Family Friend

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Storming down the stairs of Adam’s apartment block, I caught a glimpse of myself in the long mirrors that adorned each adjacent wall. My eyes were tearing up. I briskly raised my hand to my face and caught the wetness that was pooling around my eye lid with the side of my finger as I continued down the stairs. I had no intention of smearing my mascara, to appear, outwardly on the street as a damsel in distress. My straightened hair ended at my shoulders and swung to and fro as I carried on down the stairs, a few stray hairs catching themselves in my red lipstick.

Our argument had only lasted what must have been a few minutes, Adam was my long-time boyfriend of about ten months. I had agreed to see him this particular evening, catching the bus to his place after he finished work. He had been there all day and so I dressed to impress, having my mind set on perusing a lust filled evening. I arrived to find him still in his work clothes and on the phone to a female colleague, who I knew instinctively had a major thing for him. I wasn’t happy.

“Yeah, yeah…” Adam continued on the phone, holding his finger up to me as I walked through the door, ensuring I didn’t break the flow of his precious phone call with bitch face. “No, why? Why don’t you just get it done yourself missy? Instead of asking me to do it for you, hmm?” he continued. My blood started boiling with a preoccupied annoyance.

The phone call ended and we were immediately arguing about the situation. After about five minutes of shouting and quarreling, I rang for a taxi; holding back the upset trembling of my voice down the phone and to my boyfriend before forcing the mobile into my handbag. I whipped the door handle, opening the door; slamming it against Adam’s back wall as I left without either of us speaking another word.

Outside, I waited for the taxi to arrive. I was particularly cold, as I had decided to wear a red tartan pleated skirt that finished about four inches above the knee. And I wasn’t wearing leggings. My bare legs were being truly assaulted by the freezing brunt of the wind that ripped through the parking tunnel next to the flat block. I looked down to see the pimples of my freshly shaven legs prickling up from my skin. Past that, my pale flesh was contrasted against black thigh highs and heels.

I should have worn a coat, I thought to myself, crossing both arms around my body in an attempt to retain some heat. My white blouse had long sleeves, but the material was to the point of transparency and left nothing to the imagination. Two identical strips of opaque material lined either side of my stomach, and made my white sheer lace bra even more apparently visible.

Taking my phone out of my handbag, I took a glance at the time. Ten past eleven. I was almost hoping for a missed call from Adam; there wasn’t one. The taxi pulled around the corner and briefly illuminated my figure with its headlights, creating a shadow on the pavement that spread its way around me like the hand of a ticking clock. It was one of those larger taxi’s, that was more appropriate for transporting a large group of drunk males on a stag party weekend than it was for picking up a lone seventeen year old girl. It stopped by the curb and without hesitation I walked towards the back, sliding open the door.

“Amy?” I heard the driver ask, querying his own question. I paused, one foot already raised two feet off the floor, poised and ready to lift myself into the back seats.


“It’s me, Ben!” Ben was a family friend, and a close pal to my dad who I had known for at least five years. He wasn’t quite as old as my dad, being thirty. He was a really lovely guy and would always make sure he said hello whenever he came round, which unfortunately in recent years, wasn’t very often.

“Oh my God! Hi, Ben! How are you?” I asked with delight as I took my foot off the taxi and closed the door shut. I scurried around the front of the car and hoped into the front seat, which took a little bit of a climb.

“I’m good thanks Amy!” he replied, chuckling at my excitement.

“I should have thought when I was ordering the taxi that you might have been on duty!” of course that was the last thing on my mind at the time.

“You’re my first fare of the night actually, I’ve only just clocked on for the night! I’ll be on until about five or six in the morning.”

“Oh poor you!” I said earnestly as I buckled the seat belt and placed my handbag between my ankles.

We drove off and continued our catch up session, it was only brief however, and was cut premature by a tension in the air that was triggered when Ben asked me what I had been doing that night.

“… I just saw my boyfriend, he’d just finished work.”

“Oh right, you not staying there tonight then?”

“No, not tonight…” It was hard to mask my disappointment. That was clear to Ben, who didn’t press the matter further, instead opting to concentrate on the road, letting silence fill the conversation.

