Enticed Pt. 10 – Give And Take

"Trading favors gets things done"

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For more than a month, I couldn’t stop thinking about Blaise’s childhood home and the pond behind it where we’d had so much fun. We had meant to go back out there. But, I guess my shows had taken priority over the great outdoors.

“Is your brother looking to sell or rent the old house?” I asked Blaise at lunch Monday.

“I don’t know. Why?”

“Well, it looks bigger than my apartment,” I said. “If I could afford it, we would have a ‘country place,’ so to speak. I mean, if he would rent it. There’s no way I could buy it.

“We would always have the woods and the pond. It’s far enough from any neighbors that we would have privacy right in the back yard.

“It’s perfect.”

“That’s an interesting idea,” Blaise said. “It’s definitely bigger than your place. It has another bedroom and a full master bathroom.”

“I could have a dedicated studio space with that much room,” I said. “And, I thought I could fix up the space at the pond and make it more comfortable for us to spend time out there.”

“I’ll call my brother when we get back to the office and see what he says.”


I didn’t see Blaise again that afternoon. We both got home about the same time and took a shower together that included a lot of hugging, rubbing and kissing.

Once dry, I put on the red thong and shirt for Blaise. He joined me in the living room in his pajama pants and t-shirt. He still wasn’t comfortable with his own body, just mine.

“Did you have a chance to call your brother?” I asked almost immediately.

“I explained the situation to him and he said, since you’re special to me, that he could do $200 a month,” Blaise said. “And, that really is just to cover the property taxes and insurance. Otherwise, he said, you could have it for nothing.”

“How special did you tell him I was?” I asked.

“Very!” he said. “I told him that I’ve asked you to move in with me. But, I didn’t have room for your stuff.”

“Two hundred a month? That’s ridiculous for that property!” I said.

“Speaking of the property. Bobby also said that the property includes the woods and the entire pond,” Blaise said. “It’s all his.”

“Wait,” I was stunned. “So, for two hundred dollars a month, I get the house and the woods and the pond? We aren’t taking a chance of trespassing on someone else’s property?”


“Call him right now and tell him I want it.”

“It’s already yours,” Blaise said. “I told Bobby you’d take it. You can move in right now if you want to.”

“This is amazing,” I said.


It took a couple of days to transfer the utilities and gracefully let go of my apartment. But, that Saturday, Blaise and I and a couple of guys from work were moving my furniture in and I had a new home. Blaise and I had a second home. Fortunately, it was my first off-week for my one-man sex show.

Once I was settled in, Blaise insisted we christen each and every room.

So, now it was late August and I was living in a country hideaway. And, I loved it. I had enough room that I could take some studio photography work on the side, maybe some portraits or small product jobs. I could even clear some space in the woods and around the pond for some environmental portrait work.

I took a couple days of vacation the following week and spent some time out in the woods. I cut back a lot of the overgrown path, widening and clearing it up. I also enlarged and cleaned up the “beach.” That took all day Thursday. Friday I spread a very liberal amount of every kind of snake, small animal and insect repellent and killer I could find all along the path and around the “beach.”

By mid-morning I was getting a quote from a local fencing company for an eight-foot privacy fence to surround the back yard. I also walked the owner of the company back to the pond and asked his opinion on a gazebo back there.

I explained I wanted something like a gazebo but without a roof. I just wanted something like a back yard deck, a step or two off the ground with a partial rail and bench seats. But, I wanted it to have a ramp down into the water, if possible.

He said he had some ideas and would work up a plan for the deck along with the quote for the fence.

Before he left, I made sure to tell him who I was and where I worked. I promised him at least one feature photo of his crew working on my fence with the company’s name in the cut-line.

“If that helps,” I said.

In less than two hours he called me back. He explained he had two quotes for me. The first was nearly two thousand dollars.

“That’s the regular price,” he said. “With a picture in the paper, you can cut that in half — and I’ll include the deck at the pond.”

