
"Giving her the ultimate facial."

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As a guy, one of the things I absolutely loved about sex was blowing my load on a girl. I loved filling a pussy with hot cum, leaving behind globs of seed inside a tight ass, exploding between a pair of gorgeous lips, coating tits or juicy butt cheeks with a glaze of cum, or even spilling my balls on a pair of sexy feet.

Sure, I enjoyed intercourse and any oral foreplay that got me off, but I equally enjoyed the act of exploding on a girl, the point when orgasm sent me off the edge and overtook my body with pleasure, the point when I could feel my hot cum rushing up my cock and the deep massaging contractions shot my load like an erupting geyser. My absolute favorite thing of all, was decorating a pretty face with thick gooey ropes of cum.

Luckily for me, I had Sarah, a sexy blonde who loved getting facials as much as I loved giving them. She was a smart and sophisticated twenty-three year-old who I was fortunate enough to meet a few years back. The thing about Sarah was that although she was an amiable and professional woman who had an excellent paying job at an office, behind closed doors she was a sexual dynamo. We had constant steamy sex and Sarah didn’t just like getting plastered, she loved it. She equally loved sucking cock, so it was a win-win situation for me.

Personally, one of the things I was really proud of was in my ability to cum. My ejaculations were always big and powerful. I could easily empty out a couple of tablespoons worth of cum. Enough to fill up any pussy or blanket a face. Even my second or third ejaculation from the same day still produced plenty of cum. Something I knew Sarah loved.

However, I wasn’t some superhuman sexual being that could deposit an endless supply of cum. I did turn to help to maintain my big ejaculations. It wasn’t anything unusual or out of the ordinary. I simply made it a point to eat lots of fruit and always started off the day with a big bowel of Avena sativa, essentially oatmeal. The oatmeal did wonders to thicken up and increase the volume of large cum I already produced and the fruits gave it a sweet taste. Something Sarah had keyed me in on.

Since the sexy blonde and I were on a fuck streak for the last couple of days, I was in dire need of a refill. Shooting trickles and near blanks was not fun or sexy at all.

It was early in the morning. I had seen Sarah take her leave for work. She went in wearing a tight white blouse, a sexy pencil skirt that showed off her long legs and spectacular glossy black pumps that could have doubled as mirrors. Her gorgeous blonde hair was combed straight to frame her beautiful face. I remembered how elegant and sexy she looked in her outfit. I would have torn her clothes right off and fucked her while she stood in her sexy high-heels if she hadn’t been running late. She had left about ten minutes ago and I had made my way into the kitchen.

I quickly prepared my bowl of oatmeal, chopping up some apples while I waited for a pot of water to come to a boil. In no time at all, I had a bowl of hot tasty oatmeal with apple chunks and cinnamon. I sat down at the round kitchen table and dipped a spoon into the bowl. I brought up the utensil along with some tasty oats to my mouth, only to realize it was much too hot to eat.

As I blew on the spoon, I caught sight of the laptop at the other end of the table. I remembered seeing Sarah on it before she left for work. Most likely reading or sending important emails for work. I put the spoon down and reached over for the laptop, deciding to do some web surfing while I waited for my breakfast to cool.

I flipped the laptop open and turned it on. The screen flashed on and I was ready to open a browser window. Then I noticed there was already one open, but it had been minimized. I clicked on the window and was surprised at what I found. It was a porn site. One of those with lots of videos to watch and browse through.

The video that was currently opened was titled Facial Slut. I knew I hadn’t been watching porn online and wondered if Sarah had been watching this. Curious to see what it was, I hit the replay button on the video. It started off with a naked chick out in the outdoors, her face looking up, eyes closed and surrounded by cocks.

In the first few seconds a cock jerked away and exploded on her left of her face. Next, a cock on her right came up and exploded on the right of her face. This was followed up by yet another cock.

