Faith was tense as she stood in the detention classroom with her arms folded behind her back. Mrs Hudson, the headmistress, was sitting up on the dais at the front of the class. Faith was the only student in detention, admittedly deliberately earning it, and there were only two days left of her time at the sixth-form college before going on to university.
Faith was eighteen and one of the higher achieving students, choosing to go to the local university so she could continue to live in the same town. She had left home the year before and was living in rented accommodation with friends but liked the town so much. She was there because of St. Nicola’s, the specific sixth form college which had a good reputation for both being academic and for its strict disciplinary regime, the combination of which helped it attract conscientious students like herself.
Faith was a well-behaved girl, and this was the first detention that she had ever had to sit. It was actually a double detention which meant that a number of strokes of the cane would be administered by the teacher holding the detention. The risk of the cane had previously been enough to discourage Faith from misbehaving, and even more so when she saw the results of the same punishment on the bottoms of some of her friends who lifted their skirts and pulled down their knickers in the girls’ toilets to show Faith and the others their red marks and who invariably found it difficult to sit comfortably for a quite a while afterwards.
The reason Faith had intentionally brought the double detention upon herself was because she wanted to experience that exact disciplinary punishment before she left the college and lost the opportunity, and, more so, she wanted to receive it from Mrs Hudson. Although already eighteen, Faith had long had a schoolgirl crush on Mrs Hudson, whom she saw as sexily authoritarian, and she also loved Mrs Hudson’s strict no-nonsense tone of voice.
Faith sat alone in the detention classroom in her college summer uniform waiting to be called to the front so that Mrs Hudson could deal with her. Normally the punishment would be carried out in the headmistress’s study, but she assumed as she was the only student there today that it would be carried out here in the classroom. No one else was around because college had ended for the day, albeit at lunchtime as it was so close to the end of the year. Faith had had to stay on for the detention which started at two o’clock.
Mrs Hudson made herself appear to be marking exam papers or something similar. She noticed, approvingly, that Faith was sitting quietly and, less approvingly, that the hem of her dress was much shorter than regulation length, as was the case with too many of the girls, and in fact, was short enough that Mrs Hudson could clearly see Faith’s pure white cotton knickers between her thighs.
“Oh well,” she thought to herself, “at least Faith’s wearing regulation underwear and not some silly micro knickers.”
As the official start-of-detention time arrived, Mrs Hudson said in her characteristically stern tone of voice, “Faith, you have a double detention, so you know what penalty that involves. However, as we are so close to the end of the academic year and your time at this institution, I am tempted to let you off. What do you think?”
This turn of events shook Faith completely because it would ruin her whole plan to get herself a corporal punishment for the first time ever. Being let off was exactly what she didn’t want, and, as she wasn’t thinking like a normal college girl but was thinking like a crush-crazed college girl, she pleaded, “Oh no, headmistress, I know I truly deserve to be punished and it would be so unfair to all the girls you have punished if you were to let me off.”
Mrs Hudson gave Faith a quizzical look because she had wondered why the girl had been awarded a double detention. She had suspected that she might have done it on purpose and wondered whether it might be because Faith had a secret desire to be disciplined. Now the headmistress was more suspicious that that was the case.
Mrs Hudson asked, “Do you want me to discipline you for any particular personal reason, Faith?”
As she spoke, Mrs Hudson blushed, albeit very lightly, and she didn’t think Faith had noticed. It was because, occasionally, she got a crush on one of the students. Faith was one of the girls she secretly had a crush on, and she had often wondered what would happen if she discovered one of the students had a crush on her, and she had a crush on that same student. Well, she knew she had a crush on Faith and just couldn’t stop herself from enquiring further in this way.
Faith blushed when she was asked the question because the truthful answer would have been an instant, “Oh yes, Miss, I want you to cane me because I have a massive crush on you, and I want to be punished by someone I passionately adore and respect!”
