Essie – Lost Love

"You're an animal Randy, put that big cock in my cunt and breed me well."

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My life has changed dramatically since becoming Executive Manager. Most days I come home with fairly clean clothes. The best part is having Essie there at home. Today was no different; when I walked in, I kissed her and headed for the shower.

While showering and dressing I thought about how life has changed since I moved in with Essie. She has become more aggressive when we make love. I chalk that off to her being bored with her new relaxed life. I told her to become involved with a charity, be a volunteer, just do something. She has been hinting that since she is not fertile anymore that maybe she would adopt a newborn baby.

After I cleaned up, I asked Essie, “Would you like a glass of wine before we eat?”

“Sure, how about a nice Merlot,” she responded.

I poured each of a glass and walked over to the loveseat where she was sitting. She smiled that fabulous smile of hers and my heart melted.

“I love you Essie Ward. I can’t imagine what my life would be like if we had never met. I shudder at the thought.”

“Oh, you would probably be banging some old broad in a hotel someplace. Kinda like how you and I did that first night.”

“I don’t even want to think of that, I have you and that is all that matters now. How was your day today? Any PR for the company?”

“None today but two months from now I will be flying up to Austin. I will pick up the governor and then we will continue on to Oklahoma City to meet with their governor. The topic of discussion is how our states can become more involved with wind and solar power. Did you know that the company owns a few thousand acres of land near the gulf coast? The potential for us in wind is tremendous. I’ll have a full report for you when I return. Enough of this business talk, let’s talk about us.”

“I’ve been giving more thought about adopting a baby. You know that I can now nurse one. I haven’t decided for sure yet though.”

“Truthfully I think that has been in your subconscious before you wanted me to help you restart lactating. Don’t get me wrong, I love it and I’ll keep doing it until you tell me to stop. Just make sure this is what you really want. A baby will change your life, it will turn it completely upside down.”

“You’re right. I’ll think long and hard before I make a decision. I love you and I have to include you in any decision I make.”

I poured her and I another glass of wine. “Anything special you want for dinner?” I asked her.

“No, I was thinking of going to the dining hall to eat. How does that sound to you?”

I answered her by taking her hand and helping her up from the loveseat. We walked to the dining hall and sat down at her table. Todd and his wife, Missy, were already there and the table had just been filled with the evening meal. I pulled a chair back and after Essie was seated I sat next to her. We traded pleasantries with Todd and Missy for a few minutes before filling our plates. Roast beef was the main course tonight, along with two veggies and potato Latkes. I hadn’t even picked up my fork when Madison sat down. She looked tired.

“That bastard lion killed another calf last night. I have to eliminate him soon. I’ve set traps, no luck, I might have to hire a professional hunter soon.”

“Madison, let me take a shot at killing him, no pun intended. I may put some of that military training along with my Okie hunting skills to the test, What do you say?”

“Have at it buddy, I want him gone, the sooner the better.”

“He kills mostly at night, am I right?”

“Every kill so far has been at night. How do you plan to hunt him down?”

“I am thinking of using a fairly young calf that I will put in a cage. That way I have live bait to draw him in. The rest will be easy. I need a calf that will beller a lot when separated from its mother.”

“Not a problem, just let me know when.”

We all finished dinner about the same time. Todd and Missy left first. I could tell that Todd was wanting to get Missy in bed. He kept fooling around with her at the table and she was giggling. She is a hottie, and Todd is a lucky man. Madison finished before Essie and me, but she waited for us.

“Will you have a drink with me, Mom? Randy, you too.”

“Yes we will,” I replied.

I had never been on Madison’s side of the house. The house was big enough that she had an apartment, complete with kitchen. Essie smiled because I had made the decision that both of us would have that drink. I figured it was time for me to be the leader of the household even if Essie and I were not married. We left the dining hall and followed Madison to her abode.

Her apartment was big and very tastefully decorated. Essie and I sat down while Madison poured wine for all of us. Unbeknownst to Essie, I had been talking to Madison about my love for her mother and how I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Madison gave me her blessing if I wanted to marry her Mom. Tonight was the night that I would ask her, but I had to wait. Madison and I had cooked up how I would propose to Essie.