With my eyes fixed to the screen, I began to eat my oatmeal as I watched dick after dick cum on the girl’s face. She moaned and begged for the men’s cum. Each time more and more white stuff accumulated on her face. The video was pretty hot. It was about ten minutes long and I lost count of the number of dicks that came on the chick. I watched her get plastered with cum till her entire face was covered in white goo. It covered her eyes and dripped down her face.

When it ended, I sat with a hard erection, eating what remained of my oatmeal and coming to the conclusion that Sarah had indeed been watching this. I cleared the kitchen table and that’s when a light bulb went off in my head. I didn’t know if the idea I had in my mind would work, but I had to give it a shot. I had the day off from work, so I had the entire day to see if I could pull it off.

It started off with a couple of text messages. I needed certain information if I was going to properly execute my plan. After a few hours of sending and receiving messages, I nearly had everything in place. There were simply a few minor things I needed to know from Sarah. I resorted to texting again. I sent her a simple hello, how is work type of text and within the hour had gotten her to admit she had been the one watching the facial slut video on the laptop.

After her confession, I drove our conversation in a different direction. I intentionally began to spice things up, telling her how hot I thought it was that she loved the taste of cum and being covered in the white sticky stuff. I told her how I loved it when she sucked my cock and how I loved seeing her get plastered in hot rich cum. Sarah took the bait, replying how she loved getting me off and how she wished she could have had my cock at that very moment. She told me to describe what I would do to her and I began to describe how I would go about fucking her in her office. From that point on we were essentially sexting, and as fun as it was, it did serve a purpose.

Through the sporadic text messages, I managed to get some cooking going. By the afternoon, I had a delicious dinner for two cooked. Sarah wouldn’t get home till about six p.m. and I knew she would want something to eat before anything else. The faster she got something in her stomach, the faster I could implement my plan.

There was the love thing too. I couldn’t let my girl go hungry or without affection.

Rather than driving myself crazy with anticipation for six p.m. to roll by, I kept busy by going through the house to-do list. I finished the short list half an hour before six and it was just enough time to prepare myself for Sarah’s arrival. I was excited, but unsure on how to get Sarah to go along with what I had in mind without giving away my end game. I couldn’t really think of way to go about it and decided to wing it. At exactly five-fifty-five, I heard the front door open.

“Welcome home gorgeous,” I greeted her as she came through the door.

She smiled and came up to me, giving me a hug and a kiss.

“It’s really good to be home. But you know, I had a really hard time getting any work done today,” she told me.

“Sorry babe, I couldn’t help not sending you those sexy text messages. Not after watching that video you left on the laptop,” I lightly protested.

“But I’ve got something that will make it up to you.”

“Oh yeah, what’s that?” she playfully asked.

“I made dinner.”

“Hmm, but I’m going to need a lot more than dinner for you to get off the hook. You see, I’ve been a naughty girl.” She smiled and gently grazed her leg up against my crotch.

“Oh have you? Then maybe I should teach you a lesson.”

“Yes. Teach me a lesson,” she sultrily whispered into my ear.

I grabbed her ass and brought her in close.

“You’ll get it. But you have to wait till tonight,” I told her.

“I can’t wait.” She smiled

“In the meantime, how about I set up dinner?” I asked.

“Sounds great. I’ll be down in just a bit.”

She passed by me and headed upstairs to the bedroom. I went into the kitchen and set up plates for two. By the time I had our meals on the table, Sarah showed up. She had undone a couple of buttons on her blouse and pencil skirt and had traded in her shiny black office pumps for comfortable pink slippers.

“Looks delicious, babe,” she commented on the food.


We sat down at the table and began to dig in. Through dinner we had simple conversation on how each of our days was. When I noticed we were close to finishing up, I knew it was time to put my plan into action. Sarah had already agreed to be “taught a lesson” for the night, but it wasn’t going to be like anything she could have imagined.

“So about tonight,” I began.

“What about tonight?” she asked.

“Do you think we could go out?”

“I thought we already had plans in the bedroom?”

“Well, can’t we take those plans and bring them somewhere else?”

“Where did you have in mind?”

“It’s a surprise,” I replied.

“It’ll be worth it. Trust me. But if we go, we have to go soon,” I explained.

