Evie, My Wife

"I have oly one question, "Do I stay married?""

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Evie and I had known each other since earliest childhood and grew up together. In high school, we learned about life together and took each other’s virginity. We’d become lovers there and so we remain to this day. The day I finished my university training, Evie and I were married.

The marriage was one of those made in heaven and we started our successful careers – Evie as a real estate broker and myself as an investment counselor. The Almighty smiled upon us and we were both bringing in six figure incomes.
Our love seemed to grow stronger each day. If not at work, we spent every waking hour with each other. We learned the art of making love through practice – lots of practice! During the first years, I couldn’t keep my hands off her body and she relished every moment. Our eyes met frequently and exchanged love so profound that it often aroused an erection.

We were hot in those days and quickly produced three beautiful girls to complete our family in less than five years. Now, we shared our love with our three girls and gave our best effort to assisting them to become good, beautiful and powerful women.

For Evie and I it was a joint effort and we’d savored each experience together. Life was fulfilling and Evie and I felt our love growing each day.

Then, as the years passed, the girls became the self-sufficient and powerful women that we’d raised them to be and they no longer needed or wanted our support. Evie and I were left alone again to enjoy our life together. At first, making love was fun and exciting. But, shortly, it became a bit routine and the old spark simply wasn’t there. The onset of this condition had been so gradual that we didn’t notice at first; then, came recognition and we talked.

Evie and I had talked. . . we’d learned early that we could tell each other everything and this was no exception. At first.

We considered menopause as Evie was experiencing it. Then, we talked about our physical condition. I’d always kept in good shape by working in the yard and could boast a healthy, six foot two and 195 pounds which Evie still found exciting . Evie, was five foot seven and a 120 pounds body which could still turn heads in her 40s. Her black hair, clear complection and blue eyes were enough to turn on almost any man. For me it was especially easy.

Gradually, Evie began to open up her inner thoughts and it was then that I discovered that she was feeling old and no longer a desirable woman. With menopause she’d assumed that her attractiveness was gone. People might just see her as an old woman – a bag lady maybe! We discussed her problem.

As we sought a solution, several ideas and concepts were discussed before deciding that we needed to prove her attractiveness and a plan developed.

Evie and I would take a couple of days off from work, drive to a distant city, where we weren’t known, get a hotel room and set our plan in motion. So, we were in a hotel room where Evie was dressing for an evening of ‘clubbing’. Her tight mini-skirt seemed to set her off as a desirable woman. Of course, for me, it was exciting.

Soon, Evie left the room and went to the hotel nightclub. I followed some ten minutes later. Our plan was simple. She would attract desirable men and be friendly with them. She might dance with them and play games with them and feel desirable as the men pursued her.

I would sit alone and observe to insure her safety.

So it was that I sat at my table, alone, and watched Evie as the men approached and were rejected. Then, one especially persistent fellow, seemed to get her attention and they were soon laughing and enjoying each other’s company, They danced and, as the set moved to a slow dance, I noticed the man pressed against her breasts, putting a leg between hers so that his thigh might be against her most private parts.

Soon, another man approached her and they also danced. This guy had both hands on her butt, drawing him to her. She seemed to enjoy pressing her breasts into him.

The first guy returned and took Evie to the dance floor. There, his hands seemed to be all over her and his mouth was pressed near her ear – obviously whispering to her. She was definitely being pursued and she was enjoying it.

More men came and toyed with her as that first, persistent guy kept returning and his hands were becoming more and more familiar, even on her inner thighs as the sat at the table. It was time to stop this charade as I began to feel uncomfortable. The evening had progressed to the point where she’d been adored long enough. I arose from my table and passed in front of her to indicate that I was going to our room. According to that signal, she was to break off her fun, leave the guys and join me in our room.

Back in the room, I anticipated our love making when she returned. I waited ten minutes, then twenty and, sensing problems, I went back to the club. To my horror, she wasn’t there.

I searched frantically, the hotel lobby, the parking lot, everywhere that I could imagine. But she was not to be found.

Back in our room, t waited as I considered possibilities. Did she need help? Had she been abducted? Had she gone willingly with the persistent man? Much as I didn’t want to consider any possibility, my mind dwelled on them.

Half hour later, I went into the bathroom and spilled my guts. I was sick with anxiety as I thought about the possibilities. How could I explain to our girls? What was to explain?