Madison returned with a tray and three wine glasses. She placed the tray on the sofa table and handed a glass to her mother and one to me. Taking her glass, she sat down across from us. “Randy, I think it is time to talk to my mother about our plans for the future. I know she has no idea of what I am talking about, so please talk to her.”

“Essie, we have been together now almost two years. You have made me the happiest I have ever been. I don’t really don’t know how to break this news to you so I’ll just spit it out. Will you marry me? Will you be my loving wife and let me be your loving husband?

Essie just sat there for a couple seconds looking stunned. When I took the ring out of my pocket her face changed. She smiled and said, “Yes…Yes…Yeessss.”

After slipping the ring on her finger, I stood up and picked Essie up and hugged her as she smothered my face with kisses. Madison came to us and wrapped her arms around us and hugged.

“You two had me scared there for a second or two. At first I thought I would be hearing some bad news and then your proposal finally sunk into my brain. I love you Randy and I was wondering if you would ever pop the question. I was hoping against hope that you loved me enough to ask me to be your wife. I love you dearly and you have made me so happy, let’s get drunk. Madison, please pour us some more wine.”

Everyone was very happy in our household that evening. Essie kept looking at the ring on her finger and smiling. When Essie and I retired for the evening she was feeling giddy from the wine.

“I want to make love, do you?” I asked her.

“More like I want to fuck your brains out then make love,” she answered.

I started to unbutton her blouse but I wasn’t fast enough She ripped off two buttons pulling it off of herself. Her bra went flying across the room next. I had her slacks unzipped and pulled them down along with her panties. She stepped out of them and stood naked before me. I still couldn’t believe that this beautiful woman was engaged to me.

I unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans and Essie pulled them and my boxers down to the floor. I stepped out and took off my shirt, now I was just as naked as her. Essie pulled the duvet and covers off the bed. Only a sheet remained which she promptly lay on and patted the bed next to her.

I lay down and Essie positioned herself in a 69 position. I felt her wet lips surround my cockhead as my tongue invaded her pussy. Essie deep throated my cock and her throat muscles were trying to swallow me. Essie raised her head and completely withdrew my cock but immediately was licking my shaft. Her tiny hands were playing with my ballsack as she again plunged down my shaft. I had her pussy trapped in my mouth while my tongue tap danced on her clit. I changed and sucked her clit like I sucked her nipples. I could feel it expand from the sensations. My suction pulling more blood into it making it bright reddish pink.

I pulled my head back and spread her pussy lips wide so I could see every part of her. I licked her pussy from her clit to her taint. Essie started moaning now. I knew it wouldn’t be long and she would have her first orgasm. Essie lifted her mouth off my cock just a second before I nibbled her clitoris. Essie went into orgasmic convulsions. I couldn’t hold her still so I rammed three fingers into her cunt. Lucky for me she stopped convulsing. I was afraid she might bite down on my cock thereby ruining a great evening.

Essie turned around and kissed me. “Oh god, Randy you make me cum so hard when you eat me like that. I don’t believe I could do that to you with my mouth.”

“I would rather be deep in you when I cum. I like the feeling that you are my woman and want to be bred by me. Must be some ancient survival of the species instinct that I have. That is why I ram so deep, so my sperm is deep in you and has a better chance of making you pregnant. Little do my instincts know that you are post-menopausal and my vasectomy was a success. My mind still says, “Sock it to her, knock her up! Fuck her good!”

“You’re just an animal Randy, but my animal. Now put that big cock of yours in my cunt and breed me well.”

I rolled Essie onto her stomach and lifted her ass enough that my cock had access to her pussy. Her slit was sopping wet now with her lubrication and my cockhead was the same. I slid my cockhead right through her lips and penetrated her to my cock’s depth. I held myself above her and fucked her cunt hard and fast. It wasn’t long before she was cumming, multiple times. As I was pounding her cunt she matched her actions with my thrusting cock. Every time I thrust in, she thrust back, the effect was my balls hitting her clit hard. I was fighting my urge to climax, I wanted to prolong the enjoyable feelings this woman’s pussy gave my cock.

“You are holding back on me Randy. Let yourself go and fill me with your come. Breed me, your woman.”

