ooh”, she moaned in anticipation. Her leggings had a wet patch, her nipples stretched up the Tank Top. He followed up his messaging with kissing emojis.
Their texting was interrupted by a call from Chris. Jane immediately snapped back into her wife role.
“Hi, Sweetie. How was your day?”
Chris went on a long talk about his time with the Cooper and the Chen families. He was excited that the Chens have accepted the contract with the Wilkins firm. As he spoke, Jane put him on the speaker phone and continued to check for Martin’s messages. Martin was sending her pictures of his boat and its amenities. Jane was tickled to find just one twin-size bed with a two-seater dining enclosure.
As Chris spoke about the deal, she texted Martin, “Is there space for two of us?”
“I am sure, you can squeeze me in.”
Jane could not help giggling like a teenager. Chris slowed down, “You found that funny eh?”
She held herself back, “I was thinking of something else. Tell me more.”
Chris continued talking and mentioned to Keisha, that he will be with them in the evening. Jane was too preoccupied with Martin’s messages. She did not pay much attention to Chris’s excited tone.
“Tomorrow morning at 10. At the Cape. Sealock Pier, deck 14.”
Her response was immediate – “Yes Marty! (with a kissing emoji)”
Martin’s messages stopped with a ‘Thumbs-up’ emoji. Jane and Chris spoke for another ten minutes. Chris kissed her over the phone with a long ‘MUAH’, saying, “I am so glad you are like us, understanding, open, and agreeing to our way of life.”
For a brief moment, she wondered, “What did I miss? What did I agree to?”, before scrolling back to Martin’s messages.
Do the Nasty
“I love her. She is so understanding to approve of me with Keisha”, assuming that Jane was fully aware of Chris’s lusty, intense fuck-night with Keisha. He reached the hotel around 4 pm. Immediately, like the previous day, he hit the exercise room. An hour later, with soaked clothes, he returned to his room. While showering, thinking about Keisha, his hard, throbbing erection returned. After a good wash, putting on his shorts, he noticed the telephone’s message lights blinking.
Keisha’s voice – “Hey there. I am delayed with a meeting and am invited for dinner after. Will be back late. You have a good evening (followed by sloppy wet kissing sounds.)”
Disappointed, he stroked himself, falling back on his bed with a loud, “FUCK!”.
About thirty minutes, later he ordered his dinner through a delivery service and revisited his business activities.
He sent individual emails to Sarah and Vince Coopers. Then went on to prepare the package for the Chens. Seconds after he emailed the information to his dad for review, he received a response from Sarah Cooper.
“Good to see you today. My! You have matured so well. The next time you are in town, call on us again.”
He replied – “Thank you. I feel the same. Look forward to meeting you again.”
Dinner arrived. Closing his laptop, watching the game on TV, he ate his meal. The room was programmed to automatically dim the lights. Before long, he was asleep.
He opened his eyes to the sound of the door knocking. Dazed, he wobbled sleepily to open the door. It was Keisha. She was holding onto the door, swaying, and Chris grabbed her to stop her fall. She put her arms around him and began to kiss him. He could smell and taste alcohol on her.
Chris quickly pulled her inside and closed the door. Swaying and holding the wall to support her, she moved to the bed.
“You are drunk.”
She unbuttoned her blouse and threw it to the floor.
Laying on her bed, just in her bra, “I AM SO WET AND CREAMY”
“Shhh!”, he tried to quieten her down.
Forcefully she pulled her pants, along with her panties, down to her ankles. Chris could not help licking his lips. He saw her fingers parting her chocolate lips, exposing her pink inner layer, and looking at him, slurred out, “Dho de nashtty. Eeeat Mamma.”
Chris obeyed. Down on his knees, his face went closer. He smelled her scent. She reached for his head and put his face closer into her. His mouth circled on her creamy cunt. His tongue licked her white secretions. Her hips began to move, grinding his face, her hands gripping into his hair holding him tight into her. She moaned and screamed aloud, her hips raised and fell on the bed, drawing his face deep in between her thighs.