It was nearly 4:00am when the room door opened and Evie stepped inside. Obviously, more than a little tipsy, and looking very disheveled, she said simply, “We’ve got to talk!” as she moved to the bathroom and shower.

Relieved that she was safe, I got into bed. I feigned sleep when Evie came from her shower and joined me. She was almost instantly asleep and began to snore.

While it’s doubtful that I got much sleep, I remained in bed until nearly eight before showering, shaving, dressing and meeting the day. Somehow, I needed to get away and think so, I left the room and walked the streets as I thought.

Evie had obviously been fucked last night – apparently willingly! She had definitely received my signal and her reply signal was that she’d be along shortly. She had gone willingly with that man after misleading me by signaling that she’d be along shortly. There was no doubt about it, she’d broken our marriage vows.

Having reached that conclusion, I returned to our room and left two fifty dollar bills in her purse and drove the two-hour drive back home. It wasn’t a pleasant drive and I felt my anger flare as I broke all speed records for the trip. What would I tell our girls?.

Then, once home, I felt my whole world collapse around me. I considered events over and over. Whose cock and bull plan was this one anyway? Why had I agreed to it? Was what happened, Evie’s plan from the beginning?

Then, I wept.

Come evening, there was still no word from Evie and I felt my anger still smoldering. Why did she deliberately deceive me? I wondered before extreme fatigue overtook me and I slept. Then, to attend to my responsibilities, I returned to work.

It was there that I finally found calm. As long as my mind was involved with work, there was no thought of my problems. Then, it was home at my usual time and I met Evie.

”We’ve got to talk. Please listen to me.”

I nodded my assent. We sat down to the table that had been set for dinner and the food rested in the kitchen. We faced each other in silence. The communication with the eyes, which we’d always enjoyed, wasn’t there. Finally, I asked simply, “What happened there in the club?”

Her response was, “You don’t want to know.”

My reply was loud and hate filled. I shouted, “The hell I don’t. You go fuck the hell out of some guy and tell me I don’t want to know.”

“Please try and understand.

I love you and only you. What happened should never have happened but it did.”

“How do I know that you love only me? You nodded our signal there in the club and deliberately misled me into thinking you’d be joining me. You lied to me.”

“When I gave you that signal, I fully intended to go to our room as soon as possible. It wasn’t a lie but a broken promise. Things began to get out of hand. Mac seemed to be all over me and I began to react in ways that only you had seen before. I guess I lost my power of reason. He was dong things to me that only you had ever done before. I guess I lost my sense of reason and that’s how I ended up in his room.”

Now, my anger began to swell. “Yeah! Well, now that you’ve been well fucked, how was he? Was he better than me? Will you ever be satisfied with just me again?”

This time, there was a long silence before Evie replied, “He was different from you. There was no love between us. Yes, I think he was probably very good.”

“Was his cock big and long so that he could deliver…”

Evie interrupted me. “I don’t know much about big cocks but I’d say it was probably about the size of yours. I didn’t measure it.”

“So, where do we go from here?” I asked,

When Evie looked at me, she seemed to have changed her stance to one of pleading “I know that I’ve made a grave mistake. I know that the fault is mine. I’m begging you to get us past this and back to our old ways. I’ll do anything that you ask.”

Again, there was a long silence between us as we contemplated our situation. Then, I spoke slowly. “I still love you and I want to get over this. I want us as we once were. Perhaps we might be able to rebuild trust and develop the old intimacy again – no guarantees.”

“And we won’t tell the kids anything about this,” Evie said.

So, the road to our new future began. Evie and I lived together as roommates with benefits and, to all outward appearances, we were the same as always but she and I knew the difference. Months passed and our lives became routine.

Neither Evie nor I were completely happy or content with our life and we slowly became cranky and grumpy as we seemed to irritate each other. The marriage that we’d known was gone and hope for a future seemed dim. The thought of divorce seemed even less attractive.

Our sex life continued in regular routine and, while it was pleasant, the old pizzzaz had gone! Even as we worked harder at regaining some of the old intimacy, our hopes for the future dimmed. When Evie announced that she was taking some time alone in the south it came as a welcome relief from the stresses of our life.

When she left, I felt a light kiss on the cheek. A week passed. . . then two. I thought little about her except at night when I missed her closeness.

It was as I was preparing for work that the telegraph message arrived.

