Experience at the Yoga Class: Bukkake Bath

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I thought Ceenie’s nipples were going to pop off of her breasts after Sandy blasted them with precise aim of her streaming fluid. For a moment, I could tell that Ceenie thought Sandy had peed on her, but it was definitely orgasmic liquid. The way it shot out and lasted just a few seconds was proof it was cum.

Nicole high-fived Sandy after they had both released their hot centers on both of us. Then they moved and two other yoga class goers stepped up.

The one standing over me spread her clitoral hood with two fingers, exposing her really long clitoris. It was at least an inch long and was a deep crimson color. She took her clit between her two fingers and tweaked it, moving it side to side and moaning loudly as she did. She never touched her pussy other than her clitoris and the more she squeezed on her hard red knob, the more her pussy began to gape and drip. Her pussy had opened so much that I could see deep inside it.

Then it pulsed closed once and when it open again, the flood began. Her hotness landed on my stomach and pooled in my belly button. The warmth of it there sent tingles through my body. But she was not done. She flicked her long clit again and another burst of her hot fluid splashed in the same spot upon me. This one was even hotter. My belly button overflowed with her clear cum and ran down my sides to the yoga mat. She gave her pink button one last flick and the remaining droplets from her pussy landed on my face. I took my finger and led them to my lips and tasted. She was not as sweet as Ceenie. Actually, she was quite bitter. But it was hot seeing her pussy spurt.

The one that was now over Ceenie seemed a little shy. It looked as if she had never before gotten herself off. It was as if she did not know how to touch herself. She knew how to manicure her pubes though, so it was obvious she had touched her pussy before several times. I bet she was scared to death. She felt like she had been made to do something. It was one thing to be naked in a yoga class. It was another to get off on a woman.

I wanted to laugh, but I could tell she was humiliated enough by trying to become aroused in front of all these other naked women. Nerves had gotten the best of her and her pussy was as dry as the desert. There was no dampness evident at all. Maybe there would be if she would run her finger over the slot that God had given her, but her expression said it all. She could not bring herself to do it.

Finally, she gave up. As she walked away, I saw Nicole go over to her and wrap her arm around her to take her to the back room. I could almost imagine what Nicole was going to do.

So, out stepped another one over Ceenie and she was working her pussy like a jackhammer. Side to side, up and down, she massaged herself. The lips that protruded from it folded and unfolded with each pass her hand vibrated a rhythm upon it. I watched as her body begin to tense like she was scared of something and could not move.

“Get ready! Get ready! I’m about to deliver the goods! Ooooohhhh!” She shrieked as her body became completely rigid, her hand stopped manipulating her sensual line of love, and me and Ceenie literally saw her pussy push itself out, releasing a huge glob of thick cum that resembled a large raindrop. It was so thick, a thread of moisture stayed hooked and did not break as the glob fell perfectly upon Ceenie’s smooth mound. Then in a slow moving pace, the glob conformed to her labia missing partition of pleasure.

Upon instinct, Ceenie felt her pussy and slid her hand over the lipless sensual part of herself. The cum globule that had just covered her pussy was now spread evenly over her flat notch and shined with delicate smoothness. I think Ceenie enjoyed showing that off. It was quite beautiful.

In watching Ceenie pet her thin pussy through the wetness that had fallen on it, I had no time to react to the pussy dripping slowly over me. As I looked up, the one it belonged too was slowly circling her swollen clit with her finger and moaning very loudly as she did.

Once she had it very well saturated, she stuck two fingers inside and quickly moved them in and out. The sound that echoed from it was mesmerizing. The wet slapping slurps she made with her two fingers almost made me cum instantly. She did instead.

As she removed her fingers, hot droplets of cum rained down on me in a torrential storm. It was milky in color and stuck to my body like glue. She almost fell over me releasing her hot gooey mess, but she caught herself before she stumbled.

She straddled my body as she limped over it to join the other spent women on the side watching. I leaned up and saw all of them standing there naked, their pussies still damp from a core releasing relaxation. I then looked at my cum covered body. It looked as if I had been pelleted by some guy instead.

Ceenie leaned up and I heard her chuckle. I knew what she was thinking. I gave her a sarcastic look as she said, “Hmm, kind of looks like she had a little extra something in there, doesn’t it?” Then she laughed even harder.

However, I started laughing when I saw Nicole coming back with that shy one that could not even make herself wet and could not cum. Nicole had obviously been coaching her because her pussy was not barren anymore. It was now red and very wet and as Nicole walked with her gently holding on to her shoulders and whispering in her ear, she was running her finger over he delicate smooth fissure.

“Oh wow, look at that!” Ceenie announced. “She looks ready now!”

“I’ll say. She’s going to blow before she even reaches you, Ceenie.”

“That’s alright. It’s hot just watching her.”

“Oh God, Nicole! I’m not going to make it! My pussy is starting to quiver now and my clit feels like it is going to pound out of my body!” The shy girl exclaimed in erotic pleasure.

“Then let it go Kelly! I’ll watch from her and pretend it’s all over me!” Ceenie said and smiled.

Kelly, the shy one, looked at Ceenie and stopped as her body tensed. Every muscle on her naked body tightened and there was no way she could move. She had to stop.

Nicole reached around and cupped Kelly’s breasts and squeezed them as Kelly’s body began to shake. The feeling was more than Kelly could manage.

With a grunt, Kelly did more than just cum. Her body reacted in a different way. The hot stream that exited her body was not just cum, but her natural body letting go of fluid it had held for a long time.

“Oh no, I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” Kelly announced as the flow came running out of her.

Ceenie was very sincere when she said, “Kelly, don’t be. It’s natural to be sometimes overwhelmed with desire where that can happen.”

Nicole just patted Kelly on the shoulders and walked over with her to the other women to the side. Once there, all of them embraced Kelly and praised her for trying.

Finally, Ceenie and I got up and walked our cum covered, now sticky bodies over to the women that had blasted their personal hydration upon us. Some of it had already dried and I could feel the breaking creases of their once hot cum tear away slightly from my skin.

In our own way, Ceenie and I thanked them for a moment that we would never forget. Once all the thank yous had been shared, we went to the showers.

Once there, we looked at each other and smiled and chose the same stall. What better way to get clean than to do it together.

As we stood together rubbing each other down with the loofah, we let the moment just happen. There was nothing sexual between us. It was just us two women cleaning off the sexual moment that had already happened between us and the other women of the yoga class. The suds simply took their orgasms from us and let them go down the drain.

We even dried each other off and I was sure that Ceenie had the same thoughts as I. I could see it on her face.

Like me, she could not wait until the next yoga class. Whenever that would be. I hoped it would be soon. I loved the kind of yoga exercise that was released.

Published 12 years ago

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