Saturday morning felt like a painful blur to Jenny. She separated from her nephew who was still deep asleep. Sneaking back to her room she had to quickly change before rushing outside to the church. Her hands fumbled for everything as she stumbled her way to the church for another weekend stay and introduction as a nun. She had difficulty putting on the nun gown that she borrowed and zipping it up. It had been years, decades even, since she had last had a hangover. Her head throbbed and her hands trembled as she made it through morning mass.
After that, she completed chores with the other nuns and sat through an educational seminar on the life and expectations of a nun. After lunch, she was feeling much better. The hangover had passed and her body felt back to normal. This caused other issues, though.
In the late afternoon before evening mass, the nuns and priests went into the basement and prayed there for three hours straight; it was an act that was meant to focus their minds. Jenny sat there for fifteen minutes and knew that she was going to have a problem. She had to sit on her hands to keep herself from touching herself. The last time was an embarrassment she refused to ever be part of again. After a few more minutes of attempted prayer, Jenny went upstairs to the empty main hall of the church to calm herself. She sat in the back of the pews, with her head in her hands, and stared down at herself. strands of her dirty blond hair fell around her face as she looked at her black and white nun uniform she borrowed and thought, Jenny, what are you doing…
“Are you okay?” a voice asked.
Jenny startled straight and saw Sister Jane calming her with her hands.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Sister Jane said.
“Oh, no,” Jenny smiled, catching her breath as she held a hand to her chest. “I, um, didn’t hear you come in is all.”
Jenny stood as Sister Jane approached between the benches.
“It’s okay, you know, to be scared… to have doubts… Everyone has doubts… I still have doubts.”
“You do?” Jenny asked.
Sister Jane nodded looking down for a moment. When she looked back up the eyes that stared at Jenny seemed different. More focused. Seductive even. Jenny felt a reaction in her body even before Sister Jane stepped forward and groped at Jenny’s chest.
Feeling Sister Jane’s hands rubbing down her chest. Through the clothes, Jenny felt sister Jane’s hands cup her breasts and press them together. Jenny was frozen where she stood. The number of things her mind had fantasized about in the past weeks and this was never one of them. She never considered herself a lesbian nor did she think of herself as a bisexual. But here she was being fondled by a soon-to-be nun.
Standing in the back portion of the church Jenny didn’t know what to say as she felt her nipples harden and Sister Jane’s fingers strum her nipples with her thumbs as if they were strings on a guitar. Her mouth hung open and reacted to every rub she gave Jenny. As if her touch gave her more pleasure than it did Jenny. This was difficult to believe as Jenny could feel her panties quickly dampen between her thighs.
Sister Jane’s hands palpated down Jenny’s sides and held her hips in place as Sister Jane moved forward, her eyes fluttering up to Jenny’s just before she pressed a lingering kiss on Jenny’s lips. The deep kiss was a foreign thing. Jenny stiffened as she was held in place by Sister Jane’s hands and felt her small, gentle tongue push between her lips and enter Jenny’s mouth. Turning her head, the kiss continued and grew into more as Sister Jane’s hand cupped Jenny’s cheek and hooked around the back of her neck.
“Hmm mm,” the small moan escaped Jenny’s mouth between breaths.
Jenny couldn’t back up any farther as the back of her legs were leaning over the bench. When Sister Jane’s hand gently closed around Jenny’s throat, Jenny gave in, falling backward into a seated position on the hard bench. Sister Jane followed her, sitting beside her as she cupped Jenny’s hair and kissed her harder. Jenny could feel Sister Jane’s eagerness and her horniness in how she cooed and pulled Jenny to her. Jenny became worried about not doing the right thing to please Sister Jane.
I just want to give her what she wants… How do I make her happy?
But while she thought that, she realized Sister Jane’s hand had slid up her ankle and her fingertips were not only pressing inside the used nun robe she wore, but also her long skirt. Jenny could feel Sister Jane’s fingers rubbing along the warm, soft, untouched flesh of her thick inner thigh. A jolt of adrenaline pounded in Jenny’s chest as her heart quickened and her hips became squirmish. Suddenly, Jenny felt self-conscious of this twenty-two-year-old woman touching and seeing her thick thighs that were marked with age and small white lines of stretch marks.
“Nn-no, oh don… please sto– ahh… oh god…” Jenny gasped as her back pressed against the back of the bench, bending her backward.
Sister Jane’s finger slipped underneath her panties and scooped inside her pussy lips. Immediately covered in the thick slippery juices oozed from her pussy. Jenny’s whole body writhed as her eyes rolled back in her head.