I told him to schedule it as soon as he could get to it. I had plenty of cash from my performances at Chez Blaise over the past month.


I was waiting for Blaise in his living room in my black trunks when he got home from work.

I followed him to the master bathroom and told him about the fencing quote while he was in the shower.

“You already got a quote?”

“Yeah. I had the guy there this morning and he’s already called me back,” I explained. “He’ll do it for $750.”

“How much of the yard are you doing if it’s that cheap?” Blaise poked his head out of the shower.

“The whole back yard,” I said. “And more. I just have to get a feature photo of his guys in the paper.”

“That’s a good deal,” Blaise said. “How long’s it going to take?”


The fencing company wasted no time. They had two crews at the Lodge the following Thursday even before I left for work. I made sure to return right after the morning deadline to shoot them working on the fence. I got several standard shots of the guys and a few artsy shots of their silhouettes and shadows, their tools and supplies.

The owner, Bill, happened to be on-site when I got there and couldn’t wait to take me back to the pond to show me the special project they had nearly completed.

At the edge of the yard we stepped up onto a wooden deck with rails on either side that led through the woods where the path had been. Bill explained he added the walkway so people could walk through the woods to the pond barefoot. In a minute we were at the pond. We stood on a 12-foot wooden square. It was huge, much larger than I expected! There were two rails that wrapped around the shore-side corners. The tops of the rail were wide and benches were built into the rails. The seats of both benches lifted to reveal storage space with the hardware for locking them with padlocks. The rails ended on either side to allow a step down to the path that surrounded the pond. They also had built a ramp that extended several feet into the water. This thing was amazing. There were even holes in the corners of the rail for large table umbrellas.

He told me he was putting a door in the fence at the end of the path and would include the hardware for another padlock. There also would be a double gate at the driveway so I could drive back to the garage.

I gave him a check before I started shooting. I also promised to give him some good shots of the finished product he could use for advertising.

“That’d be great!” he said, clapping his heavy hand on my shoulder.

I couldn’t wait to show the deck off to Blaise.

That evening, I didn’t even let him get out of his truck when he got home. I met him in the driveway, climbed in and told him to head to the Lodge. When we got there almost all of the fence had been completed. There were only a dozen feet or so left along the tree line in the back. The door to the path already was up and functional so I ushered my friend through.

He could see something at the end of the path, but couldn’t make it out through the trees and foliage.

“Oh! My God!” he said as the deck came into view. “This is amazing! Did you come up with this?”

“Yeah. I thought this would be better than lying on the ground,” I said, stepping up in front of him. “We can lay out here. We can play out here. We can just sit and drink out here.

“I can also use it for portraits and other shoots.”

“This is too much,” Blaise said as he sat on one of the benches.

I showed him the lockable storage under the other one.

“I’m going to have to tell Bobby you’ve already paid your rent for the rest of the year,” he said. “This and the fence will add thousands to the value of this house.”

“It’s going to be even better,” I said. “I’ve already come up with an idea for running power out here for some lights and a couple outlets.”

“How much is that going to cost?”

“I don’t know yet,” I said. “I looked through my fans’ business cards. One of them is an electrician. I thought I’d call him and see what he could do for me.”

“I bet he’ll be happy to do something for you,” Blaise said suggestively.

“Well, if it means getting some free electrical work done, what do you think about me giving him a free show?”

“Anything you want to do is fine with me,” Blaise said. “Anything. I know who gets you at the end of the day.”

“All right, I guess, electrical work should be covered,” I said.  “Then, I’m going to need a mower at some point if it ever rains again.”

“Well, we can bring my mower over here whenever you need it,” Blaise said.

“I’m thinking about a cheap riding mower,” I said. “I don’t want to spend an entire day pushing all that yard.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if you couldn’t find an answer to that among your fans.”

When we left, I took Blaise out to dinner. I almost never paid for our meals. But, it seemed I should once in a while, especially now that I was making extra money and saving money on rent because of him.

