I picture you
dressed all in white
a veil on your head
and unspoiled
as a freshly fallen snowdrift.
My heart catches in my throat,
As I gaze at your ethereal silhouette
through the Vaseline glaze
of tears in my eyes.
Frozen in place
and not daring to move.
Afraid I might wake
and find everything has vanished
from this dream place.
Dare I tempt my heart
with these images?
Stoke such longing
and drink so deeply
from the fountain of hope?
Or could I possibly
turn a deaf ear to my heart?
And pretend these feelings
don’t stir within me
having come to love you
so blindly.
Only faith stands between us
and utter devastation.
The foundation
our love is built on.
The glue to any relationship.
And the essence
of what makes our bond
so strong.