After a few minutes of silence with nothing but the sound of the tyres humming against the road. I could feel my upset begin to seep in, as if I was being slowly stripped of my clothes, leaving me bare for him to see how I really felt at that moment. I turned my face away from the windscreen and looked out of the side window as everything passed by my eyes in the darkness, houses, street lights, field after field, and then more houses and street lights. I must have had my face turned away from Ben for only a couple of minutes, but the feeling of discontent was excruciating and made the minutes feel like hours. Then he finally spoke again.

“Are you sure you’re alright Amy?” with that, I felt the tears welling up once again and infiltrate my vision, making everything blurry. My throat tightened and I gave a choked response.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” I didn’t look at him, I had made it very obvious that I was not okay at all and sniffled the moisture from my sinuses.

“Hey, hey don’t cry! What’s the matter?”

“Oh nothing!” I still didn’t look.

“You know you can talk to me about it if you want to, Amy.” I was briefly silent without responding. “I could pull up here if you’d like?” We were nearly there, about one minute away from my house and approaching a nearby estate.

“…Okay then, yeah,” I said, turning my head back onto the road as I wiped a few tears from my eyes, still trying my best to preserve my makeup.

“Okay, I’ll pull in to this car park here.” Ben indicated to the estate and took a left turn off the main road, driving a few yards down and pulling into an almost deserted community car park. Surrounded by tall trees, it covered a lot of ground, stretching out about fifty yards from left to right and front to back. Only six or seven vacant cars were near the houses, away from us. Driving to the far end he parked in a single bay overlooked by an overgrown and looming tree, turning off the engine. The keys jangled in the ignition as we sat in silence for a moment.

“Okay, what’s wrong with Amy?” he asked, encouraging me to talk. I sniffled and continued to wipe my eyes. Ben turned his body to face me. “I’d offer you a tissue but this situation never normally occurs! Well, I say normally, I mean ever!” I laughed.

“Sorry, I bet you think I’m a complete headcase for breaking down in tears in front of you!”

“Don’t be silly, I know for a fact that you’re not a headcase!” I smiled up at him and reached for my bag, taking out a tissue. “Oh! It’s a good job you’ve got your own!” I grinned.

The intercom fizzed and clicked as a voice began to broadcast some information that I didn’t understand into the car. Ben reached over and switched it off.

“Now, tell me what the matter is…”

I began telling Ben about the evening, and my anticipation for it. Over the next half hour, I slowly revealed problems that I had been having in my relationship with Adam. He was incredibly understanding and listened to me intently, so much so that at times I forgot he knew my parents, speaking to him like I would a close friend. It was only as I spoke to him that I realized what a handsome man he was. He had a beautiful jaw line, that he enunciated with a closely trimmed beard and his eyes were dark blue. I hadn’t noticed how lovely his eyes were until then. Back then, I would have said he was “fit”.

The talk slowly came to a close, and my tears had stopped. We had completely lost track of the time.

“Oh God, I’ve been prattling on for half an hour now!” I said pointing to the clock. “I’m so sorry!”

“No, don’t worry about that!” He waved it off and shrugged.

“Anyway, thanks for listening, Ben. Honestly, it means a lot.”

“Don’t worry about it, I can’t be having you all upset now can I?”

“I suppose not.” I smiled. There was a slight silence.

“You know, it’s strange to think I’ve known you so long and now here I am listening to your relationship problems and driving you home, alone; upset! It’s weird! I’ve known you since you were yeigh big!” he raised his hand up straight, giving a vague measurement of height. “Since you were about twelve or something.”

“I know! Who’d have thought it? Strange how things turn out!”

“It certainly is!”

“I never thought I’d be crying to you and telling you all my frustrations! Well, obviously not all of my frustrations, but you know…”

“You said you told me everything?”

“I have! There’s obviously a few things I can’t tell you.”

“Try me.”

“No, seriously! I mean, like; other frustrations…” Ben looked at me and tilted his head slightly, still not fully understanding. “I mean, intimate things.” He raised his chin somewhat and squinted slightly, I hinted the minutest grin.

