Ever since Stella first saw it, she had wanted to learn magic. She could still remember her first magical experience at only five years old, witnessing an astral magician manipulate the lights of the constellations themselves. While the magician wasn’t truly changing the position of the stars it truly looked as if he was, the lights bouncing and dancing around if they were merely toys to him. Constellations twisted and turned, stars twinkled into many different colors, it was as if the night sky became a canvas for a great art piece. To call the sight amazing was an understatement, it felt like she had seen the meaning of life itself.
From that point forward she relentlessly studied astral magic, eager to learn as much about it as she could. Astral magic wasn’t just a discipline that controlled the lights of stars, but fully embodied their aspects and powers. With astral magic one could bring the constellations to life, control the power within stars, and gain power through all aspects of night.
It was a discipline that was known to take centuries to master, yet with how intense her dedication was Stella began to master it in decades. Most only managed to cast their first spell ten years after studying the discipline, but Stella casted her first spell just one year into practice. It wasn’t an impressive spell, only sparks of light bursting from her palms, but even achieving that much that early was an accomplishment.
She unlocked the secrets to immortality at only thirty years old, while most unlock it in their senior years. The spells responsible for this immortality effectively lock the magician’s body in its current form for all time, which is why most immortal magicians still looked like rather old sages. In comparison, Stella’s voluptuous and mature body looked rather youthful, with a butt and breasts so large they almost looked unnatural. Some astral magicians gossiped that they were enhanced by magic, that she only studied the art to find a way to become sexier. The truth was just incredibly lucky genetics, but that didn’t stop the rumors.
Rumors didn’t bother her even a bit though. She simply wanted to study astral magic, and she studied and studied to her heart’s content. She could have been regarded as the youngest astral magician to reach immortality in history, if not for another astral magician named Astra.
Astra’s background was so similar to Stella’s it made her puke. She had relentlessly practiced the discipline since she was five, eventually achieving her first spell just a year later. She apparently started the exact same day as Stella and achieved immortality on the same day as well, all with no intent of coordination on either end. And when asked about what inspired her, Astra would gush about some magic spell she saw at five where a magician manipulated the lights of the stars in the sky, almost like she was copying Stella’s backstory word for word.
But she definitely didn’t like Astra’s personality. Astral magicians could absorb magic during the display of certain constellations, and being at a higher elevation would increase the amount of magic absorbed. The two met by climbing up the same mountain during one of these periods, and upon striking conversation found themselves not really liking each other. Stella would groan with every word that came from Astra’s mouth, all that seemed to come out was just talk and talk about herself. She hated it, and the two could never maintain conversation.
But Stella cared more about magic than Astra; as long as she focused on her magic, she would be fine. And for a few hundred years she was able to continue studying her spells in peace, not once meeting with Astra.
At least not until she ran into a predicament.
Black & White Hole was one of the most powerful spells in an astral magician’s repertoire. It harnessed the power of collapsing stars to absorb matter only to reverse the process and make it explode outwards. It was powerful enough to blow away mountains, any astral magician would be thrilled to learn such a spell. But learning it wasn’t as simple as reading and practicing like the other spells. To learn the Black & White Hole spell an astral magician needed to drink a special elixir, one that’d enhance and alter their innate magic in a way that’d allow such a powerful move to be used.
It took a long while for Stella to get the ingredients. The hairs of an ox, the tail of a fox, the ice atop Mt Everest, the waters of the Amazon, many exotic materials from all over the world needed to be collected. Yet one of these ingredients was much harder to come across than the others. The Lunar Solstice Lily is a special flower that only bloomed once every ten years and only under the light of a full moon. It took forever for her to track one down, but finally she was able to catch one the very moment it bloomed…
…and so did Astra.
Stella groaned when she saw Astra once again. There the two were, in the middle of an otherwise empty field, in a dark night only illuminated by the moon. The Lunar Solstice Lily stood between the two, its glittering purple petals the only thing between them and one of the most powerful spells in an astral magician’s repertoire.
“Greetings Astra.” Stella broke the silence, her voice hiding a hint of annoyance. “Can I presume you are here for the Lunar Solstice Lily?”
“What other reason would I have?” Astra tried to appear confident, but her smile twitched occasionally. “You know how I am, I just want to learn a simple spell.”
“Simple? Well, I’m sure you know how I am as well, I’m sure I told you how much I practiced to learn the Shooting Star Blast spell.”
“Of course.”
“And I studied the properties of the Celestial Alignment spell so much that I could recite them from memory.”
“And you have. At least three times.”
“And do I need to tell you the story of how I pushed my body to near death just to learn the Starlight spell?”
“Please spare me.”
“So I don’t think I need to explain why I want this flower, and why I’m not going to let you have it.”
“Please don’t make me laugh. You’re speaking to the youngest astral magician to reach immortality in history, wielder of five hundred spells, winner of ten magic talent awards, already recognized as one of the most popular astral magicians by four paparazzi organizations, and so much more. You want to deny someone like that of this opportunity?”
“As if I’m not the exact same.”
“You only achieved the same by copying me.”
“How does someone as conceited as you even exist?”