He wouldn’t stop thanking me for paying until I told him he could thank me any way he chose when we got home.

The minute we walked in the door, he grabbed me and pushed me against the wall, holding my hands up with his and searching my mouth with his tongue. In a second, one hand was pushing into my jeans seeking my manhood.

He quickly undid my jeans and dropped to his knees before me. With my jeans and underwear halfway to my knees, he began caressing and licking my cock hungrily as I leaned against the wall by the door. He licked and sucked and groped until I could barely breathe. I grabbed the back of his head with both hands and buried his nose in my pubic hair.

I could feel the back of his throat undulating against my frenulum as he practiced his swallowing technique on me. In seconds I could feel the contractions and convulsions begin. I began thrusting my hips into his face uncontrollably.

When I exploded, it visibly pushed his head back. But, he swallowed deeply over and over until he consumed every drop of me.

He stood up, wiping my seed off his lips and chin. I pulled my pants up and headed to the bathroom. Blaise followed. I was naked in a minute and turning on the shower. He followed me into the water and I immediately began soaping up his half-hard cock.

I spun him around and started a smooth stroke from behind him as the water fought to remove the soap from his hardening dick.

Within half a minute, my own cock was pushing between his thighs and his was straining against my clenched fist. I stroked him slow and steady, rolling my palm over his swollen head. He twitched each time I covered his spongy tip. I progressively spent more and more time rolling my palm over it, reveling in his twitching and jerking.

After a few minutes of edging him along, I reached around and grabbed his balls with my other hand and squeezed and pulled as I accelerated my strokes on his throbbing cock. In seconds he was spraying cum across the shower and onto my hand.


The following morning I made good on my promise and had a shot of the fencing guys right on the front page. It was a great companion to a story about record heat and lack of rain. I grabbed a stack of the first few papers to come off the press before lunch and headed straight out to the Lodge.

I handed them off to the foreman and thanked them for their quick work. I also complimented him on the deck. It turned out better than I imagined. He told me he thought it was a great idea and one he’ll probably be selling to other clients. I told him what I’d told his boss the day before about giving him some shots of the finished product. He was as impressed as his boss had been.

Blaise pulled into the drive at 5:30 with a pizza and an overnight bag. He showered quickly and we headed out to the deck with drinks and the pizza. He had put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. But, for him I wore my camo trunks and a matching olive drab t-shirt.

We ate quickly and admired the peace and quiet — and privacy — of the new Lodge. And, then, he promptly went down on me sitting on a bench. This place was going to be fun.

Blaise and I spent Saturday morning at the Lodge, but went to his house before lunch to clean up and get ready for my show that night. It was the first repeat of my first show. I was eager to see if anyone actually showed up to see the same act a second time.

I was shocked to see the living room filled with familiar faces and several new ones. I performed the same act as my very first show with the exception of being more confident and a somewhat better stripper.

During the after-party, I realized my audience had grown to twelve horny men, two or three obvious couples among them. As the tips flowed in, I started giving each one a sly wink after pushing his donation into my thong. As luck would have it, one of my tips – and accompanying business cards – came from a guy who was with a lawn equipment company right in town. In minutes I had him promising to call me with a suitable prospect the following week.


The next morning, I went out to the Lodge so Blaise could spend his usual Sunday afternoon with his mother and brother.

I spent the majority of the day shooting new nudes in the woods and at the pond. Most of them were close-ups and very artsy. Eventually, I just  lay on the deck naked for a while. I waded into the cool water of the pond at some point, the first time I’d tried skinny-dipping. Feeling the water flow around my body with nothing on was a new, refreshing experience.

I swam out into the pond about fifty feet. I found that it was no more than ten feet deep even that far out. I swam back to the deck and thought of more photo ideas.

