The next day after that was Sunday, and Sunday meant church. Though in this case church ended up being a little bit more than just church with the tightness of the chastity belt reminding her of the beads still stuck up her rear hole. The fullness of which was still there since her mother hadn’t bothered to take them out in the morning, and against the awkwardness of having to sit there for nearly an entire hour on end with her bottom touching the hard and wooden surface of the pews, by the time it was over, Erika was almost looking forward to the chance of getting to go back home. Or do anything else at all besides press her legs together against the fresh wave of stickiness that seeped out to cling to the insides of the metal shield.
As such, when the pastor finally pressed his hands together to dismiss them into their small groups, it was as if her endurance finally pushed through. At least the beads weren’t vibrating anymore, she thought bitterly. That was good. Even as her mother proceeded to lead her by the hand over to a small room in the back where they were greeted by a certain Father Byrne, dressed as he was in his usual uniform consisting of a sparsely decorated vestment and a pair of long black robes.
Specialty Counselor, his nametag read, and Erika frowned at the sight. The congregation was by no means old, having been formed only just a decade or so prior from one of the more radically minded splinters of a larger church, but they did take a certain amount of pride in sticking to their traditions. Or as much pride as was canonically allowed when it came to their faith in the Lord.
“I got the message you left on the phone,” he said, “Is this her?”
Standing to the side, Erika watched as her mother nodded in response.
“Yes,” she said, “And thank you for agreeing to meet on such a short notice. I know I should have scheduled a proper appointment, but it just happened so fast for the both of us that I didn’t know what else to do.”
“About her already starting to have doubts, you mean,” he said.
“Yes, forgive me Father,” said her mother, bowing again, “It’s been several months already, and despite the steps we’ve taken…”
She trailed off, her eyes shifting over to her, and Erika blinked as Father Byrne continued to watch them both from across the room. What were they talking about exactly? From the sounds of it, the topic was obviously about her, but why at church? Was it all part of some sort of curriculum or plan? And if it was, did that mean that everything she had been through so far had all been a part of some sort of deal? Including all the way back towards the beginning where her mother had first started to examine her privates and her anus?
Biting down on her lips, she shifted uncomfortably in place. There was no way that could have been true. Or at least, not without her knowing about it much sooner. All the same though, the fact that they were still standing here instead of headed back to the car was hard to ignore. The beads moved inside of her again, filling her up in all the wrong ways, and all of a sudden the room seemed to grow a little too hot. The heat of which soon moved up to her face as Father Byrne glanced over towards her.
“So,” he began. His eyes were a piercing blue, too blue for her liking. “Your mother tells me you’ve been struggling with certain types of… temptation. Is this true?”
Under the intensity of his gaze, Erika could only nod as if it was the only thing preventing her from sinking into the floor.
“Yes, sir,” she mumbled.
“And can you describe how this feels?” he asked again, “Any thoughts that you might be willing to share to help us understand what you’re going through?”
“I…,” said Erika.
She paused, her heart hammering away in her chest, and the metal band of the chastity belt seemed to shrink around her waist as the shield pressed up against her crotch. And as she felt her clit grow stiff again at the top of her slit, it was as if her tongue had been glued to the roof of her mouth. How on earth was she even supposed to begin? Especially with the presence of the beads still stuck up inside of her, and she didn’t even want to think about having to describe the frustration she felt every time her mother made her bend over for another one of her so-called inspections to put another weird object up her rear hole. Like, was this normal? Was this how all the other girls felt as well? Or was her body simply just broken, and thus why they were here to have it taken apart and put back together.
The thoughts swirled around in her mind, each one even more frightening than the last, and she bit down on her lips as she clutched at the fabric of her skirt. Her mother looked across at her impatiently, and finally after what seemed like an eternity of waiting, Father Byrne cleared his throat.
“Clearly, she has suffered much,” he said, “The modern world is not kind, and the temptations of the flesh are now more than ever.”
There was a short stop, and he waited a moment before he continued.
“Perhaps then,” he said carefully, “It would be better to examine the results ourselves.”
He turned towards them again, the kindness of his smile still stretching out, though against the look on his face, Erika couldn’t help but think that the words were less a suggestion and more an order. One that her mother took to almost immediately, and she felt the world slow down. The distant warmth of the sun shone in through the window, and all of a sudden, the warm surroundings of the office they were in seemed to transform until it resembled more the cold and hard concrete of a cell. And trapped on all sides with nowhere to go, it was as if there was nothing she could do as her mother walked over to place her hand against her shoulder.
“Be brave now,” she said, “Let the kind Father see what’s troubling you.”
