Enticed Pt. 14 – Frosted Chocolate

"Alpha discovers a new flavor."

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It took several months, but eventually, I had an audience member who was both gay and black. I’d had an idea floating around since my first flirtation with bondage and leather.


I had noticed Ezekiel at a couple of shows, the first being early December. It was easy to notice one black man in a room full of white men. He also made it to the Christmas and New Year’s shows. It was after the New Year’s show that I cornered him.


I followed him to the bathroom at one point. When he came out, I immediately positioned him against the wall. His eyes went wide. They widened even more when I rubbed over his thick package through his jeans.  


“You’re new,” I said. “Are you liking the show?”


“Uh, yeah.” He was hesitant. “I like it a lot! You’re great!


“But, what are you — ?”


“Sorry,” I said. “I wanted to welcome you to the Lodge. I like seeing new faces.”


“Do you welcome all the new guys like this?”


“No,” I replied. “Actually, I wanted to meet you because I have an idea for a show that you would be perfect for.”


While I continued lightly rubbing his groin, I explained my idea for using a black stud in a show. My eyes were independently fascinated by the deep espresso brown of his skin.


It only took the promise of getting to suck my dick for him to agree to do anything I asked. But, I made sure he had been fully tested and was quite healthy. AIDS still was a major concern, and I wanted to do things that would be risky if we weren’t both healthy. I also told him I’d make it worth his while — in addition to getting into the show for free.


I explained that I would call him up during the next show and tell him what to do. We didn’t need to rehearse or anything. It would be more fun and more real if he didn’t know exactly what was going to happen.


“Wait,” he shook his head. “This isn’t going to be some kind of Klan thing or slave thing, is it? ‘Cause I’m not going to ….”


“No! Not at all,” I stopped him. “Though the next show is the leather show, you’ll be the one in charge. It’ll be just the opposite of what you’re thinking. Don’t worry. I think you’ll like it.”


“Okay. Yeah.” He finally reached out to reciprocate my stroking. His smooth brown hand slid over my black trunks and found my already stiffening meat inside as he stared down at my bulge. “I’d love to get with this.


“Can I – keep going?”


His eyes were pleading when he looked back to my face.


“I’ll be surprised if I have anything left after the show I just did – and the one on the couch,” I said. “But, you’re welcome to try.”


I licked my lips and pushed the waistband down enough to release my erect cock and swelling balls. He moaned a little in the back of his throat as he gently, almost lovingly, wrapped his fingers around my shaft. The other hand carefully cupped my balls.


He began a smooth, slow stroke that amounted to a perfect dry caress. In just a few seconds my breathing began to increase and I twitched occasionally when he rubbed over my frenulum. I think just seeing his dark fingers wrapped around my meat was heating me up.


“You’re about to get sprayed with cum,” I breathed. “You want a facial?”


He silently dropped to his knees in front of me and continued stroking me while aiming my dick at his face.


“Wait,” I said. He looked up. I bent down putting my face close to his. “I don’t usually cum on strangers. What’s your name?”


“Ezekiel,” he said, dropping his gaze back to my pulsing cock head. “But, my friends call me Zeke or Zee.”


“No. I like Ezekiel,” I whispered, breathily, my hands on his shoulders. “It has weight to it, presence. Ezekiel is a man of substance. Zeke’s just another guy.


“I want you to be a man of substance.”


With that, he opened his mouth as I began throbbing and humping into his fist. In a couple of seconds, I was sending white sperm the few inches to his face. I watched it land in clumps on his cheeks and displayed tongue. My cum wasn’t what you’d call bright white. But, there was a definite contrast between it and Ezekiel’s skin. It looked like frosted chocolate.


He continued rubbing my now oozing cock, making me jump at the extreme sensitivity. It didn’t take long to drain the last of it after my intense New Year’s show. I reached down and collected a wad of cum from his right cheek and licked it off.


“Holy shit!” he said. He was nearly as breathless as I.


I wiped my finger through another cum deposit and offered it to him. He engulfed my finger and sucked it like a starving man. When I pulled it out he began licking my cum off his own hands. When he finally stood up I noticed a dark stain on his jeans.


We both stepped into the bathroom. He waited as I cleaned off my limp dick and washed my hands.


“I’ll see you in a couple of weeks,” I said as I patted his round ass and walked out.