Her smell turned him on. He licked her like a hungry dog. The bed shook along with her movements. She was suddenly alert; her drunken stupor lost.
She was oozing. He tasted her.
She was too loud. The room was filled with her sex talk and pussy noises.
His tongue dipped into her lips and traced upwards to slap the clit. Keisha lost control. Her hands pushed his face away, her hips raised from the mattress. Her hands gripped her breasts over her bra. Her hips were shaking. Her feet pressed on the bed, knees bent, hips raised, and her pussy squirted.
The bed and the floor were wet from her squirts. For the next few minutes, he looked on, her body wriggled on the bed. She was breathing heavily and shaking uncontrollably. His lips were wet with her pussy juices. He sat at the edge of the bed waiting for her to get some control of herself.
Chris looked at the time. It was 3:00 am.
Keisha was half asleep. Without looking at him, “Fuck me! Baby! Fuck me! Fuck this bitch any which way you want.” Chris laughed when he heard those words. He held back. He wanted her bad, but he was going to have her when she was in her senses. She laid in the bed she wetted. Chris washed his face and reclined on the couch to sleep.
Ten in the morning, the naked black beauty was still asleep. Chris was at the table, bare-chested and in his shorts, silently reviewing investment proposal ideas.
There was a soft tap on the door, “Housekeeping.”
Walking close to the door, “No service required.”
“Thank you, we will be back for evening service.”
Back at his work table, he saw her open her eyes and smiled.
“What time is it?”
“Hmmmm!” she stretched her entire body.
“You are a wild one!”
“Am I, Now?”
Chris followed up, “And amazing.”
She gestured him to join her in bed. He was next to her in seconds.
Reaching behind to unhook her bra, she directed him “Lose those shorts, my white lover.”
She pushed him to lay on his back and rolled over him. His fair-skinned arms enveloped her dark chocolate body. Her hips pressed into his. She put her mouth on and his; interlocking his tongue with hers. Her large breasts and nipples pressed onto his firm, hard chest.
“What am I going to do with you?”
He replied, “Yeah. What are you going to do with me?”
By then, his erection was rock hard and impatient. Her right hand reached under and grabbed his base, “I want us to fuck we have never fucked before.”
He pulled her to him and kissed her passionately. She was gently massaging his warm cock. She kissed him and began to slowly crawl down to get in between his legs. He closed his eyes in anticipation. He felt her tongue repeatedly licking his cock’s head. He controlled his grunt with a deep breath. Her wet mouth drew him in, and she took his entire length deep in her. Her fingers tickled his balls.
“UUUHMP! GRRR!”, his primal responses were loud.
She did not let up. She bopped her head holding him firm with her lips, with each bop he felt doing deeper down her throat. She was salivating and breathing hard. She sensed he was on the edge. She reached for the base of his cock and squeezed hard controlling his impending ejaculation.
“Not yet! Your seed is mine.”
“Oh God! You are awesome.”
Holding his meat in her hand, she moved to position herself over him, guiding his cock deep into her wet lips. Her large breasts began to bounce as she rode him. Her hands pushed his chest down, her pelvis grinding his, she began to moan and sigh.
“Come closer. Let me kiss you.”
She bent down and her chest lay on his, she passionately kissed his thin lips with her pouted ones. Her cunt lips grabbed his cock hard, milking his erection. He was throbbing deep in her. Her hips raised and pushed down on his cock.
“Fuck, she is fucking me dry. Wow! I don’t have this with Janey.”
He reached for her back with his arms and held her. Her eyes stared into his.
“You like this black cunt.”
He smiled.
“Fuck me. Overpower me. Fuck me.”
Chris accepted the challenge. He rolled her over and lay on her. Going on his knees, his hands grabbed her breasts hard, pulling her ankles over his shoulders. He gave his cock a hard push in her. Her head hit the bed’s headboard. Her neck strained at an angle.
The next two minutes, she received his hard thrusts. Their bodies were sweating. Her nails dug into his back, scratching him hard, pealing some kin out. He did not mind the burn and pain. The bed shock hard.
“I am cumming.”
“Give me everything you have. I want those sacs empty.”