“I am in St. Louis, Excelsior hotel, and I’ve met a man who seems to excite me. I am bit horny and stressed and have considered sleeping with him but I love you and only you. Since there seems little hope for us any more, and my needs are great, I wonder – perhaps I should lay with this man. I have decided to resolve this issue. I will wait until Friday, the 21st for you to come to me and make love to me like we once did. Failing to do so, I will go to this man and seduce him. It’s your choice. I love you.”

I felt a surge of anger. How dare she threaten me? Then a surge of resentment and a feeling to just ignore the whole thing – she could do whatever she wanted! Yet, I loved her and I wanted her, and my mind was filled with horror at the prospect of her being with another man again.

By Thursday, the thoughts had overwhelmed me and I knew that I had to go to her. It was Thursday afternoon when I tried to book passage to St. Louis. I found nothing available until Saturday – too late to stop her plan. I called various charter flights and finally found one that would get me to St. Louis around midnight Friday. Knowing that I’d be too late to stop the dreaded assignation, I still resolved to go and break up the lovers and reclaim my wife.

So it was that I arrived at room 606 and knocked on the door. “Manager,” I announced in an a different voice. It was on my second knock that Evie responded and, after opening the door, she responded cooly, “What took you so long?.” She smelled heavily of stale booze and was tipsy.

As I surveyed the room, I saw two empty wine glasses and cigarette buts in the ash tray. Evie didn’t smoke. On the dresser by the bed, was a jar of lubricant and an unused condom. Someone had been in the room besides Evie. The thought crossed my mind, “I’m too late.”

Suddenly, it no longer mattered. Evie was mine and I wanted her. My emotions rose to new levels and I wanted Evie no matter what she’d done. I wanted her heart and mind, all of her, just as I’d once had. I had to possess her.

I picked her up and carried her to the bed where I fell on top of her and kissed and fondled. I was suddenly more excited than I’d ever been! Beneath me, Evie seemed as excited as I was and our love making became wild. Her negligee, bra and panties were soon on the floor and my fingers entered a well lubricated vagina.

There was no gentleness and no preliminaries as I drove into her. Evie was hot and ready – readier than I’d known her to be for a long time. We kissed and I loved her more than I could ever remember. It was the intimacy that we’d needed.

With each stroke of my cock into her depths, she responded with equal vigor and I felt a new surge of lust – lust for my wife. Our eyes met and I saw only deep passion – and lust! Such heightened state of passion could never endure for long and, all too soon, I felt myself about to explode.

At that moment, I also felt Evie grow tense and uncoordinated as she entered into a rapture of her own. It was this that triggered my eruption and I fired my seed deep into her.

Then, it was over – or was it? As I lay over my spent wife with my cock slowly deflating in her, I felt a peace and calm that I hadn’t known in years. Whatever it was that we’d lost had returned and we were lovers. We lay together, just playing and talking and making love.

Half an hour later, I felt Evie’s hand on my manhood, slowly massaging it back to life. She moved to give me the oral ministrations that she hadn’t done in a very long time. Then, she moved over me and presented her labia to my face and we were quickly engaged in sixty-nine. We couldn’t get enough of each other.

Shortly, I felt Evie move again and she turned me on to my back. My wife knelt, one knee on either side of my ribs, and squatted over my erect pole. Our eyes met and, again, I saw raw passion. She lowered her vagina over my cock and I felt the warm, soft pressure of her pussy around my tool.

This time, there was no hurry. This time we played and talked and laughed as we allowed our feelings to just develop. Sometimes we fucked with a vengeance while other times, we lay quietly together. Always we made love. Our intimacy was there and that was all that mattered.

Half an hour – maybe an hour and a half – we enjoyed each other. Once, she said, “I’m gonna be sore in the morning,” and I stopped my movements only to be chided, “Don’t you dare stop. Keep doing…” and I kissed, caressed and fondled her. Life was at it’s best; Evie and I had never been closer.

Of course, even the best of good times must come to an end sooner or later and so it was even then. I think that we both felt it and, when I shot my semen into her, she was prepared as only lovers can be. The resulting afterglow was fabulous as we lay together in a kind of euphoria.

It was well into the morning when I rose from our bed and made my way to the bathroom to shower and shave. As I showered, I thought about the previous night and smiled.

Then, as I dried, I happened to look into the trash can and saw it – the blue wrapper from a condom. And a used condom beside it.

Published 9 years ago

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