Eyes Of Love

"The eyes can be a window to the soul."

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It was your eyes that captured my heart,
Brightening my days like ne’er before.
The eyes that sent my heart aflutter,
By looking with a lustful loving gaze.
A gaze always sets my heart ablaze.
I long to see the gaze once more,
So my heart miss’s beats once more.
With love, I return your gaze,
A loving kiss that will both arouse.

We finally meet again, my angel,
And kiss with a passion so great.
The embrace we hold an eternal time,
So our hearts a common rhythm find.
Panties at your ankles, free the mound.
Your slit is moist with such desire,
I ease the fire with some licks.
To tease your clit with loving stokes,
Your eyes go wide with much delight.

We kiss at length, for you to taste,
That moisture you exude.
Hands tease the skin nerve ends, 
To raise our wanton lust.
Our lustful kisses ever longer last,
Until our clothes are fin’ly shed.
Once naked, our lusting turns to thrusting,
As we aim to reach the feel of Ecstacy.
Together we come as one, to bring that bliss.


Copyright © BigOldSofty 2022

Published 3 years ago

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