‘Breed me’, the magic words that threw me over the orgasm cliff. I thrust deep and held my cock in her. Essie reached back and with her hands on my ass, held me tight to her ass. My cock was pumping rope after rope of cum right against her cervix. With no sperm and no egg, there would be no breeding, but our minds thought we could and that’s what counts. With a shiver and a bellow, I withdrew my cock. Essie’s pussy was wide open and I could see my cum deep in her. I stuck two fingers in her and rubbed her G-spot until she came again.

“God Essie, you are one fantastic fuck. I will never become bored with our sex. Give me about ten minutes and then we will make love.”

“Ah Randy, you are the best. I have never and I repeat never been fucked so good as I have been by you. I love you for that. I just can’t get enough of your cock. Will you tell me what you think of my pussy?”

“Like I said before you are one fantastic fuck. Your pussy is so hot and wet. I have been with quite a number of women, but not one of their pussies can compare to yours. My ex was a very hot bitch but even she can not compare to you. I also can say that I have never been fucked so well, so hot and by such a tight, wet pussy as you have. And don’t get me started on how good you taste when I’m going down on you. There aren’t enough words to describe how much I love to eat you out.”

We hugged and kissed each other for the next half hour. My cock was at the ready again, in about ten minutes, but the kissing was turning us both on. I knew Essie liked fucking in the missionary position so I settled in between her legs and we made love to each other. I think she came at least twice and I settled deep in her for one last cum. I went into the bath for the warm wet towel. She needed one otherwise there would have been a trail of cum from the bed to the bath. I need to talk to a Urologist about restoring my ability to impregnate a woman. I needed to feel that I could knock Essie up, knowing full well she could not get pregnant. I believe my sperm in her cunt would satisfy my longing to give her a baby.

When she returned to our bed, we snuggled in for the night and fell asleep. At breakfast, Essie and Madison were already planning the wedding. I think I will sneak out to an oil field and see if I can work with a crew for the day. I need to keep up on how the drilling is going, I can always use that as an excuse to bail out.


Mom and I were very excited about the pending wedding. I was so happy for her and Randy. I knew in my heart of hearts that they really loved each other. When I walked into the dining hall, Mom and Randy were already seated. Todd and Missy were at the table also. I looked at the four of them and they all looked so happy. Mom was showing Missy her ring and she looked so happy and excited.

“Good morning Y’all. I see Mom has shown you her ring.”

“It’s beautiful,” said Missy. “I’m so happy for your mother and Randy. When is the big day going to be?”

“I’ll let Mom tell you that.

Randy held my chair for me as I sat down. He is always the gentleman with mom and me. I still have my mind set on a man for myself. I haven’t found one yet, but Randy has raised the bar for any prospective gentleman for me. After seeing how happy they are together and how well they get along, that is how I want it for me.

“Will you help me plan for the big day today?” Mom asked me. “I want you involved even if it will be a small affair.”

“I wouldn’t want it any other way,” I replied.

After breakfast we all split up with mom and me heading back to the house.

“Well Mom, how long do you want your engagement to be?” I asked her.

“Can I just run off to Vegas and get married? I don’t want a big deal. Randy was married once before and I was too, so we should have something small. Randy’s parents and siblings. Randy wants his oldest brother to stand up as a witness and I want you as my witness. Aunt Helen, Uncle Harry and Uncle Eddie should be there. Grandma also, Randy’s grandparents have passed. I think that is about all the guests. Maybe Todd and Missy, I can’t leave them out of my big day.”

“So about a two dozen people plus you and Randy, sounds very doable. Next month here in the house, right?”

“Yes. Cookie will cater the meal for us. I’ll get Randy right on getting his family invited as soon as I can find him. He skipped out right after breakfast and I don’t know where. I’ll bet he’s hiding out on a drilling rig somewhere.”

“You getting a prenup? Should I call your lawyer and set up an appointment?”

“Most definitely a prenup. I’ll call for the appointment. Randy and I both should be there. I’ll have to change my will also. Your dad was so smart before he died. Everything was so easy for me to settle his estate. You don’t have a problem with Randy being in my will do you?”

“Mom, you know what you want to do. Dad was nice and left me the ranch and he left his interest in Ward and Ward to you. I think Ward and Ward should continue with you and Randy, I don’t want any part of it. I wouldn’t have the slightest idea how to run an oil company. I’d just sell it off before I ran it into the ground.”

