F.B.I.: It Means Female Body Inspector (Part 1)

"A horndog detective searching for truth and booty."

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Detective Jay Whitman couldn’t bring his mind to forget. He smiled inwardly, lifted and curled his legs over his desk, and brought his pen to his mouth, “God, what an ass she had! The things I do to that, fuck!” His dick stirred a bit under his pants making him shift uncomfortably at his seat. With that, his mind was back to work, but the stirring image of Carla Martinez’s ass, shapely, high and all-so spankable in those tight tights that all females wear these days, was still firmly etched in his mind. For now though, it was work.

Francesco Martinez had been found dead just outside his house: no evidence of robbery, just a single bullet through the windshield of his Lexus GX, through his left eye, and out the back of his skull only to be lodged on the back seat. That lone bullet was currently sitting at the NY FBI Forensics office. Whitman was expecting that report first thing the next day, but right now pictures of the bloody face of Mr. Martinez would do. His eyes still open. It freaked the shit out of him. Enough to forget Mrs. Martinez’s ass, don’t bet your house on it. He put the picture down. “A criminal prosecutor being shot, that makes sense. But this guy, he specializes in getting sons of bitches out of jail. Who the fuck would want him dead? Fuck me, I need a smoke. Sophia!” He called out to his secretary. The woman walked in clearly pissed to be at work at 10 pm. Jay watched her walk over. She was older than he was maybe 45 or maybe a little older, but he scolded himself for not knowing. Her tits were small but he could see the nipples struggling to free themselves through her top. She was wearing no bra, and he could almost guarantee that there were no panties under that skirt either. Her bronze skin shimmered in the fluorescent lighting, as he stared her down taking in her toned thighs and calves and painted toes. “I need to get laid!” he thought to himself.

“Yea, need something?”

“The chief ain’t here, is he?”

“It’s ten fucking fifteen at night, what do you think?”

Jay smiled. Her sass always turned him on. For a few fleeting moments, his mind wandered off to the first time she’d got exasperated with him and talked back. It had been one hell of a day that one, but her lip ended up making everything better especially as he had his dick firmly lodged in that 40-something old pussy. This sass play was something he and Sophia did everytime, whether an issue was serious or not. She knew exactly what it did to him, but fuck her if she gave a damn. It was the only cock she got, and she loved stroking up those flames.

“Alright! Jeez! I need to smoke and you know that fat geezer, and his shit rules. Could you be a dear and hand me my smokes in that bottom drawer over there,” Jay said feigning shock while pointing at a drawer chest across the room. “The Marlboro Gold, if you may!” He knew he had a stash at his desk, but if he could sneak a glance at an ass, why the hell not? “I’m such an ass man,” Jay could help the sneer that came with that realization. 

Sophia swirved and sashayed towards the chest clearly flaunting her hips and the ass that drove her boss nuts. At the chest, she bent at the waist so that he knee high skirt rose exposing her tan thighs. Jay was mesmerized.

“Marlboro? I can’t see any. I see Newport, Camel and another called Misty! Sounds like a stripper”

“Keep checking sweetheart,” Jay replied, saying it both to her and to himself. His dick was now rock-hard. All seven inches of pure thunder constrained in his slacks.

Fuck it, he was going in. Jay stood up dropping his pen to floor and walked towards her. His eyes never left Sophia’s ass as they moved in tandem with her search action in the bottom drawer; left, right, left, light.

Sophia heard the approaching footsteps and grinned. She could feel her heart race and her pussy moisten as the excitement washed over her. But she kept rummaging through the boxes of cigarettes, not to look for cigarettes, oh no, but to keep that ass swaying. It was the light that drew all the moths; the proverbial milkshake that brought all the boys to the yard. She kept listening and swaying as the steps got closer, and closer, and closer till she felt those firm hands grip her hips and pull her ass towards a hard, an all so hard, dick. She gasped involuntarily.

“God, you fucking tease! I want you. I want you now!” Jay whispered into her ear with that husky voice..that husky horny voice. His hands were now on her breasts, and the calloused palms felt divine on her skin and on her perky nipples, which seemed to have grown a couple more centimeters.

“Ahh haa mmm, yea, yea,” was all Sophia could manage, her hormones running wild sprints in her. Her knees felt weak as Jay continues rubbing his cock, through both their clothing, on her ass. Still bent over, she steadied herself by gripping the sides of the bottom drawer. Her white blouse was now around her neck and terribly uncomfortable. In one smooth move, she stood up, turned herself around, and leaned back on the chest. She grabbed the top at the bottom seams and the top was soon on the ground several feet from where they stood. Her breathing was audible, but that only served to make her tits move up and down in tandem.

Jay had to stare. Her breasts may have been small but they had a pair of the best nipples he’d seen. They pointed right at him as if beckoning his impending tongue assault. But what drove him crazy was the tan line. Her flat stomach was tan and bronze, but the tits were white as pearls. He brushed his fingertips across tits.

“Suck my boobs!” He heard Sophia say as she grabbed his loose tie and pulled him in. He certainly didn’t need a second invitation. He took the left nipple in his lips and sucked hard, flicking at it with his tongue. Sophia’s breathing had increased tenfold, and her incoherent sounds got louder. Lots of ahhs, mmms, ooohhs, and yeas filled his ears encouraging him further. The harder he sucked, the louder she moaned, and the harder he bit, the louder she groaned.

While her tits received the working of a lifetime, Sophia’s hands were busy undoing Jay’s belt and pants with some dexterity. With the belt loose, button undone and zipper lowered, Sophia dipped her hand under and gripped the hard dick with her soft fingers eliciting a moan from the busy Jay. His mouth however could suck and moan simultaneously, and Sophia’s tits kept receiving pain and pleasure in equal measure, even though Jay was ooing and ahhing thanks to the delicious handjob Sophia was serving.

“Turn around!” Jay groaned into her ear, nibbling at her ear lobe.

“NO, I want this in my mouth now!” Sophia replied sexily. Jay was never going to argue. Sophia had yet to suck him off and he was not going to pass this chance off. She unbuttoned his shirt kissing his chest as she worked her way down, the stomach, belly button, and soon she was on her knees, eye level with the thick barrel shaped cock. She’d seen bigger, she’d seen thicker, but she knew that Jay knew how to use what he had. She kissed the base and worked her way to the tip following a thick vein. Drops of precum had already formed and she lapped them up before Jay’s hands on her hair, and his forward jerk drove the hard dick between her red lips and down her throat.

First Story! Think the detective will get a piece of that he craves? Sophia? Mrs. Martinez? the killer? Stay tuned. F.B.I. continues…


Published 12 years ago

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