Two weeks later I approached the stage in full leather, chains, and leashed collar. Once on stage, I spent a few minutes stripping out of everything but the collar and chain. Then, I showed off my deep-throating skills with a new long black dildo that had a chrome spike in the end. Once the room was worked up pretty well, I stepped off the stage and found Ezekiel in the front row right where Blaise had placed him and grabbed him by the waistband of his jeans and pulled him up to me.


The crowd let loose a group gasp. They still weren’t used to me encouraging audience participation. They had no idea what was about to happen.


I leaned in close and bit his thick lower lip and openly handed him my leash.


“I’m yours,” I whispered with a quick lick of his earlobe.


“Ezekiel’s running the rest of the show tonight. I’ll be his slave for the next few minutes,” I announced to the room.


His eyes went wide for a moment of disbelief and lack of understanding.


“Make me suck your big, black dick,” I whispered to him. “Yank the chain and pull me down to your crotch like a white slave. Just make it look good.”


It took a few seconds for him to comprehend. But, eventually, I saw his eyes light up.


As directed, he yanked my chain and made my neck jerk downward. A second later he was pulling my head down toward his denim-covered crotch. I willingly dropped to my knees before him.


He kept reeling me in until my face was inches from his zipper.


“You really know how to yank my chain,” I said loudly to laughter and moans in the audience.


I reached out and forcefully released his leather belt. Two seconds later I had his jeans and underwear halfway down his thighs and his half-hard, thick black cock arched before my face.


He was a bit thicker than me, but not quite as long, despite the myths. But, his stiffening meat was a deep black, barely reflecting light at all. Something about its dark color drew me in, turned me on. How might such dark meat taste, I wondered.


I grabbed him and caressed him as if his cock was my whole world. My eyes were locked on his sex, studying every quickly disappearing wrinkle and the thick, wild hair that surrounded him.


I squeezed his swelling head to force his urethra open a bit. The pink interior was a stark contrast to the darkness of his exterior. I couldn’t wait to shove my tongue into him.


I pushed the tip of my wet tongue into his tiny waiting hole in full view of the audience well before anything else touched him.


I licked from the flare of his cock head to the wiry-hair-covered base of his night-black meat and back down. I encircled his shaft with two fingers of my right hand while I licked back out to the head of his cock.


He twitched violently as my tongue danced around his frenulum and pushed into his urethra over and over again until I tasted a drop of precum from his slit.


I swallowed him down and felt him quickly swelling against the top of my throat. He responded with a loud gasp and ab-tightening shock.


I reached around and grabbed both of his round ass cheeks and pulled him close enough to bury my nose into his kinky black pubic hair. I used my arms alone to force him to fuck my face until I felt his abs contract and his cock pulse. It had taken less than a minute or so.


I released him just in time to allow the audience to watch his thick white cum spray across my shoulder and onto the floor behind me. Once we had given the audience clear proof I’d really done him, I closed in and held his head on the tip of my outstretched tongue. He doubled over and his face was next to my ear. I heard his heavy breathing and quiet moans and whimpers, spurring me to greater effort and increasing my own pleasure. Most of his remaining sperm either shot to the roof of my mouth or landed on my upturned face. When I felt him slowing down, I sucked him in again and swirled my tongue around his dying member, causing him to twitch and jump and release the last of his cum.


By the time I let go, he was less than half-hard, arching toward the floor, and was wet with only my saliva. All his available sperm and semen was on the floor, my face, or in my stomach.


“That was amazing!” he breathed heavily into my ear.


I slid my hands up his back under his shirt as I stood up in front of him. I smiled at him with my face covered in his cum as the room exploded in applause, whistles, and screams.


“We’ve got to do this again,” I leaned in and whispered. “Give us a call for a private session.”


After the show, I found Ezekiel and told him to be sure to see me before he left. But, I was able to keep an eye on him and noticed everyone in the room gave him jealous and envious looks. They all wished they were him. I also noticed, though, that he was very popular. Many of the men made a point to speak to him or engage in deeper conversations.


Eventually, men started leaving in pairs or small groups as the night went late. Before Ezekiel left, I led him into the bedroom, pulled him close, and nibbled his thick bottom lip. While I held his mouth to mine, I pushed a couple of folded hundreds into his jeans pocket. I felt and rubbed over his cock just by his pocket. My other hand patted his ass.