“Thanks Honey, that makes it very easy for me. I think Duke would be so proud of you right now, knowing what a great decision he had made. You have done an outstanding job with the ranch. I’m proud of you also. I live in your house, eat meals in your dining hall and you make it feel like it is mine.”

“And it will always be that way Mom.”

Mom went to her bedroom to make her calls for the day. I headed to my apartment. I had a few phone calls to make also.


Man am I glad to get away from those women before they roped me into doing something wedding like. I already had a list of those from my family that I will invite.

I told Madison that I wanted a chance to take that mountain lion out. She sure gets pissed every time she loses stock to him. Today I will scout out the hills he has been hiding in. I loaded my horse and saddle, and put my rifle and pistol in my truck. I drove for forty five minutes until I was right in the center of the lions territory. I unloaded my horse and saddled him up. I put my rifle in the scabbard, my .357 revolver in my holster and mounted up for a ride through the hills.

Mountain lions are very stealthy and tricky to see. My best bet was to look for paw prints around a cattle pond. The first pond revealed nothing, but the second pond has some fairly fresh tracks. My horse was becoming skittish so I knew the lion had been here not to long ago. I followed the tracks, and they led up a trail that I knew ended in a rocky outcropping. As I drew nearer to the rocks, my horse became more unsettled. The lion was around here somewhere near.

When I broke out of the trees, into the clearing before the rocks, I saw him. He saw me and hightailed it up higher and was sitting on a ledge on a high cliff. He was totally exposed. I got off my horse and aimed my rifle sights on the big cat. My first shot hit him square right behind his shoulder. If my bullet missed his heart it tore his lungs up. The cat jumped or fell, I didn’t know which, into a small ravine and I couldn’t see it. I hiked up the rocks towards where the cat was. I didn’t hear any snarling as I approached so I knew he was either dead or waiting for me.

With my rifle at the ready I topped the ridge and looked into the ravine. He was lying dead at the bottom. I still was careful as I approached the cat. I poked it a couple times with my rifle barrel to make sure he was dead. I dragged the carcass back toward my horse. I was going to take him back to the ranch house. I really wanted to have it mounted or somehow preserve my memory of today’s hunt.

My horse was really nervous, and I talked and calmed him down. I think the horse knew the cat was dead but wasn’t to happy when I lifted it onto my saddle. I tied the cat down and walked us out of the woods and back to my truck. After loading my horse and placing the cat in my pickup, I headed back. I was feeling pretty good having maybe saved a few more cattle for the ranch.

Essie saw my truck as I came back and must have seen the cat in the back. Soon Madison and her were helping me unload the horse and gear.

“That’s the bastard that has killed my cattle,” said Madison. “See that short ear, that ID’s him. That is the same cat that my trail camera caught near the last kill. Where did you find him and how did you get that heavy cat in the truck?”

“I lifted him in. He was in the rocks near cattle pond number seven. I tracked him up into the woods and lost his trail but my horse was really skittish so I knew he was around somewhere. When I broke into the clearing he saw me and jumped up on a ledge of the cliff and I was able to get a clear shot at him. Got him the first shot. I’m thinking of having him mounted. Can I store him in the big cooler until I find a taxidermist?”

Essie said, “Wait, I’ll call Freddie and see if he can. I don’t know if he still does, can’t hurt.”

While Essie was calling I unhitched the trailer.

“Freddie said to bring him over so he can see what you have. He still mounts larger animals. I’ll ride with you to show you the way.”

Essie jumped into the front passenger seat and Madison sat in the back. Freddie’s place was a good one hour drive. When we got there, a man, who I assumed was Freddie, came out of the house and walked to the truck.

“Nice big tom cat you got there,” he exclaimed. “That will be a nice one to mount. Hold on while I get a wheel barrow.”

Freddie and I loaded the cat into the wheel barrow and wheeled it into his large cooler.

“I’ll call Essie when it’s ready for pickup. I don’t know exactly but I would estimate around three grand for the complete job. You’ll like it a lot when I’m done.”

“Okay, Freddie, give me a great mount and thanks.”

We returned to the ranch and went into the house. We had a couple hours to kill before dinner, so I asked the women, “Would you like a glass of wine or a drink?”

“I’ll take a Merlot,” Essie said.

“Pour me a glass of single malt over ice, please,” Madison said. “I’m so pleased that cattle killer is dead. Thank you Randy, I owe you.”

