Enticed #37: Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

"Very personal hair service"

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Alex approached me on Saturday night as I was wading through my after-show audience accepting tips, gropes, and X-rated proposals.

I’d finished an especially hot version of my Miami strip show and had returned from cleaning up wearing black leather trunks and a vest. My trunks already were filling with cash.

Alex was clean-cut with a hairdo straight from MTV, dressed stylishly. He was fairly effeminate, but not exactly flamboyant. He was thin and about my height.

Once he got my attention, he leaned in and spoke in my ear close enough for his breath to tickle.

“I work at the same salon where you get your haircut,” he said. “I was wondering if you wanted to change stylists.”

I got my hair cut once a month by a girl at a salon in a recently built strip center in what promised to be the retail center of town in a few years.

“How stiff are your rates?” I asked. “Jenny’s pretty reasonable.”

“Not as stiff as you are right now,” Alex said, stroking my stiffening cock through my trunks. I was wearing a leather cock ring and that along with all the groping of my audience was having a pleasant effect.

“I’ve seen how stiff you can get,” Alex continued. “I’d love to get you stiff in my chair.”

“I love giving my business to my audience members,” I said, wrapping one arm around Alex’s waist. I slid my finger down into the back pocket of his tight designer jeans. “But I wouldn’t want to hurt Jenny’s feelings or create any drama at the salon.”

My other hand already was pressed against his groin.

“Actually, I have my own chair at home,” he said, his hand now on my bare chest inside my vest. We’d been getting closer as we talked. “We can take care of business in complete privacy.”

“Well, it is about time for another haircut,” I said, my eyes tracing up and down Alex’s smooth face. “What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?”

“Sometime around lunch? Is one o’clock too early?” he asked. “I know you’re working late tonight.”

He let his hand casually slide down my chest.

“One’s good,” I said. “Just give me your address.”

He produced an appointment card from thin air like a magician doing a card trick. It had his name and the name and address of his salon on one side and blanks for an appointment time and date on the other. It was just like the ones Jenny gave me every month.

“I need a pen.”

I had pens all over the house. But I led him back to my bedroom and he bent down to write the date and time on the back like a regular appointment. Below that he wrote his home address and phone number.

While he wrote, I slid my hand over his round ass.

When he stood up and turned around, I was close enough to feel his breath on my face. I slid a hand through his hair.

“I should put this somewhere safe so you don’t lose it,” he whispered, seeming a little flushed.

He actually bit his lip as he slid his fingers into the waistband of my trunks.

“That might not be that safe,” I said. “I’ve got a shoe box full of business cards that are put in there after every show. That’s part of the reason I brought you back here. I wanted to make sure your card didn’t get lost in the shuffle.”

I pushed it halfway into my wallet sitting on the dresser, leaving it partially visible.

“That won’t go unnoticed,” I said. “I won’t forget the date – I mean, appointment – anyway. I just need the card for the address.”

By then, our hips were nearly touching. The stiff bulge in my trunks brushed against his tight jeans.

He slid a hand around to cup my ass. I pushed my hand into his jeans to cup his little ass.

“Is there a dress code for your private clients?” I asked, my lips just an inch or so from his cheek. “Do you have a preference?”

“I like you in blue,” he said, looking up into my eyes. I was a couple of inches taller. “You’re really sexy in those long, silky pants you wear sometimes.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said.

I kissed him and pulled back. He squeezed my ass with both hands and pulled me close, his eyes staring down at my mouth.

“I wish we could do it right here right now,” he whispered.

“Just what do you want to do here and now?” I asked.

“It doesn’t have anything to do with hair,” Alex said.

“Give or receive?”

“I’d love to taste you,” he admitted.

I kissed his mouth quickly.

“You can taste anything you like,” I panted.

He was immediately on his knees before me pulling my trunks down to my knees. My stiff cock plopped out into his face, and he wasted no time engulfing every inch.

I ran my fingers through his hair as his tongue caressed the underside of my shaft and head. He gagged a little when his nose pushed against my red pubic hair.

“Suck me, Alex,” I whispered.

He bobbed his head back and forth, fucking my stiff cock. He kept his mouth fairly loose. But his tongue never left my cock, and it took only a couple of minutes before I was throbbing and moaning. I was bent down over him holding his head close to my groin aching to cum.

“Give it to me, Alex,” I begged. “Suck me dry!”

In seconds, I exploded into his mouth and throat as if I hadn’t already cum in just the last thirty minutes. I shot load after load into his mouth, moaning and gasping like a virgin.

When he finally stood up, I noticed some of my cum on his chin and the corners of his mouth. I leaned in and licked every drop off him.

