I awoke a bit later than usual after the late-night sexual escapades with my stepmother. I lay there for a good while thinking about where this was all heading before finally getting up and heading to the kitchen for some coffee to wake me up. Julie was cleaning up the kitchen when I walked in. She turned and gave me a sheepish grin. Guilt was etched on her beautiful face.
“We need to talk, Sammy. I shouldn’t have come into your bedroom last night. I knew it was wrong and I am so sorry.” She grimaced. “Will you ever forgive me? I can’t believe I took advantage of my stepson. I wasn’t thinking straight after watching that movie, I guess. I’m not sure what came over me…it’s embarrassing.”
I poured some coffee and walked over to her and gave her a peck on her full lips. “No apologies necessary. We are both adults and didn’t break any laws. And I feel bad that you are getting ignored by my dad. Julie, you are a wonderful woman and deserve better. And besides that, you are gorgeous and sexy. Not to mention that you wore me out last night. I slept like the dead.” I grinned and winked at her as I took a sip of coffee.
That brought an embarrassed smile to her lips. “If anyone should be worn out, it is me. I’m an old lady and you are a young stud. I’m a bit sore this morning, but trust me, I’m not complaining. Last night was something I longed for, and it was the first real sex I’d had in quite a while. You made me feel sensations I’ve not felt since I was a teenager. But I’m also walking a little bow-legged as a result.” She looked down at my shorts. “That tool of yours should be licensed.” She planted a motherly kiss on me and reached down and squeezed my penis playfully. “This thing is a lethal weapon, I swear.”
I set my coffee down and put my arms around her and hugged her. I kissed her again, this time longer. “And you are welcome to it any time you’d like. You were amazing last night. If you weren’t married to my dad, I’d be chasing you. I certainly have no regrets and I wish you didn’t either. You were wonderful last night.”
“You are such a gentleman, and I appreciate that. Thank you for being so nice about it. The thing is, I do love your dad. It’s just that he seems to have grown tired of intimacy. I know he is older and all that, but he acts like I’m just a good friend–someone for companionship–and I need more than that. I’ve tried everything–candlelight dinners, sexy nighties, even porn, but he seems unmoved. I bought the Kama Sutra and tried some new positions during rare bouts of sex with him, but even then he just wants to get it over with and go to sleep.”
Julie paused as if collecting her thoughts and then added, “I know we haven’t talked about my past, and you probably know about my son. His death was devastating to me. No family should have to go through what my first husband and I went through. And even though Ryan’s cancer was nobody’s fault, it tore us apart. Until I met your dad, I hated myself, I hated life, I hated everything. And he is the major reason I was able to get past all that, but now he seems like a different person. And because of my past, I want to blame myself, but I don’t know what I’ve done or how to fix it.”
“You have been great for my father, Julie. We haven’t talked much lately, but all he ever used to do was rave about you and how wonderful you are. No, don’t blame yourself. Something is going on with him. I just don’t know what it is.”
I didn’t want to get too deep into my father’s idiosyncrasies. Like most sons, growing up I could never really think about my parents having sex. And even when Dad remarried a hot babe in Julia, if I thought about it at all, I was typically dreaming of me having sex with her, not him.
“I’m not sure how I can help with Dad, but any time you need a shoulder to lean on, just ask.” Or…someone to fuck, I thought to myself. Even dressed in a bulky robe, she turned me on.
“You’re so sweet, Sammy. I appreciate that. And I may take you up on that. But enough about my troubles. I’m so proud of you and hope we can get to know each other better.” Julie hugged me and squeezed those beautiful mounds into my chest.
“I’d like that, too. Like I said, anytime you need anything….”
“Ok, so what’s on the agenda for today?”
“I’m going to finish some things around the yard and touch up the paint on the shed where it’s blistered. If you think of anything else, let me know. I’ll probably hang around until Dad returns if you need me to. That is…unless Jenn gets desperate for help.”
“I’m not sure how much work I’m going to do today. As I said, I’m a bit sore and may just relax, but if you need any help, just yell. In the meantime, help yourself to breakfast.”
We chatted for a few more minutes while I got another cup of coffee and a quick bite. As I sat there watching her at the sink, I thought what a waste–my dad could be fucking this hot woman who has some serious skills in bed, and he is bored by it. If it weren’t for Jenn, I’d stay here and take care of her needs–all her needs–and Dad would never be the wiser.” Julie was dressed more conservatively than yesterday, but even so, she was a knockout for a woman in her forties. She had the body of a younger woman with just the right amount of maturity to distinguish her from most women I knew. And, with her weight loss, her ass looked even greater than when I first met her–and it looked great then. Her full bosom only added to her desirability.