“All right, I’ll go along. When do we leave?”

I hit the jackpot. I had convinced Sarah to go with me to where her special surprise awaited her. The first part of my plan was complete.

“Can you be ready in half an hour?” I asked.

“Do I have to dress up?” she asked.

“No. Just wear something casual. You won’t be needing clothes anyway.” I smiled.

“Oh, now you’ve got me interested.”

“Go get ready, I’ll clean up here,” I said.

Thrilled and intrigued, Sarah headed out of the kitchen. I quickly cleaned up our plates and was ready to head out in the following minutes. I had been planning this since the morning and was well prepared. Introverted, I was excited and a tad nervousness. There was still a chance that things could go horribly wrong.

I met Sarah out by the front door. She had changed out of her office clothes into something more appropriate for a warm summer day. She wore a pink T-shirt, tight blue denim shorts and a pair of ankle strap summer wedges. She looked both really cute and hot in her outfit. Not to mention extremely leggy.

“So! Where are we going?” she asked with a sense of restrained excitement.

“Sorry, babe, you’re just going to have to wait.”

“Oh, come on! Tell me,” she cutely begged as we made our way down the front yard.

I remained mum. I made my way over to our parked car and got into the driver’s seat. Sarah got inside the passenger’s seat and as we did our seatbelts she continued to try and pry details from me. She got nothing from me. I started the car and the engine sputtered on. I looked at the digital clock on the dashboard and could see it display 7:20 p.m. in green lettering. It was a good time. It would take about twenty-five minutes to reach our destination so we would arrive right before eight o’ clock.

I began to drive down the street. The sweet smell of summer pouring into the car through its cracked windows. We could see kids and pedestrians out and about, enjoying the pleasant weather. There was more than good hour left of daylight.

We zoomed by green lawns and houses. I took a few main streets and could see Sarah tentatively looking out of the car.

“Don’t worry, we’re almost there,” I assured her.

After a few minutes of driving, I left the main road and went back into the suburban streets. We passed by a few houses and pulled up in front of an average two story house. It could have been any nice house in your typical quiet neighborhood. I turned the car off and undid my seatbelt.

“This is it?” Sarah asked disappointed.

“Yup. Come on, babe. You haven’t seen the rest,” I said.

We both exited the car and walked across the houses stone pathway. We reached the front door and I rang the doorbell. A minute later the door opened and revealed a brunette dressed in a tight black tanktop, jeans and with her hair tied into a ponytail.

“Oh! You guys are early!” the brunette exclaimed.

“It’s not a problem is it?” I asked.

“No, no, of course not! Come on in!” the brunette invited us in.

She shuffled us in and before we knew it, we were inside her living room, seated on a brown leather couch. Over some chilled ice-tea, I introduced Sarah and the brunette to each other

The brunette was Brandi, a good friend of mine from high school, all the way from freshman year to graduation day. After high school, we had gone our separate ways. However, back then I had more than an amicable relationship with Brandi. For one, she had taken my virginity. The thing about the brunette was that underneath the friendly, gregarious and responsible behavior people knew her for, she was a sex pervert. Brandi hadn’t just taken my virginity, but taught me more than a thing or two about sex.

I had fond memories of the three months we spent together simply fucking. She showed me how to eat pussy and how to last more than a couple of minutes in bed. I remembered how she’d let me finger her and eat her till she came. How she would ride my cock or let me pound her pussy with the goal of lasting as long as I could. Being an inexperienced horny teen, she did me a huge favor. It wasn’t very hard to say no to a sexy brunette with big tits, a round full ass and a tight young pussy either.

Not surprisingly, the two sociable girls hit it off and spent half and hour laughing and getting acquainted. It was Brandi who broke their ongoing conversation and asked Sarah if she was ready for her surprise. The blonde looked over at me, boggled, probably assuming Brandi was the surprise.

“Are you ready, babe?” I asked her.

“For what?” she asked confused.

“Follow me and I’ll help you find out.” Brandi smiled.