They came together. Her pussy clasped his phallus, not letting go, as he screamed and grunted his cum in her. He fell forward and laid on her.
He was still moaning and sighing, he heard his phone ring. It was Jane.
Little Princess
“Hi, Mom.”
Mel was excited to receive Jen’s call.
“Hi, Janey. How are you today?”
After the initial niceties, she told Mel about Martin’s invitation. Mel played down her excitement and let Jane talk.
“I am going; alone.”
Mel did not respond. She wanted to get Jane back into their lives. She decided to give her space.
“Does Chris know?”
“No! I will get around to telling him. Right now, I need this.”
“How long will you be away?”
“May return tomorrow.”
“May”, Mel was a bit worried. Martin was a stranger to them. She was not comfortable with Jane being alone with him.
Jane hung up the phone. Her mind was already set on going.
“Travel light,” he said.
She packed a backpack with a towel, two sets of her white bikini, and her vanity kit. She looked at herself in the mirror. She felt sexy.
Returning to the bedroom, she looked up directions to the Cape – Sealock Pier. It was two hours away.
She texted Martin before she started, “On my way.”
His response was immediate, “Can’t wait.”
Throwing the backpack into the passenger seat, she headed east on the highway. Traffic was light. She decided to call Chris.
Chris’s cock was still in Keisha’s wet pussy, he reached over to answer his wife’s call.
He was still moaning and sighing.
Not wanting to disturb Keisha’s sleep, controlling himself softly spoke “Hi, Janey.”
“Honey. I am getting away with a friend for a day and maybe a night.”
He did not bother to ask for details. After all, he thought, Jane approved his sex with Keisha. His fingers circled Keisha’s nipples and with the phone to his ears, he bent down to suck and nibble on them. He was focused on her breasts that Jane’s mention of ‘Martin’ fell dead to his years.
Jane disconnected the phone and was full speed ahead to the Cape. The weather improved as she drove. By 9:30 am, she saw road signs to ‘Sealock Pier.’ She pressed on the accelerator and soon found parking at the Pier.
Sitting in the car, she texted, “Here. In front of deck 7.”
Her phone rang immediately.
Martin’s deep voice, “I am on my way.”
Jane got out of the car, picked up her backpack, and looked around waiting for him.
She immediately recognized the tall, well-built, sailor-clad mature male walking hurriedly towards her. He was moving fast towards her. Jane froze, standing there like a deer seeing headlights.
Before she knew it, he lifted her off the ground and his lips were locked on hers. Her backpack fell to the ground as his tongue entered her inviting mouth. He was slopping and drooling into her. Her panties were already wet, and she felt his hard-bulging pants pressing against her body.
Slowly placing her back on the ground, “It’s going to be an awesome day, bright and sunny, and there is less traffic in the bay. I have permission to dock at the High-Sea Point.”
Jane pretended to understand most of what he said. She placed her hands in his arm, as he picked up the backpack.
The pier was serene, water reflected the deep blue sky. Martin guided her through the pier in-between multiple docked boats, before they arrived at the “Little Princess.” There was a young man, in his twenties, who kept the boat humming. Martin waved to him.
He stepped down to the deck, “Welcome.”
Jane smiled.
“This is William. He maintains this little baby.”
Jane extended her hand to shake his hands. He gave a knowing grin as his eyes moved from her eyes, down her body, to her feet.
“Is there anything we need to be concerned about? We are going to go as far as High-Sea Point.”
“The Bay Patrol needs to clear you. I will send out the plan. I heard it is a light day and once you register your docking location, you will have privacy.”
Jane thought she saw him give Martin a wink.
“Thanks, you go ahead and take off. Have a nice day.”
Martin reached into his pocket and gave William an envelope. Jane looked at the vessel on which she was about to embark. Martin quickly hopped onto Little Princess. He extended his hand to Jane, “Step over the black rock.”
Jane followed his direction. There was little communication between them. Martin was on the radio, sharing the trip information for the day. He seemed to be a familiar sailor with the Bay Patrol. Jane sat down on the side as the boat moved out of the deck.