“…Sex?” he asked. I smirked a little bit and darted my eyes to one side.

“Maybe.” Of course that’s what I meant.

“Ah, I see. Sorry for not getting that sooner.”

“It’s okay,” I said chuckling. My laughter alleviated some of the built up tension, and allowed him to become more comfortable with where I had begun to take the conversation, I could feel a deep exhilaration begin shake my being. He re-positioned himself in his seat.

“So what do you mean then? If you don’t mind me asking?” I didn’t, I wanted him to ask. I wanted to talk to him about sex.

“No, I don’t mind you asking.” I shook my head. “Well, for instance, like sometimes when I want to have sex with Adam, he’ll be more interested in playing video games rather than being attentive to me. And it’s annoying because sometimes I really try to do whatever he wants me to do.” I stopped purposefully and smirked. “…I quite like being, you know; the one to be put upon so to speak,” I said laughing.

“Put upon?”

“Yeah, you know. Like, I’m not sure if dominated is the right word for it. But, that.” I saw Ben gulp slightly and then readdress, in his own mind, the coolness he was trying to maintain.

“Ahh, okay!”

“Anyway, sometimes I’ll try and do the things he likes. Like, I know he really likes getting a blowjob when he’s not expecting it, and sometimes I’ll just drop to the floor and… well.” I stopped for a second. “He also likes being quite rough when I’m down there and I let him pull my hair and stuff. But recently he’s been more interested in what’s going on at work, and like I say I think it has something to do with that girl that he was talking to on the phone tonight! So any sort of sex has been really, really boring recently.” I stopped myself and looked up at Ben, his jaw was flexing and his eyes were completely fixed on my face. “Sorry for bringing all this up, I shouldn’t really be talking to you about it.”

“No! No! It’s quite interesting, I mean. It’s… I’m sure that, why? How come…” I was at this point internally hysterical as he floundered to find the correct words to speak. “If I were him I’d be checking myself!”

“How do you mean?” I asked inquisitively.

“Well, if this guy isn’t paying enough attention to a girl like you then he needs his head sorting I think!”

“A girl like me? Ben, I don’t think I’m that special to be honest with you!”

“Are you seriously taking the piss?”

“No!” I exclaimed, giggling.

“You’re a gorgeous young woman!”

“I wouldn’t say I’m gorgeous, I think there’s a lot wrong with me to be honest.”

“In what way is there anything wrong with you?”

“Well, there’s friends of mine that have bigger boobs than me. And I kind of wish my hair was a bit more interesting…

“I don’t know much about hair, but; seriously, you’re breasts are… More than fine!”

“I don’t know about that.”

“Amy, trust me. I’m positive that you have an amazing body!” Ben adjusted himself again as he sat, one arm by his side and the other wrapped around the back of the headrest.

“Well, sometimes I catch a look at myself in the mirror, you know like getting out of the shower or something and I think I look pretty good. I’m quite proud of my behind actually, I think it’s a nice ass.” I sniggered and pressed my hand against my chest, running it down the seat belt. Ben was nodding without a word to say as I reached down and unbuckled myself, the belt zipped back; rubbing my breasts as it did. “Sometimes I’ll just stand there and look at myself naked in the mirror” He took another deep gulp.

“You will?”

“Yeah, quite a lot actually I’ll do that. Do you think that’s normal?” he paused.

“You know, I bet it is,” he said pointing to me. “I bet if I looked like that I’d never get anything done!” rapturous laughter exploded out of me, and I took the opportunity to sneak a glance at his groin, the car was dark and his pants were black but I saw the unmistakable ridge of a semi-erect penis.

“How would you dress if you were me then, and you had the chance to look?”

“To be honest, I don’t think I’d wear anything! Actually what you’re wearing now is pretty, you know… Fine!”

“Just fine?” I asked, grabbing the hem of my skirt.

“Well, no; it’s fantastic is what I mean.”

“You like what I’m wearing then?”

