Extra-Curricular – Part 6

"Christina gets intimately acquainted with her teacher, as the McClain boys watch."

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Your sins will find you out … Hell, and sometimes they’ll bite you full on the ass. Mandy knew that the green micro-bikini was not a coincidence. She had no clear recollection of having told Gavin about it, but maybe she had mentioned Mandy Summers at some point during their reckless evening, provided enough information for him to track down the photos online; the swimwear he had located was virtually identical to that from which she had stripped during her bygone shoot. Christ, he must have had a fucking boner when he purchased it, one from which, looking at his straining trouser crotch, he had not yet recovered.

She was still smarting from having to prepare the show house—adjust the thermostat, set the mood-lighting and arrange music on the stereo—in bikini and heels, while he watched her silently, the ghost of a smile on his lips. He had even made her put the coat back on so she could carry out a grand unveiling for his bloody nephew and poor Christina. The expression on the girl’s face when the coat had come off … She hadn’t known where to look, and so she just stared. And now it fell to Amanda had to prep the girl, in the same scant costume, for what was next. She grabbed the champagne bottle, her only support in the circumstances.

“Have another glass,” she said, and brooked no refusal when they were huddled, semi-shielded in a corner of the kitchen. “Go on, get that down. It’ll help, trust me.” She watched as Christina gulped the sparkling liquid, spluttering in reaction.

“Okay, honey?”

“Bubbles went up my nose. Sorry.”

“That’s okay. Take it slowly, but drink it.” Bloody hell … The girl’s sex appeal was indirectly proportionate to her street smarts. No wonder Josh had wanted to fuck her again so much, all that gauche eroticism she gave off at every turn she took. Had Amanda ever been this clueless? Possibly, but her sense of adventure hadn’t been restricted by a dull boyfriend. She had learnt quickly. Well, Christina with her dizzy-blonde vibe and her boob-enhancing cocktail dress was going to learn damned quickly tonight, that was for sure.

“Good,” she said, when her hapless student had knocked back another half-glass on her insistence. She drank swiftly from her own glass. “We’ve been a pair of silly girls, haven’t we?”

“Yes Miss.” Christina’s voice was mournful, but she sounded comforted to be stuck in the mess with her teacher. “Oh God, how did this happen? What are we going to do?”

“What we have to.” There was no time here for drama and schoolgirl nonsense—some straight-talking was required. “Christina, look at me.” The student did, no doubt relieved to avert her gaze from her teacher’s stacked bosom. Her eyes were blue and beautiful and sparkling from the beginning of tears. She was a little stunner in that dress. “We know what got us into this,” Amanda told her, “and it’s the same thing that’s going to get us out. No ‘ifs’, no ‘buts’. I’ve thought it through, believe me, and they’ve got us where they want us. We’re as good as fucked, both of us, so let’s get on with it and let them have their fun. Be honest—neither of us were complaining about it last time. All we’re doing is the same thing over again.”

“But Miss,” Christina protested in a hiss, “this is wrong. It shouldn’t be happening, not like this. Not at all.”

“No, it shouldn’t.” Amanda dropped her voice to match the level of her student’s. “And sometime in the future I’m going to fuck over that bastard some way he and his cocky nephew won’t ever forget. But for tonight …” She laid a palm on Christina’s cheek. “… The situation is what it is. We do what we have to and we act like we enjoy it.”

“Like we …”

“You heard me. We don’t give them the satisfaction of seeing us shocked. There’s no way out, so we embrace it.”

“But … Miss …”

“What are you truly frightened of Christina, that you might end up liking it for real?” The student’s eyes stared wider. She looked lost. “Would that be such a bad thing? Best possible outcome, I’d say. Live the moment, chalk it up to experience. You can’t help still fancying Josh, right? Even though you want to kill him.”

“I suppose, yes.” Christina was delectable in her misery.

“No more can I, his arrogant asshole of an uncle. I’ll make him pay later. I’ll make them both pay. But tonight, we swallow our pride, play their game and play it to the full.”