“No big deal Madison, I used that as an excuse to disappear from the house today. I didn’t want to be around while you ladies talked wedding.”

“Don’t tell me you just want to be engaged forever,” Essie said. “I’ll make you sleep in a spare room if that’s what you want.”

“Honey, that is not what I meant. I just think you ladies don’t need me and any ideas I have.

This is your day Essie and I want you to be happy.”

“I was just teasing. You know I want you in my bed with me.”

Madison was standing there with her fingers in her ears.

We talked about the date and I handed Madison my list of relatives I wanted to attend. She approved of my choices. “Your family will be in the majority here. We have enough bedrooms for your parents and my grandmother, so I will make arrangements for the others to stay at a hotel in San Antonio. I think this is all I need from you. You are now free of any more wedding planning. You too Mom, I will handle the rest. You two go be friends with benefits!”

Essie and I had another glass of wine before the three of us headed for dinner. After dinner Essie made a phone call and was laughing a lot. Must be an old friend of hers.

“That was Harvey Levinwicz. He is my attorney and will meet with us for lunch and then at his office for our input into a prenup and my will. He will draw up a will for you also if you want one. I would highly recommend that you do because you will be a rich man soon.”

“I do not particularly like this process but I know it is the best way to do things,” I said. “I would like to leave early so I can stop by HQ and talk to the board tomorrow. I have another idea I would like to have them study.”

“Sure, let’s leave around seven, that will give us plenty of time. I’m tired, do you want to go to bed early tonight?”

I answered her by picking her up and walking into the master bedroom. I kicked the door shut with my foot. I set Essie down and we both poked our heads out the door and said, “Goodnight Madison.”

Madison just waved and shook her head as she headed for her place.

We arrived at the restaurant just as Harvey Levinwicz arrived. Talk about timing. Essie did the intros and we shook hands. After we were seated Harvey said, “I was wondering who the man was who met her high standards and won her hand. I wish the best for both of you.”

Harvey seemed like a very nice gentleman. After listening to him for awhile I thought he would make a great judge. The lunch was very good and I picked up the tab. We really did discuss Ward and Ward business. We all walked to Harvey’s office and sat down.

“It’s my understanding there are three documents that need preparation or need amending. Am I correct?”

“Yes,” Essie said. “Randy and I need a prenuptial drawn up and my will modified. Randy has decided that he needs a will also.”

“Let’s do the prenup first, and if you both are in agreement on that one, we will proceed to the wills. Tell me your ideas for your prenup.”

“Essie laid out her request that the current value of Ward and Ward Oil would be retained as hers and that any increased value would be evenly split between her and I in the event of a divorce or legal separation. The company would be valued at the current assessed value as reflected by the latest county property tax records. Plus the value of all mineral rights and the cash profit from the last income tax filing. The value of the ranch and all improvements are excluded and not a part of this agreement because that is titled and owned by Madison Ward.”

In the event of my infidelity to Randy and my marriage vows, I will pay him the sum of ten million dollars on demand by him. In the event of infidelity of Randy to his and my marriage vows, he will pay me the sum of ten million dollars on demand.”

My jaw dropped, “Where in hell would I come up with that kind of money if I was stupid enough to cheat on you? I can’t agree to something I don’t have.”

“Don’t you worry Honey, the day you marry me you will be a very rich man. Ten million will hurt. It will hurt me also to have to pay that out. We’ll be okay, don’t worry.”

The rest of the prenup was all boiler plate stuff. I trust Essie so I will agree to the prenup.

“Randy, I will draw up a will that covers your family and also Essie. I want you to take it to another lawyer of your choice to have it reviewed and explained to you. I believe you will find it very fair to you and Essie.”

“Essie, I will change your will replacing Madison with Randy. Do you have any other changes that I should make?”

Essie handed him an envelope, “In here is a copy of my current will with the changes that I want. All changes take effect the day of our marriage.”

Harvey stood up and said, “I will have these prepared by next week and I will call to set up an appointment for review and signatures. Randy, do you have a lawyer’s name so I can fax your will to him or her for review?”

I gave him the name and number of our family lawyer in Oklahoma. Harvey shook our hands and we excused ourselves and left his office. I didn’t mean to be, but I was very quiet on the elevator ride down. Essie took my hand and squeezed it. I squeezed hers back. She smiled and laid her head against my shoulder. I thought of how much I love her and she loves me. I smiled now also. We retrieved her car from the carpark and headed home.