I took close-ups of my limp cock with water droplets beading up on the wrinkles and on the glans. I got a few shots of my dick in the foreground and the treetops in the background. I set up my tripod and did shots of just my dick visible from behind a tree, with leaves covering it, with dead leaves covering all of my groin except my cock. I tried some shots of shadows playing across my naked body. There were lots of possibilities out there.

And, of course, each time I got a little dirty I had another excuse to jump into the pond.

Blaise drove out about 5 p.m. and found me still on the deck naked. I hadn’t been back to the Lodge in more than three hours. He brought a small cooler of beers out and sat watching me swim back out into the pond again.

“I’m going to like watching you frolic naked  in the pond,” he said as I walked up the ramp dripping.

“I think there’s going to be a lot of frolicking,” I said, drying my face and hair. “I love it out here. I wonder if I should do a video for you of me ‘frolicking’ in the woods and pond.”

“That would be nice,” Blaise said. “I think your fans might like to see something like that, too.”

“I’ve been thinking about editing down a video to sell to them,” I said. “Do you think they’d buy something like that?”

“They’ll buy anything you’re selling, Stud,” he said.

We ended up sitting close enough that our arms touched on a bench, just staring out at the pond for a while.

“I told Bobby what you’ve done out here,” he said. “He sounded impressed. I told him he should come out sometime and check it out.”

“I’ll need to be home to let him through the gates,” I reminded him. “I guess I should get him keys to the locks.”

Blaise began caressing my thigh as I sat beside him. I was dry by now, but still naked. Actually, I only had my camo trunks out here anyway.

Blaise worked his way up my thigh to begin caressing my limp cock and balls. It took only a couple of minutes of his expert work to get me rock hard and ready for anything he wanted. I think I was even more turned on by the idea of being naked, hard, and horny outside in the woods.

I turned toward him and pulled the collar of his polo down to begin kissing his neck and shoulder. My breathing grew heavier as he continued to lightly stroke my stiff cock. I worked my way up to his ear.

“What do you want to do?” I breathed.

“Do you want to bend over the bench?” he asked. “Can you take it without lube?”

“You can lube me up with your tongue,” I said as I began groping his growing dick through his jeans.

As soon as he pushed his jeans down, I engulfed his cock and covered it in saliva.

I got up on my knees on the bench with my ass in the air. Blaise bent down and gave me a long wet lick from my taint to my back before licking back down to my already puckered hole. He licked my ass until his saliva dripped off me onto the bench beneath us.

I reached down and began stroking my cock and bent farther back to make sure he could reach me. In a second I felt his hot stick pushing into me.

In the last few months, I had felt no inhibitions whatsoever with my friend. But, out here in the woods, it seemed as though I was even less inhibited, less concerned about anything, noise, reactions, perceptions, even discovery. The only thing that concerned me was our mutual pleasure. Nothing else mattered. The dickhead posers from last month could wander up and I wouldn’t care. I wouldn’t stop.

Blaise pushed into me slowly, but completely. He had lost his inhibitions and reservations concerning anal sex. We just connected and pleasured and loved each other. Being out in nature seemed to just complete our coupling.

His breathing increased with his speed. He was pulling my hips back against him almost violently. My back remained arched and I pushed back to meet his pulsing cock with every stroke. I felt his pubic hair against my skin with every push. He was filling me with himself and I wanted all he could give.

We both began grunting loudly as our passion increased and finally in one hard, deep thrust, he gave me all he had and filled me with his sperm. I pushed back into his hips and arched my back at the ecstasy. I reached back and caressed his side with one hand. The other sought his hanging, draining balls beneath us. I looked down and discovered a puddle of my own pre-cum on the bench  just beneath my cock.

Again, he stayed in me until my muscles instinctively pushed him out. That was one of our favorite things. We both loved the feeling of our limp wet dicks sliding out of our filled assholes.

He turned and sat beside me while I still was on my knees. I reached over and kissed him while he tried to slow his breathing. I lifted a leg and straddled him on the bench, my pre-cum wet cock bobbing in his sweaty face.