“I’ll definitely see you tomorrow,” I breathed into his mouth before shoving my tongue against his.

I knew the neighborhood where Alex lived. The houses were close, and I probably would be seen pulling into his driveway and walking to his front door.

But I had no problem walking the few steps from his driveway to his front door in nothing but my blue lounge pants.

When he answered the door, his eyes went wide as they roamed my body. My ringed cock was a prominent bulge in the clingy satin pants.

He could barely speak.

“My – uh – chair is downstairs,” he stumbled.

“Is this what you had in mind?” I asked before stepping through his door.

“It’s perfect,” he said. “I just hate that I have to cover you up with a drape.”

“You don’t have to,” I said. “I can take a shower after.”

“Sure. Of course.”

Just as he said, Alex had what looked like an antique barber’s chair in the center of his basement. A worktable nearby was covered with the implements of his trade all neatly placed as if for military inspection.

“So, do you want to use a drape, or would you like me to just be naked and shower off later?” I asked.

“God! Would you mind being naked?” he asked, a little shocked. “I’ve never had a naked client.”

Without another word, I slid my pants off and dropped into his chair in nothing but my blue cock ring.

Once I was in his chair, his demeanor changed. He was all professional with no apparent regard for how he got me there or what we both knew would follow.

He worked quickly with a purpose. I didn’t have to tell him what I wanted. He already could tell exactly how my hair had been cut before.

I did notice his eyes trailing down my naked body a few times.

Still, he finished in less time than it had taken me to perform my first Miami strip months earlier in Miami.

“Y’know, I probably could use a little trim down there,” I said, glancing down at my bright red bush. “Can you handle that for me?’

Alex was startled out of his work trance. He looked down at my crotch with wide eyes.

“Seriously?” he asked, shocked.

“You are a hairstylist, right?”

“I’ve never done that before.”

“I keep the important stuff shaved smooth,” I said. “There isn’t much for you to work on. Just trim it up for me.”

“You trust me with scissors down there?”

I stood up to give him better access.

Alex squatted before me and combed through my pubic hair. It was fairly thin. I’ve never seen a redhead with very thick or dense pubic hair.

I watched his face take on the same expression he showed while working on my head. He was in his zone and all business.

He worked my personal curls just like he did everything else. He pulled the hair out straight to get a straight, even length with each cut. He seemed to cut the outer hairline a bit shorter, giving my groin something of a fade.

While he worked, he couldn’t help touching and pressing against my cock. He pushed it down a few times to get to the bush close to the base. His hands were cold. But the contact was arousing. I could feel my meat growing as he worked.

When he finished, he pulled back to check his work from a distance.

He stood up and grabbed a large hand mirror to hold in front of my now half-hard cock to show me his work.

“Looks great,” I said. “Now you can put pubic stylist on your resume.”

He used a blow dryer to remove the clippings from my face and head as he brushed through my hair. Then he turned it to my bare body.

“How much do I owe you?” I asked as he combed back through my hair to get it back to his level of acceptable perfection.

It was as if my statement offended him. He looked me in the face suddenly with a curious expression.

“How do you feel about paying in cum?” he asked coyly. “You were so good last night, I’ve got to have more.”

His eyes suddenly traveled down my bare chest as he spoke.

“Do you want to go upstairs or –”

“I’d love to suck you in my chair if that’s all right.” He was suddenly lustful, almost breathing heavily.

“You can have me anywhere you like,” I offered. “But I’m probably covered in hair. If you’ll let me use your bathroom, I can just shower off real quick and then I’m all yours.”

“Sure,” he said. “If you want to.”

We both headed back upstairs, and he led me to his master bathroom.

“Do you want to watch?” I asked as he turned to leave.

“Can I?” His excitement was nearly juvenile.

“Feel free,” I said, pushing my pants down. “Have a seat and let me give you a show.”

I turned on the water and stepped into the small shower stall and let the warm water run down my chest to my groin and legs.

I turned to see Alex sitting on his toilet watching intently.

While still turned away from him, I reached down and squeezed and stroked my cock. I wanted to get as much blood into it as I could to thicken and lengthen it for my audience.

A minute later I slowly turned to let the water hit my back.

He groaned when my wet, half-hard cock appeared.

I grabbed the soap and began lathering up my chest as I faced him. My hands eventually moved down my stomach to my cock and balls. I groped myself just as if I was preparing to masturbate alone in my own shower. Within seconds I felt my arousal and my cock growing. My body didn’t care that I had an audience. I’d either forgotten how to be nervous in front of an audience or I just got off on performing.

Given the outrageous things I’d done for a room full of strangers, there was no reason to be nervous showering and masturbating for a single acquaintance.

