One Thursday morning in late April, Blaise mentioned he wished I would spend more weeknights at his place. He wanted me around more. And, besides, he said, he slept better when I was next to him.
“Gee, can you give me a little more incentive?” I asked, joking.
“Uh, how about I suck you dry every time you walk through the door?” he said.
“That’s pretty good,” I answered.
We scheduled lunch together and ended up with my cock in his mouth while we sat in his truck in his own carport. He had driven us to his house and parked. But, we couldn’t wait to go inside. I pulled my jeans down just enough and he made quick work of me. I reflected that energy back at him with a couple quick licks and then a passionate fast, hard handjob while our tongues wrestled.
I came straight to his house after work without going home first. I had no reason to deny his request for spending more time together. At some point that night he mentioned he’d probably mow his yard Saturday while I cleaned, or do it Sunday morning. It had to be done early because it already was starting to get hot in the afternoon. The older he got, he said, the less heat he could take.
I didn’t know if that was a hint, or subliminal suggestion, or what. But, it worked. I told him I’d take care of the yard Saturday.
“You don’t have to,” he exclaimed. “I’ll do it. Or, if you really want to mow, I’ll take care of the house while you mow.”
“I know. I know,” I said. “But you aren’t going to get anything done in the house because you really want to watch me walk around your yard in nothing but a pair of cut-off jeans.”
“Cut-offs?” I caught him by surprise. “I might like cut-offs.”
I made sure to swing by my apartment Friday to pick up the last pair of cut-off jean shorts I still had. They hadn’t gone completely out of style yet. But they were in their death throes.
When we got up Saturday morning I didn’t take a shower or put a shirt on. I pulled the shorts up over my bikini underwear. They barely covered the underwear and Blaise gave his approval as we both headed outside, me to work, him to watch.
After I’d made a couple of passes across the yard, I already was sweating. I noticed my friend was standing in the shade of the carport with a glass of iced tea in his hand. As I watched him, he took a sip, never taking his eyes off me. I kept an eye on him occasionally while I mowed to make sure I still had an audience. The only time he seemed to move was when I made my way around the side of the house toward the backyard.
Blaise leaned against one corner of a small privacy fence as I took care of the small backyard and headed around to the final side yard. The tall fence screened a private patio off the kitchen.
It took less than forty-five minutes, but I felt like I’d been in a sauna for hours. The shade of the carport was welcome as I put the mower back in its spot. Blaise came out with a beer and a towel in his hand.
I headed to the shower. A few minutes later, I walked through the house in a towel. Blaise had been cleaning in the meantime. I got another beer and sat at the kitchen table. I started helping out when I finally cooled down from the yard and the shower.
In less than thirty minutes we were done and back at the kitchen table. Blaise leaned down to me as I sat at the table and we kissed for a minute. When his hand began caressing my throat and chest I had an idea.
“Let’s go outside,” I said, breathless. Blaise looked at me confused.
“The patio. Do me on the patio.”
“You just stopped sweating,” he protested.
“I’ve never had any kind of sex outside.”
“Nothing stops the Hot-Ass Stud,” he said, following me out the door.
My towel dropped on to the kitchen floor as we walked out to his secluded patio. I immediately sat in a chair and pulled my knees up to assume one of the poses from my photos and video, the one that showed Blaise my then newly-shaved balls and ass. He recognized the pose immediately and dropped to his knees before me.
“Mmmm.” I felt the vibrations of his moan through the tongue that already was gliding from my ass to my scrotum. Up and down he licked me from asshole through hanging balls to swollen glans over and over. My head was thrown back, eyes closed. I still wanted to watch every move he made. But, sometimes, the ecstasy was too much.
Suddenly, my glans was against the back of his throat. I caught my breath and grunted loudly. For a second, I was concerned someone might hear me. When his throat and tongue began massaging my cock I didn’t care anymore. I grabbed the back of his head with both hands and pulled him close, my cock sinking deep into his throat.
I think it took only a few seconds for him to make me literally scream as I pumped a heavy load of thick cum into his mouth. I felt my cock pumping out stream after stream as my asshole and abs constricted over and over. By the time it stopped my muscles felt sore. When I finally opened my eyes my friend had swallowed every drop of me and was kissing his way up my chest.
I still could taste myself in his mouth when I explored him with my tongue. As we kissed I pushed him up and guided him around to replace me in the chair.
He wasn’t rock hard. But, I knew how to fix that. I went to work slowly kneading his smooth balls with one hand. I held his thin cock up with my other hand to massage his glans with my thumb.