A shard of anger cut through Christina’s confusion. “He shouldn’t have done that, Miss. Made you … Made you …” She nodded to Amanda’s bikini-clad body, her gaze flicking over it.

“Wear this? Wear it in front of you?”

“In front of me. And Josh.”

“You’re embarrassed to see me like this, aren’t you?”

Christina reddened and nodded.

“You recognise it, don’t you though?” Christina looked at her, shocked and more embarrassed than before. The truth was clear in the girl’s face. “Oh come on, honey, don’t tell me you didn’t check it out online as soon as you left that day. Took a good look at Mandy Summers, it’s not a crime. Here she is for real. She’s kept it all pretty tight, don’t you think?”

“Yes.” The student’s mortification was tempered with admiration and she let her stare linger on her teacher’s body. “Yes, she has.”

“And you’ve seen me do more than pose in a bikini, right?” Shock again, but it gave way to acknowledgement more quickly this time. “You’ve seen my tape. And I’ve seen yours.” She stroked Christina’s face to calm the girl, staring into her brimming eyes. “And do you know what? You looked fabulous. Totally fucking hot. A beautiful sexy young woman, doing what came to her so naturally. Enjoying her body. They call us sluts … Let them. Own it, sweetheart, ‘cos all it means is we enjoy sex as much as they do.”

“But we cheated …” Christina moaned.

“And we’re paying the price. Guilt serves us nothing tonight, baby, so when they throw it in our faces we’ll take it and keep going. Shameless is what we need to be. Shamelessness will get us out of this.”

Christina’s cheek was fevered beneath Amanda’s touch, her body shivering and with more than fear. “We’re so similar, you and me,” she told her student. “We’re both naughty curious girls and look at the trouble it’s gotten us into. You know if we weren’t teacher and student, I think we’d be really good friends, don’t you, Christina?”

The response was the breathiest of whispers. “Yes. Yes, Miss, I do.”

Damn that bastard, Amanda thought. He knew I’d love this. Love seducing her. And he knows how much I’ll love fucking her and fucking with her. How much I’ll enjoy her body and her mind … She resisted giving in to the notion completely. It was damnably difficult, with Christina’s curves all accentuated, her blond hair brushing her neck, the mascara threatening to run down her sweet face. She was, after all, going to be saving the girl from a much worse fate.

Damn him …

“Come on, sweetheart,” she said, kissing her student sweetly on the cheek. “The men are waiting. Let’s go out there and show them what we’ve got.”


Maybe it was the surge of alcohol in her system, or maybe it was her teacher’s steely defiance, but in that moment Christina’s confidence resurfaced for the first time since Josh had shown her the film. If Miss Winter could display this much spirit when made to wear a sinfully small bikini, then she could find the same in herself to make it through the evening. There was even a hint of pride that she and Amanda were standing together, their solidarity more sisterly than that of student and teacher. And yes, she was a grown-up and she could do what she’d thought she could not—look on this woman in all her beauty without blushing. Miss was refusing to lose face, so they would be naked and proud together—braving all that their horny blackmailers had in store.

It made her tremble again, even as her stare locked with Amanda’s. Fear—less of the control that had been taken from her, and more of that other emotion, the one her teacher was encouraging her to embrace. The one her conscience so much wanted to deny.

“Okay, enough girl-talk. You’re wanted in here.”

Josh’s voice was cheery and brim-full of expectation. His words shocked Christina out of her reverie. Oh God, this was real. This was happening.

Miss Winter reached out and squeezed her hand. Even close to naked the woman had a teacherly reassurance. Then she leaned close and whispered into her ear with an intimacy that made the student shudder. “You’ve no real idea what’s going to happen out there, do you?”

“No. No, I don’t.”

“And that excites the hell out of you, doesn’t it?”

Miss Winter had called her on it and the truth made her want to weep. “Yes.”