Pulling out and away from the decks, Martin slowed down Little Princess to almost a halt. He turned to her and showed her the safety features of the boat and handed her a floatation jacket assuring her, “We don’t need this today. The bay is calm.”
Jane nodded and looked around, in disbelief that she was alone with a man who is not Chris. Little Princess moved again and this time swiftly through the backwaters, into the bay. There was a gentle breeze. Martin was careful to not speed up. The number of boats and sails began to thin out. Soon, they were pushing ahead towards the open bay.
Jane was relishing each passing moment. She held onto the floatation jacket on her legs. Martin looked like a happy sailor as they approached the Bay Patrol inspection point.
“Good Morning, Mr. Hightower. Where to. Today?”
“Docking at High-Sea Point.”
‘That’s quite a distance. It’s beautiful out there.’
Jane avoided eye contact. She looked out to be seen enjoying the weather and freshness of the air around. After ten minutes, they were given a ‘GO’. The boat moved at a steady pace. Martin held onto the wheel for few minutes.
“Come here.”
Janey got to her feet and moved delicately towards him. He reached out to hold her hand and gently pulled her to him. He kissed her on her lips again and moved his hands up and down her braless shirt. Jane’s nipples perked up.
He placed her hands on the steering wheel, “Hold firm, I will be back.”
He quickly disappeared to the deck below and in a minute or two returned back to her, “It’s going to be a fantastic day today. Let’s get out of these clothes.”
He pulled his T over his head and exposed his bare chest to her. She wondered if he was going to pull down his shorts too, but he did not. Jane looked around to see if she could change into her white bikini.
“If he could pull his top in front of me, so can I.”
She unbuttoned her shirt and heard a soft whistle. She reached for the bikini and wondered if should put it on. He moved quickly behind her and cupped her breasts with his large hands.
The boat moved ahead. There was no one behind the wheel.
Jane sighed. His fingers played with her nipples. He gently turned her over and began to kiss her while kneading her breasts. She swooned under his control.
Whispering, “Marty wants more.”
She giggled as her shirt fell to the floor of the boat. Her eyes looked into his, “Oh, I need this so much”. She wrapped her hands around his back and drew him, “Take me, Marty.”
Her tongue lashed his. He held her in his arms and moved slowly back to the boat’s wheel. Her hands held the wheel as his fingers unzipped her pants and traced her blue thongs. Both his hands and fingers moved up and down the joints of her thighs and her legs; moving down her thong-covered cunt.
Her body shook and she fell forward on the wheel with the first press of his fingers into her pussy crack. Her eyes surveyed the area around her. There was just water around them. No human in sight. He pushed aside her thongs and his finger found its way into her wet slippery hole.
Letting her inhibitions go, she swooned aloud, “Ohhh! Yes.”
She was now naked behind the wheel. She turned slowly around and saw Martin dropping his pants. She shrieked aloud, like she did before with Mel, as she saw his monstrous cock. His hands moved to her shoulders, pushing her down to her knees. His cock staring at her open mouth. She knew her role and what was expected of her. She sucked him into her mouth. He grunted. She slurped and gagged on him. He moaned and grunted.
“That feels so good, baby, take it in deeper.”
He began to slowly move his pelvis into her mouth, holding her head hard with his hands. All she had to do was to close her lips, he slid in and out.
“FUCK!. I am Cumming.”
She waited to taste him. This time around, he stepped back and without warning, pulled out of her mouth and sprayed her face with his thick hot cum. Jane closed her eyes and took his cum shower on her face.
She sat on her knees looking up. He stepped back and smiled. Bending down, he placed both his hands on her cum dripping face and gently lifted her to stand in front of him.
“Did I do good?” she asked him in a teeny voice.
“You were perfect.”
Both laughed aloud as he steered the Little Princess towards what he called the ‘High-Sea Point.” The cool breeze began to dry up the lover’s fluids. Jane stood next to her newfound ‘Marty’, leaning on his shoulder and holding his arm as he accelerated toward the destination. The boat cut through the bay; began to bounce like a pebble skimming the water.
“Do you see those floating orange barrels with ropes tied?”
