Enticed No. 19 – It’s Only Business

"How To Sweeten Any Deal"

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This is part nineteen of my adventures in the early nineties with a gay man about fifteen years older than me who saw me as a near-reincarnation of his first boyfriend. Check my post history for earlier installments of the story of an older man’s toy.


I took most of Sunday off. Ezekiel was spending a few last hours with his friend James before he went home, and Blaise was with his family. I just took it easy until time for my meeting with Sean, my photo book publisher.

I remembered he liked my white butt plug and being dominated. When we discussed publishing my first photo book, I gave him a private show. All he wanted was to see me wearing was a butt plug – and to be told what to do. I greedily used the situation to get a ridiculous publishing deal. I decided to remind him of that last private meeting when I met him at a very nice restaurant in downtown Gate City.

It was a small upscale place that could only be described as romantic, hardly a suitable place for a business dinner. But, it was Sean’s choice. I made sure to be fashionably late and was directed to a booth in a dark corner. I assumed he was hoping for something more than a business meeting. And, given how well Sean and his company had treated me – and how much money I was making with them – I came prepared to give him a treat after dinner. I wore jeans, a white button-down, and a navy jacket – business casual before that was a thing. My eventual plan was to show him how I looked in nothing but the white shirt and butt plug.

“I don’t think I’ve seen you at a show in a while,” I said.

“I’ve only missed the last three,” he said. “That’s not too bad.”

He already had a glass of wine half empty in front of him. I ordered a beer and immediately slipped the prints of my two new books out of the leather satchel I’d brought.

Sean couldn’t wait to begin thumbing through them.

“Maybe we should change seats,” I said. I had my back to the wall. There was a chance the waitress might walk up behind Sean and get an unwanted peak at my photos.

Just after we switched, the waitress brought my beer and another glass of wine. Sean began devouring my photos of Ezekiel.

“These are amazing!” he cried. “Tell me you’ve got a model release.”

“Of course,” I said. “Actually, I can do one better. I have another book’s worth of photos of him and me together. And, probably enough photos of him alone for another solo book.”

Sean’s eyes nearly popped out of his head.

“And, almost all of these are on medium format film instead of the 35 mm I used before,” I said. “I’ve re-invested the checks you’ve been sending me.”

He barely acknowledged me. His eyes were wide and glued to the images of Ezekiel.

“I also have a drive with my scans and layouts on it and eleven-by-fourteen prints with me,” I said. “If you need the negatives or transparencies, I can bring them down.”

“You’ve thought of everything,” he said without looking up. “I’ll let you know if we need anything else.”

After we ordered he silently devoured the domination book.

“You’ve outdone yourself,” he finally said. “These are better than the first books. The photography is better, the lighting, the poses. The layouts. I love the addition of text in the domination book. Where did you get that Slave’s Creed thing?

“That’s all me,” I said. “Some of the inspiration is from the Gor books I grew up with. But, I fleshed them out and gave them a modern, x-rated flare.”

“I think you’re really on to something,” Sean said. “You might be able to explore that and build something out of that. But, I think you also should think about working with other models more. These shots of Ezekiel are amazing.”

He opened Ezekiel’s book again and flipped through several pages.

“There’s a certain feel to these shots that you’re self-portraits don’t have,” he said. “Maybe you’re more creative when you aren’t self-conscious about being in the photo yourself.”

“That’s not to belittle your photos of yourself,” Sean interjected quickly. “They’re all great.”

“I understand,” I cut him off. “I see it, too. I can see the pose and light better with the model in front of me. When I’m shooting myself, I have to imagine how I’ll look. But, I think some of the difference might be in the relationship I have with the model.”

“Oh? Are you and Ezekiel a thing?”

“Well, yeah. I guess you could say that,” I said. “We’re still kind of in the early infatuation stage.

“So, these photos are something like an exploration of him.”

“Well, I’m sure these two books are going to do even better than the last ones,” Sean said. “I assume you want the same contract?”


That caught his attention and he finally looked up.

“While I don’t really need the advance on royalties that most creators get, I feel like my work has proven its financial viability.”

Sean actually nodded.

“So, I’d like a signing bonus instead of an advance,” I continued.

“A bonus? How much?”

“Only $2,000 per book,” I said.

“There’s no way,” he began.