However, she wasn’t sure that that would be an appropriate reply, but she did want to make sure that Mrs Hudson did discipline her to give her the experience she so desperately yearned for. After all, she knew that once she left college the same discipline regime would not apply at university, and she would therefore lose the opportunity to discover what it was like, probably forever. Forever! She knew it would be painful because she had seen the resulting marks on the bottoms of friends of hers and of course, their tear-filled red eyes which remained so even some time after they had been punished, but she was now determined to experience it for herself.
Knowing her own urgent need, Faith said, “No, Miss, no particular personal reason at all. It’s just that I deserve my punishment and the other girls would be upset if they discovered that I had been let off, and they will be waiting to see my marks, Miss, as the girls always gather to view and compare cane marks after punishments.”
Mrs Hudson decided not to press Faith on the question and thought that if she really wanted to experience a punishment, then why not? After all, she had earned a double detention, whether on purpose or not, and so definitely deserved her punishment.
Mrs Hudson, therefore, gave Faith her most severe look, and ordered, “Faith, come up here to my desk.”
“This is it,” thought Faith to herself. She took a deep breath as she realised this, finally, was the moment that she had wanted to happen, although, at the same time, she was dreading the thought of having to cope with what she was worried would be more pain than she could reasonably handle. However, the choice had been hers and she resolutely rose from her chair, walked to the front of the classroom and stood obediently before Mrs Hudson.
Once Faith was standing next to her desk, Mrs Hudson directed, “Faith, take your knickers off, hand them to me and then make sure that you have your dress tucked into your belt.”
Faith was wearing the college’s normal summer uniform of a green and white gingham check short-sleeved dress with a white belt. She pulled up the hem of her dress, eased her thumbs into the waistband elastic of her white cotton full-brief knickers and pushed them down to her feet and stepped out of them as they pooled on the floor. Faith usually wore skimpier more colourful knickers, which were against college regulations as she was well aware, but knowing what was going to happen that day she had realised that her knickers would be on view and had sensibly selected the college’s official regulation white cotton underwear.
She bent down and scooped her knickers up and handed them to Mrs Hudson. Faith then pulled the hem of her dress up to her waist and tucked it into the belt to keep the dress held in place so that it would not fall down and cover her bottom, which needed to be fully exposed as Mrs Hudson’s target area.
As Mrs Hudson took hold of Faith’s knickers she glanced at them, also perceiving via her fingers an interesting and slippery dampness in the gusset, which told her that this girl was at least partly aroused by the prospect of being caned. Of course, the headmistress knew from experience that such desire was more often than not regretted by the student when the first stroke landed, and she would soon know Faith’s reaction.
Now naked below her waist, Faith stood there, embarrassingly aware that her tufty brown-haired pussy mound was fully on show to Mrs Hudson, but she didn’t worry too much about that because the only person who could see was the very headmistress that she secretly adored.
“Bend over the length of my desk girl and hold tight with your hands as far along as you can reach,” instructed the headmistress, “I want no getting up during your punishment.”
Faith nervously stepped to the side of Mrs Hudson’s wide desk and bent over along its length, feeling the cold of the wood against her stomach and upper legs and feeling the slight cushioning effect of her pubic hair as she bent down onto the desk’s surface and stretched out her hands to grasp the far edge. Despite the circumstances of her situation, she realised her nipples were erect, and that Mrs Hudson could probably see her pussy lips between the backs of her now parted legs. Faith had been dreaming for weeks of this moment and knew it was finally time for her to be caned and found it deliciously sexy that she was bent over with her bare bottom presented on the edge of the desk and so the perfect target for the wonderful Mrs Hudson’s cane. She loved too that Mrs Hudson could see her very private parts.
Mrs Hudson scolded Faith, telling her, “You have been very naughty to earn both detentions, Faith. We have a strict punishment for those who get double detentions, aimed at making you think twice before earning another double detention. That may not be the case for you as we are so close to the end of your time here, but as you have requested that this punishment take place, even though I have offered to release you from it, I will make sure that it is a particularly harsh punishment. After all, I don’t suppose you will thank me if I make this a punishment that would be easy for you to cope with.”