“Yeah?” she wondered.
“That’s our point. Beyond that it’s commercial traffic.”
“Oh! Ok, Marty.” She giggled. It did not matter to her.
The boat slowed down. He had her hold the wheel and moved quickly to drop the anchor. She looked on as his strong naked body perform some heavy lifting to secure the boat.
“There we are set.”
He came back to her and kissed her, “Are you hungry?”
She wondered what he meant by that. She was famished.
“I can tell you are.”
He led her to the deck below. She saw the twin bed, well laid out; and the two-seater dining enclosure. They looked bigger than what she saw in the picture.
On the table, a beautiful white satin cloth with fresh warm bread, orange juice, eggs, and fruit. He handed her a wet towel to freshen up. She enjoyed his attention. The two naked lovers sat in front of each other. She saw him clasp his hands, interlocking his fingers, closing his eyes to silently say a prayer before breakfast. She waited for him to finish, saying, ”You are so sweet.”
To the sounds of the water, the gentle boat rocking to the waves, breakfast was done in less than ten minutes. She moved around to sit next to him. He put his arm around her and drew her to him. He kissed her again, his hands moving down to gently knead her breast.
“This feels like a dream.”
She did not respond, her mouth opened to suck in his tongue. She felt secure. She watched him clean up the table and put the dishes away. For the first time, she felt she was cared for and belonged to someone.
“Let’s go to the deck.”
She followed him. Her inner thighs were wet with anticipation. They arrived at the brightest spot on the boat. The sun was beating down. There were bottles of lotion on the cushion.
He placed a warm wet towel on the deck. Jane laid down on her stomach. He warmed his hands and poured lotion on her back. His large strong hands oil-massaged her neck, arms, and back. Jane closed her eyes to the comfort of his touch. Soon his hands moved to caress and press her ass, teasing her vagina, before moving down her quads and calves.
She felt his fingers move up her thighs and touch her cunt. She shook with pleasure. His fingers playing with her wet lips, his thumb suddenly touched her asshole rim. Her eyes popped wide open, her ass tightened, and she lifted her head to look over her shoulders. Martin was focused on her. He did not look at Jane. His thumb pressed her asshole again. Her back was completely oiled. She was lubricated and primed for sex.
“Do it again.”
She felt him move behind her. His hands parted her ass cheeks. His fingers slipped into her and parted her pussy, and then – she squealed out, trying hard to find something to hold onto. His entire length disappeared into her. He was humping her slow, pressing her chest down.
The next five minutes, they were lost in their experience. He was gentle yet forceful, soft touch yet rough, playful yet intense, and father-figure yet her Marty. Her body shook to an intense double orgasm as she yelled out, “Oh my God! Oh My God! What are you doing to me?”
Martin kept at it. He was hard like a young adult. His hands gripped her hips as he pressed himself deep into her.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I am Cumming.”
He did not let up. He pushed and pulled into his girl toy as she squirted with loud and intense screams as her body shook violently with pleasure. She was exhausted. With lotion on her back and a dripping pussy, she closed her eyes for a short nap.
In the Meantime – Mel and Sean.
“Do you think she will be safe?”
Sean paid no attention to his wife’s worries. He had a meeting with the legal team to review the package Chris prepared for the Chen family.
“I am so nervous for Chris and Jane. Each doing their own thing. Chris – we know. Jane is the unknown.”
Coming close, kissing his wife, “You worry too much.”
She reached out to him and gave him a warm hug, “You are such a pleasure to be with. I love you.”
He loved his wife dearly. He knew she had to be calmed down that morning.
“Would you like to go out for coffee? You can drop me off at the office after.”
She needed this. She needed some attention and time with Sean. Throughout the drive, she talked about Chris, Jane, and the turn of events. Sean patiently listened.
“Oh, I want us to get together.”
Sean smiled in his mind, but kept a straight face, “She feels she is losing control.”
“Melly! They are young. They need to figure this out.”
She focused on the road, not looking at him.
“Think of what you did, we did, when we were their age.”
She smiled.
“Remember our first time – the ‘High-Card’ game – with your Uncle Jack and Aunt Sue.”