In a minute he was swelling between my fingers. I started a gradual pull on his scrotum toward me away from his crotch. I slid my lips over his growing cock and pulled him back out slowly. He groaned his approval.
As his dick assumed its full stature, I began a proper stroke with my hand pulling the skin up and down tightly a few times. Then I switched to a soft light stroke. I alternated my pressure on his cock while I continued the rhythmic pulling on his sac.
The only way to describe what I did with my friend’s cock would be “play.” I lightly traced over and around his shaft with my fingers, exploring every vein and now tightly stretched wrinkle. The tip of my forefinger encircled the ridge of his glans before running up the wrinkles of his frenulum to his squinting eye pushing a fingertip into the opening. I kept this up for a long time, lost in my friend’s body. The entire time I retained my grip on his balls and let the weight of my arm keep them pulled down.
Eventually, a drop of pre-cum appeared. I rose up enough to drip a little spit on his head. But instead, I leaned farther down and closed my lips around his glans and gave it a swirl with my tongue. He gasped and looked down at me wide-eyed. I cut my eyes up at his for a second and smiled as I slid my lips off of him. I deposited a generous wad of my spit and began a slow, leisurely stroke. This was the South. A long, slow handjob on the “veranda” was the perfect way to spend a Saturday morning. I wished I’d made Blaise a mint julep beforehand.
By the time he was lubed up — and had received a bit of oral stimulation — it took just a few minutes of long, smooth stroking to get his chest heaving and his hips thrusting. I sped up only slightly before I felt the surge in his shaft.
“Watch!” I commanded.
This time I aimed his hot juice directly onto my face. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth and jacked his sperm all over my face. I allowed as much as possible to land in my mouth. I kept my mouth open until I was sure he was spent. I opened my eyes then and looked directly into his eyes and swallowed every drop.
“Oh, my God! Oh, my God!” He was sweating and practically hyperventilating. I let him blow on to my hand and his balls and belly. He was sweating all over. But even I was breathing heavy I was so aroused.
As I rose up I licked another generous portion of his cum off his shaking cock and left the patio. He was bitter, almost sour. But, I seemed to be developing a taste for it. Or, maybe it was just that it was his.
I returned with a wet washcloth — cooler than usual, a towel, and a couple beers. As I cleaned him off, part of me wanted to be using my tongue instead of a washcloth. When I finished, I sat down in a chair across the table from him.
“Damn,” he said. “You’re getting too good!”
I gave him a quizzical look.
“Not that you were ever bad. But, I know the only experience you have with men is me. And, I gotta tell ya, that was as good as I’ve ever had.
“And, that licking and cum-eating was– God! If I could have cum twice, — ”
“I’m glad you liked it,” I said. Inwardly, I was screaming with joy. “But, you don’t really hide how you feel about it very well, anyway.”
“How could I?”
“But, really! What the hell is all this licking? I thought I was going to blow right in your face every time I felt your mouth on me.”
“I just wanted to give it a try.”
“Well, here’s to experimentation,” he said raising his bottle.
By the time we finished our beers, we decided it was too hot to stay outside.
With the cleaning done, we spent most of the afternoon in front of the TV. Again, I spent the afternoon naked while Blaise wore shorts and a t-shirt. I think he was always more self-conscious about his body. We spent a couple of hours talking and watching whatever we could find on TV. At about 4:30, I realized we never made it to my apartment to clean up. We just planned to do it Sunday. It was small and wouldn’t take long. I didn’t spend much time there anymore, anyway. About the same time, I realized we hadn’t eaten in several hours.
“You want to go get something to eat?” I asked. “It’s almost five.”
“Why don’t we have something delivered?”
“Well, that means pizza,” I said. “But, I don’t mind picking up whatever you want. I’m always down to let you eat whatever you want.”
He didn’t catch the veiled hint and decided to order a pizza. We ate a lot of pizza back then. Though I was ready to undress him, I let him remain dressed until the pizza arrived.
After we ate, I had a request or a demand. I wasn’t sure.
“Now that you’ve eaten food,” I said. “It’s time for you to get naked and eat me again.”
He wasted no time stripping and directed me to get on my knees on the floor.
In a second he was on his knees licking my ass. A few minutes later, we were lying side by side facing each other’s crotches. He was rubbing my cock and occasionally licking me for lubrication. I was stroking his stiff dick. He never stopped rubbing me but slowed down enough to allow himself to really enjoy the work I was doing on him.