“Shhhh it’s okay… it’s okay…” Sister Jane whispered as she kissed Jenny’s throat. Ripping off the cover she had on her head, Jenny looked down through blurry eyes and saw Sister Jane’s gorgeous long black hair flowing down her back. In her eyes were a focus and ferocity that Jenny hadn’t seen before. “It’s okay… just relax, just relax…” Sister Jane repeated in a whisper reassuringly. Her long finger pierced Jenny’s pussy lips as Jenny could see Sister Jane reposition herself and work her entire arm inside Jenny’s skirt.
“Oh…oh…oh…g-g-godd…” was all Jenny could cry through watery eyes as she felt the pressure building with every penetration inside her.
Sister Jane’s hand combed through Jenny’s hair as she pressed her lips to Jenny’s neck, cheek, and ear. The wet kisses turned to the smallest whispers of encouragement.
“Come on, Ms. Jenny. I want you to come for me. I need you to come for me, Ms. Jenny. Ohhh… that’s it… Oh god, I feel how wet you are. I feel you dripping down my arm. I feel your pussy clamping down on my fingers. Are you close? I want you to come hard for me…” Her words were interspersed with wet kisses on her earlobe along with licks and nibbles on it.
Jenny’s shoes that slipped on had fallen off when her toes began to curl and her legs began to spread wider and wider. Jenny didn’t realize but her thick thighs were very nearly doing the splits on the pew she sat on. Her robe and skirt pulled up so high on her waist it looked as though she wasn’t wearing pants at all beneath her nun robe.
Jenny couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move beyond what her body did without her control. Her pained eyes were full of concern and panic as she felt the build-up growing inside her. It was as if she was about to pee in public while still fully clothed and there was nothing she could do about it.
“Nnnno nnnnah! Oh god! Oh my god! Oh please… please!” Jenny bit the back of her hand as her hips raised and fell with every thrust of Sister Jane’s fingers inside her. Her head lolled and her eyes pushed to the back of her head as she panted. The world closed in on her as soon all she could hear was her deep panting breaths and the wet thumping sound of Sister Jane’s fingers slamming inside Jenny’s pussy.
“I-I-I’m Oh god-oh god oh god oh god oh!” Jenny cried.
Her eyes fluttered shut as Jenny’s legs, still spread wide, raised. The powerful flood of juices gushed from Jenny’s pussy as Sister Jane ground her palm on Jenny’s pussy lips. The splash of juices soaked her panties and robe, dripping onto the floor and Sister Jane’s rubbing sent more drips onto Jenny’s face.
Jenny didn’t care. The moment struck her so hard and true, that she thought her heart had stopped in that instance. Gasping for air Jenny let out what would have been a scream for all to hear if Sister Jane hadn’t cupped her other hand over Jenny’s mouth.
“Oh god, I’m cumming!” Jenny cried as her thighs trembled and her body seized in ecstasy.
Sister Jane stood and looked over her shoulder and in all directions as her hand continued to massage Jenny’s pussy lips. Slowly, Jenny started to come as Sister Jane. The euphoric high followed by the tingling numbness that permeated her body subsided and Jenny started to feel Sister Jane’s fondling again.
It was at this time that Jenny started to come to grips with the fact that they were in the main sitting area of the church and anyone off the street or any of the other nuns who were in prayer in the basement could come in at any moment.
Hands gripped at Jenny’s chest and she realized Sister Jane was unzipping her robe and let it fall to the side. Jenny tried to protest but her words were overpowered by the younger woman who was in control.
“Shhhh shhh… it’s okay… it’s okay,” Sister Jane reassured as Jenny kept her hands to her chest.
Jenny closed her eyes and tried to think.
This is a house of god, this can’t be happening. I came here to become a nun, I can’t be doing this. What if we’re caught? What if someone finds out? This isn’t you Jenny, you’re not a lesbian… are you?
By the time Jenny opened her eyes, Sister Jane had manipulated Jenny’s hands to the side and had completely unbuttoned her white blouse revealing her bountiful breasts hugged by her white bra.
“Wait, no!” Jenny tried to sit up but Sister Jane pressed between Jenny’s legs and pushed Jenny back down, her arms sliding around Jenny’s back as if to hug her. “What if someone comes in? This is wrong this is-this isn’t right.”
“It’s okay, Ms. Jenny, I’ve got you. I’ll take care of you,” Sister Jane said as Jenny felt a sudden comfort release from her chest as her bra was undone.