She laughed aloud, “Yeah. Fuck Yeah.”
“So, let them be. They will figure it out.”
“Uncle Jack and Aunt Sue. Weren’t they fun? They started us on this path. Opened our mind to explore and pleasure.”
“Too bad, they have passed away.”
After coffee, Mel dropped of Sean at the office. She had no plans for the day. As she drove back, she called Jane. There was no response. She called her son. There was no response from him either.
“To hell with them”, she exclaimed at the traffic stoplight. “I am going to treat myself to a good lunch and a relaxing time by the pool.”
The skies were blue and the weather balmy. She drove around for a while trying to figure out a good place to eat. Her decision was outdoor seating at an Italian eatery. She was well waited on and watched on the pedestrians during her lunch.
An hour later, she strolled into the local book shop. Sean and Mel were always drawn to the ‘Self-Help’ section and frequently browsed through the ‘adult and sex’ shelves. She remembers the time, Sean put his hands up her thighs as they reviewed the books.
“Oh, I feel young again.”
She adjusted her blouse to push down her erect nipples. She was not going to attract anyone that afternoon. A book ‘Being Adult About Sex’ caught her attention. She picked up the book and sat down on the couch by the aisle. Looking through the contents, she flipped to ‘Open Relationships’. With a smile on her face, she reviewed the all-familiar content and she was oblivious to the stares she was receiving from other customers at the book store.
She spent a good hour at the store. It was a hot day. She treated herself to a large ice-cream cone and window shopped as she licked on her cone. She found humor in doing so, so did one or two of the pedestrians passing by.
She called Sean, “Hi, Honey. How is your day going?”
“I am almost done for the day. I am thinking of you.”
“Me too.”
After all these years, Sean and Mel still have it for each other. Each knew exactly what the other liked. At times, they did not have to communicate with words, they just knew each other so well.
“What are you doing next?”
“Oh, I can come by to the office and …”
“Yeah, why don’t you? Everyone has left for the day.”
She hurried to his office, driving with ice cream in one hand, the steering wheel in the other. Parking the car in the underground garage, using the elevator, she was at the office in no time. She used her digital key to unlock the door. The lights were dimmed down.
She heard a rough deep voice calling out, “Here! Pussy! Pussy!”
She responded with a growling, “MEOW!”
She heard from behind the door, “Woof! Woof!”
She pushed the door open; Sean was naked on his knees with his arms folded to his neck, tongue hanging out panting like a dog.
“Good boy! Good Doggie!” She playfully ruffled his hair.
She closed the door and sat down; Sean jumped on her, kissing and licking her face like a dog. He then laid on his back to feel the tickle of her hands on his neck, stomach, and now erect cock. He purred and growl like an animal. Her fingers traced his cock and tapped his exposed head. He rolled his eyes and waited.
Mel turned her back to him and went on her fours. Sean pounced and positioned himself to mount her. He pushed her shirt up and his hands caressed her black laced panties. Pushing aside to exposer her pussy lips, Sean howled as he penetrated her with a hard push. Mel fell forward on her elbows. Sean grabbed her hair and began to fuck her with pounding, forceful thrusts.
She loved it. Her hair being pulled, her body arched. His hips were grinding hers, his rock-hard erection deep in her tight cunt. She enjoyed his deep penetration and powerful pounding. There was no letup. Sean continued to push in and pull out with a well-practiced rhythm. Her vaginal labia held onto him hard and was stretched around his thick meat. He was unstoppable. His hands spanking her ass as he pushed into her. Her ass cheeks began to turn red.
“Fuck, Melly, every time it feels like the first time.”
Mel turned her head to see her husband, “You are an animal.”
“HOOWW! HOOWWWU!”, he howled pressing his cock deep into her wet tight pussy.
“Turn me around. Do me missionary. “
Sean ignored her. He pulled her hair back began to pound her.
“Fuck Sean. I want to see you fuck me.”
He did not comply. She felt him slap her ass hard. Mel was on the edge. Her thighs were shaking; her knees pressed into the floor. She was leaking her juices. He grunted from behind as he pressed into her. She was now laughing with both pleasure and pain.