Amanda led the way, her hot ass swaying, fingers reaching behind to link with her student’s as they returned. Josh’s gaze was all over them both as they passed. Gavin McClain was seated on the sofa, one leg thrown across the other in an attitude of supreme relaxation. “I thought a change of music was appropriate—something less bland,” Josh said, following them inside; he toned down the lighting slightly, before throwing himself into the armchair opposite his uncle. “Something a bit more dance-y.”

The jazz was gone, replaced by a house-mix the same or similar to that Josh had played her in the car. Base rumbled through Christina, complimenting her thudding heart; the effect seemed to stir up the alcohol’s fumes so that she became momentarily giddy, glad of her teacher’s grip on her hand. The air was thick with electronic noise and scary possibilities.

“Go ahead, girls,” Gavin said. “Dance for us. We’re watching.”

Amanda took her other hand to provide added support. Caught between the gazes of their two voyeurs, their bodies bathed in the room’s soft lighting, Christina and Miss Winter swayed to the rhythm.

It was tricky at first in heels and under scrutiny from both sides of the room. The younger girl kept her back turned to Josh and focused on the music’s syncopated beats, letting its trance-y effects envelop her. She was dancing, like at a sexy club, only with her beloved modern languages teacher nearly naked before her. How unutterably surreal.

Amanda let go her hands and moved independently with a graceful slink, triangles of bikini-top clinging to her melon-like breasts, her nipples bristling against the tight fabric. The soft bounce of that gorgeous bosom as she danced was mesmerising in itself and the student gave herself up to the sight, till she caught the sly smile on her teacher’s face and felt her blush return. Amanda palmed and squeezed her own breasts, biting her lips in mock-ecstasy, her eyes challenging Christina to look away. The schoolgirl did not, smiling instead at her mentor’s brazenness, embracing the moment and loving her dance-partner’s shame-free exploration of her own body. What poise, what confidence …

“I think the student is overdressed,” Gavin commented. His voice, cutting through the music, made Christina jump. “What do you think, Josh?”

“I agree. I think her teacher should help her out of that sexy black number.”

Christina’s pulse quickened. Rhythm and synthesised music had allowed her to lose herself for a moment. She looked to Amanda who nodded, eyes staring expectantly; there was a hint of sympathy, but significantly more expectation. Blood was pounding in her ears along with the beat from the stereo as she turned about, proffering her back. Lacquered fingernails brushed her skin as Amanda unclipped her dress, then drew the zipper all the way down to the base of her spine. With a touch so light it made her tingle, the spaghetti straps were drawn away from her shoulders.

Christina gasped at the sensation, at the idea of her teacher getting her naked. Her eyes lighted on Josh, lying back in the armchair and luxuriously palming his crotch, relishing the view as her dress-front fell away from her tits, leaving them exposed. Amanda urged the garment a little further and it fell away completely, so that she stood in nothing but heels and a tiny black thong.

“Fuck yes, that’s beautiful.” Her blackmailer looked like he was in heaven.

Then Amanda’s warm hands were on her flesh, turning her around, guiding her back into the dance, and she was moving, stripped of all but a lacy wisp of modesty before her teacher’s bold stare. “Beautiful? I’d have said ‘spectacular’,” the older woman whispered into her ear, fingertips brushing her clavicle and her neck. Embarrassment fused itself with a deep gratitude that Miss Winter liked her body. Amanda’s gaze on her tits distracted from the thought of Josh’s on her naked ass. She danced for her teacher, with her teacher, letting the music take over once more.

Gavin’s voice cut in a second time.

“It’s all off-balance again. Teacher needs to lose something more.” Amanda gave a knowing grimace and reached back to undo herself, as Christina’s heart pumped faster. “No,” Gavin said. “I want the student to do it. Christina, take off your teacher’s bikini top.”

This time the teenager’s heart fluttered. Amanda made to turn around, but once again Gavin intervened. “Stay where you are, Mandy. Christina, reach around and undo it. Get up close.” The thought of contact that intimate stalled her and she swayed ineffectually, unable to act. Amanda rescued the moment, moving up close so that her bikini-clad breasts bumped softly with Christina’s naked pair.