I licked him a little more and slid his cock far enough in to spin my wet tongue around him again. I went back to a slow, twisting stroke. It took only a few minutes for his abs to tighten and his hips to begin thrusting against my hand. I let him fuck my hand until he exploded on to my hand and the carpet. I used his own shorts to wipe up his sticky mess.
By the time I was finished squeezing out the last of his cum and wiping him down, he had my cock in his hot mouth, just holding it there for several minutes. When he started licking my frenulum while I still was captured in his mouth I caught my breath and began bucking into him. It wasn’t going to take much. The sight and feel of Blaise’s thick cum always pushed me closer to the edge than I cared to admit.
I exploded as hard as I ever had. I literally was surprised at how much cum I could produce. I think I pumped sperm into my friend’s mouth for a solid five minutes.
It was that weekend that I really began to realize I’d been working toward something for a long time. Licking and engulfing his cock more and more often, I guess I was ready to try to actually give my first blowjob. I thought it over through the next week.
Since I didn’t really know what I was doing, I thought it would be fun to involve Blaise from the very beginning. Instead of just diving in blindly, I decided I ask Blaise to guide me, teach me to give him the blow job he wanted. My friend would become my professor.
“I want you to show me how to do something,” I told him early the next Saturday as we finished up in the kitchen. I looked over to him as he wiped the table.
“Teach me how to suck you off.”
He stopped dead in his tracks.
“Yeah,” I said. “I want to give back, to reciprocate. And, I think I’ve been moving in this direction for a while. I just — I want to do that for you. But, I want to do it right. I have to be at least good for you as quickly as I can be. It’ll probably take me a while to be as great as you are. But, if you teach me, maybe I won’t have to muddle around like a teenager too long. And, I can really start giving back what you give me.”
By the time I was finished, Blaise almost was in tears. He hugged me for a long moment.
“I know it’s about blow jobs. But, that’s the sweetest sentiment,” he said. “You know you don’t have to give me oral if you don’t want to or aren’t ready.”
“Number one, first and foremost, get this through your head. I don’t feel like I have to do anything. I want to do it!” I explained, looking up into his eyes. “Secondly, did you not hear anything I just said?”
“Yes, I did,” he said. “And, I could tell you’ve been getting closer. I just want to make sure you really want to do this.”
“Will it make me gay?”
“No,” he shook his head. “You’re still not gay. But, you are very adventurous for a straight guy.
“How, exactly, do you propose I teach you to give head?”
“We can watch videos together and you can explain what’s going on on camera,” I said. “But, I thought it might be fun if you show and explain what you do to me one move at a time and then let me try it on you.”
“Now, that sounds like fun!”
A bit later we were nude on the bed stroking each other to get hard enough for my first lesson.
“I really don’t know that there’s a lot of instruction I can give you,” Blaise said. “Just do the things that I do that you like and don’t do the things that you don’t like.”
“But, I can’t see everything you’re doing,” I said. “And, I can’t always tell what action on your part is causing the sensations I’m feeling. Y’know?”
“It’s the stuff you can’t see that I’m going to try to show you,” he said. “But, you already know how to read me. It’s just like any other kind of sex. Pay attention to your partner and their reactions and responses. If you pay attention, you’ll know if they like something you do or not. And, how much they like it.
“But, when you find something they like, don’t just major on that. Do it more, yes. But, you can’t just do one thing and one thing only. That gets boring — unless you’re right at the end and what you’re doing is the thing that’s going to take them over the edge. But, you know this stuff. You read me very well. You just need moves and technique.”
We both were a little over half-hard by now.
“So, I guess, if you’re really ready for this, let’s start by you showing me what you’ve got,” Blaise said. “Let me see what you can do.”
I headed down to his groin and positioned myself between his legs. I leaned down and gave his glans a quick lick and swirled my tongue around it a couple times. Then I took just the head into my mouth and kept up the swirling as I began stroking his shaft up and down loosely.
“That’s good,” Blaise said. “That’s really good. But, let me show you something else you can try.”
We quickly switched positions. He grabbed my cock softly and brought his mouth down to it. He started by doing exactly the same things I had just done to him to get me slick. But, then pulled me out of his mouth and pushed me back in but with his lips tight so there was some resistance. He had his lips wrapped over his teeth and took only the glans in before pulling it out and repeated a few times in a short, quick mouth fuck. The sensation was like pushing my dick between two fingers and letting only the force of my meat push them apart. I remember Blaise doing that to me before. It was an incredible feeling. He explained what he was doing before we switched positions.