“Definitely!” He exclaimed. I raised a hand and ruffled my hair, lifting it over one ear slightly and felt my eye lids get heavier as my desire brewed to boiling point. Staring sultrily at his crotch, I made it obvious to him that I knew he was clearly aroused. His eyes followed mine down to his own manhood, where his hand began to fidget with the fabric in an attempt to relieve the pressure that was mounting underneath. Ben looked to me. I brought both hands up to my blouse and started to unfasten the buttons from top to bottom, as slowly as I could, making sure to maintain eye contact with him as I did. It fell open majestically, revealing to him my elegant lace bra; my nipples, clearly visible through the fabric.

His seat took a few clicks back and he adjusted the headrest, getting comfortable. I could see in his eyes that he was longing for my lips to be wrapped around his swollen bell end, which was lucky because that’s what I wanted to do. My heart was fluttering and I could feel my cheeks filling with heat; luckily they weren’t as visibly red as they perhaps might have been under different lighting, but the only available light was that of the lamppost a few yards away from the car.

I could feel my brain buzzing with a little bit of naughty excitement as I rested the palm of my hand against the bare skin of my upper leg, the only 3 inches of bare skin visible between my skirt and heels. They were cold and started to clam up. I licked my lips slightly. My heart started pounding.

“What would you do if I said I wanted to suck your cock?” I asked solemnly. He didn’t say a word. Instead his hands briskly formed alliance and he grabbed his buckle.

I leaned over the gear box, biting my lower lip in anticipation as he swiftly unbuckled his belt and pants zipper, my eyes were tightly fixed on his hands and groin, his were most likely transfixed on my mouth. The metal buckle clicked open, he pulled his trousers open revealing a pair of tight white boxers, his bulge pressing against them to the point of transparency. I looked up into his eyes and he did mine as I licked my lips once again, more seductively this time.

I raised the hem of my skirt up, giving him a view of my leg, and began to carefully slide a hand up my thigh; under the skirt where he couldn’t see.

I looked down at his now even bigger bulge. His hand reached down and slipped underneath his boxers briefly before unfettering himself, the elastic of his boxer shorts snapped back against his waist, as his manhood sprang out to attention. It was even thicker and more glorious than I had originally anticipated, standing about eight inches proud. Ben had a beautiful cock.

It was almost without blemishes and was immaculately clean looking, his cock head had the smoothest and neatest ridges I had ever seen. A single protruding vein announced itself, running along the front side from base to tip, curving slightly as it reached around to his shaft; which was consistently thick and healthy throughout.

A cloudy bead of pre-cum eased from the eye of his penis, I stretched my tongue out slowly, gladly accepting his taste onto the tip of my tongue. He was bitter, but incredibly pleasant, I let out a slight moan and wasted no time as I began to circling my tongue, spreading his natural lubricant around the circumcised head. It gelled against my tongue as my spit added to its increasing volume, with each passing swirl around his tip Ben released a little more juice, it got heavier and more pungent as I spread my bottom lip over his underside dragging it from base to tip, collecting what was left of his man fluid at the end of my tongue before I engulfed his entire head with my mouth, devouring his scented pre-seed; it melted into my taste buds as I smothered his shaft with my moistening tongue.

“Jesus, Amy. That’s good!” Ben exclaimed as his legs shifted with enthusiasm. I lifted my head from his groin and grinned cheekily.

“I know, right! You’ve got such a gorgeous cock, Ben…” I pursed my lips together, gathering as much saliva in my mouth as I could before spitting it all over his dick, it fell in one fat globule. I dribbled the rest out letting it hang from my lower lip, dipping my mouth down onto his now sodden cock. He moaned with utter ecstasy as I gave one swift pass over his entire manhood, spreading my drool with my pouted lips. He hit the back of my throat briefly, bringing tears to my eyes, before I lifted my mouth off and gripped him firmly with my hand and began pumping the swollen member, I could feel his vein cushioning my palm with each passing motion, my fingers only just meeting around his dense shaft. A string of spit still connected from my lips to pulsating cock, looped down and attached itself to my bare chest, absorbing into my bra.