“Bring me home, baby.”
She reached between her legs and cupped his balls with the palm of her hands. He felt a gentle squeeze which resulted in his grunting turning to loud howls again. His cock ejaculated deep in his wife’s cunt, flooding her and then feeling the gush dripping out of her pussy lips.
“Wow! Wow! Wow!”
He fell forward on her back, crushing her to the floor with his weight, panting into her ears and kissing her neck. Her thighs were layered by his cum. He laid on her for a while and gently rolled over to her side on the floor. She turned to lay next to him, putting her arms around him.
They have fucked in the office so many times, this one felt different to Mel.
Chris and Keisha
“You are nasty.”
Keisha laughed aloud, “So I have been told once too many times.”
He gave her a hug, “I admit I have never had it this good.”
“Aw! You sweet man.”
He felt her chocolate hands grabbing his cock, “Promise me, I will be your secret and you will be mine.”
He grunted and moaned, “Yes Baby Yes.”
“I have so many fantasies, I want to live them with you.”
“Really! Like what?”
She caressed his white cock as she whispered, “A threesome for one?”
“Was she asking or telling?” Chris wondered.
“Who with?”
“You, me, and ….”
“My niece – Letitia.”
“She is quite a strong woman, in mind and body, and just turned twenty-one. You seem like a good man to break her in. Let’s make it a bi-sexual experience”
“You know I am just a few years older than her. She must be willing.”
She turned and hugged him, “I am her Godmother. She will. She will.”
Her thick lips met his and she kissed him sloppily. He slurped on her saliva. She knew she had him. He knew she was the dominant of the two of them. He was excited by the new prospect. He had never done a threesome before.
In the bed, they continued hugging each other and passionately kissing. Chris was exhausted but his hard erection in her hands indicated otherwise. He was sensitive at the tip. Her touch made his body shudder and grunt, “Grun! I am going to hurt bad.”
She kissed him, “Mamma will take care of it for you.”
She loosened her grip and began to kiss his neck, moving down to his chest. Her tongue pressed into his nipples as she sucked them in.
“Jane can learn few things from her.”
He was lost in thoughts. He felt her tongue on his cock’s head and she sucked him into her wet mouth gently. He moaned, “HUHN! HUHN!” She flicked her tongue fast on his head. He was sore and whined like a hurt dog, his hard cock throbbing red in her mouth. She did not let up. She was determined to make him cum again. His hands reached for her head. She was bopping up and down on his erection. His white cock’s head was now blood red as she deepthroated him.
She felt his body shake on the bed. She relaxed her throat to take him in deeper.
“Oh Fuck, here it Cums!”
Keisha gagged and choked as she received his hot Cum deep down her throat. She did not let go. She wanted it all. Chris was whining and moaning in pain and pleasure.
With cum in her mouth, she crawled up to lie next to him. She opened her mouth to show him her cum filled oral opening. Chris saw her gulp and swallow it.
“You are nasty.”
She winked, “You have no idea.”
Evening at Little Princess
Jane woke up to grey overcast skies. The sun disappeared behind the clouds. She found herself on the twin bed on the deck below; her naked body covered by a warm blanket.
It was Windy. Little Princess was moving slow and steady, gently rocking through the waves. She, lazily, wrapped the blanket around her naked body and walked up. Martin, now in his white sailing clothes, whistled a tune as he maneuvered the boat through the inlet.
“Oh hi. I wondered if I have to wake you.”
She had a smile on her face, “I needed that rest. You are wearing me out.”
“Come here, sweetie.”
He bent to put his lips on hers. She reached to hold him, and her blanket fell to the deck floor. Kissing her, he picked the blanket with his feet and wrapped it around her. In between kisses, he remarked, “Don’t want you to catch a cold.”
She giggled, “Thank you, Marty.”
The shore was visible, the evening lights were coming on. Thinking they were heading back for the day, she looked at him disappointingly. He sensed her disappointment.
“The weather has changed. We are advised to move to calmer waters. Also, need to pick up dinner. I forgot to stock up when we left the Cape.”