Faith listened to the scolding and had to admit that Mrs Hudson was exactly right. Of course, it meant that it was likely to last longer and hurt more because she had asked for it to happen. However, that was her own choice, and she knew that all she had to do was lie there and take whatever strokes of the cane Mrs Hudson wanted to give her, as it was the headmistress who had full control over everything that was going to happen.
Mrs Hudson wasn’t worried about the fact that she had a crush on Faith, and she enjoyed the fact that looking at Faith’s bottom was turning her on, so this was a treat for her. These feelings didn’t normally happen when she was caning girls, she was usually able to separate her sexual feelings from her chastisement duties. As the headmistress, it was her job to carry out the strict disciplinary regime that was in place, and it worked well for the college because the better behaviour which ensued enhanced the college’s academic reputation.
What Mrs Hudson could never get out of her mind though, was how sexy the girls looked in their college uniforms. When in bed at night she would frequently finger herself to orgasm picturing one of her students in their college uniform dress. The student she had most frequently visualised in recent months was Faith, more so because Faith had hitherto been so well behaved. Mrs Hudson had never imagined she would be gazing upon Faith’s bare bottom in reality, stretched across a desk.
Faith was similarly enjoying the fact that her uncovered bottom was on show to the headmistress whom she had such a big crush on, although was also worried as she wondered to herself whether she would be able to cope with the cane. What if she lost control of her emotions? she thought.
Mrs Hudson positioned herself and rubbed the cane from side to side across Faith’s unblemished and vulnerable bottom cheeks and said in her stern tone of voice, “A double detention normally merits six strokes, Faith, but as you have in effect volunteered for this punishment, I think you should receive more than that for impertinence. How many more should you receive do you think, Faith?”
Faith had been expecting six and realised that she gasped at the shock of being told about the extra strokes. Even so, she knew she couldn’t argue, or, if she did, it would most likely mean even more strokes. Even though this might well be the one and only time she got the cane, she wasn’t ready to earn herself an increasingly higher number of strokes.
She replied, “Y-you decide please, Miss.”
“What a good idea,” responded the headmistress. “Also, do you realise that apart from being your first ever caning, this may also be the last caning you ever have?”
“Oh yes, Miss, that is why it is right that you should punish me extra as you say,” said Faith, feeling nervous but also aware of strange but ever so nice feelings inside her pussy at having no choice but to be respectful and obedient.
“All right, Faith, let’s see how we get on,” asserted Mrs Hudson in a matter-of-fact manner.
When the first stroke cut agonisingly into her bottom, Faith yelped as it hurt much more than she had expected. The second stroke hurt even more, as did the third stroke, and the one thing it told her more than anything else was that this was a far better deterrent than writing lines or essays, both of which were lesser punishments awarded at the college.
The fourth stroke bit into her bottom and she told herself mentally that she had to keep a firm hold of the sides of the desk because she knew that if she got up it would lead to even more extra strokes.
By this stage, Faith was gasping, and shaking with apprehension. All four strokes had been extremely hard and hurt far more than she had anticipated. The nice feeling in her pussy had completely disappeared as shock and pain took over.
“Yeowch,” Faith cried out as the fifth stroke whipped into her defenceless bottom.
Mrs Hudson smiled to herself, enjoying that the quivering girl was so at her mercy. She loved the total control she held over the girl she was caning, knowing that even the most disobedient of them always did as they were told when bent over for a caning.
“We’re not even halfway through, Faith. Are you able to control yourself, or do I have to give you extra strokes for making such a loud noise?”
“N-no m-more extra strokes thank you, Miss. I will control myself,” confirmed Faith – but could she? Faith thought to herself.
The sixth stroke landed and that was certainly the hardest stroke of all six. Faith shuddered and just managed to avoid crying out, instead making a low, moaning noise.
There was a pause.
That’s six strokes thought Faith to herself. They hurt so much more than she had thought they would, and how many more would there be she wondered, and worried about the pain still to come.
Mrs Hudson spoke, “One thing that always causes me annoyance about you and your friends, Faith, is the way you all wear your dresses and skirts too short, and so much shorter than the regulations permit.”