“There’s a little ‘thank-you’ for participating tonight,” I said. “I’d love to do it again sometime if you’re – uh – up for it.”


“Hell, yeah,” he said reaching back to my own butt. “I’d do just about anything for you.”


“Call and set up an appointment for some private time,” I said. I still held his ass with one hand. I ran my tongue over his lips. “I’d love to feel these around my cock.”


He called Blaise Monday afternoon and asked about a good time for a private show. I already was booked for both Tuesday and Thursday of that week. But I had told Blaise that I would be open for another day for Ezekiel. He offered him Wednesday or Friday. He chose Friday and Blaise told him to be at the Lodge at 7 pm.


I couldn’t wait. I wasn’t sure why I was so interested in him, but Ezekiel really had me going.


The rest of the week was fairly normal. My Tuesday private show was a deep-throat for a fifty-something man from another small town twenty minutes away. I recognized him but had never learned his name. Wednesday night I had a portrait shoot for a local bank executive who was planning a run for city council. Then, Thursday night I spent forty-five minutes doing my street-clothes show for Jerry, a closeted roofing contractor with a thing for Springsteen. And Friday was going to be a “date” with a black gay man in the South.


You could say I ran in some odd circles back then.


Ezekiel hadn’t given Blaise a specific request for a show or costume. When asked, he said he didn’t care; he just wanted to see me again. He told Blaise I should surprise him. Blaise told me he got the feeling Ezekiel was quite taken with me after the special treatment I’d given him.


I wasn’t sure. But, I thought he’d only been to three shows, none of which were part of my normal rotation. He’d only seen my tribute to Johnny, the Christmas show, and the New Year’s show.


After Blaise and I talked about it, I eventually settled on street clothes — at least to start. If he decided he wanted something else, I could change, something I’d never done before. Other clients get a single costume, the one they ask for when they call to book. I didn’t want these shows to last more than an hour and costume changes would stretch things out and complicate what I do when I strip. Do I jack off after the first costume? If I do, then there isn’t much of a finale for the second costume.


Since I usually get home early on Friday afternoons, I had plenty of time to clean the Lodge and shower before he arrived.


He was 10 minutes early and looked nervous. I answered the door in jeans and a sweatshirt. His eyes traveled the length of my body and he smiled.


I welcomed him in and took his coat. He was wearing designer jeans that hugged his thighs and ass tightly and a pressed button-down.


I explained I wasn’t sure what costume to wear for him or what he wanted to see me do from my shows.


“I know you haven’t seen all my regular shows,” I said, “but if there’s a costume you’d rather see, I’ll be happy to change.”


“No,” he said eagerly. “I – I like this. You look like a regular guy, not some porn star or celebrity.


“I mean, I like what you do – a lot! But, I really like this side.”


“Well, good,” I said, feeling myself blush a little. “I hope you continue to come to my shows. Eventually, you’ll get to see all my costumes, anyway.”


I showed him to my normal set-up for private shows and offered him a drink as he sat down. We both had a beer and talked for a few minutes. He seemed eager to just talk and get to know me.


Ezekiel explained that he was a history teacher at a local middle school in just his second year of teaching. He also complimented my photography in the newspaper and what he’d seen displayed on the walls of the Lodge. He hadn’t gotten any of my photobooks yet.


“Hang on a second,” I said and disappeared.


I returned with a copy of each photo book that I had available so far.


“So, what do you want to see tonight?” I asked. “Is there something special you want to watch me do?”


“I don’t really have a favorite show,” he said. “I mean, I’ve only been to three of them. I just like seeing you do – stuff. I really liked the things you did last week and the week before. You have an amazing cock!”


“You want to just take my clothes off and see where that takes us?” I stood up and stepped toward him.


“You mean, me?” he exclaimed, his eyes wide as he looked up at me. “You want me to – ?”


“You can start by pulling my sweatshirt off,” I directed him. I was a little surprised by his shock and shyness after what I already had done to him and let him do to me. But, it was endearing.


He stood up and lifted my shirt up revealing my bare skin underneath. Again, he looked into my face with a question in his dark eyes.


“Anything you want.” Permission granted.


He dropped my sweatshirt on the floor and immediately began caressing my chest and stomach. His eyes floated over my white skin as he lovingly slid his fingers through my red hair.