“I’m sorry about how the afternoon went for you Randy. I don’t think you have any idea of what I’m worth and all this business is upsetting you. Please don’t be upset. I want to protect you as much as I want to protect myself. You know I love you more than I loved Duke.”

I took her hand in mine and drove the rest of the way home. I was satisfied with my day and I wanted to make love to my woman as soon as I could get her panties off. I was horny to say the least.

I received a call from the family lawyer who explained my will to me. He had one change he wanted me to approve before faxing the change to Harvey. It was a minor change in wording that would clarify one sentence.

Two weeks before the wedding, Essie and I met with her lawyer and signed the prenup. Essie read her will and it must have met her approval because she signed it. I read through my will and apparently my folks would be taken care of for the rest of their lives. Essie was my main heir and rightly so. In the event of both Essie and I dying, Madison would inherit all of her mothers estate and ten percent of mine. This would allow her the control of Ward and Ward. My family would split the remainder. All of these documents would take effect the moment Essie and I were married.

That done, we headed back to the ranch. Essie started fooling around on the way back. Her hands were all over me and paid special attention to my cock. When the highway cut through a section of her ranch, I slowed down and turned onto a ranch road. I drove back far enough from the main road so no one could see the car. I parked and said, “Enough of this teasing.”

Essie turned, propping her butt on the dash so I could slide under her. I unbuckled my belt and unzipped my jeans. I pulled my already stiff cock from my boxers. Essie moved her pussy over me and slipped her panty crotch to the side. I felt her heat and wetness as her cunt enveloped my cock. I adjusted the seatback rearward giving Essie more freedom of movement.

“I can’t move much Essie, you will have to do all the fucking.”

“Hang on lover boy, I’m going to ride you like bucking bronco. Standby to get fucked good.”

Essie delivered on her promise. Her ass was a blur as her cunt moved up and down on my cock. I felt her orgasm more than once before my cum splashed upwards into her. When she felt my throbbing cock, her pussy ceased movement except for milking my cock. I don’t know how she did it, but her cunt pulled on my cock sucking the last drop of cum from me. Someday I’m going to let her cunt get me off with just that pussy muscle action. Something to look forward to.

“Get me some tissues or you will have cum all over you,” she said.

I stretched until I reached the box and pulled a handful out. I watched as Essie lifted her cunt off my cock. As soon as I was out of her, her hand and tissue caught my cum. She leaked a lot out. I handed her more tissue and she wiped herself clean.

“Roll down the window so I can throw these out.”

She tossed the tissues out the window, and I handed her more; she had started to leak again.

“How much fuckin’ cum did you put in me? I’ll run out of tissues soon.”

She wiped herself again and tossed those also. She took a few tissues and folded them holding them against her pussy with her panty crotch. I slid out from under her and she sat back down in the seat. She raised her seatback up and said, “Let’s go home. I enjoy my bed more when we fuck, but any port in a storm.”

I drove back onto the road and twenty minutes later we were in the house.


It is now the big day! The house is all decorated for the ocassion. My family is in town and Mom and Dad are here with me. Dad is very happy but my mom seemed to be apprehensive. I needed to get her alone and see what is bothering her. After breakfast I had my chance to invite her for a walk outside.

“Mom, something is bothering you, can you tell me?”

“I’m just being a mother, ignore me.”

“Can’t do that for that very reason. You are my mom and I want you happy with my decision to marry Essie.”

“It’s just the age thing that is bothering me. I know you love her and she loves you. If I could overcome that I would be the happiest mom on earth.”

“I’m going to tell you something that I have never told anyone and I hope you will not repeat this to anyone including dad. When Sylvia and I were married all was well in the beginning. Then she wanted more and more involvement with other people. I loved her and went along with it until I went to Afghanistan. She couldn’t stop and that is the real reason we were divorced. With Essie I don’t have any worries, she is a very confident woman. She built her company from the ground up to what it is today. She is just what I want in a wife. Our age difference is not a factor for her or for me, we don’t see it anymore. Please trust me on this, okay Mom?”

Mom smiled, “I trust you son. Essie must be one hell of a good woman for you to want her so much. I’ll be happy for you and her.”