“Yes, Miss,” assented Faith, “We prefer it that way as it makes us look prettier and the boys notice us more.”
“Prettier?” retorted the headmistress, adding harshly, “Tartier you mean. In any case, the action I am about to take will ensure that at least for your last two days at St. Nicola’s College, you will decide to wear a longer dress.”
“But I don’t think I have any longer uniform dresses, Miss,” intoned Faith.
“Well, we will see what you come up with,” said the headmistress, adding, “You may decide that a longer dress will suit you better for your last two days.”
“Yes, Miss,” replied Faith, wondering what Mrs Hudson was on about.
Mrs Hudson then explained, “The next few cane strokes will be across the front of your thighs, Faith. You will be able to see them clearly in the mirror, and whenever you sit on the toilet, and anyone else you come across will be able to see them too unless, of course, you wear a dress of correct college regulation length.”
The front of my thighs exclaimed Faith to herself. She had never even heard of that happening and it was bound to hurt more as there was much less flesh there than on her bottom cheeks.
“Up you get and sit on the side of the desk, Faith, with your hands well away from your thighs,” directed the headmistress.
Faith did so, mindful of the painful thickening red welts growing across her bottom which she wanted to rub but couldn’t, conscious that her pussy was clearly on display and aware too that her lower pussy lips were transferring some of her intimate dampness onto the surface of the headmistress’s desk. Oh, how embarrassing, and shameful, she thought to herself, leaking her private juices like that.
“Ready?” asked Mrs Hudson.
“Y-yes, Miss,” responded the sixth-form girl, weakly and nervously.
Faith looked at her upper legs and displayed pussy as Mrs Hudson whipped the first stroke across her nearest thigh, just a few inches above her knee, so well below her usual skirt line, and then the other thigh the same.
“Oh, oh,” cried out Faith. This hurt differently from when her bottom was caned, and was even more painful, she thought to herself.
Moments later Mrs Hudson slashed two matching stripes a couple of inches above the first two, making neat tramlines across the front of Faith’s legs. Faith flinched and screamed a little bit as the headmistress raised the cane again, then landed two more harsh strokes, higher up towards the top of her thighs, and perfectly parallel.
“Ooh, oh gosh,” whispered Faith in pain, thinking how it hurt so much.
“That’s twelve strokes so far, Faith,” intoned Mrs Hudson. “Are you coping with the pain?” she asked.
“Y-yes Miss, th-thank you,” stuttered Faith as the stings on her previously flawless skin lessened and her stripes warmed, slightly, both on her thighs and, still, on her bottom.
Despite her assertion, Faith found that her eyes were blurring with tears of pain, shame and helplessness. Well, she had expected to cry so it was no surprise to her.
Mrs Hudson heard Faith’s gentle sobs. She preferred it when girls cried during their punishments as it showed that the college’s message was getting through, but it certainly did not cause Mrs Hudson to lessen the power she put into her cane strokes. In this case, Mrs Hudson found that Faith’s sobs were turning her on, as they showed that the girl had utterly surrendered to her greater power and authority.
Even as Faith sobbed, she had flashbacks to the many nights she had spent in bed in her nightdress and knickers, with her hand down her knickers caressing her private place, imagining how she would feel if Mrs Hudson caned her one day, wondering whether she could survive the pain. She always climaxed to that thought.
Now though, with the reality, Faith was continuing to cry gently as she heard Mrs Hudson say, “Is that enough Faith, or do you deserve even more to make sure you fully appreciate the power of punishment?”
Amidst her tears Faith struggled to focus on this new conundrum, “Erm, I don’t know what you mean Miss,” she wailed.
“Oh, I think you do, Faith,” asserted Mrs Hudson, adding, “So six more strokes should ensure you suffer the right amount. Where shall I place them, on your behind or on your legs?”
“I don’t know, Miss. Please don’t,” yelled Faith.
However, Mrs Hudson instructed her sobbing student to change position and get back on the desk, naked tummy down, naked bottom up. The headmistress had decided that Faith was to receive new welts on the back of her milky thighs, to complete the set, and to make it even harder for her to sit down, or for that matter to wear a short dress without arousing at least curiosity. ‘Why not?’ she told herself, given that Faith had asked to be caned.