“Do it,” she said. “Do everything he says, darling, and don’t hesitate.” So Christina reached, bosom to bosom, arms linking her teacher in a tender embrace as she untied the bikini-string at the back. Amanda’s breath flowed over her neck; the sense of intimacy was exquisite and near-unbearable. She reached up and tugged loose the strings at the neck, the material shifting under her nipples. Then she moved back and the lime-green triangles fell away to the floor, so that Miss Winter’s gorgeous full breasts swayed free.

Christina’s breath caught and she stared. The moment was beautiful and wrong and she had no idea how to deal with it. Amanda smiled and touched her arm, trying to make it okay, but then Josh’s scary uncle spoke again in that low insistent voice of his and made things even worse.

“Touch your teacher’s breasts, Christina.” God, Josh would simply adore this. Her fingers twitched and she reached out, palms flexing to caress, but once more she stopped short in her motion. How could she do it? Amanda went to take her wrists, but Gavin was having none of it. “Let her do it herself. I want the girl to take some initiative.”

Her teacher’s eyes encouraged and still faltering, Christina closed her delicate hands around Miss Winter’s magnificent breasts. Tentatively she explored, the flesh hot and soft beneath her palms, nipples a hard-peaked contrast. She had never touched another woman like this, let alone the one who taught her the intricacies of German grammar, and the sensation made her tremble.

“You’re being too coy, Christina. There’s so much more to touch. Do it properly.” Every time he spoke it alarmed her, but this time he had risen from his seat to inspect more closely, his voice sounding almost in her ear. She fought back panic, brushing her hands in wider circles, but it was not enough for the older of her two hosts. His broad frame pressed in behind her and his arms banded her body, palms engulfing her hands. Then his grip closed, crushing her palms to Amanda’s breasts, so that they brimmed with pliant flesh. “That’s it,” he said as she squeezed along with him, “cop a good feel of teacher’s tits. You’re not here for half-measures. Go for it, girl.”

He proceeded to knead, his fingers entwined with Christina’s, and she stared in astonishment at her own palms being made to mash Amanda’s breasts in their fullness. The shock was so great it almost distracted from Gavin’s bulged trouser-crotch pressing against her ass. Almost, but not quite.

“Oh God … Oh God …” she whimpered, staring piteously at the beloved teacher she was molesting.

Amanda’s face was livid with emotion. “Dirty fucker,” she spat past Christina at the orchestrator of this situation, but there was more than anger in her voice and her nipples were pumped hard under her student’s coerced attentions.

“Oh shit, yes.” Another voice, one full of young-man lust, added itself to the mix. Josh had come close in order to inspect the scene and, it turned out, to develop it. “Let’s try some of this,” he said, and he tipped the plastic bottle he held so that slippery liquid spilled all over the upper slopes of Amanda’s breasts. Gavin drew Christina’s hands away so that the shiny fluid could roll over the teacher’s mounds, streaming down the cleft between them and dripping from her pointed peaks.

“Now do it yourself,” Gavin told her. “Grope those fucking tits, or my hand will make your pretty schoolgirl bottom smart.” The smack he applied to her buttocks with his broad palm was sharp enough to make her believe it. Panicking properly now she grabbed hold of Miss Winter’s oil-drenched orbs with both hands and fondled.


Amanda wanted to kill Gavin. She wanted to fuck him first, and then she wanted to kill him.

Christina’s hands were squeezing her lube-glazed tits in fleshy handfuls and despite the girl’s palpable confusion, her teacher could not deny how much it was turning her on. Turning them both on. Gavin knew it too, as he calibrated how far and how fast to push the student, for his glance signalled clearly over the girl’s shoulder. Take over. He was passing a whispered word to his ramped-up nephew as well, no doubt telling that horny young man to back off till the optimum moment. And that wouldn’t be while Christina’s mind was…

Published 4 years ago

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