We both followed up Brandi up a flight of stairs to the second floor. She led us down a hallway to a door.

“You two can have some privacy in here.”

I entered the room and turned on the lights. It was a bathroom. The floor and walls were made up of blue colored tiles and the tub had a curtain with seashell patterns. I tugged Sarah inside and closed the door behind her

“What’s going on?” she asked.

I looked directly into her dark green eyes. “Remember how you told me you love it when I cum on your face?”

“Yes, but what are we doing at Brandi’s house?”

“Forget about her for a second. She’s not involved in this, she just helped me planned it.”

“Plan what?”

This was the moment. The time to come clean. “The video you were watching this morning. It inspired me.” I took a slight pause and continued, “There are a whole bunch of guys here in another room. They were brought here by Brandi and me and are ready to blow their loads all over you. You won’t fuck or blow them. They’re just here to cum all over your beautiful face. If you’re up for it that is.”

There was silence as Sarah thought over my proposal and the current situation. She had not met Brandi before today, but I had told Sarah about her before, including my past with the bosomy brunette and her sexual voracity. I’m sure she figured out the reason we were at Brandi’s was because she had the resources for this type of thing. The blonde had learned from me that Brandi and her boyfriend had open relationships and were into gangbangs and other deviant acts. Things that were a bit too extreme for us, but if there was anybody who could have set this up, it was Brandi. I was just lucky I had discovered the busty brunette lived near by.

I patiently waited for Sarah to answer. I wasn’t sure what her response would be.

“You’re okay with me doing this?” she asked.

“Yes, babe. One hundred percent. I wouldn’t have set it up if I wasn’t.”

She stayed silent for a few more seconds and then finally gave me her answer. 

“Okay. I’ll do it.”

“Great!” I exclaimed.

I watched the seriousness of Sarah’s face mellow out and turn to excitement.

“You’re lucky I’ve been wanting to try this out.” She playfully gave me a reprimanded.

“But…. this is going to be really hot isn’t it?” She grinned.

“You bet it is,” I answered.

“How many guys are there?” she asked.

“I don’t know. I just know it’s a lot.”

A few knocks on the bathroom door startled us. Through the other side we heard Brandi’s muffled voice.

“Is it a go?” she asked.

“Yes. We’ll be out in a couple of minutes,” I answered. We turned back to each other and smiled. “You better undress,” I said.

“I guess I can’t keep them waiting can I?” she replied.

Sarah headed over to the toilet. She took off her pink blouse and placed it on top of a nearby basket. She sat down on the toilet seat and undid her summer wedges. Next, she slid down her denim shorts and panties. She took off her bra and stood back up, now fully naked.

I took a moment to admire her sexy body. She had a skinny waist and a curvy fuckable ass, lustrous silky skin and long curvy legs. Her firm c-cup tits were mouth watering orbs capped with hard pointy nipples. Her pussy was shaven and it made her slit look sleek and gorgeous. She approached me, and I grabbed her by her plump ass.

“Ready?” I asked.

“You tell me,” she sultrily whispered.

Her hand fell on mine. She took it and placed it on her tit. She slowly guided my hand down her body to her inner thighs. I touched where she wanted me to touch. Her pussy. It was soaking wet.

I was glad she was turned on. Her fantasy of being cum on by multiple guys was about to come true. She wasn’t the only one turned on, I was too. My cock was hard with anticipation. I had never thought of it before today, but the idea of watching my girl getting hosed down with cum from a group of cocks was ridiculously hot.

“So how exactly is this going to work?” Sarah asked.

“Simple, you get down on your knees and let all the guys explode their loads on you,” I answered.

“Is that it?”

“Yeah, don’t worry, Brandi had a chat with all the guys involved beforehand.

They’re not allowed to do anything beside cum on you and I’ll be there watching too. You’ll be safe.”

“What about you? Will you be in it?”

“ ‘Fraid not. This night is all about you.”

It was the genuine truth, I wanted the entire event to revolve around Sarah. This may have all started off as me trying to save up a load and replenish my seed, but now it was all about fulfilling my girl’s naughty wish.