Suddenly, Adam slipped to mind. The thought of having another man’s cock in my mouth whilst my boyfriend sat angrily at home without me, had me gushing like I had never done before. The sensation was incredible, I had never felt anything like it. It was his arrogance and obnoxiously flirtatious behaviour that had led to our argument anyway, and this is how I was going to repay him for it. Luckily, the feelings of animosity towards Adam were short lived and I was soon back in the moment, enjoying Ben’s stiff, pulsing cock as I slid one side of my hair fully over my ear and got back to gorging on his lusciousness.

This feeling was new and unexperienced. I had never cheated before and was loving every millisecond of it, especially given the circumstances. All I kept thinking about was how dirty I was and how what I was doing was so wrong. Having this man, this family friend’s erect cock slipping in and out of my mouth and throat as I sat, dressed like a slut in his car. His age almost doubling mine. But I couldn’t help getting wetter and wetter. With each thought, came another wave of heat between my legs as my pussy bubbled with moisture.

My hand had drifted towards the warmth and was now caressing the outside of my underwear, saturated with damp. My leg twitched and shook, as the adrenaline rushed though me and I pressed my middle finger further into the mound of squidgy juice. With that, I subtly pulled aside my knickers and ran my fingers up and down my soaking clitoris. I immediately groaned with deep desire, heavily onto Ben’s dick, his hand leading my head downwards as my lips parted for his engorged head.

My lipstick at this point, was almost certainly smudged against my chin and I could see, was partially covering that gorgeous specimen of cock. I looked up to Ben with a wholesome craving, before running my slobber glazed tongue over my upper lip like a sultry goddess, as I gripped him halfway, pressing my thumb hard against his shaft, running it upwards to release some more of his lovely bitter sap; licking it clean off as I stared directly at him with a yearning hunger. His desire was clear, he looked at me as if to say, I didn’t know you knew how to pleasure a man like this! he wanted the next level.

I smirked and licked his shaft, lifting my skirt up to show him how wet I was. Just as quickly as I had flashed him, was I opening the passenger side door and jumping out of the car. At this moment I had thought I must have frightened him into thinking I was running off, not having fulfilled his needs. My heart raced with excitement as I slid open the side door and jumped back into the taxi, the door slamming to a shut behind me.

Ben turned around with one hand on the passenger seat watching me, confused. The car had flip down seats on either side, which meant that there was more than enough room for what I had in mind. I sat down cross legged in the centre facing him. Cautiously, I raised both legs up, letting my skirt caress my thighs as it trickled down towards my hips. I sat there, displaying to him my drenched underwear. Again, I bit my lip and waited in anticipation, resting both hands on the underside of my legs.

I swung my head back and brought my hands up once again to my hair, ruffling more vigorously this time and sat with my legs spread, staring up at the ceiling as I waited. I heard the door open and then close, Ben was on the move. The door slid open and closed behind him, as he jumped into the back of the cab. I looked to him and saw that he was removing his trousers. They were off, he pulled his t-shirt over his head and threw it to one side. I placed both hands either side of me with my palms down on the carpet of the taxi as he got down and pushed my skirt further down each leg until my legs were completely exposed.

Carefully, he shifted my sopping underwear over to one side, revealing my wanting lips; they were the most wet they had ever been and I could feel the sap trickle down my ass cheek and into my crack. I saw his cock jump with hunger as he pulled on them more revealing my waxed pussy, with a perfect pubic strip emanating from my clit. He gripped with both hands and yanked my underwear clean off, I felt them glide over each ankle on the way. The cold air started to breathe onto my wet cunt as Ben’s head dipped down and began to explore me further.

I felt his tongue extend out and tickle me gently, from bottom to top twice over. He planted his lips on mine and sucked lightly on my flaps, taking them into his mouth as he slurped on my fluids. His lips smacked together filling the steamy silence inside the car and his kiss ended.

“My God that’s fucking beautiful.” He whispered before giving me his whole tongue.

It wrapped itself inside the folds of my pussy, and spread my juices. As his nose burrowed into my clit, I clenched my fists and hissed a groan through pursed lips. He ran circles around me, I gripped the back of his head and forced him to continue as he was, running my hands through his hair. He placed a hand on my inner thigh and traced his fingers in and out of my drenched pussy, as he continued licking me out, they slipped in and out of me with ease. I could feel a maddening arousal build, my legs jolted.