The day passed uneventfully. I completed most of what I had intended to do and finally quit around 5. Julie had disappeared for most of the day, and I assumed she was in her room recovering from the previous evening. I showered and grabbed a beer from the fridge and turned on a baseball game in the den. It felt good to get off my feet, and since I hadn’t slept much the night before, I dozed off soon after getting on the lounger.
I woke up as Julie walked into the room.
“Dinner is just about ready. A nap feels good, doesn’t it? I had to sneak one in as well. Anyway, we’ll be eating in ten minutes or so.” Jenn smiled and then got a shocked look on her face when she stepped around the couch in front of me. I was sporting a huge erection and my nylon shorts were appropriately tented. I had been having a hugely erotic dream where I was in a three-way with Jenn and Julie. Julie interrupted my reverie just as I was about to put my cock in her ass in my fantasy.
I covered myself as best I could and mumbled that I’d be there soon. Julie turned to go back into the kitchen, but I could hear her muffled giggling.
We ate dinner with little discussion and no mention of anything sexual. I figured our tryst was a “one and done” at this point, and as much as I would have enjoyed a repeat, I knew I’d be returning to Jenn’s bed eventually, and we would be doing some serious catching up. I deliberately avoided talking about Jenn to Julie. I was afraid I’d say something that would inadvertently clue her as to what was really going on with us, and even though it would no doubt eventually come out, I thought I would let Jenn spill the beans to her sister. Secretly, I hoped that Julie might relent and let me bury my cock in her some more.
We watched a movie for a while after dinner, but both of us decided to retire early and read. Once in my room, I started a new mystery series I had brought with me and dressed in just my boxers, I lay on top of the bed and started reading. My door was open about halfway. Since it was just Julie and me in the house and we had already engaged in wild one-on-one consensual sex, I didn’t see any reason for privacy. After a few minutes of reading, I realized that the bed had a serious malfunction in the form of a broken slat or something that created an obvious dip. We must have gotten too carried away the evening before.
Julie was still wandering around the house and I could hear her footsteps as she passed by my room several times. She stuck her head in the door on her last trip.
“Hey, Sammy. I’m hitting the hay.” She smiled and then a frown came over her face. “What’s wrong with your bed? It looks like you were using it as a trampoline! Did WE do that?”
“I’m not sure. I just noticed it myself. Last night I was so tired I would have slept through a tornado. It’ll be ok, though. No worries.”
You know, for starters, that bed is pretty tiny for a big guy like you. But with that sway back, you’ll be lucky if you can sleep at all. If you want, you are welcome to sleep with me in my king-sized chamber. I promise not to molest you or embarrass you, but I might require some snuggling from time to time. Anyway, it’s an open invitation. My door is open–and I do get lonesome so you’d be a welcome addition. I promise not to snore too loud.”
I couldn’t believe my ears…and my luck.
“Sure, this does seem to be on its last legs. But I could probably just rack on the couch. That would be better than this, I guess. “
“No way! Sleep in a real bed. It’s big enough for the three of us. You’ll be able to stretch out. And I just put on clean sheets…and they are silk! The real thing.
“I just may take you up on that, thanks. And I promise not to tell anyone.”
Julie smiled and went into her room. I waited for about ten minutes and then headed next door with my book in hand. When I entered her room, she was nowhere to be seen.
“Yo! Are you decent?”
“Of course, I’m decent, but are you?” she quipped. “I’m in the bathroom applying magic ointments to keep me young. Make yourself comfortable. You get the left side. My bed–my rules. I’ve installed a bundling board to keep us separated like the Pilgrims used to have. No hanky-panky that way.”
The bed was huge and thankfully had no dividers in it. I made myself comfortable and slipped under the covers. The bed smelled of Julie…flowers and perfumes and sweet scents. And the silk sheets were a new experience for me. After a few minutes, she walked out of the master bath. She was wearing a NY Yankees t-shirt for a nightgown that must have been an XXL. On her, it was more like a dress and came to just above her knees. Her braless boobs jiggled with each step and her nipples jutted prominently through the thin cotton.
“I didn’t know you were a Yankees fan.”
“I’m not, really, but this was too big for even your dad, so I commandeered it and made it a nightie. It’s very comfy. I hope you don’t mind that I’m not wearing a bra…they’re terrible to sleep in, so my boobs are au natural.”
Julie slid under the covers and pulled the sheet up to just below her breasts. I tried not to be too obvious, but those twin udders screamed for attention, and they were within arm’s reach.