After a few seconds, something in him gave in and he began kissing over my chest with his thick wet lips. It was like wet fire running over my skin. I couldn’t help but moan quietly as he worked his way from one side to the other before coming up to my shoulder and collar bone.


My hands found his back and rubbed over it while he licked and sucked a tiny hickey just above my collar bone. His hot breath was electrifying as he made his way up to my ear.


I grabbed his shirt.


“May I?” I breathed into his ear. He grunted a reply I took as a yes.


I pulled his shirt up out of his jeans and slid my hands under it to pull him close and began caressing his smooth back. My cock had become a stiff rod along my left thigh. I could feel a stiff foreign object in his tight jeans, too.


Ezekiel started moving back down my throat to my chest again. His hands continued rubbing and examining my chest hair. I grabbed his head with both hands and pulled him back up to kiss his thick lips. They were softer, smoother than Blaise’s, even a little spongy. Our lips slipped and slid. My tongue explored the interior of those pink and brown slabs for a full minute before releasing him. Breathing heavily now, he returned to kissing a trail down my heaving chest and tense abs. 


As he neared my belly button he rubbed his hands down my hips and crotch, finding the thick bulge in my jeans.


I heard him catch his breath then and immediately popped the button of my Levi’s and pulled the zipper down in a single fluid motion and dropped to his knees.


My cock was more than half hard by then and sprang out into his surprised face. He jumped back slightly, but grabbed me instinctively with his thin brown fingers.


I was taken by the stark contrast of my light skin against his dark chocolate and had a great idea for some new photos. 


Ezekiel began stroking me to a full erection. He was gazing longingly at it, appearing almost to be studying it, memorizing it, or even worshiping it. But, I made him stop first to finish removing my clothes. But, then, I decided I wanted him to catch up to me.


As he stood before me, I began unbuttoning his shirt. He couldn’t take his eyes or his hand off my cock.


When I pulled his shirt off his shoulders I leaned in to mimic his actions on my shoulders and neck. I licked a path up his neck while he continued stroking my cock lightly.


When I got to his ear I moved around to his mouth and bit his bottom lip, pulling it out. I teased him for a few seconds licking over his lips before I began my oral journey down his thin chest.


I licked and kissed a wet road down his hairless deep brown skin. He was lightly muscled with a tight chest and abdomen, but no definition. When I came to his denim-covered crotch I found a definite bulge extending straight off to the right of his zipper. I rubbed over and squeezed it through the fabric. He jumped and gasped loudly.


I had his jeans undone and halfway to his knees in a second, revealing his basic white briefs. I had him step out of his pants and then slid my hands up his legs to grab the waistband of his Hanes. His legs were better built than his torso. I later found out that he spent a lot of time on a bicycle. When I pulled the front of his underwear down, I was presented with a night black piece of meat pointing straight at me.


I found our roles were reversed. Now, I was the one studying his cock. Now that I was getting a close look without having to consider an audience, I could see that it might be a half-inch or so shorter than mine, but almost that much fatter. His head was flatter with a large flare that extended out nearly a quarter-inch from his shaft. Where his chest had been hairless and smooth, his groin had a thick, unshaven bush of wiry black hair. It was a little thinner on his now tight balls. But, it was clear he didn’t do any grooming down there. Somehow, the natural look fit him – and further drew me in.


I grabbed his cock and pulled it to my mouth and licked it from base to tip. Ezekiel jumped again.


“No,” he protested, already breathing heavily. “I want to taste you first. I want to suck you until you cum in my mouth, not on my face.”


I rose up to face him, his cock still in my hand.


“Do you want me standing, sitting, or laying?” I asked. “I’m here for your pleasure. Tell me what you want.”


Silently, he dropped down to his chair, which positioned his face perfectly. His hands were instantly on my cock and balls, one gripping my shaft and beginning a soft stroke. The other cupped and kneaded my sac gently.


My back straightened at his touch and I took in a long, deep breath. His hands were some kind of new ecstasy.


“I love how smooth you are!” he said, excitedly. “There’s no hair on your balls at all and nothing on the shaft of your cock!”


I looked down to see him examining me almost scientifically.


“I can show you how to shave if you want,” I offered. That would give me another way to keep him naked, I thought.


He pounced on my cock and pushed the head through his closed wet lips and I gasped loudly again, letting a small cry slip out. He didn’t stop moving down my shaft until I was almost completely in his hot mouth.