Blaise reached up and began stroking me lightly, pulling and pushing my skin along my stiff shaft. He still was breathing heavily, but his hand was working at full capacity.

I’d been naked and horny most of the day and was aching for my lover’s touch. Now that I had it, I wanted to last as long as I could. But, I knew I would blow in just a minute to his skilled mouth and tongue.

He pulled me so hard at times my entire body moved forward into him. My cock nearly bumped into his nose at times. It was enough to elicit an occasional grunt from me.

Even with just this little bit of rough treatment, I was close to exploding. I could feel the familiar pulsing and contractions.

“God! Suck me, Blaise!” I breathed grabbing his head with both hands and dropping my head to put my forehead on the top of his. “I’m about to explode!”

The next thing I felt was the back of his throat. I caught my breath audibly. He began sucking me as if he was pulling my life from me. His tongue swirled and tickled my shaft with a life of its own. It was an intense, amazing feeling, new and wonderful. He’d never attacked me so intensely, so wantonly. I’m not sure he cared so much about how he was making me feel in that instant, as he was about fulfilling his own desire for a forceful injection of my sperm.

All I could do was push my hips and meat as forcefully into his face as I could and hold them there with my fingers wrapped tightly around the back of his head. He continued sucking and working his tongue and throat muscles on my shaft and glans.

My grunts now were high-pitched, loud and uncontrolled. For the first time in our relationship, I felt like I was completely out of control. He held my pleasure, my life in his hands, in his mouth. My entire being was focused on what his mouth was doing to me and I had no control. I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t hold back.

My explosion was just that. It felt like the end of my cock blew off and emptied my entire being into Blaise’s mouth and throat. It felt like minutes passed before I finally finished pumping cum, sperm, life into this man’s body. My breathing was ragged, my body drenched in sweat. My knees were weak and my abs were sore and tight.

Finally, I found the presence of mind to turn and drop to the bench beside the master of my cock. I still could feel some of his cum dripping from my abused hole. I liked that feeling, as well.

But, I also felt his saliva drying on my quickly dying cock. A tiny bit of cum coating its surface. Most had been consumed by my lover.

“Mmh,” I moaned after a long time, still breathless. “That was great. There’s something special about outside sex.”

A while later, after my breathing had returned to normal, I walked back out into the pond and dove in. I swam back out as far as I could go without resting. I turned and saw Blaise watching me from a greater distance than normal. He was starting to get dressed as he watched me.

I swam back in and walked up the ramp. He was completely dressed by then and handed me my towel. A few minutes later, we were talking in my master bathroom as I showered.

“I’m going to call the electrician tomorrow and see when he can come take a look at the back yard and pond,” I said. “Do you want to be here?”

“No. Why?”

“I don’t know. It just seems like I should give you the option,” I said. “I don’t know how you might feel about me meeting with another gay man – ”

“If you’re worried about me being jealous, don’t be,” Blaise said. “I already told you to do whatever you need to do get the best price you can. It won’t bother me if you have to give him a private show or even some other benefits – within reason. I’m pretty secure in our relationship.”

“OK,” I replied, stepping out of the shower. “I just wanted to make sure you were good with it. I want to be completely transparent.”

“We’re good. Do what you have to do. I know you won’t, but I have to say, don’t let him manipulate you into anything. Just be safe and have fun.”


Monday was Labor Day. So, I waited until after the morning deadline Tuesday to call Bobby, the electrician who had enjoyed at least one of my shows.

When he answered, I started to introduce myself.

“Is this A?” he asked excitedly. “I’d know that voice anywhere.”

“Great!” I said. “Look, I was calling to see if you could give me some professional advice.

“I need some electrical work done.”

He met me at the Lodge late the next day. He was a large, burly guy, about ten years older than me. He had a rough beard and a large, tight belly. The size of his arms matched the rest of his body. He looked like he could squeeze me in two. He told me his closest friends called him Bobby the Bear.