“You sold out three printings,” I reminded him. “You have two new books ready to go, a third nearly complete, and a fourth one already shot. Marketed correctly, that’s eighteen to twenty-four months’ worth of revenue and press and media buzz. And, in those two years, I’ll be shooting and creating more and more content. With a little math, I can figure out almost exactly what this company has made on me. We both know – and you just admitted – these next two books will do better than the first. And, you’ve got two more coming.

“You can and will afford a $2,000 bonus. And, it will be a bonus, not an advance against future royalties. And, you’re going to put it in the contract.”

“I might have to get that approved by someone higher up,” he said, clearly a little nervous.

“You might have to tell someone higher up that all that good-selling content could go to another publisher,” I said.

“But, you don’t have to pay all the bonuses at once. You can send a check for each book as they are finalized.”

He didn’t want to say no and ruin whatever he thought might happen tonight. But, he didn’t have the authority to approve an $8,000 pay-out, either.

As we ate, Sean forgot his nervousness and actually sounded a little star-struck as he began telling me everything he liked about our first “meeting” that was as much a private show as a business meeting. Then he moved on to gushing about my shows and costumes.

He was amazed at how deeply I could swallow my deep-throat dildos and at how large a dildo I could push into my ass. He never imagined those feats were possible.

But, he said he would never forget the experience of pushing a butt plug into my ass. He said everything was burned into his memory, the sight, the sound, the feeling. He was convinced it would be one of the best memories of his life.

“Well, that actually brings up something else I want to talk to you about,” I started. “I have an idea for another project. I don’t know if it will turn into a book or not.

“But, I’m thinking about a project that centers around close-up photos of cocks. I want to take pictures of the cocks of each man I encounter privately, any man who shows me his cock. I mean, the men in my life and my private show clients.”

“That sounds – interesting.” Sean sounded unsure.

“You know I’m not talking about crappy Polaroids,” I said. “They’ll be well-lit, well-posed medium format shots just like the ones you just raved over.

“And, I’m thinking men of all ages, sizes, color. It’ll be something like an exploration of the most obvious aspect of maleness, the primary physical thing that makes us male. Maybe it’ll show that we’re all very different, but share a very basic commonality.”

“Well, that really could be interesting,” he admitted.

“I’m still fleshing it out, I guess,” I said. “I’m just thinking out loud, really. You seem to be a good creative sounding board.”

“Wow, thank you!” Sean said. “I’m flattered that you would think so.

“But, what does this have to do with me until it becomes a book?”

Just then the waitress brought what would be our last drinks.

“I want you to be my first model for this new project.”

“I don’t know about that,” he said.

I pulled one last thing out of my bag and set it on the table in front of Sean in full view of anyone nearby.

He gasped so loudly some people did turn our way. I’d set my white butt plug on the table in front of him.

I simultaneously slid a hand along his thigh under the table. I couldn’t reach very far. But, he got the message loud and clear.

He immediately grabbed the butt plug and hid it under the table.

His wide eyes shot up to my face. They were nearly as wide as his gaping mouth.

“After you pay the bill, I’m going to follow you to your office,” I began. “You’re going to push that inside me again and suck my cock sitting on your desk. I’ll be wearing this shirt and nothing else.”

“Yes, Sir!”

His eyes were even wider and he gulped his wine.

“And, then you’re going to let me photograph your cock.”


The small publishing company’s office was just a few blocks from the restaurant. That’s why I’d chosen it instead of Sean’s home. It also would offer me an appropriate backdrop for Sean’s photos. Plus, I knew it would add both excitement and urgency to anything we did – even on a Sunday night.

It was a small space. There were possibly five private offices, a larger space with a few cubicles, and what I assumed was warehouse space in the back. Sean explained that, as the company began to grow, they needed more office space. So, they moved here and kept the printing side in a separate building out near the airport. They already were outgrowing this space, he said.

Sean had one of the few private offices. It was small, room for a basic desk, a couple of bookcases on the walls, and a chair for guests. There was a box of my books on the floor and a worn copy on his desk. There also was a stack of other photography books he called research for when they signed me.

Sean instinctively walked around behind his desk, setting the materials for my new books down right in the center on top of other things he’d clearly been working on when he was last there.

“So, what do you want to do first, Sean?” I asked somewhat imperiously. “Do you want to write up my new contract? Or, do you want to start a replay of our first private meeting with a break for you to write up the contract?”

He was wide-eyed and suddenly nervous.

“The contract won’t take long,” he said slowly lowering himself to his chair. “I just have to change the dates and names of the books.”

“Well, while you take care of my contract,” I said as I slid off my jacket, “I’ll slip into something a little more comfortable.”