I took a hold of her hand and gave her a kiss.

“Come on, before it gets any more late.”

I opened the bathroom door and walked out with a naked Sarah. Hand in hand, we made our way down the hall and arrived at a door where Brandi was standing. She noticed us and gave Sarah the up and down.

“Yum,” she said licking her lips.

“Can I have a taste?” she asked me.

“It’s not up to me,” I answered.

Brandi turned to a nude Sarah and asked her the same question. I wasn’t entirely sure what her reply was going to be, but was surprised to hear her say yes. Brandi took the opportunity presented and quickly acted upon it. She took her hands and cupped Sarah’s firm delicious breasts. She went in for a kiss and slipped her tongue in. Sarah was taken back by Brandi’s rash action, but answered back with a kiss of her own.

It didn’t last long, but I watched the two girls make out with each other. They exchanged hot wet kisses, their tongues doing a sultry dance together. Brandi’s hand ran down Sarah’s stomach, grazing her soft skin. It slipped between her thighs and her index finger teasingly ran across the surface of her pussy. The busty brunette broke away from Sarah and brought up her finger to her mouth, getting a taste of her pussy.

“Hmmm.” She moaned.

“You’re a lucky guy,” she said to me.

“I know I am.” I grinned.

“So, I think we kept the guys waiting long enough. You guys ready?”

Sarah and I nodded yes. Brandi opened the door next to her and walked in, Sarah and I walking right in behind her.

We entered a large spacious room. The lights to the room were on and the curtains to all the windows were drawn. The room was empty of furniture. The only thing in it besides the three of us, was a saddle like device in the center of the room floor and a group of naked men all to the right of the room. They were lined up with hands on their cocks. There wasn’t a single bad looking guy among them and they all had good to big sized cocks on them.

“Gentleman, it’s time to begin. This is the gorgeous babe you’ll be cumming all over today and this is her boyfriend,” Brandi introduced us.

I acknowledged them with a nod and Sarah gave them a cute wave and smile. I could tell she was little a timid and I couldn’t blame her. She was naked in front of a group of complete strangers.

“You all know the rules. Now let’s get started,” Brandi continued. The busty brunette turned to me and handed me a control.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“It’s the control for the sybian,” she replied.

It clicked in my mind. The saddle like device on the floor of the room was a sybian. I was familiar with the gadget. It was like a cylinder cut in a half and with its flat side placed on the floor. The top of its curved surface capped with device to give clitoral stimulation.

I had bought a similar machine for Sarah on Valentine’s Day. Ours was a hot pink, but the one on the floor was black in color and did not have a dildo attached to it. That was one of the key features I loved about the sybian we had. The sybian in the room however, had not been part of my plan, but was an addition by Brandi. I made the quick decision to go along with it.

I turned to Sarah and I could see she now recognized the love machine on the floor.

“Babe, give them a show they’ll never forget. Think you can do it?”

The timidness she had been experiencing vanished and out came her inner slut.

“Oh yeah.” She smiled.

“Good, now go get them.” I gave her ass a slap and sent her over to the sybian.

I made my way back to the entrance of the room and took a seat on the floor. Sarah reached the sybian and straddled the device. She sat on the saddle-like machine and got comfortable. Once she gave me a nod, I aimed the control at the sybian and turned it on. It hummed to life. I heard a gasp escape Sarah’s mouth.

The pleasure took her by surprise. I knew how intense a sybian could be on a girl’s pussy. They were the easiest and fastest way to orgasm. On its maximum setting, it could make Sarah cum within minutes, but a quick release wasn’t what I was aiming for. I was going for the complete opposite.

The hum of the sybian and Sarah’s light moans filled the room. The machine sending pleasurable vibrations to her clit and pussy. She ran her hands across her body. Tantalizing her breasts and heated skin. Our eyes met and locked like magnets. I could see the pleasure in her eyes. It was painted on her face. The way her lips were parted and the way her chest heaved.