“Oh, Ben! Please, fuck me!” I whined. He looked up from between my legs and took one last taste of me. I stared at him lustfully, waiting for his elegant cock to pierce through my dripping flaps and enter me. On his knees, he reached down and tugged at my skirt, I lifted my hips and ass; allowing him to whip the skirt down my legs. The tartan stripes pinged away from around my ankles, my lower body was bare besides my thigh high heels; I felt so desirable and sexy. Naughty. My chest was heaving with anticipation, and my heart was pounding. I raised my hands and gripped my shirt, pulling the cloth apart further. Skimming each shoulder one after the other I dropped the shirt off my back. I was ready to fuck. Ben looked down on me.

“You’re tits are amazing,” he muttered. They were amazing. My bra lifted them up, mounding both bosoms against my chest, as if presenting them to him on a platter. I grinned and swiftly stuck my hand behind my back, popping apart the clasp that held the bra in place; slithering it off both shoulders, letting it trickle off my body. Ben looked at me as if he were about to arrive right at that moment.

Grabbing me by the shoulders, he pulled me to him and then lay me down on my back along the rear of the car. I spread my legs in anticipation as he positioned himself between my loins, holding onto my knee as his legs pressed against the underside of mine. I felt a slight warmth near my area as I stared towards the roof of the taxi. His cock seeped in, entered my twat slowly. The folds of my soaking wet pussy felt every contour of his incredible penis as he fed it inside me. I could hear the moistness slicking and squelching. I held onto both breasts. Half his cock was inside me now, and it was already filling me up, his vein throbbing for more. I was craving his seed madly by this point and I didn’t care how I received it, in my mouth, in my pussy, my ass. I would have licked his cum off the floor at this point.

He started to push further into me. It felt as if he were pressing against the back of walls, his gorgeous head throbbed inside me, I looked into his eyes; he was watching my mound and appreciating the view as he entered me. Whimpering, I ran both hands down my stomach and felt Ben’s hands holding onto mine as I did. He lifted them up, and placed them either side of my head as he thrust deep inside me, his proud erection began gaining momentum as he gyrated into my folds. I was powerless. Opening my eyes, I saw him looking down at my bare chest, his eyes gleaming as my breasts rocked and wobbled to and fro. My nipples, standing proud in the chill of the evening.

He soon got tired of this position, and swiftly gripped my waist, tugging me forward like a rag doll and forced me on top. I straddled his waist and rode him like a dirty cowgirl, my hips grinding. My legs spread out, my knees rubbing against the thin carpet of the car. I was indulging on his manliness, grabbing his chest and holding on, I circled my hips and watched on; my tits still standing proud, perky and hard from the cold of the cab. Goosebumps standing on edge around my entire body. He held on to my waist, his hands slowly made their way further down; his fingers dug into my fresh and peachy cheeks. I arched my back and raised my hands, running them through my hair as I relished in the ecstasy of his fat and elegant cock. The warmth and heat was rising exponentially between my loins.

I leaned forward, my back still arched, his hands still placed firmly one both cheeks. Ben’s member was now confidently inside me all the way and it was blissful. Adam, flashed through my mind briefly, the thought of him at home without me, wallowing in his own ignorance was a wonderfully wicked feeling. I was here in the back of Ben’s car, someone I had known for years, an older man, and someone who really knew how to get me off. I had instigated this and my heart was pounding with dirty excitement.

My breasts were swinging down on Ben’s face. I could feel his hot and heavy breath heating my nipples. He lifted his face, caressing my soft and delicate tits against his firm, stubbly face. He continued to caress my ass as I slid up and down on his wet cock. Opening his mouth, he began to lick and suckle on me. My boobs were moistening with his saliva as he devoured me.

“Oh fuck!” I groaned, looking down as his tongue circled my areola, my long hair dangling down above his head. His hands became more ravenous and he started to slip them further around my ass cheeks, creeping them towards my opening. He parted my cheeks and started to thrust himself hard into me, I could feel him entirely, it was intense. His head delving deep inside me. I felt his fingers slip down and cling around my drenched pussy lips, parting them; his fingertips seeping into me as we continued to fuck.