Then, with a firm but caring touch, she reached over to undo the first button of her dress, and from there on out it was only a matter of time before her skin started to show. Like the first flakes of snow against the coming of winter, and she shivered as it settled down around her feet along with her clothes. First her top, the thin lace of her shirt sliding up over her shoulders, and then her socks and her shoes. Finally, with the soft touch of the air brushing up against her chest, it was down to nothing but the cotton of her panties before that too fell away to reveal the bare metal of her chastity belt. All the while, Father Byrne looked on, and if he saw the tail end of the string sticking out from between her legs, then he paid it no thought. Or at least any more thought than the rest of her as she stood there against the sudden cold.
“You said it first started a couple of months ago?” he asked.
His eyes traveled up the slender curve of her thighs to rest between her legs, and it was only through a distant afterthought that Erika remembered not to cover herself up.
“Yes,” said her mother. “Four, to be exact.”
“And has she shown any signs of improvements since then?” he said.
“Not that I know of,” said her mother, “Though every time I check, the worse she becomes.”
There was a small hum from the pastor as if deep in thought, and Erika watched as her mother glanced over with an anxious look. One that only appeared whenever she got caught something wrong, and she felt her heart skip another beat inside her chest as the pastor stepped forward to examine her from another angle.
“Perhaps a practical demonstration might be in order,” he finally said.
“Right now?” asked her mother.
“Why not,” he said, “We can even have it recorded as well so that we’ll have something to go off of in the future. Though, to be honest, I’m not sure how helpful it’ll be since these types of cases almost always differs from person to person.”
There was a closet set to the side, and after a brief moment of digging about, the pastor quickly returned with a tripod and a camera. There was a small moment of silence as he set it up, and Erika felt her stomach drop another dozen or so feet as the screen turned on. Slowly, the red light blinked, and she watched as a mirror image of herself appeared across the view. There wasn’t exactly much time to think about it, however, as her mother stepped forward to stand behind her again, and with a small click of a remote, she gasped as she felt the beads in her bottom once again began to move.
This time, the vibrations were definitely weaker than before. Against the emptiness still lingering inside of her though, it almost felt worse. Not helping either was the way her mother slid her arms around her sides to press down against her nipples, and as her fingers started to circle around the miniature little bumps of her areola, it was impossible to keep her voice down. Immediately, every single hair on her body stood up, and as the pressure between her legs grew stronger and stronger, it was as if she was back in her room again with her upper body bent over the edge of the bed as her mother spread her apart. Like that, she would place her thumb on each side before peeling back her hood, and as her fingers trailed upward between her cheeks to press down against her rear with the ample amount of lotion already applied to her there offering absolutely no resistance at all…
“Oh!” said Erika, “I’m… I can’t…”
She shuddered hard, the walls of her tunnel seizing up as they prepared to clamp down, but the moment she could feel her g-spot starting to swell, her mother pulled her hands away just in time to leave her without any recourse. Just like every other time they did this, and she wailed out loud as her release was cut short. All the while the dark lens of the camera continued to watch, and against the perfect fidelity of the high-resolution video, there was no mistaking the tiny trickle of clear and transparent fluid that leaked out from the edge of the belt. Like a personal admission of guilt, and her mother caught her hands to hold them out of the way as she sobbed.
“No!” she cried, “Why did you stop…”
More tears appeared to join it, this time on her face, and it was only after another couple minutes of pitiful whimpering that she was able to pull herself together. Past that, it was over the back of a nearby chair as her mother spread her cheeks so that the camera could capture the string trailing down from her rear hole. Like a flag of her desperate arousal, and after showing off exactly how many beads were inside of her and of what size, they were slowly inserted one by one back into her anus before she was finally allowed to get dressed once more.
The softness of her panties slid up between her legs, and she shivered as she felt the material soaking up the wetness clinging to her there. Up above, her nipples pressed through the fabric of her shirt, and from past experience, it was going to be quite a while before they went back down. Or perhaps even longer as her mother pressed the button on the remote, and the vibrations turned back on to their lowest setting as she squirmed.
“I usually make her stand in the corner like this for about an hour or so afterwards,” she said, “Usually with the back of her skirt lifted upward, though I think you’ll forgive me if I cut it short for the sake of time.”
“No, that’s fine,” said Father Byrne. “I’m sure you can continue the rest at home.”
He walked over to turn off the camera before removing the memory card, and after copying the contents over, he placed it in her hand.
“Just remember to record the sessions from now on,” he said. “Even if you don’t think it’s relevant, it’s important to get all the information we might need for a proper diagnosis.”
“Even during her punishments?” asked her mother.
“If you think it’s prudent,” he said, “Though if I may give a word of advice, I find that in these cases of self-abuse, it often helps to let their natural sense of shame do most of the work. As such, I think that the more closeup shots you can get, the faster she’ll learn to improve.”
The pastor smiled as he turned towards her, and against the feeling of the beads buzzing away inside of her rear and the calculating look on her mother’s face, somehow Erika had a notion that her life was about to get a lot more difficult. And as her mother took her by the hand to lead her back to the car, she bit down on her lips as she felt another trickle of wetness seep out.
Between her legs, the stiff metal of the chastity belt felt as unyielding as ever.