I started from the very beginning, licking and swirling to lube him up. When I started his tight-mouth technique Blaise sucked air and straightened his back. Apparently, he liked it, too.
I kept it up longer than he had. I stopped with his head still in my mouth and gave his frenulum several hard strokes with the tip of my tongue from side to side. I then ran my tongue down his shaft to the base and back up to swirl around his head. I finished by sticking my tongue in his hole.
“God, that’ll do it,” he said. His breathing already was getting heavier. “You know more than you let on.
“Now let’s try going deep. Slide my dick in as far as you can before you gag.”
By the time I stopped, I could almost feel his pubic hair on my nose and his balls touching my chin. What I wasn’t telling Blaise was that I had been practicing for a week or so on an eight-inch mail-order dildo. If I could get almost all of that in, swallowing his almost-six-inches would be easy. The dildo also was a lot fatter, especially the head. So, I also knew I had room to use my tongue more on my friend’s thin meat.
“Jesus,” he said softly. “Now, to go a little farther you can hum or moan. That causes your throat to loosen and relax.”
I hummed quietly and pushed my nose into his pubic hair. I could feel his glans beginning its push into my throat. His back stiffened immediately. I guess I was concentrating too much on the lesson. I remained erect. But, I wasn’t really feeling any arousal beyond that.
While I still had him in my throat Blaise said, “Moaning also causes your mouth to vibrate.”
I immediately started humming again and his abs began to contract.
“That’s really good,” he said breathlessly.
While I hummed, I tried a swallowing motion with my throat. That caused the very back of my tongue to stroke against his glans and frenulum. I grabbed his balls with my hand.
I had to pull him back for a minute to catch my breath. But, I kept him captured in my mouth, pumping up and down his shaft open-mouthed, my tongue gliding along his meat. He grunted loudly and I sped up, realizing I was on to something.
I went back to throating him rhythmically and pulled tightly on his swelling balls.
Within a couple of minutes, Blaise couldn’t take anymore and let me know he was about to cum.
I had no mercy for him. I pulled him back to my mouth and applied hard suction on his glans while I jacked his cock fast and hard. I think my head actually was pushed back a bit when I felt his hot load hit my throat. I kept pumping him into my mouth until I was full. I let some dribble out of my lips as I swallowed. I heard Blaise moan when he saw his own cum dripping from my lips. When I refilled my mouth from his spewing cock I looked up at him and opened my full mouth so he could see his sperm just before I swallowed it. Some ran down my chin and dripped on to his balls. And, I licked that up and ate every drop I could get.
“God!” Blaise said. “You’re a monster.”
“A cock monster?” I asked.
He immediately dove on my cock, burying his nose in my pubic hair in one swift move. His throat constricted and he sucked me like he needed my cum to live. He held my shaft with one hand at the base and bobbed his head up and down rapidly. He fucked my cock with his mouth with wild abandon. My breathing and convulsions came faster and faster. It seemed to take only seconds before I was filling his mouth with my hot cum.
“Stop,” I said suddenly. “Don’t swallow me yet. Let me taste it.”
He leaned in and I pushed my tongue into his sticky lips. I swirled my tongue around in his mouth and scooped a huge wad of my own cum into my mouth. I swallowed my own semen while my tongue still was in his mouth. We pulled apart. I saw Blaise swallow what I’d left him.
We fell onto the bed sweating and panting. He kissed me anywhere he could reach until neither of us could retain consciousness.
The next Wednesday I stopped by Blaise’s house about 5:30 after I’d spent a couple of hours shooting the last track meet of the year at the local high school. His place was between the school and my apartment so I thought I’d surprise him, maybe share a drink. I was pretty sweaty from standing out in the May sun half the afternoon and it showed. He asked me if I wanted to take a shower. Of course, I did. I like being clean and I knew where the shower would lead.
I headed to the bathroom, stripping as I went.
Within a couple of minutes, I felt a familiar presence behind me. Blaise and I soaped each up and played for a few minutes. I pushed up on my tiptoes to get our hard cocks rubbing together in the water. After a minute I bent down and sucked his head into my mouth for a second. But that was all. I turned off the water and we started drying off. We both dressed. I put on shorts and a t-shirt. Blaise wore a pair of his pajama pants and a t-shirt.
We spent a couple of hours eating and watching a horror movie. It was just another Wednesday night. Eventually, I took our dinner trash to the kitchen.
When I returned, he was watching my video. His eyes always seemed to glaze over when he watched it. The world stopped when I was his TV screen. I loved it.