I looked down and instantly became mesmerized by the sight of my light pink cock sliding in and out of his thick, deep brown and pink lips. As different as was the sight of my cock in a black man’s mouth, so was the feeling of those lips around my stiff sex.


I didn’t have time to dwell on it. Just then his tongue started moving side to side along the bottom of the shaft and the suction began. He sucked so hard, he pulled me forward into him. Somehow, he was able to latch onto me without touching me with his teeth, but with the same intensity.


“Oh, God!” I yelled when he began undulating his tongue on my frenulum while continuing his industrial-level suction. Those beautiful lips must be as strong as they are soft.


He kept this up for a minute or two. I could barely hold back, but I wanted to last as long as possible for him.


Finally, he pulled me out, keeping his amazing lips tight around me, making me jump violently as my head passed through them.


He licked his way down my shaft to my tight balls and showed me what his amazing suction power could do to each of them. All this time, he had my ass cheeks in a death grip with the fingers of each hand between them, preventing me from pulling back, as if I would ever want to.


He returned to my aching cock and began a long, slow mouth fuck that included more of his deep suction. All I could do was let my hands rest on the back of his head, rubbing over his short, curly hair.


Suddenly, almost surprisingly, I felt my ass begin to contract, my abs tighten and my balls and cock begin to throb. I grabbed his head tightly and force-fucked his face until I was blowing huge, thick wads of cum against his throat.


He began moaning. I already was nearly screaming with each breath. I felt my legs, arms, ass, and abs shivering violently. For a couple of full minutes, I thought I might not be able to remain standing.


Ezekiel kept me in his mouth, sucking and licking until I had stopped even oozing and was completely limp. When he finally released me, I dropped back into my chair, my breathing ragged and almost painful. His wasn’t much better.


“Oh, my God!” we both exclaimed as one.


“That was the most amazing -. I absolutely love your cock!” he finally said. “And, your cum tastes like – I don’t know – some kind of candy or something. Even your skin tastes wonderful!


“I love sucking your smooth balls! God! You’ve got to show me how to shave mine!”


“I can tell you right now,” I could barely speak. “That was an incredible blowjob!”


As my breathing slowed, I got up and headed to the kitchen for two more beers.


“If I had been planning on charging for tonight, that would have changed my mind,” I told him dropping back into my chair.


“What? I thought this was going to cost like – ,” he rasped, his voice still rough from the heavy breathing.


“No,” I said. “I was never planning on charging you. Normally, private shows are $150. That’s per person now that I did one last month for a couple. And, after the tip they gave me, that was a $500 hour.”


“This was meant to be a treat for myself with the money you gave me last week,” Ezekiel admitted. “There’s no way I can afford this. I wasn’t even going to be able to come to another show for a while. Teachers don’t get paid enough to splurge on things like – you.”


“Well, I wanted this,” I said. “I know I urged you to call. I don’t usually do that. There aren’t any sales pitches here. It’s like a date. If I ask, I pay. If I talk you into coming to a private show, I’m not going to ask you to pay for it. But, I’ve never tried to talk anyone into a private show.”


“And, you need to understand that you’ll never again pay me a dime for a private show or for my regular shows,” I said. “You are officially a permanent VIP now. You’re a VIP among VIPs. There’s only two others.”


“Those two guys from that first show I saw where you were in the jean jacket afterward?”


“Yeah, Samuel and Evan,” I said. “They’re just getting started. I’ve been helping them along, giving them some pointers, showing them some things. I heard from another audience member that they’ve been talking me up as their Gay Sensei.”


Ezekiel chuckled a bit at that.


“They can’t really afford to pay, and they apparently have trouble getting away from their normal lives to spend time together,” I continued. “So, I’ve sort of adopted them in a way. I’ve got a pond behind the house with a deck that I had built. I told them they could use that any time they liked back in the summer to have a place be alone.”


“That’s nice. But, I can’t be far behind them,” Ezekiel admitted. “It’s only been four years for me.”


“I couldn’t tell from what you just did to me,” I said.


“My first boyfriend was pretty good,” he admitted. “I just copy what he did to me.”


I noticed his cock had fallen. I still liked looking at his dark chocolate meat, even wrinkled and shy. I couldn’t keep from exploring his still naked body with my eyes.