He was drilling me. What started as a slight shriek of pleasure, escalated quickly into a scream that wobbled loudly as his pelvis smacked against mine. I could feel the suspension of the car rock as I steadied myself, resting my hands on his shoulders. He growled deeply and held himself inside me for a while, I looked down on him as he looked up at me and stuck my finger inside my mouth, letting my tongue wrap around it, teasing him. I brought my wet finger down and held it to his lips, he accepted it and sucked away my spit. I let my mouth hang open slightly as I watched him.

After long, we tired of this position. I lifted my nearly naked body off Ben’s. My heels clip-clopped against the plastic rimming of the taxi as I shifted onto my knees.

“Get over there” Ben insisted, and motioned towards the two front seats. I crawled on my hands and knees to them.

“How do you want it?”

“Stand up and spread those fucking gorgeous legs, Amy!” I placed both hands on each headrest and arched my back slightly, presenting my body to him. Spreading my legs as he had ordered. A heat ran itself through my tummy as I waited briefly, wanting him.

“Like this?” I asked, there was no response. Instead, he took position behind me and felt vigorously for my opening with his massive bell end. I could tell from his actions that he was close and ready to explode. Which was just as well, because so was I. I was feeling a swell in my stomach and I was ready to squirt. His cock, slipped into me and he drove it all the way inside with one fell swoop. The force made me groan; almost scream, and leaned forward even further than I already was. My hair draping over my face, I swung my head and rested it on my back. Turning to watching him out of the corner of my eye, seeing him thrust and breathe heavily.

“You’re so fucking pretty, you’re going to make me cum inside you, Amy.”

“Keep fucking me!” I ordered. “I want your cum! I want you to cum!”

“Oh God!” he started to pick up the pace, and I could feel his balls colliding with the back of my legs. My folds gripping onto him as he slipped in and out of me.

“Oh God Ben! Shit, yeah…” I squealed and panted, gushing madly over his cock, and sensed my moistness immediately dripping down my inner thigh. I was cumming, and hard. I gave a high pitched moan of sheer pleasure. “I’m cumming! Fuck Ben, I’m cumming! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” I was squirting uncontrollably, my hands were still gripping onto the headrests of both front seats. I was crying out in ecstasy. His hands were still holding tightly to my hips, digging into my bare flesh. He picked up speed, and then suddenly began to slow.

“Ohhhhh! I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!” He jolted deep inside me, and I felt his warm seed spread and mix with my moist honey. It was thick. The pleasure was intense, but I wanted more than for him to just cum inside me.

I quickly gripped his hands and brought them off my body. Turning around, I dropped to the floor and let him shoot another load towards my mouth. It splashed onto my cheek, and spread itself upwards towards my eye, another one hit and streaked over my lips. I held his magnificent cock over my face and watched him trickle out the last of his cum with a grunt, dribbling it from his creamy head onto my chin. It gave a fresh glaze and trickled down my neck towards my heaving breasts. His member throbbing in my hand. A line of gooey cum connected his cock to my chin.

Ben brought his hands to his hips, watching me play with his cum. He loved it. I gently licked his buttery shaft and slurped his bitter man relish. Extending my tongue out, I ran it over my chin as far as it would reach, and devoured what I could before raising a hand and helping myself to what was on offer around my face. Wiping my cheek and running the remnants through my mouth in one swipe, letting him watch as I savoured his chunky droppings. I looked up and gave a devilish smile, tittering on my knees and losing my balance slightly. I squinted my eyes and wrinkled my nose, giving a toothy grin, his seed bonding a bridge over both lips.

His cum was thick, chunky and healthy, I couldn’t help myself. I carried on playing to mine and his delight. It trickled from my soaking cunt lips, and dripped onto the floor of the taxi. My pussy was well and truly fucked and it felt as if it were pumping, I could sense its redness and brought my hand down between my thighs to cool myself. Leaning forward slightly, I kissed his cock softly, it jumped with sensitivity.

“Bet you never thought you’d fuck me like that…” I grinned.


Published 10 years ago

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