I quietly drank a beer while we watched my bedroom scene. When my bottle was empty I slid the coffee table over enough to get on my knees in front of my friend. He barely took his eyes off the TV, but sat back enough to let me slide his pants down. When he was naked from the waist down I got to work. My video usually had him half-hard. Tonight was no different and my fingers wrapped around his shaft and lifted it so I could attack it from the base to the tip in a long, slow lick.
I licked up and down and around his cock until he was wet enough for my hand to begin spinning and pumping it. I enveloped his head with my mouth and planted the tip of my tongue on his frenulum pushing against it. I sucked on him with hard, deep suction. I lost track of how long I continued that, pumping and twisting, sucking and pulling. He had one hand on the back of my head. I looked up at him as often as I could. His chest was heaving and he was moaning hoarsely. But he never looked down at me.
Soon I felt his thighs tremble and his abs tighten.
“Force me,” I demanded.
Finally, he looked down at me and grabbed the back of my head with both hands, and pulled my face into his groin. I engulfed his meat and sucked hard, using my throat to massage the tip of his glans that was in the very back of my mouth. In seconds his cock exploded inside me. I caught most of his cum, more than before. It took a couple gulps to swallow all of his bitter semen.
I dropped down fully onto my knees, my head resting on his thigh breathing heavily.
After a moment, I lay back on the couch, my legs spread, my crotch open to Blaise’s inspection. I leaned down and spit on my cock and started stroking it looking over at him as he caught his breath on the other end of the couch. I continued stroking myself and watched him until he looked over and caught my eye. I closed my eyes in self-pleasure.
In an instant, I could feel his heavy breathing on my groin as he dove on my dick. He licked and swirled his tongue around me for five minutes or more before he did anything else.
We both woke up early the next morning in Blaise’s bed. I rarely spent the night on work nights. But we couldn’t pull ourselves away from each other the night before.
Blaise began kissing my shoulders and worked his way down my back. When he made it to my hip he rolled me over and kissed over to my pubic hair. Another part of me already was rising for the morning and he took hold of me tightly.
“We don’t have time for both of us to have fun unless we do each other at once,” I said.
“You don’t have to do me,” he said. “I just can’t stay away –”
“Get it up here,” I said.
He moved around to put his groin in my face and we both began licking and sucking. Within a few minutes, it seemed we had adopted the same rhythm and were bobbing our heads in time. Sometimes he would mess up the rhythm by going deeper and keeping my cock in his mouth longer. His extra attention had my shaft pulsating soon and he picked up the pace.
As soon as I felt my cum rising I engulfed his meat until I could barely breathe and sucked him as hard as I could as I emptied myself into his mouth. I had wrapped one arm around his ass to grab and hold his balls tightly from behind. My simultaneous sucking and cumming had its own effect on Blaise. Just as the worst of my cum jets subsided, his exploded into my throat. I tried to swallow as much as I could. Some, however, leaked out of my stretched lips and ran down his leg.
As soon as his cock stopped spasming into me I leaned up and wiped the cum I missed off his leg and headed to the bathroom for a very quick shower before work.
That Friday night while we were laying in bed an odd thought occurred to me and I asked Blaise if he had ever seen anyone suck themselves.
“I’ve heard of it,” he said. “But, I’ve never seen it. I’ve never known anyone that limber — or that long. And, I’ve never seen it in a video. I definitely can’t do it.”
“Hmm. Let’s see what I can do.” I dropped to the floor beside the bed. I knew the bed’s flexibility wouldn’t let my back bend as much as the stiff floor.
I folded my hips up over my head and from my perspective, it looked like I might just make it if I was hard enough. I hopped back up and stood beside the bed.
“Get me hard,” I ordered Blaise. “And, I mean rock hard.”
He slid over and began working on me with his hands and his mouth. It really didn’t take very long. I was kind of turned on by the possibility of having my own dick in my mouth. I also always love getting head while standing. I don’t know what’s so different. But, it does a number on me.
Soon I thought I might be hard enough. My cock definitely was straining against its tight skin. Back on the floor, I pulled my knees up and over. I was almost there, maybe an inch or less away. If I had a longer tongue, I could have licked my own glans.
When he saw how close I was, Blaise jumped down to the floor beside me and pushed my legs down just a bit. It was just enough. I had almost my entire cockhead in my mouth. I started licking and sucking as much as I could.