Bobby was very happy to meet with me, seeming almost star-struck. I imagined I looked quite a bit different in jeans and a button-down. But, in a couple of minutes, he was all business.

I showed him around the back yard where I wanted lighting on the fence and the garage. Then, I took him back to the pond to show him what I wanted at the deck. He took a few measurements and checked the existing electrical system.

I sat on the back porch waiting while Bobby spent about ten minutes going over his notes and doing some math. When he finally came around the corner, I was shirtless and reclining back on the porch. He stopped short and seemed a little surprised when he saw me.

“You want a beer?” I asked, extending an open bottle to him.

“Thanks!” He was clearly surprised and happy at the offer. At first, I assumed he just didn’t get such an offer from many clients. Later I realized he probably felt my hospitality included some kind of special favor.

I sat up and affected a fairly suggestive pose with my legs spread and most of my bare torso on display. When he spoke, his eyes were scanning my body lustily.

“OK,” he said, sounding a bit nervous. “I can do it. But, it’ll have to be on a weekend if you want it done before October. It’ll only take a couple days. So, a Saturday and Sunday should cover it unless you want to break it into two weeks.

“For you, my labor’s always free. But, the parts and stuff is going to be about $500.”

“Well,” I said. “I guess, that isn’t bad.”

I slowly began fondling my crotch through my jeans as I talked.

“But, don’t you think you can do a little better, Bear? I mean, is there something I can do to get a better price from you?”

His eyes were glued to my hand as I popped the button on my jeans. He gasped almost imperceptibly.

“How would you feel about a free show?”

“That would be — nice.” Bobby was almost drooling. My jeans were open wide enough to show him I had nothing under them.

“How much of a discount is watching me jack off worth?”

“Uh – I don’t know. Half, maybe.”

“What if I let you watch now and spend that weekend while you work in one of my thongs?” I was handling my cock just inside my jeans. It was almost in view.

“That should get you a bigger discount.” He still hadn’t taken his eyes off my groin.

“Will you be working alone?” I asked.

“I have a kid I can bring with me,” he said almost in a trance. “He’s — one of us. Y’know? But, I still have to pay him.”

“Do you think he’d enjoy my shows, Bear? Would he like seeing me like this or stroking my cock for you? Would you two like to watch me cum just for you? You could even enjoy yourselves in ways you can’t at my regular shows.”

His eyes finally jumped to mine.

“That would be worth a big discount,” he said, breathless.

“If it’s worth something to you, Bear,” I said, “the three of us could have our own little circle jerk. Maybe it’ll turn into more.”

“Free!” he said in a whisper that was both whisper and scream at once. “If you let us jack off with you, it’s free, all free.”

“How soon can you do it? It’ll have to be one of my off-weeks. So, I don’t have to rush to get ready for a show.”

“I’ll see if Jimmy can do it this Saturday.”

“That’s great,” I said, pushing my jeans down to release my nearly hard cock. “And, for that, Bear, how about a little touch?”

“Really?!” His eyes were wide, nearly popping from his head.

I was stroking my meat as he stepped toward me. When he was close enough, he bent down. I grabbed his wrist and brought his thick sun-brown hand down to my growing cock. He extended his fingers gingerly as if he was scared to touch it. I pushed my hips up to meet his fingertips. He didn’t move his hand. So, I began thrusting my hips to stroke my hard cock along his extended fingers.

I moaned and bit my lip as if his touch was pure pleasure.

“Is this getting you hard, Bear? Is your cock hard?” I asked.

“Yes. God! You’re so — God! I’m going to cum in my pants!”

“Let’s wait till Saturday, Bear. Then we’ll all cum together,” I said.

“Yeah,” Bobby said. “I’ll make sure Jimmy can make it. No matter what.”

“I’ll see you then, Bear,” I said, still stroking my dick. “And, you’ll be sure to see me, too.”


Early Saturday morning a rough pick-up truck pulled into the driveway. Bear and a young kid about eighteen got out and walked to the front door. True to my word, I greeted them in a pair of blue trunks and made sure to spend some time in the yard as they worked.