“Whatcha reading.” She slid over next to me and put her head on my shoulder to get a closer look. I was naked except for my boxers and had the covers at my waist. In the summer heat, I pushed the coverlet down so only a silk sheet covered my lower torso. Julie put her arm across my waist. “Mmmm, you smell nice. Like Old Spice. I should write jingles for tv, don’t cha think?” As she snuggled closer, her breasts smashed into me, the nipples poking into me through the t-shirt.
“This is nice, Sammy. It’s good to have a strong, virile man to share my bed, even if only for a short while. Are you comfortable enough?”
Had Julie been my real mom, this might have been an innocent, homey, scene–both of us snuggling in bed and sharing a bonding moment. But Julie was also a horny, forty-something-year-old MILF who, despite her harmless joking and cuddling, could raise the pecker on someone near death. I looked down at those prominent nipples poking into me and begging to be sucked. My mind raced through a litany of unsexy thoughts: baseball, submarines, rocket ships, and other items that invariably seemed to be phallic representations. And my cock just got bigger and bigger; and stiffer and stiffer, until I propped the book against it in a vain attempt to hide it. The silk sheet only accentuated my tubular bump in the bed.
Julie pushed the book down for a better view. “I swear, that thing has a mind of its own. What brought that on? I’m just sitting here. Surely, a little cuddling can’t cause THAT reaction!” Julie’s brilliant green eyes looked first at my groin, and then at my face.
I shrugged my shoulders and spread my arms, palms up as if searching for an answer. “Beats the shit out of me, unless it’s related to the fact that I’m in bed next to a beautiful woman who smells like heaven and has the body of a temptress. Methinks there is some sorcery at play here.”
Julie smiled and lifted the covers. My cockhead was sticking a good two inches above the waistband of my boxers, nearly reaching my belly button. The glans was swollen and angry. The piss hole looked enormous.
“Jesus, Sammy. You’d better release that snake before it bites you.” Julie reached down and grabbed the elastic waistband and tried to slide it down with one hand. “How about a little help here, mister? I’m on a life-saving mission.”
I reached down with my left hand and together we slid my boxers down until I could wriggle out of them and kick them off. By now the sheet lay bunched at my knees and my newly freed organ rose to full staff, slightly swaying in the non-existent breeze.
Julie only smiled. “I thought I was done with this stuff for a spell, but I have to say, the gods are tempting me. That is one gorgeous cock! So fat and long. And look at that huge vein running down the length of it. It looks angry! No wonder I could barely walk this morning.” She placed her fingers around the shaft once more and slowly moved her hand up and down. “And just when I thought it couldn’t get any bigger…voila! I must be a sorceress! This is a two-fister.”
I leaned over and kissed her. “I’m sorry, but I can’t help myself. All I could think about all day was you. Kissing you. Holding you. Whispering in your ear. And, yes, fucking you. I know that sounds course, and I do want to make love to you slowly and deliberately, but in the end, I want to fuck your brains out. The fact that you are my stepmother only excites me more.”
“Oh, God, Sammy. I feel the same way. I tried to get you out of my mind, but all I could think about was your big dick filling me up, touching places no one has ever touched before. And…coarse or not, I like it when you talk dirty to me, telling me how you are going to fuck me until I can’t walk. It excites me just to hear you say it.”
I was fondling her breasts through the Yankees’ shirt, pinching her nipples, squeezing those huge orbs that even my large hands could not engulf. I worked my hand under the cotton fabric and after playing with the firm fleshy mounds, I moved my hand down to her ass and thighs. Julie spread her legs to help out and rolled slightly so she was more on her back. Her breathing quickened as I put my hand inside her panties and rubbed her clitoris with two fingers before running a finger up and down her crevice. The sweet smell of her pussy wafted over me, and I inserted my index finger inside her, gently working it back and forth, her juices already flowing freely.
Julie stopped kissing me momentarily and looked into my eyes. “I’ve got a surprise for you…something I’ve wanted to do all day,” she said, and she sat up on the bed so that she was kneeling next to me. Grinning and eyeing me mischievously, she placed her mouth over my erect phallus. She tongued the glans for several seconds, licking and kissing it–and even playfully inserted her tongue in my piss hole before opening her mouth as wide as possible so she could consume the end of my cock. I continued to finger her pussy from behind after working her panties down to her knees and off with some help from her. I caressed her beautiful ass with my palm and she spread her knees to afford me better access. As she bent forward to mouth my cock, her pudendum came into full view between her separated thighs.
At first, she could only muster the glans and a little more in her mouth,…