“Well, now, it’s time I returned the favor,” I said. “Do you want to stay here, or head to my bed?”


“God! I’d love to get into your bed,” he gushed.


On our way to the master bedroom, I gave Ezekiel a tour of the Lodge keeping a hand on his back or shoulder the entire time. He was impressed by my small studio, but even more interested in my weights and bench in the other bedroom. I’d replaced my old weight bench with a much nicer one as a Christmas gift to myself.


“You’re welcome to come over and work out some time,” I offered. “Actually, that might be fun. I’ve never worked out naked with someone.”


The tour ended with my chocolate treat sprawled naked on my bed.


I crawled up along his body and hovered over his strong face. His chin had a slight dimple and his nose was only moderately flat. His lips were equally thick and only slightly darker than his chocolate skin.


I licked over them before kissing them tenderly. I was practically startled again by the difference between his thick lips and Blaise’s thin mouth. I was a little distracted by the feeling of my hard cock brushing over his smooth skin and occasionally finding his growing dick and bushy pubic hair. More than once, I felt a wet spot probably created by my own leaking precum. But, I hoped I was feeling some of his, too.


After a long, breathtaking session of tongue-wrestling, I made my way down his chest, giving his nipples a quick lick on the way. As one hand caressed over his chest, the other found his stiff meat wet with the precum I had been feeling.


I looked up when I got to his pubic hair and saw the snail trail of saliva I’d left shining on his dark skin.


I licked my way from the top base of his black cock up the shaft over the head and back down the underside. Then I continued over his hairy balls until I found his taint and tight midnight asshole. I gave it a few stiff licks.


“Oooh, I’ve never felt that before,” Ezekiel cooed.


So, of course, I grabbed both of his ass cheeks and lifted and separated them so I could give him a more proper rimming. In seconds his knees were up and his thighs spread as wide as they’d go.


After a couple of minutes, I headed back up to show him how it felt to cum deep in someone’s throat.


I swirled my tongue around his shaft and head over and over until there wasn’t a dry spot on him. Then, I spent a minute or two just attending to his frenulum and his bright pink slit. I could feel he already was quivering a little.


I dropped down on his cock, inserting it into my mouth until his head was almost in my throat without touching it. Then I collapsed onto it with a violent tight suction, giving him a swallowing motion on his sensitive frenulum. He jumped and jerked. His moaning and gasping were nearly as loud as my stage moans. It took only a minute of this to intensify the shivering in his legs and the rise and fall of his chest.


Sensing how close he was, I began a fast fuck of his meat as far down into my throat as he would go, sucking and swallowing all the while. A minute later my nose was buried in his pubic curls when his hips thrust up violently and a huge wad of hot cum shot down my throat as he grunted loudly.


I tried my best to keep him at least in my mouth if not in my throat as he continued wildly thrusting against my face.


Finally, he collapsed, spent and breathing so heavily I thought he might hyperventilate. I kept his cock in my mouth as it rapidly lost stiffness. He jumped sometimes wildly each time I moved my tongue to gather and swallow the last of his draining semen.


A few minutes later, when he was completely soft, I released him and crawled up beside him. He still was breathing heavily.


“I’m so sorry it doesn’t take me very long,” he started.


“Don’t worry about it,” I consoled him. “Everybody’s got their pace, their own tolerance level for certain sensations.


“You said yourself that you aren’t very experienced. I can fix that if you let me.”


“If you keep making me feel like that, I’ll be here every chance!”


We fell quiet for a few minutes, but not before Ezekiel had laid a hand on my thigh. He was absently caressing it as we lay still.


“One of the first things I did for Blaise was let him watch me take a shower and jack off,” I finally told him as we lay there. “You want to come watch? It’s about the only thing I wish I could do in a show, but can’t. Obviously, there’s no way.”


“Sure! I’d love to watch you do anything — especially naked!” Ezekiel’s excitement bubbled over and had him sitting up ready to get the show started.


He sat on the toilet as I started the water. I considered setting a tube of lube beside him. But, I knew I’d be pulling him in with me before too long and decided he wouldn’t need the lube.


I caressed my body with the hot water as my cock began swelling again. I kept an eye on Ezekiel as he watched me. I was slowly thickening and arching away from my groin as his eyes darted up and down my naked, wet body.