As the cane whipped again and again into her rear thigh flesh, injecting new agony into the squirming girl, Faith whimpered and called out and cried, but inside she knew the pain-filled strokes were nearly over and that she was becoming absolutely devoted to her torturer, the wonderful Mrs Hudson. She realised now how pain and love can go together in such a sexy way, and she really loved Mrs Hudson even more than before.
Mrs Hudson completed the final stroke, the eighteenth, making it especially hard, and gazed at her trembling victim who was breathing heavily and sobbing. She also noticed that the girl’s pussy was visible and that there was glistening wetness beneath it. Mrs Hudson knew what that meant, and she also knew that if her own skirt were to be lifted and her own knickers pulled down then Faith would be able to see that her headmistress’s pussy was wet too, but that was certainly not going to happen. College students were not entitled to know what was happening in headmistress’s vaginas, that would mean upending the entire social order.
“All right, Faith, your punishment is finished, and you can get up,” allowed the headmistress.
Faith shakily raised herself up off the desk and stood up, her pussy and eighteen red ridges all on display, front and back, bottom and thighs. “Thank you, Miss,” she whispered. She knew saying thank you even for such a pain-filled punishment, was required.
“Here are your knickers,” announced Mrs Hudson, “Please use them to wipe off the wet marks you have left on my desk. You must have enjoyed your caning more than I expected you to.”
Faith blushed deeply as she observed the areas of intimate wetness she had left on her headmistress’s desk. How embarrassing, she thought to herself, as she mounded her white cotton regulation knickers into the shape of a kitchen cloth and wiped clean her own wetness until the desk shone clean.
“Let me inspect those before you put them back on,” instructed Mrs Hudson.
As Faith passed her knickers back to her, the headmistress put them to her nose, especially the wet parts from Faith’s wiping and, as expected, she detected the scent of female arousal. “Very interesting, Faith. We shall have to discuss this. Your bodily responses indicate an exceptional interest in corporal punishment,” she said, passing the regulation knickers back to the still-blushing girl. She then instructed, “Go and stand back at your desk with your arms folded behind your back for the remainder of the detention.”
Faith was sniffing back tears as she received back her underwear and stepped back into them, feeling their new wetness as she pulled them up her thighs to finally cover up her pussy. She pulled down and straightened out her dress, and then went back out into the classroom and stood by her desk. Her feelings were mixed. She knew that sitting on the hard chair would be uncomfortable after her caning, but on the other hand, she was pleased that she had now, at last, experienced a proper double detention punishment. She was even wondering whether, had she experienced this earlier, she might actually have got herself more double detentions so that she could have been disciplined by the so sexily authoritative Mrs Hudson on more occasions.
Mrs Hudson sat down at her desk again and made out that she was again marking some papers but was glancing up at Faith to see how she was recovering. She had to admit that she found Faith’s tear-stained face even more attractive, and she knew that her own knickers were damp because of the sexual feelings that she had whilst slicing her cane into Faith’s bottom and thighs. Mrs Hudson also thought it rather delicious that she could clearly see her red cane marks on the front of Faith’s thighs, beneath her dress. ‘Faith will need to deal with that somehow,’ she thought to herself.
Faith calmed down quite quickly, and, as she did, she felt little quivers hovering around her vagina, and again wished that she had earned double detentions earlier in her college career. It seemed odd to her that pupils had to behave badly and break rules to get a proper punishment from the lovely and ever so strict Mrs Hudson. Why couldn’t students who wanted a good caning just request it, she pondered. Life was so strange, as she wondered how she could spend the rest of her life without getting a double detention caning again. She would be bereft.
As the pain subsided and the warmth in her bottom and thighs increased to compensate, Faith knew she was going to so enjoy herself in bed tonight or, maybe, start off by fingering herself to orgasms in the college toilets before leaving the college, after showing off her stripes to her friends perhaps. As she thought these thoughts, she pictured herself once again at Mrs Hudson’s mercy, having her bottom caned, and loved the continuing quivering feelings deep inside herself.