Pulling the fabric to the side, Sister Jane’s eyes lit up as she saw the round, full breasts of Jenny. Her pink hard nipples pointed at Sister Jane as she licked her lips. Jenny’s protests became lost in the moment as she began to fantasize and then ache at the anticipation of Sister Jane’s lips sucking on her nipples. She didn’t realize it, but Jenny’s hands had slid to her chest and were fondling herself and groping her breasts and pinching her nipples.
Sister Jane lowered to her knees and quickly took Jenny’s nipple in her lips. The wet saliva coated her already tender nipple and Jenny felt the warmth of Sister Jane’s mouth as the young woman began to suck and groan on Jenny’s nipple as if she was attempting to get milk from her.
“Ahhh ahhhh oh godd ohh godd… just like that,” Jenny moaned the words without thought. She didn’t know what she said. Her body had taken on a mind of its own. She felt her drenched panties stick to her sex as Sister Jane’s hand inched back down to her crotch. “Ohh god… oh my…. Ahh ahh!”
Sister Jane’s teeth bit down on Jenny’s left nipple making her spike in pain but a flood of juices gathered between her pussy lips. Sister Jane’s hands slowly worked Jenny’s panties off and down her thighs with Jenny’s help. When Sister Jane’s lips left her nipple, Jenny was angered at first. It felt so good, so right. It was a comforting feeling to have a mouth nuzzled on her breast like that. She could go all day with that feeling. But then she realized that they needed to stop. How risky this was. It was time to end it.
Opening her eyes, Jenny saw Sister Jane on her hands and knees like a dog between Jenny’s thighs. Her lips were inches from Jenny’s pussy lips.
“No, no, no,” Jenny tried to protest. “This is wrong. It’s so wrong. It’s against. God wouldn’t want us to. We can’t- ahhhmmm…”
Sister Jane’s hand swatted Jenny’s hands to the side as her lips moved forward and kissed Jenny’s pussy. She did so with such passion and tenderness, that it was as though Sister Jane was kissing Jenny’s mouth.
“Ahhhmmm oh my… oh, lord… oh my god…” Jenny panted. Her hands cupped her breasts.
Sister Jane’s hands pressed on Jenny’s thighs, widening them before pulling Jenny’s butt farther from the bench and closer to her mouth. Her warm tongue slid in and out of her pussy and took long laps at her slit.
“Ahhhh ahhmmm we should… we shouldn’t… Ahh oh shit,” Jenny tensed and her thick thighs clapped together.
Sister Jane pressed her legs open as Sister Jane’s tongue lapped at Jenny’s clit. The jolts of pleasure that went through Jenny were intense. She felt them in her sex at first, but soon they traveled her entire body. Her heart quickened with every long lick she felt on her clitoris.
“Ohhh fff… oh god…” Jenny cried. “Please… please ahmmm!”
She saw Sister Jane’s mouth work vigorously on her pussy. her black hair was pulled back over her shoulder as Sister Jane’s lips and tongue moved side to side on her clit.
“Ohhhh fucck….” Jenny moaned as she clapped a hand over her mouth. Her breasts jiggled and bounced together as her body trembled. It wasn’t until she felt Sister Jane’s hands slide up and clamp down on Jenny’s nipples did Jenny think she would scream. Squeezing both her palms over her mouth, Jenny cried out a muffled moan as Sister Jane shook her breasts from side to side by her pinched nipples.
Jenny’s breaths became deeper and her body became more erratic. The pressure she felt from Sister Jane’s wet tongue was strong as her lick spread her lips and circled on her clit. Jenny’s eyes fluttered backward as her muscles tightened and flexed and her heart hammered in her chest.
“Oh god oh god, I’m gunna cum again!” Jenny cried into her palms as the middle-aged woman stopped breathing and the only sound made was the wet slurping sound from Sister Jane’s lips sucking on this older woman’s drenched clit.
Jenny’s thick thighs jiggled and bounced almost as much as her breasts did as a squirt of juices soaked Sister Jane’s mouth and chest. Her nun uniform clinging to her own curvy breasts as she refused to relent and pressed her mouth harder on Jenny’s squirming pussy.
“Oh god yes!” Jenny half yelled into her palm as her hands fell away from her mouth as the second orgasm washed over Jenny’s body and pleasure filled every inch of her body.
Sister Jane’s hands fell away from Jenny’s breasts allowing them to sway from side to side as Sister Jane took long licks at Jenny’s pussy. She swallowed as much of her juices as she could as slowly Jenny’s body relaxed.
That is until the thudding sound of a heavy door latching shut filled the room. Sister Jane and Jenny’s heads both shot up and to the main entrance door to their side and saw Collin standing with his mouth hanging open. The shock in his eyes and frozen presence was almost as strong as the shock Jenny and Sister Jane felt.