After lunch, the trunks came off and I brought them beers and stood watching them work in just a thong for a while. It was noticeably more difficult for them to get anything done as they continually tried to sneak quick looks at my near-naked body. The kid, Jimmy, especially was terrible at hiding his over-arching desire to stare at me. I brought them drinks and helped out whenever they needed another pair of hands. I had learned some basic household wiring in a high school shop class. So, I understood what was going on. They actually seemed impressed by my knowledge.

They completed the back yard lighting Saturday and were ready to run the line to the pond by the time they had to leave. It would only take a little over an hour to finish at the pond Sunday, Bear said. That gave me plenty of time to earn my discount when they finished up.

They showed up at 8 a.m. Sunday ready to work and to see me nearly naked again. I gave them an extra special show as they worked on the deck. I stripped off my thong and walked into the pond and swam around for a while. Every time I looked back to shore, they were standing staring at me. I made sure to do a lot of diving, giving them a view of my bare ass on the surface of the water for just a second. Eventually, I walked back up the ramp wet and naked.

“I’ll just wait here until you boys finish since it looks like you’re nearly done,” I said.

I sat naked on the deck looking out at the pond occasionally stroking myself. Within thirty minutes, they declared they were done and just needed to test everything. While they did that, I slipped on my boat shoes and walked naked through the woods to the house to get a cooler of beer. When I returned to the pond, they had satisfied looks on their faces as everything worked as designed. I had lights around the back yard fence, on the garage, and separate lights at the pond and working outlets all around. There were even some understated mood lights under the deck for a romantic setting.

I asked if they wanted to go for a swim to cool off. They both agreed if I was going to be in the water with them. Bear, true to his name, was covered in hair. His dick, though, was pretty small. When he stripped down after having been ogling me for a while, he appeared to be as hard as he could get and was only a few sparse inches long. He reminded me of Leyendecker’s paintings of cherubs with their big bellies and small penises. His assistant, on the other hand, at least had a good six inches of pretty thick meat hanging between his young thighs.

We swam out a bit and back in. Standing on the ramp with the water at about chest height I reached out and lightly touched both of them. At first they were limp in the cool water. In seconds after feeling my fingers on them, they sprang to attention, both confirming my suspicions about their true size. Bear grew a bit larger when really erect. Jimmy, on the other hand, barely changed size at all.

“How old are you, Jimmy?” I asked. “How many laws am I breaking by holding your cock right now?’

“I turned eighteen last month, Sir,” he said, nervously.

“That’ll do,” I said as I began stroking both of them underwater.

I alternated between playing with one set of balls and then the other as I stroked the opposite cock for several minutes. My own dick was straining against its own skin.

“Touch me, Bear,” I said, trying to sound desperate, passionate. “Jimmy, play with my balls.”

Bear’s heavy, rough hand engulfed my hard cock. The look of awe on his face was priceless. But, Jimmy’s face when he touched my balls defied description. He looked shocked or completely unable to comprehend what was happening.

I quickly stroked both of them to full throbbing erections before rolling my palms over their respective cock heads in unison, making them both gasp and tense up in the same instant.

“Kiss each other,” I demanded. “Make love to each other through me.”

They turned and began a passionate make-out session while their hands remained on me. I could feel the change in attitude through their hands. They really were making love to each other. My dick and balls were the go-between. I was a now-invisible third party to their lovemaking.

With each stroke, I pulled their shafts hard enough to pull them toward me and then rolled over their heads. I watched as they both lost control and began twitching and pulsing with each pull and roll. In seconds they both gasped, cried out and shot heavy loads into the pond. Their heads dropped simultaneously to the other’s shoulder as they came, both breathing heavily into the other’s skin. Against their wishes, I milked them both until they were empty and limp.

Neither of them had moved a muscle on my dick or balls since they first touched me. I walked them back to the deck. I lay down and had Bear lay on one side and Jimmy on the other.