I grabbed the soap and started lathering up, rubbing the suds and bubbles over my chest and stomach first. I was trying to remember what I had done for Blaise that had him sneaking a stealth jack-off that first time.


Heading down to my crotch I slid my soapy hand down the shaft of my hanging cock and cupped my balls. I encircled my dick and balls at the base between my thumb and forefinger and pulled them away from my groin a few times in a jacking motion. The pull and squeeze sped up the swelling and arousal. I was getting hard quickly massaging myself while watching Ezekiel now caressing his own cock. I spent a couple more minutes pulling on my meat, swirling my hand around it slick with soap.


Just as it was starting to stand parallel to the floor I turned my back to Ezekiel and bent down to lather up my legs. I rubbed my soapy hands from my ankles to my butt cheeks.


Reaching around both sides I squeezed and shook my soapy cheeks for him. I slid one hand up and down between them a few times before turning back around to face my horny new friend. I thought I heard a low moan, but couldn’t be sure over the sound of the water.


I saw Ezekiel holding and rubbing his own growing cock as his eyes were locked on to my now stiff dick. I couldn’t hear his breathing. But, I could see his chest was visibly rising and falling with greater than normal intensity.


I rubbed and played some more, yanking my dick and balls away from my core with forceful jolts that made water and suds fly out of the tub. I ran my encircled fingers down my shaft so tightly I squeegeed off the soap.


Rubbing back up my chest I looked up to see my lone audience member was almost hard again. 


Facing him, I backed into the spray to let the water wash over the back of my head and my shoulders to rinse the soap down the front of my body. I kept a hand on my cock, slowly stroking it toward Ezekiel.


“You want to join me?” I asked as soon as his eyes traveled up to my face. Those eyes got wide again, his entire face lighting up with disbelief and joy.


He didn’t say a word, just stood up and stepped into the tub before me. We were inches apart. This close and barefoot, the difference in our height was a little more obvious. My eyes were just a bit above his. But, his build and the length of his legs had our cocks at exactly the same level. Our heads already were touching and the sensation was electrifying. The phrase “built for each other” popped into my head. I kept it to myself.


Just as I had done with Blaise so many times, I wrapped my arms around his waist and started dancing him around to get his body under the warm water. My hands began rubbing up and down his strong back as the water ran down. My fingers followed it to his tight, round buttocks. I squeezed and massaged them tightly as I finally leaned in and we kissed tenderly as if for the first time.


My stiff dick was pressed vertically between our wet bodies. I felt his just to one side also captured between us.


Once he was completely wet, I pushed him back a step and spun him around. I grabbed the soap and began lathering his chest and stomach. I shifted my hips to place my cock between his ass cheeks, placing the head just in the hollow of the small of his back.


I covered his torso with soap and headed down to his waiting sex. When he was soapy and slick I grabbed his hard meat and began a slow, sensual stroke up and down. Every few strokes I rolled my palm over his flared, flat glans, making him jump and arch his back. My mouth was firmly planted on his right shoulder. My left hand was wrapped around his ribs and flattened against the center of his chest.


I could feel his heart beating faster and his chest heaving. Eventually, he reached back with one hand to grab an ass cheek. He was pulling me closer, just as I was holding him close.


I worked my mouth up his neck and grabbed his earlobe between my teeth. He jumped, cried out, and squeezed my ass even tighter.


I reached down with my left hand and began massaging his tight balls while I maintained a steady, head-rolling stroke on his throbbing cock. In a few seconds, I felt his abs tighten and hips begin thrusting back and forth between my hips and my hands. I loosened my grip just enough to allow him to fuck my fist at his own pace.


His rocking hips caused my own hard dick to slide up and down along his lower back and ass crack. His chest was heaving so hard I could feel it through his back against my chest.


He came so hard I felt the pulse of each wad travel through his shaft as he pumped it out to spray the shower wall. He threw his head back against my shoulder and literally screamed.


I could feel his abs shivering and his legs shaking. I let go of his balls to grab around his chest again to stabilize him just before I felt him almost go down. Ezekiel apparently came so intensely that he nearly blacked out in my arms.


He caught himself in an instant, though his legs still were weak.


I just hugged him close until his breathing settled down.


“Do we need to stop?” I asked him in his ear.


“God, no,” he said, turning around. “It’s your turn.”


He leaned in to kiss me. His breathing sounded like he’d just run a mile. I stopped him.