I let her have her fun, enjoying the machine’s lowest setting. She then began to move her hips back and forth, grinding her pussy on the sybian. It was incredibly hot watching her grind against the machine. Breasts lightly bouncing and erotic moans reaching my ears. I loved how she moved her body in slow rocking waves. Her sexy curves became more emphasized. Her carnal desire for the intense pleasures of sexual stimulation, palpable.

I turned to my right, to see if the men were enjoying my girl’s performance. The answer was an undeniable yes. Their eyes were glued to the sexy naked blonde riding the mechanical fuck machine. I was surprised to see Brandi getting in on the action in her own way. She was on her knees, going down the line of men and sucking their cocks. I guess it was hard for our over-sexed busty hostess to not want a taste of dick when there were so many steel hard cocks around.

I turned my attention back to Sarah. She was giving a spectacular show, but after I had my fill of entertainment, I decided it was time to take it to the next level. I could tell her body was begging for more intense stimulation. A click of the button on the control was all it took to fulfill her wish. Instantly, the sybian’s humming grew louder and so did Sarah’s moans.

Her gasps of pleasure became the loudest sound in the room. The sybian’s vibrations had clearly become much more quicker and powerful. Sarah sat still on the machine, lost in ecstasy. Her hands cupping her breasts. She gave her tits slow squeezes and pinched at her hard nipples. The green eyes that had once locked with mines were now closed shut. I could tell the pleasure coursing through her body was near overwhelming. I let her squirm in pleasure for a while, before finally giving her the last setting.

I clicked the remote once more and the sybian’s humming turned to a loud mechanical buzzing. The noise reminded me of a very loud vibrator. At its maximum setting it rocked Sarah’s body. I could see she was biting down on her lip, chest heaving. She opened her mouth and loud breathy gasps escaped.

“Yes..yes..yes..yes.” She moaned.

She placed a hand over the hood of her clit and began to wildly massage it.

“I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” she continued.

I could see her body writhe in place. Then with a hand on her clit and one on the floor behind her, she arched her back and came.

I noticed the moment Sarah’s entire body stiffened. It was followed by a loud gasp and a series of short intense convulsions. She resumed back to her normal position on the sybian and let the waves of ecstasy overtake her body. Once I was sure her orgasm had subsided, I clicked the remote in hand and the sybian whirred into silence. I could hear her soft panting as she recovered from her climax.

She got off the machine and I noticed the glistening wet honey on the machine’s surface and on her cute pussy lips.

“Oh, my god. That felt so fucking good.” She addressed me. 

“But I’m still kinda horny,” she stated as matter of fact and began rubbing her pussy.

“Would a face full of cum satisfy you?” I asked.

“Only one way to find out,” she foxily answered.

Sarah got down on her knees, the cue for the night’s festivity to begin. The naked group of men who had been standing to the left of room walked over to her, balls dangling and cocks rock hard. The men encircled Sarah, but left an opening in the front, just like they had been instructed to beforehand by Brandi. The opening was so I could get an unobstructed view of the action. I stood up, wanting to get the best possible view I could.

There were big fat cocks surrounding Sarah’s face. She was smiling, glancing up at the owners of the dicks that had her fenced in.

“Wow! They all look so delicious,” she teased.

“You guys can start whenever you’re ready,” she announced.

Sarah turned to face me, she shot me a wink and assumed a really cute and sexy position. On her knees, she placed her arms behind her back, closed her eyes and pouted her lips, her full firm tits left dangling in front of her.

“Oh baby, I can’t wait to cum on you,” I heard one of the naked men exclaim.

He was standing to the left of Sarah, hand busy stroking his hard cock. He wasn’t the only one busy stroking his cock. All the other men had their hands on their dicks, masturbating away near my girl’s beautiful face. I could see the heads of their cocks, glistening with pre-cum, waiting in anticipation to blow their loads all over the sexy hot blonde on her knees. My own cock was rock hard. I would have never suspected that watching waiting for a group of cocks to blow their load all over my sweet girl could have been so hot.

