Eye Candy

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We dream the dream
We smile the smile
The haunting naughty voices inside
Fluttering black matted lashes
Across the room
Across the airwaves
Just another Friday game played here
Just another cauldron of mannequins
Offering sweet candy 
To those willing to dance to my latest tune

The heat of the night
Thighs and arms entwined
In the kitchen and in the hall
The bed that tells a mean story or three
Lips that quiver over sprouting nipples
Fingers trace and race around
Parts that reflex and refresh
Until the dawn chorus finds us spooning

You’re the oh so different eye candy
One that finally caught the hopes and dreams
We dance a tango now
We finish each other’s sentences without thought
Laugh at each other’s jokes without end
Cascading conversations 
Telling the tales, told over and over
How we met on a Friday
How we fucked in the caravan at Margate
And do your knickers show in the little black dress

What if it is forever and ever
Will the thoughts turn to silence
The joke with no laughing
And what do we have in reality
Another endless night after night after night
Waiting upon the next advert on TV
Or will it be the next Friday mannequin 
Shimmering down sprouting bits candy lane

This is just me scared of commitment
Like every time after time before
The ‘not good enough for you’ syndrome
That hurts like a baseball bat when rejected
No, I am positive this time
Positive I love you
Yes, there I’ve said it now
Until the mists of time
And eye candy is just a lingering memory

E xx









Published 5 years ago

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