“Just slow down,” I said. “Let your body calm down a bit. We’ve got all day. I don’t want you passing out on me.”


I just pulled him into a tight hug standing there under the shower. He wrapped his arms around my back while his chest heaved. I could feel his heart pounding almost everywhere our skin touched. I found myself rubbing over his upper back with one hand and his ass with the other.


Several minutes later, just as I noticed he was calming down, he pulled back just enough to look me in the eye.


“Thank you!” he practically exclaimed. “You were right. I was overheating, starting to hyperventilate and feeling faint.


“You knew when to slow me down and took care of me instead of just thinking of yourself.”

He was making a lot more out of the situation than it warranted. But, his thick, hot lips were on mine in an instant. His hands grabbed my ass again and pulled me as close as our skin would allow. I felt his thick pubic hair against my straining cock as it extended up his tight stomach. At the same time, I could feel his limp, black sex hanging and banging against my balls and thigh. Just feeling that added some new dimension to my arousal.


Now, his wet hands were sliding up and down my back and he held my ass firmly while his mouth made love to mine.


Ezekiel finally pulled back and kissed across my shoulders for a minute before he reached down and grabbed my aching cock. After a few strokes, he spun me around to duplicate what I’d done to him.


He lathered my dick and balls with soap and began rubbing me lovingly. Through his touch, I thought I could feel an emotional intensity I’d only ever sensed from Blaise. Even past girlfriends weren’t so selflessly fascinated with exploring and satisfying me. Ezekiel seemed to be loving me with his fingertips much the same way Blaise and I could communicate our feelings.


Ezekiel juggled my wet balls between his fingers and stroked my stiff cock. I could feel his thick pubic hair rough against my ass.


I reached back and grabbed his tight cheeks as he’d done to me. I pulled him close to show my growing desire for whatever he was prepared to do to me.


My black lover encircled my dick and balls together at the base and squeezed and pulled them out away from my body. I breathed a short request and he responded perfectly.


He switched to just my balls and pulled my sac down and away from my torso. My Blaise had taught me what pleasure that odd sensation was and I wanted my new lover to repeat it.


I put one hand up against the wall to hold myself up as he jacked my cock and played with my balls. My breathing was getting heavier and heavier. I was aroused even further by the feeling of his tight, clenched ass cheek in my other hand.


“Slow,” I turned and said.


He responded and stroked my meat slowly and set a long, slow pace as I lay my head back on his shoulder.


I gave him another breathy request and he began rolling his palm over my swollen, sensitive glans. I jumped and gasped at the sensation, certain he would enjoy the positive reaction.


He began kissing over my shoulder before settling on one spot to bite and suck almost painfully. That was the last straw.


Every muscle tensed and my abs started convulsing. My asshole began contracting. My cheeks clenched, pulling some of his pubic hair between them.


Ezekiel kept his slow, steady pace going as my cock pulsed and throbbed in his tight brown hand. Then, he sped up and pumped hard and fast on my exploding cock as my cum hit the wall, mingling with his and running down over his squeezing fingers.


He made to stop moving.


“Don’t stop,” I gasped. “Keeping going! Don’t ever stop!”


As he kept stroking, I jumped at the sensitivity but continued pumping cum onto his chocolate fingers. He didn’t stop moving his hand until I pulled away to turn around.


My arms were around him and my tongue was in his mouth in a second. We kissed until saliva was dripping from our chins.


We stood holding each other under the water for a long time until I started to feel the hot water failing. I reached for the towel hanging on the wall.


Ezekiel grabbed it from my hand and began drying me off himself. He gently patted my face and smoothly rubbed over my neck and shoulders. He looked back up at me for a second and then moved in for a long, sensuous kiss, lightly teasing my lips with his tongue. My hands immediately grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in for more passionate oral lovemaking. Minutes later, I allowed him to continue drying me. He slowly dried down my chest and stomach. When he reached my groin he gave my limp cock a sweet, but passionate kiss before drying my legs.


I returned the favor in an almost identical fashion. The only difference was that I swirled my tongue around the head of his hanging black cock.



By the time Ezekiel left, it was nearly nine. I headed to Blaise’s house to give him the scoop on my new friend. Describing what he and I had done made us both horny and we sucked each other dry before falling asleep naked in each other’s arms in his bed.


Published 4 years ago

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