When we returned to the house mom was smiling and acting like her old self. Dad saw how mom had changed and he was even more happy.

It was time. All our guests had arrived, Madison and Essie were getting dressed and it was time for me also. I had bought a new suit for the occasion and I must admit I looked pretty spiffy in it. I walked into the living room. A judge friend of Essie was the officiate and he was already there. I walked up to him and shook his hand while introducing myself.

My brother came forward and stood with me. Madison and Essie now entered the living room. My Essie was so beautiful. She was dressed in a very conservative suit. It was stark white and framed her so well. Her little white hat set on an angle over her long tresses. As she walked toward me, her eyes never left mine. I was so happy a little tear formed in the corner of my eye. When she was close enough she saw the tear and her eyes welled up also.

“C’mon Judge, get this over with so I can kiss and hug my man.”

The judge was very good, he had the ceremony over in five minutes. When he said, ‘You may kiss your bride’, Essie gave me a lip lock like none other. She surprised me with how tight she held me. I reciprocated fully. Our guests were clapping and I heard a few whistles. Essie and I turned around and welcomed all our guests to come forward. Even Grandma was happy for us, she hugged us both. After many more hugs and kisses Essie announced that, ‘The bar is open and the hors d’oeuvres table is ready, dig in everyone’.

The rest of the day went by fast, almost a blur to me. Our guests all departed and Essie and I were alone. Madison drove her grandma to her place and returned.

“Hi Mom and Randy,” she called out when she came into the house. “Can I talk to you two?”

She walked into the living room which was put back to the way it was before. “I just wanted to tell you that I’m so happy for you two. I saw both of your faces light up when you were pronounced husband and wife. I love you two so much. Randy, I welcome you to my family, I’m so happy for you and mom.”

We talked for a while longer before Madison said, “I’m going to bed, goodnight Mommy. Goodnight Daddy.”

She was giggling as she took off running for her place.

“She is such a brat,” Essie said while laughing also.

Our lives returned to normal the next day. Essie told me she was taking my last name as hers and we had a lot of bank accounts to change. On the way to the bank, she stopped at the DMV and changed her drivers license. She wanted that done right away for ID at the bank and wherever else she needed it for.

When we walked in the front door of the bank, the bank president ushered us into her office.

“Congratulations Essie and Randy. How can I help you today?”

“Oh, Roberta, stop being the bank president and be my old friend. I need to change my name on all my accounts here and Randy needs to be added.”

“I’m ahead of you girl,” she said as she removed a pile of paper from a desk drawer. I knew you would be here soon. Look it over and make sure it’s right and start signing your new name. Randy, you sign where indicated.”

After leaving the bank, Essie and I went to the diner and ordered sandwiches and a coffee. We talked about all the new things that would be happening now that we were married. One thing we discussed was taking a cruise, just to get away for a week or so. Another idea was to take a tour of Europe and Great Britain. Essie wants to take a cruise around the Caribbean during the winter months and we then spend summertime in Europe. Her ideas for travel intrigued me. Lunch completed we headed home again.

Life after marriage was pretty much the same as before. Essie was already for sex and so was I. Essie still worked but in a different capacity now. As the PR person she could spend hours away from the ranch during the day. She was always home for dinner though.

The day before she would be leaving for Austin, she packed her suitcase. She would be gone for four days to the wind power conference in Oklahoma City. She asked if I wanted to travel with her. I declined because I would be supervising a new well that was using some of my new ideas. I asked her if I should drive her to the charter service hanger. She said, ‘No’. She would leave her car in their parking lot. The charter service had been used by her and Duke in the past.

The morning she was to leave, we had breakfast in the dining hall. Madison was with us. After breakfast we all said our, ‘Goodbyes’. Essie and I spent a few minutes kissing in the garage.

“I don’t want to go and leave you, but this could be a bonanza for us. That land is just growing cotton now. Wind generating electricity would double, maybe triple our profit from the land. I love you Randy, and I’ll see you in a few days.”

With that she was gone. I headed for my truck and headed out to where the new well was going to be put down. Zeez’s crew was there by the time I arrived. Zeez and I surveyed exactly where the drilling rig would be setup. The trucks came and we were back in the business of drilling.