He started up his computer and turned to watch me pull my shirt out of my jeans and unbuckle my belt. He watched every move my hands made, occasionally scanning over the growing amount of bare skin.

He actually bit his lip when I pushed my jeans down to reveal that I was wearing white bikini underwear. I really didn’t know if he had a thing for white, or if he just liked the clear “jewel” of my white butt plug. But, I made a guess that seemed to be correct.

“How’s that contract coming?” I asked, shaking him out of his trance.

“Oh! I just had to wait for the computer,” he said, turning red-faced back to his monitor and keyboard.

I walked around his desk and stood as close as I could get to him, watching. My bulging cock strained against thin fabric just a few inches from Sean’s face as he found my previous contract and opened it. My white shirt was open, giving him a clear, close view of the “goody trail” of red hair down my torso leading to my hidden, but obvious bulge.

Once he started typing, I lay one hand on his shoulder and began massaging my cock with the other.

The added distraction meant he had to correct several typos. I waited patiently but turned the tension up a bit more when I pushed the fingers of my right hand into his hair.

“Have you included the bonuses?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said. “I probably shouldn’t have. But, if I push them through one at a time like you said, I might get away with it.

“Even so, I can defend it by saying you were ready to take your books to someone else if I didn’t agree.”

“Well done, Sean,” I said. “That might be worth something extra later.”

Finally, after what took probably three times longer than it should, the new contract was printing in another room.

“I can get that when we’re finished here,” Sean said.

“Go get it now,” I demanded. “I sign first. Then you get what you want.”

When he returned I was bent naked over his desk with my white butt plug and a tube of lube balanced on my back. He closed the door quickly as if someone who wasn’t there might see.

“You know what to do, Sean,” I said. “Once it’s in, we’ll decide what to do next.”

As soon as I felt him grab the plug and lube, I stopped him.

“But, first,” I said, turning around. “We need to get this contract signed.”

He was visibly deflated. But, I quickly grabbed a pen from his desk and signed both copies. I bent over again.

“Sign it on my back, Sean,” I commanded him.

“Now,” I said. “Where were we?”

I heard the lube open and then close. Then I felt its chill against my waiting asshole. Sean took his time, pushing the plug into me very slowly. It seemed he was afraid he was going to hurt me.

“Sean, I’ve had bigger things in my ass,” I said. “You don’t have to go so slow or try to be gentle.”

“No, I want to stretch this out,” he said, his breathing already audible.

“Well, you are,” I said.

“Uh, I mean, I want to go slow,” he said.

The thickest part of the plug was just beginning to spread my sphincter. I gave him a little moan.

“I never get to see you insert things from this close. I want to take in every detail,” he finally explained.

“In that case, take all the time you want,” I granted. “If you want, you can fuck me with it and watch it go in and out as much as you like.”

I heard a quiet gasp at that.

“If I had known you liked this, I could have brought one of my other longer dildos.”

Finally, it was completely inside. But, Sean still held the jeweled end between two fingers.

“Maybe next time,” I said just as he slowly reversed direction with the plug.

The sensation of having my sphincter slowly stretched open and then quickly contracting back around the small stem was a singular combination of pain and pleasure. Once I got used to it, I obviously enjoyed it. But, having it repeated over and over actually was extremely arousing. My cock already was nearly rock hard and my balls were constricting. My breathing was growing heavier.

I could hear Sean’s breathing increasing, as well.

“Mmm, that feels good, Sean,” I moaned for him. “You’re getting my cock very hard.”

He breathed a quiet grunt.

I reached back between my legs and grabbed at his groin through his khakis. In a second I found his swelling cock and squeezed and rubbed him as he fucked my ass with the plug.

“Feels like you’re getting hard, too, Sean,” I said, turning around. “It might be time to get some photography out of the way.”

His eyes shot immediately to my stiff meat pointing at his face.

“Sure,” he said absently. “You aren’t going to show my face, are you?”

“No, Sean,” I assured him. “I told you they’ll just be close-ups of your cock only.

“Now get those pants off and stand on the other side of your desk.”

He did as he was told while I pulled one of my Pentax’s out of my bag. I quickly set up a small remote flash to help me overcome the fluorescent light of his office. As a photojournalist, I’d developed a kit that was efficient, effective, and quick to set up.

In two minutes I was spreading open a copy of my first book on Sean’s desk. By now he already was losing his erection. I helped him out with my free hand. It didn’t take much.