I could hear Blaise making exclamations of some kind. But, I was so consumed by what I was doing that I ignored everything else. Within what felt like seconds I felt my cum moving. Then I felt a familiar tongue on my displayed asshole. God! It was more than I could take. I pulled as much of myself in as possible and cum shot into my mouth. I filled my mouth and let it run out. It was difficult to swallow gradually or hold it. I did swallow some.
Eventually, I had to stop and unfold just to breathe. My legs were on Blaise’s shoulders and he was stared at me in awe. Cum ran down my cheeks. I felt it still pumping out of my cock. Blaise quickly put his mouth to work catching as much as he could.
I lay on the floor a long time after the spasms died away just catching my breath and letting my back straighten out. My stomach muscles also ached from the intense convulsions of orgasm in such an odd position.
Blaise leaned down and licked my cum off my face and then used his tongue to try to get any that might remain in my mouth.
“That was amazing,” he said as we climbed back onto the bed. “I’ve never seen anything like that. You are just –”
I didn’t say anything, but I knew then that my cum tasted better than Blaise’s. Mine wasn’t as bitter; it almost had no flavor at all. Maybe I needed another comparison sample.
I rolled over and began kissing him and massaging his cock as I lay on the floor. I had half expected him to be hard from watching my little freak show. But, perhaps the novelty of it was too much to create any real arousal. Anyway, I was more than capable of arousing him in other ways.
We moved back up to the bed and I kissed and licked, stroked and squeezed him until we both were feeling a new surge. When his cock was hard enough to put my eye out I made sure to get him dripping wet.
“I want to try something,” I said while I slowly stroked Blaise’s manhood. “Get up.”
“Something else?” Blaise asked as he got up. I slid myself around on my back on the bed and let my head hang off the edge.
“Give it to me deep,” I demanded. My friend moaned loudly as he stepped forward. He had to bend his knees a little to line his cock up with my mouth.
He began sliding into my waiting mouth slowly. I closed down on him and swirled my tongue around his glans and its ridge to get him good and wet. I began a steady suction on him. After a few seconds, I reached back and grabbed his thighs to pull him closer, deeper.
As he neared the end of my mouth and beginning of my throat proper, I stopped to let my mouth and throat acclimate to the foreign object. I continued sucking and swirling my tongue around him the best I could. When I felt my throat relax a bit more I pulled him deeper.
A second later his pubic hair was tickling my chin and his balls rested on my closed eyes. He was as deep he could go.
He pulled back thinking he’d gone too far.
“Fuck me!” I demanded, my speech slurred a little by the piece of hard meat in my mouth. I pulled hard on his thighs until it was physically impossible to get more of him down my throat.
I started a swallowing motion in my throat while my tongue kept up a side to side stroke on his shaft and frenulum. At this point, I couldn’t get it all the way around his cock. But, I could keep it moving somewhere. Then I began alternating between the swallow and a long moan to vibrate his cock in my throat.
A minute of this was all he could take. I heard a deep guttural moan and felt his legs tighten. I pulled him out a little and then back in. I wanted to see if I could let him fuck my throat. When he realized what I wanted, Blaise took over thrusting his cock through my skull into my neck. He was leaning over me holding himself up on the bed. I continued my swallowing motion the best I could. But it took only a few thrusts for his thick cum to shoot into me.
He stopped thrusting, his entire body stiff. I took over and began jacking the tiny bit of his shaft that wasn’t in my mouth and sucking as hard as possible on the part that was.
As his convulsions slowed down I returned my hands to his thighs and held him in place until he went completely limp in my mouth. I caught even the final few dribbles of cum before I released him, his cum- and spit-wet dick sliding over my face. Finally, he collapsed on the bed beside me.
I sat up to check on Blaise. I was panting. But, he really sounded like he was hyperventilating. Every exhale was a grunt. Every inhale was a wheeze.
“Are you all right?” I asked, truly concerned.
“I’ve. Never. Ever. Had. Anyone. Do. That.” He could barely talk between ragged breaths.
I took the opportunity to kiss his thighs up to his wet, shrunken cock. He jumped when my lips touched his sensitive head. I kissed farther up his stomach and chest to his neck and lips. I shoved my tongue into his mouth hoping he could taste some of his own cum still in my mouth.
He remained unmoving on the bed for several minutes. Eventually, his breathing returned to normal.
“How did you do that?” he said. “You must be some kind of natural, a cock-sucking savant, or something. That was the most amazing–”
I leaned down and gave his balls and cock a long lick before I got up to head to the shower.
“I can’t believe a straight guy just gave me the best blow job I’ve ever had,” he said as I walked out. “The student has become the master.”