When Mrs Hudson saw that Faith had calmed down, she got up and walked over to where she was still standing obediently and asked, with surprising straightforwardness, “You will only be a student here for two more days, so let me ask you an important question now, and make sure you respond truthfully.” She paused a moment for emphasis and then demanded, “Do you find me at all attractive, Faith?”
Faith’s thoughts were still picturing herself being caned by Mrs Hudson and, blushing deeply red, she replied, “Yes, Mrs Hudson, I do. I like you so much, Miss. You are so wonderful.”
The realisation of what she had said suddenly hit her, and Faith blushed even more as she looked up at the oh-so-beautiful and scary Mrs Hudson, and she stuttered, “I mean, erm, Mrs Hudson, erm, not that. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean,” but she gave up trying to deny what she had said, especially when she saw that Mrs Hudson was half-smiling.
Mrs Hudson kept smiling as she said, “Your last day of college is Friday. How about we meet up on Saturday and spend some time together when you’re no longer one of my students? I live by myself so you could come to my house. However, if you come, you must realize that I have a number of private canes at home and that you will be subject to my own private and strict discipline, along the lines of the punishment you have just experienced. I can tell you that I would have to be very strict with you, but I think we may both get turned on by me punishing you. Don’t you agree? Also, if you are a good girl and behave very well, we can share my bed for the night on occasion, and then we can give each other orgasms, just as lovers do.”
Faith was completely thrown by what was being said to her and wondered if she had fallen asleep and was dreaming. This was her exact fantasy way of living, except it would be reality. She had such a mixture of feelings just then, what with a really stinging bottom as well as stinging legs, but a sudden desire to get up and hug Mrs Hudson and then submit in the future to her every strict whim, and experience lots of double detention canings, or worse.
In the event, all she did was look up and say, “Oh yes, please, headmistress.”
It was Mrs Hudson who said, “Faith, please let’s have a deeply inappropriate hug.”
Faith threw her arms around Mrs Hudson’s neck, hugging her closely, and loved the way that the headmistress she adored put her arms around her waist and hugged her close. How would they get through these two days, Faith wondered, but she would make sure that she did. She could then look forward to an intimate relationship with the teacher of her dreams where strict discipline would go hand-in-hand with, hopefully, the most passionate lovemaking.
As Faith thought these thoughts, she felt Mrs Hudson move her hand away from her waist, up inside her short dress and between her legs, then headmistress’s fingers eased inside her knickers, and soon Faith felt her wet pussy lips and her little clitoris being caressed, gently and skilfully. She kept her arms around Mrs Hudson’s neck, and she was so turned on from all the goings-on that she rapidly succumbed to the most fabulous orgasm, just like when she fingered herself except a million times better.
As she calmed down, Faith was still panting from the thrill and whispered to Mrs Hudson, “Please, Miss, should I do you now?”
Mrs Hudson replied, “Not now, Faith, but hopefully on Saturday. I just wanted to give you a taste of what you might be getting when you come to visit me.”
Faith accepted that she would have to be patient and wait, and replied, “Whatever you say, Miss, as you are the one in charge and I know I must obey you.”
Mrs Hudson was still smiling as she reverted to her strict tone of voice and instructed, “Very good Faith, yes you must. The detention is over so you can go.”
Faith just couldn’t get over what a most fantastic double detention it had been and whilst it was so close to the end of her college life, it was also now the beginning of a new life, and she was so looking forward to that. Of course, she would have to accept caning and a sore bottom would be an integral part of that life, but then the reality of that was bound to be better than the life she had lived so far.
Faith’s thoughts returned to her present conundrum. Where on earth was she going to find a regulation dress long enough to cover up her caning marks for the rest of the afternoon and her last two days at college? She also knew that her friends would be waiting near the toilets to see her marks, but she was glad the school was quiet that afternoon. She felt so good as she left the detention classroom and walked down the corridor thinking it was just two days to go until her new life started, which happened because she got herself the double detention. How cool was that?