I spread out a few of the prints I brought of Ezekiel on the desk and pushed Sean into place. I had him hold his shirt up, and placed his thin cock on the prints. I framed the shot so my prints and book would be visible and moved around to get several views. When I’d finished my twelve shots I started putting everything away.

“That’s it?” Sean asked, surprised.

“Yeah,” I said. “I’ve got what I want. This isn’t meant to be an extensive shoot. I’m not doing a whole book on your dick alone.”

“OK. Great,” he said, obviously relieved. “I thought this would take a while.”

“Sit down, Sean,” I ordered him as I zipped up my camera bag. “My cock needs to cum. And, I want to cum in your mouth.

“Do you want that too, Sean?”

“Yes, yes.” He dropped heavily into his chair.

He was panting and had a nearly crazed, wide-eyed look on his face as he watched my stiff dick swing and sway as I walked back around the desk. I leaned my butt back on the desk and spread my legs. I grabbed Sean’s shoulders and rolled his chair to me. He never looked away from my meat that now was just a couple inches from his nose.

I reached down and grabbed his hand and positioned it so his thumb was under my balls and on the jewel of the butt plug with which he’d worked me so hard.

“Just to remind you it’s still there,” I said. “Now, let’s see what you can do with your tongue.”

I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in. He engulfed me hungrily and immediately started bobbing his head rapidly. I felt his hot tongue gliding along the bottom of my shaft and a light bump against the back of his mouth with each quick thrust. Sean wasn’t subtle with his blowjobs.

I bent down and positioned my face beside his head to let him feel and hear my heavy breathing.

“Mmm, that’s good, Sean,” I whispered into his ear. “Suck me, Sean. Lick it. Stick your tongue in it.

“Make me cum, Sean.”

I lasted as long as I could. But, Sean was relentless and I was pretty charged up from his ass play.

When I felt my throb and twitch begin I grabbed his head and forced him to slow down. But, I did extend his strokes from nearly pulling out to pushing in almost to the point of gagging him. He moaned and grunted what I assumed was his approval.

“Mouth or face?” I asked in a gasp.

“Mouth,” he mumbled with a full mouth. He wrapped both arms around my ass and pulled me in tight and deep.

The second I felt his nose in my public hair I pumped huge wads of cum into his throat. I pulled him back a bit after the first couple wads and filled his mouth with sperm that had been building for the last couple hours.

He swallowed as fast as his labored breathing would allow. But, still, his chin eventually was covered in thick cum dribbled from his overfull mouth. He looked like a used-up porn actor.

As he fell back into his chair trying to catch his breath, I reached down and grabbed his stiff cock. It was thin but nearly as long as mine. I was impressed. I hadn’t expected Sean to be carrying even this much meat. I hadn’t really examined it very closely as a sex object when I was shooting him. I was only treating it as a still life, a piece of art.

I loosely stroked his cock and let my forehead rest on the top of his head. I still was breathing heavily into his face. I didn’t give him a chance to catch his breath. I alternately watched his chest heave in his still-buttoned shirt and my hand pump his thin cock.

After a couple minutes I leaned down and dribbled some saliva on his head and turned around. I shoved my plugged ass in his face and resumed stroking and pumping his cock with one hand while holding myself up with the other.

Sean covered my plug and ass crack with saliva, licking me like his life depended on it. I also felt the gooey cum he hadn’t cleaned off his chin.

I rolled my palm over his little cock head until he wrapped his arms around my thighs to pull my ass tightly into his face. I felt his cock throbbing and his breathing become heavier in my ass.

I tightened my grip on his cock and stroked as fast and hard as I could. In seconds he was spraying thick cum over my fingers and across to his desk.

When he had slowed to a thin ooze, I let go of him, turned and straightened up.

“Lick it off, Sean,” I demanded, extending my hand to his mouth.

He complied eagerly, cleaning every thick drop of his own cum from my hand.

“Now, show me where the bathroom is so I can clean up,” I commanded.

We both walked out of his office in nothing but our shirts.

I met him in his office a few minutes later. He already was dressed. I made sure to give him a show as I pulled my tight bikini up and over my ass.

“I want you to remember when you get home, I’m leaving the butt plug in my ass for the entire forty-five-minute drive home,” I told him. “That’s the butt plug you put in me, Sean. It’s going to be in my ass reminding me of our little meeting all the way home.

“And, my cock will be oozing leftover cum from your blowjob the entire drive home, too.”

Published 3 years ago

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