“Oh.” She was relieved that her adventure was not ending.
“Go put some clothes on.” He spanked her ass.
“Do I have to? I can stay on the boat.”
“I need you to be close to me.”
She felt his fingers move down her back and pressing in between her ass cheeks over the blanket. Her eyes looking into his as their tongues played together.
“Let’s do it again, Marty”, she mumbled reaching for his crotch. He was erect and seemed ready. He let her caress him over his shorts as he navigated the boat to the docks.
She stepped down and in a minute was ready to join him on the shore. Martin was familiar with the town. Everyone greeted them with grace and care. Jane window shopped as Martin went about stocking up. They were like a loving couple on the shore. Some passersby seemed envious of Martin. Martin gave them an uncomfortable smile as Jane latched onto his arm. She felt so secure and sure of herself. She wanted him again. She was definitely going to see more of him; her time with him on Little Princess is only the beginning. Her naked breasts under her loose shirt pressed onto his arms; she was wet between her legs. He could smell her. It turned him on. He knew she wanted him in her again.
Their final stop was at the wine cellar just a few yards away from Little Princess. Martin took his time to choose the wine. The woman behind the cash counter stared at Jane as she held onto his arms. “Only a woman knows,” Jane thought. She smiled back. Her breasts swayed with her small steps.
At the counter, as he paid for the wine, “There is a dessert stand next door. It’s really good. Try the red velvet cherry pie.”She winked as she once again looked at them. Jane smiled and Martin thought it was a good idea. They were soon heading back to the boat with the supplies in the cart.
It was getting dark. Martin had the boat away from the shore again. Jane helped organize the supplies and with the dinner table. She could not wait to get naked again. She was well lubricated and wanted to be ravaged.
She heard the anchor drop and the boat go into a silent mode. Her sailor lover lowered the lights and got down to join her. She had the table ready with the red wine and the steak, salad, and slaw.
Martin turned soft music on. The water and wind rocked the boat gently. He pulled his young girl toy close to him, “Marty’s is going to get your cherry again.”
“It’s yours” she giggled, unbuttoning her shirt to expose her inviting body. Her hand reached to grab his erection. He moaned “Oh Baby” as his hard cock plopped into her warm hands. She went down on her knees and he turned towards her. Her lips kissed his head and she heard him grunt.
His hands gripped her hair as she sucked him deep into her mouth with a ‘SLURP.’ His cock expanded in her and felt the walls of her mouth closing in on him. He was rock hard, thick, heavy, and pounding in her.
Jane slowly releases him from her grip and stripping naked laid on her back on the twin-sized bed, stretching her legs wide, her fingers vigorously rubbing her inching cunt. No words were exchanged. Martin knew what he had to do.
He put his hands on her breasts and with force, rammed his cock into her tight opening. Jane lost her breath. She screamed like his little bitch. Pointlessly, she tried to meet his energy. She was tearing her little tight cunt apart. The bed creaked. She held on. His hands gripped and squeezed her breasts, her nipples cherry red in color.
“Harder!” she begged. He obliged.
She felt him fill up her cavity. She lost her breath as he pushed in deep with force. His pelvis slammed hers with a “TWHAT! THATH!”. Her body wriggled under his control. Pussy lips gripping his hard muscle, she felt expanded by the thick hard erection. His body moved on top of hers, hands under her shoulders, lips collided, and their tongues lashed each others.
“Marty! Do it harder Marty!” she squealed in between kisses.
He flooded her with kisses. She kissed him back. Her eyes rolled as she adjusted herself to receive more of his manhood.
Her cunt was dripping, “Fuck, I’m cumming, Marty! I am cumming. Don’t stop.”
She was loud. It encouraged and excited him, “I am cumming too. May I…”
“Yes, Marty. In me. I want it all.”
He pressed into her, his cock pushing in deeper, grunting loud “Here it cums, Princess.”
“Fuck. OH, LORD…”
She hugged his sweating body to hers. She loved the smell of his body. His hard cock still in, he continued to kiss her. She was lost to the world. On the boat, she was his submissive toy.