The facializing didn’t take long to get started. After all, the men had already been jerking off to Sarah riding the sybian and had been treated to Brandi’s fluffing.

“Oh fuck!” I heard the man standing to the left of Sarah moan.

The hand around his cock was furiously jerking away at his dick. A few grunts escaped his mouth and then it happened. His cock shot out a white rope of cum across Sarah’s face. It landed diagonally across her face, the hot goo extending from the right of her forehead, to her nose to the left of her cheek. The man continued to moan, pumping away at his cock and decorating Sarah’s face with diagonal lines of his frosting.

“Wow! That feels so good!” she exclaimed as ropes of jizz continued to pour on her.

When the last drops of cum landed, she opened her eyes, smiling at the man who had just emptied out his balls on her face.

“You ready for another one?” A man standing to the right of her cut in.

“Oh yeah, keep it cumming!” she enthusiastically replied.

She closed her eyes and like a good little slut eagerly awaited the next load.

After about a minute of self manual stimulation, the guy to her right exploded. His cock erupted with cum, dousing all of her right cheek. His white viscous milk splashing up against her face and washing down her cheek with every squirt of cum. He held up his pulsating cock to her face as his cock finished spurting out the last of its hot milk. He took a step back and left Sarah with beads of white cum dripping down her jaw line.

The next participant quickly stepped up. He stood to the left of her and ended up cumming all over her left cheek, evening out the cum on her face. He held his cock a few inches away from her face. His hand stroked away at his fat cock while powerful jets of cum sprayed from its mushroom head and sploshed up against her cheek. His ejaculation was so powerful, globs of his cum splashed up against her face and were sent flying in different directions. They landed down on her shoulders, on the tops of her perky breasts and on her outer thighs.

Things were really getting hot and messy.

“Look up for me, sweetie,” the next guy that followed said.

Sarah obeyed and faced upward so she was staring straight up at the ceiling. The guy neared her and began stroking at his dick. His balls lightly hitting her while he attended to his rod. When he reached his climax, he pointed his cock at her and jizzed all over her forehead, his cum rushing out of his dick and leaving chains of goo across her brow. He grunted, slapping his cock on her forehead and squeezing the last drops of cum from his dick. He backed away and Sarah titled her head back down.

She had only taken four loads so far, but her face was already drenched in cum. Drops of cum were rolling down her face, dripping down unto her naked body. The coats of white goo on Sarah glistening under the room lighting. I watched her cautiously open her eyes, avoiding getting any jizz in her eyes. She caught sight of a few drops of the liquidy glaze dripping near the corner of her mouth and lapped at them

“I think she wants taste.” I heard someone in the back speak among the naked group of men.

“That sounds yummy,” Sarah commented on the idea.

“I guess I could take a few loads in my mouth,” she clearly stated for the men.

Before she knew it, she had a guy jump at the opportunity.

“Open wide,” he said.

“Aaaahhhh!” She jestingly went along and opened her mouth.

With eyes focused on the big cock near her mouth, she waited for its hot rich cum to spew into her mouth. She knew what to expect when the man’s cock stroking got faster and when his groans grew louder. Thick flavorful intermittent streams of cum shot into her mouth. She felt the powerful ejaculations hit the back of her throat and pool there. She didn’t swallow the white liquidy goodness, instead she waited for the last stream of cum to be fed into her mouth and awaited for more loads to follow.

Two fresh cocks stepped forward, one to the left and one to the right, each guy pointing their dicks at Sarah’s open mouth. The one on her right erupted first. He got most of his milk inside her mouth, but his potent first few shots overshot and hit the right of her nose while the tail of another landed on her chin. The pool of cum in her mouth grew bigger and now she had a strand of cum clinging from her chin.

Immediately after the man on her right finished, the one on her left blew his load. His cock spewed out hot delicious cum for Sarah, further filling her mouth. She sat still, watching the jets of goo rush out from his prickhole. She had the cum of three different men in her mouth now. The sperm cocktail brimmed her mouth, but there was still room for one more load.