“Stroke me, Bear,” I commanded. “Massage my balls, Jimmy. Make me cum on your hands.”

They seemed a little clumsy, not knowing how to treat someone new. Or, maybe it had to do with their perception of me as some kind of celebrity. I don’t know. But, it took a few minutes for them to get any kind of response from my body. Eventually, I felt something beginning and started thrusting my hips into their hands. In another few minutes I finally came, spraying cum onto my belly and their hands.

“Now, lick me off your hands,” I demanded. “Eat my cum!”

They did so eagerly and were breathing harder than I was. But, the whole time their eyes were locked on each other. I didn’t really exist between them.

When they finished, I walked down into the pond to rinse off. They watched me like something divine as I emerged from the water, naked and limp.

We all dried off and they dressed as I drank another beer sitting naked by the pond.

I remained naked as they gathered their tools and left-over supplies.

“Thank you so much, Bear!” I said. “I’ll tell Blaise that you two get a free pass this Saturday. But, only if you bring Jimmy with you, Bear. Jimmy’s your ticket in.”

“Oh, I will,” Bear said.

“I won’t miss it,” Jimmy said as he got into Bear’s truck.

I showered, put on my red thong under my jeans and headed to Blaise’s house around 5, stopping on the way to pick up a couple of subs for dinner. I stripped to just the thong and joined B on the couch.

While we ate I described everything that happened at the Lodge in every lurid detail. Blaise hung on every word. I could see he was rock hard by the time I finished my report. Blaise explained that a “bear” in gay culture was a large man with lots of hair exactly like I’d described Bobby the Bear.

I was a little surprised, but it turned out that he found some prurient pleasure in the stories of my illicit sex romps with men other than him. This might turn into something, I thought.

After cleaning up our dinner, I stripped and lay back on the end of the couch facing Blaise and began lightly rubbing over my smooth balls. I juggled them between my fingers and pulled on the loose skin a bit. My cock slowly grew as I continued massaging and squeezing my scrotum. As it grew, it arched upward and eventually began straightening itself, pointing to the bend of my left leg.

I let my fingertips glide up its length and back down to my taint over and over, causing more growth and an occasional throb or pulse at its base.

I was intently watching as the fingers of one hand pinched and pulled the skin of my frenulum off and on, increasing the intensity of sensation. My other hand was continuing to work on my sac and its swelling contents.

I suddenly realized my breathing had become heavier when I began stroking my shaft up and down slowly. I began squeezing my balls more and more tightly with my other hand.

Just as I saw the first drop of pre-cum appear, my eyes closed uncontrollably in ecstasy. I think I heard myself moan quietly.

When I opened my eyes, I found Blaise staring lustily at my quiet performance. I kept stroking myself, pinching and pulling my frenulum occasionally. A minute later I rolled my palm over my glans and the sensation made me catch my breath and tighten my abs and back.

My hips began bucking and rolling on their own as I was close to cumming. It had been a slow, dry, sensual massage that obviously was leading to an intense orgasm. As I continued, I could feel drops of pre-cum landing on my belly, lubricating my fingers.

I sped up my strokes and tightened my grip on my shaft between just my index and middle fingers on the underside and my thumb on top. I pulled my skin up and down a couple of minutes. When I felt I was close, I moved up and rolled my palm over my head, catching my breath again loudly. In only a few rolls I felt the throbbing begin. So, I switched back to a tight, three-finger stroke from the base to the frenulum. In seconds I was pumping streams of cum into the air and onto my stomach, moaning and grunting until I was empty and spent.

“Good God! That was so hot,” Blaise finally said. It sounded like he was breathing heavy himself. “You haven’t done that in a long time.

“I just about came myself.”

“Give me a minute and I’ll take care of that for you,” I said, a little breathless.

He leaned over and began licking my cum off of me as I ran my fingers through his hair.


Published 4 years ago

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