It talked of what had gone and what was to come
Of all the things I didn’t know about you
And of all the question I wanted answering
That Saturday when I woke up
It had gone
My window was open
I saw my hopes
I saw my memories
I saw our past
I saw all those things that didn’t last
As they slowly drifted down
Riding the wind on that piece of paper
Fearless, as you had once been
They floated dreamily
Past that river
Over that hill
The same hill we visited together every year to roll eggs down
And then my paper
The piece of paper that meant everything to me
It slowly fell with your heartbeat
It sank into the icy depths of the river we once swam in
It slowed like the breaths you were now taking
It began to deteriorate, the water faded the words, your colour soon followed
And soon, nothing was left
Not a word on my paper nor a breath on your lips
It was then that I knew
That I wouldn’t know
That I never will
You were the only one who did
You, who have faded
I have never known a love like this, other than yours
I doubt that I ever will
Unique, complete, unending and irreplaceable
Your words have faded, the memories have not
Until we meet again, I pray you sleep well.