Just before noon I saw a SUV driving towards us. As it got closer I saw that it was the Sheriff’s vehicle. When he pulled up I saw Madison in the front seat and she was crying. She jumped out of his truck and rushed over to me. “She’s gone Randy, she’s gone.” Madison started sobbing.

“Who’s gone? What do you mean?”

The sheriff was standing by me now. “There was an accident Randy, the plane was proceeding down the runway and something happened and there was a crash. Essie and the pilots were killed instantly. I’m so sorry.”

I think I went into shock, my knees buckled and I dropped to the ground. This couldn’t be happening, I must be dreaming a horrible nightmare. I was on my knees, I looked up and saw Madison was sobbing. I started to sob myself. I now knew it was true, I completely broke down and cried. I stood back up and held Madison in my arms. Both of us crying from the horrible realization that her mom and my wife was not coming home. The sheriff was talking to Zeez, I saw him nod his head in the affirmative. The sheriff came back to us. “Zeez is shutting down the operation until you can return. He will be bringing your truck back to the ranch, I want you and Madison to ride back with me.”

The trip back to the ranch house was horrible for both Madison and me. We couldn’t look at each other without bursting out sobbing. When we arrived, Todd Higgins and Missy were waiting. Their eyes were bloodshot and you could see that they were just as stunned as we were. The sheriff told us, “I’ll keep you both informed of what is transpiring. The ME was on his way there when I left. Their bodies will be transported to the morgue. Let me know the funeral home you will be using and I will pass that information on to the ME.

“The same one that was used for my dad,” Madison said. “Jackson-Riley Funeral Home if that is okay with Randy.”

I had a hard time saying this, “That’s okay with me, I would not have any idea who to use.”

Todd and Missy escorted both of us into the house. We all sat down in the living room. The Higgins told us how sorry they were and how much Essie meant to them. Madison and I told them of our appreciation of their concern. I asked Todd to keep the wheels on Ward and Ward for a few days. Madison told him to pass his ranch work onto his head foreman also. We talked a few minutes longer before Todd said, “Call us if you need anything, we will leave you now unless you want us to stay.”

“You don’t have to stay, Randy and I have a lot to discuss and make the arrangements for the funeral. Thank you two for being here for us.”

Todd and Missy showed themselves out of the house.

“I remember what Mom went through when Dad passed. I will call the funeral home and then we can meet with them. I’m so sorry that this has happened to you Randy. I know how much you love her and she loves you. That truth will always be there for you. Just think of her being with Duke now and someday you will be with her also. Me too.”

“Thanks Madison, I’m heartbroken. I know, as they say, ‘Time will heal’, but that is no help right now.”

We spent the rest of the day answering calls and making a few also. My Mom and Dad were coming down right away to be with me. I liked that, they would know how to keep my spirits up. The news of the accident spread like wildfire once the TV reporters came on scene. There were pictures of the plane, I could see how no one could have survived. The jet must have been up close to rotation speed when the crash happened.

The NTSB was on the scene and preliminary reports, gathered from witnesses, pointed to a landing gear problem. The plane veered off the runway and hit an embankment that was away, but parallel to the runway. That is what destroyed the plane and the lives within it. It happened so fast there was nothing the pilots could have done to avoid the accident.

I was surprised by how many people were available to support Madison and me. Essie was a very popular woman and had many friends. The funeral was well attended, it was held outdoors, under a tent, because of the large crowd. The sheriff said the procession of cars to the grave site numbered well over two hundred.

When I returned home, the loneliness hit me. I didn’t know what to do or how to handle my grief. Mom and Dad stayed a few extra days to help me out. I think they were my lifesavers. They knew what to say and when to give me comfort.

Madison said, “We have to dine with our employees, they need to know that their jobs and way of life are secure with us”. I agreed with her. The first meals were very silent, but a few days later the normal chatter began again. The family table how had six people sitting there, Mom and Dad, Todd and Missy, and Madison and I. We talked and Dad told a few jokes to lighten the air, so to speak. The table demeanor was noticed by the others and dining went back to being the great affair it had always been.

One year later.

Madison and I went to the graves of her Dad and Mom. Madison had asked me if Essie’s grave marker could have her last name as Ward-Dunbar. I told her it was okay with me. Madison also told me that she had bought four adjoining plots, one for me next to Essie and one for her. The other two were just there now, for whatever the future may hold.


Published 9 years ago

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