One final guy stepped up to plate. He worked his cock up and down and like the three men before him, blew his big healthy load inside my girl’s mouth. Her mouth was filled with cum, on the verge of overflowing, She had to keep her head tilted back to keep all the hot milk from spilling out. My cum-covered girl locked eyes with me again. I gave her a nod and she knew what to do.

Sarah took a big gulp and swallowed the protein shake in her mouth. She downed it like a true champ, but did have a little too much in her mouth. Driblets of cum escaped the corners of her mouth and dripped down to her chin. More beads of frosting fell on her big tits. She opened her mouth again, but this time to show the men she had completely swallowed all their cum.

“That was tasty, but I would love the rest on my face.” She addressed the men.

“Paint me with your dicks,” she seductively gave the order.

She had taken eight loads so far, but there were still five men left, all with throbbing hard cocks and balls full of hot semen. Sarah closed her eyes and they quickly got to it.

One by one, the men took their turns exploding all over the sexy blonde, each one covering Sarah in generous amounts of sperm. Ropes of cum flew threw the air, landing on her face and piling on top of the layers of cum that were already there, stray drops of jizz splattering across her naked body and fell on the floor. It was raining cum and Sarah was getting completely and utterly soaked.

No stream of cum was wasted. The men had excellent aim and when they finished, Sarah was barely recognizable. Her face was entirely covered in semen. Underneath the layers of viscous white goo, I knew was my sexy little slut. Sarah looked like she had taken a shower of cum or had been hosed down with a tank of man glaze. There was not a spot on her face that was not covered in jizz. And even though her beautiful face had been the prime target, she had beads of cum rolling down her neck and strands clinging off her tits.

I approached her, marveling at the sight of her being drenched in cum.

“Babe, you look so fucking hot right now,” I said. “I wish you could see yourself.”

At this remark, Brandi approached me. “Here,” she said.

I took the device she gave me and realized it was a Polaroid camera. I held it up and without another thought, snapped a picture of Sarah. I took the picture that came out from the camera and shoved it in my pocket, handing the camera back to Brandi.

“Thanks,” I said.

She took the camera back and went over to a corner of the room. There, I saw her pick up a large plastic bowl and a towel. She came back and handed the items to Sarah. My girl took the items and with the bowl placed under her chin, wiped off the cum on her face using the towel. I watched the white goo sluggishly flow down into the bowl. Sarah wiped at her closed eyes, removing the cum that surrounded them. Once enough was removed, she opened her eyes.

“Hey there.” I smiled.

She took the towel and wiped at her mouth, removing the surrounding cum. “Hey,” she answered back and continued to wipe the cum off her face

“How was it?” I asked.

“Incredible,” she answered.

“Glad you liked it!” Brandi cut in. “I’ll be sending the boys on their way now, but feel free to use the shower.”

The busty brunette exited the room with the naked men and left us alone in the room.

The night soon quickly wrapped up. Sarah took a well deserved hot shower and was squeaky clean and dressed in about half and hour. By that time, all of the men had left the house and we were the last two visitors left. We headed downstairs and after thanking Brandi, headed to our car.

As I sat in the driver’s seat, getting ready to start the engine, I reached into my pocket and handed the photo inside to Sarah.

“Here, this is yours,” I said passing it to her.

She took it and studied it for a moment. 

“Wow, I do look fucking hot covered in cum,” she stated.

“This is the only picture you took isn’t it?” she followed up.

“Of course,” I said.

“Good. And, babe, thank you for an amazing night.”

I smiled, knowing I had made my girl happy and fulfilled one of her fantasies. I had enjoyed it too. Maybe this was the start of something new. I knew wouldn’t mind having another group of men cum all over my girl again. Maybe next time I could get more guys to cum on her, or have them cover her entire sexy body instead of just her face. From how much Sarah enjoyed tonight, I had a sneaky suspicion she would be up for another bukkake. And I was sure she would have loved some more personal time with Brandi.

Tonight however, wasn’t the time to ask. I started the car engine and with Sarah leaning on my shoulder, drove back home.

Published 12 years ago

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