“Babe, look in a mirror.”
The two wanted to dive towards each other and tear each other to shreds but they didn’t want to risk any damage to the flower. If even a small nick of a petal was missing, the potion wouldn’t be effective, and neither of them would be able to learn the Black & White Hole spell. If they were honest, they’d admit they’d prefer both being unable to use the spell than their “copycat” learning before them, but they weren’t going to walk away without some sort of fight.
So it seemed to come down to only one option.
“I challenge you to a duel!”
Was it Astra who said it or Stella? Was it both at the same time? They quickly forgot. Both of them wanted this anyways, a chance to officially show that their magic was superior. They stepped back a few meters, their hands glowing as they prepared to cast their spells. The prize? It was the Lunar Solstice Lily of course.
“Shooting Star Blast!”
“Shooting Star Blast!”
Blasts of glowing starlight energy were emitted from their hands, clashing together in a large explosion. The spells seemed simple but were incredibly complex to cast, creating energy blasts that absorbed starlight as they flew and grew stronger the longer they traveled. If one of them casted the spell just slightly before the other her spell would swallow up the other and strike her opponent, so the fact that they both exploded meant that they casted at the exact same time. It was frustrating, but they had to continue.
Sabers made of twinkling lights, flashing bursts of light, the two casted many attack spells to try and overwhelm each other. Yet all of them were casted at the same time, the same way, with the same strength, completely cancelling each other out when they met. If things continued like this the battle was going to continue for all of eternity, or at least a thousand years before either of them collapses from exhaustion. They had to do something to change the dynamic fast.
“Ursa Major Enchantment!”
Stella glowed as she imbued herself with power. This spell imbued her with the symbolic power of the constellation, strengthening her muscles to incredible levels. She tried to use this power to punch her opponent, but it seemed like Astra had the same idea. It seemed like it was destined to end up like every other attempt to attack, but due to one small slip something unexpected happened.
They tripped, their fists flying right past each other’s faces as they collapsed, and their large tits crashed directly into each other. The force was so incredible that their clothes came flying off, immediately allowing their nipples the ability to strike each other directly. A surge of energy hit them, an arousing shock running through their bodies. They quickly separated after, but the effect still remained.
“You pervert!” Stella covered up her chest. “Going for the breasts is underhanded!”
“I’m a pervert!? What about you!?” Astra covered her nipples with her hands. “I bet you were intentionally aiming there from the start!”
“I know I’m considered one of the most attractive magicians, but that’s no excuse to just touch me!”
“I didn’t touch you, you touched me! I know you’re attracted to me, don’t make excuses!”
“No way in hell! If anything, you’re attracted to me!”
“How!? Your body is like a downgraded version of mine!”
“Don’t make me laugh! I’m the upgrade!”
“No, I am!”
“You want to go like that then!?”
“Yeah, let’s do that.”
There was a spell that the two rarely used, one that was only able to be used by women. By combining symbolic power of the moon and the galaxy, the physical power of gravity, and just a bit of starlight, they could perform a unique type of body enhancing spell.
“Milky Way Links!”
“Milky Way Links!”
Glowing lights came out of their nipples, and milk began to flow out as if they were in zero gravity. The droplets of milk fused together, becoming chains with the strength of steel. The chains shot out of their breasts, linking to each other and binding their breasts together.
“Ready for me to rip your breasts off?”
“You’re the one whose tits will fly off!”
The two pulled back, their chained together nipples yanking hard on each other. Each tug made them shiver and squirm excitedly. It hurt, it most definitely hurt, but in a way that was kind of arousing. Their nipples were being pulled and stretched endlessly, arousing them more and more with each tug, but they held it in. They held in such feelings as they pulled desperately to try and rip the tits right off each other.
Yet the chain and the nipples both held on.
“Big Dipper Enchantment!”
“Big Dipper Enchantment!”
With another spell they enhanced the milk coming out of their nipples, making more of it spray out of them. More droplets of milk came together to make more chains. Those chains wrapped around their necks and arms and legs, only binding them together more and more. Neither of them was going to escape until one of them was down, and they were prepared to struggle for years if they had to.
And so they pulled and pulled and pulled, desperate to rip the nipples off each other’s breasts. With their arms and legs bound, the only moves they could make were to pull and be pulled, and they pulled with all of their strength. Their nipples were stretched to an unbelievable degree, longer than they had ever seen nipples stretched before. Instead, they just grew harder and more excited, and more aroused, until they both exploded in ecstasy. All of the milk that remained within them was forced out as the two suddenly climaxed, brought to orgasm through nipples alone.
This wasn’t going to be the end of their fight, though. They were determined to pull until one pair of breasts was ripped right off. They fought and fought, neither noticing as the very flower they fought over was swiped from right under their noses.
As the centuries went on, the world began to forget about them. Some astral magicians managed to achieve immortality at an even younger age, many became more powerful, and some even considered themselves more sexy. Maybe Stella and Astra would’ve still been remembered if they weren’t still fighting to this day, desperately attempting to rip each other’s tits off for over a millennium.
And for over a millennium, will they continue.