A few seconds later, without conscious thought, my right hand was stroking my growing dick.

I looked up and saw he had his own stiff cock in his hands. I felt myself smile and closed my eyes, I suppose, as an act of showing that I felt pleasure, as well.

After a minute of this, I turned around again and soaped my ass, running a soapy finger between the crack, cleaning and caressing my sphincter. I arched my back and spread my legs as much as I could to give him the best view possible as I rubbed my asshole and eventually inserted a finger a knuckle deep several times.

Again, I turned to rinse the soap off my back and ass. Now, the cock I showed him was its full eight-inch length and pointing directly at him. I glanced at him again as I began another series of strokes. This time he was pulling some toilet paper off the roll to dab the head of his stiff, thin cock.

I turned off the water and grabbed the towel he had placed just within reach.

Without a word, I wrapped the towel around my waist and headed back downstairs.

I was settled into the chair again before Alex joined me again. He apparently had taken time to strip his clothes off upstairs before following me down to his private “salon.”

He dropped to his knees in front of me as I lifted one leg to drape it over an arm of the barber chair.

He slid his hands up my legs and began kissing my inner thigh with hot, wet lips. I pushed my fingers into his brown hair as he made his way toward my groin.

As his mouth approached my swollen balls, I reached down with my other hand and released my cock ring. My dick fell onto his forehead just as his lips and tongue found my sac.

While he kissed and licked over my balls down to my smooth taint, I snapped the cock ring around my wrist and sent my fingers back into his hair.

Alex licked back up my taint right through the center of my balls and up the shaft of my now fully stiff cock. When his tongue hit my frenulum, I jumped and gasped. Somehow, I was fully primed and horny as I could be.

He dove down onto my cock then almost to the base. I felt my head hit the back of his throat and gasped again. I gave him a little moan to egg him on.

Alex then began a long, slow, sensual mouth fuck of my throbbing cock. His hot mouth felt wonderful as it moved up and down, alternately engulfing and releasing my meat.

He cupped and massaged my balls with one hand. The other rested on my bare thigh and slowly increased in temperature to nearly unbearable levels.

“God! That’s wonderful!” I whispered, my breath becoming shorter and faster every minute. “Suck it, Hair Boy! Suck it!”

Alex moaned loudly then. The vibrations caused a tremor through my body emanating from my groin.

My hips then began bucking and pumping into his face on their own. I had no control. My cock just wanted to be in his mouth and wouldn’t take “No” for an answer.

Alex reciprocated by bobbing his head up and down faster and faster, fucking me with his face.

Within a minute, I felt my passion throb through my body, and I thrust my cock deep into the back of Alex’s throat.

He responded by grabbing my bare ass with both hands and holding me against his face as I pumped a heavy load of cum into his throat.

Alex moaned deeply and slowed his movements. He obviously was savoring every drop.

I also slowed down for his sake. We both continued to move in and out, but slower, more deliberately.

He sucked and pulsed his tongue on the underside of my head as I pumped wad after wad of sperm into his mouth. We both moaned loudly.

He started to pull back after a minute.

“No.” I pulled his head back down. “Don’t move. Keep me inside until I’m soft. Let me give you every drop I can. You’ve earned it.”

I kept twitching with every touch of his soft tongue. But that was one of my favorite parts of sex. I loved the jumpy, over-sensitive cool-down with thin, semen dribbles.

When I finally had softened to a wet, floppy noodle, Alex released me and stood up.

I opened my eyes in time to see him wipe his mouth and lick his fingers.

I stood up as he stepped back from the chair.

“God! You taste as good as you look!” he proclaimed. “Maybe better.”

We both still were breathing heavily. My thin semen dripped onto his floor as I grabbed Alex’s shoulders and spun him around.

“What -?” he questioned as I pushed him back into the chair.

“Now I’ll give you your tip,” I said as I popped the button on his jeans.

“Oh, my God!” he breathed as he fell back.

Pulling his jeans and underwear down, I released a stiff, thick five-inch cock with a flat pink head. I could almost see it pulsing and throbbing, ready to explode with the lightest touch. His dark pubic hair was thick and bushy. But his balls were shaved smoothly.

I leaned in and carefully sucked one of his hairless balls between my lips as I slid my hands up his chest under his shirt.

I lightly slid my teeth up his stiff shaft until I found his fat head. I kissed and rolled my puckered lips all around his flesh helmet until my new stylist was breathing heavily and loudly.

I rotated down to bat my tongue against his frenulum a few hundred times before lightly biting his wrinkled skin between my teeth.

I then slid my hot tongue up his shaft to his single hole and pushed deep inside.

He squealed and grabbed the back of my head as I wiggled my tongue inside his meaty cock head.

“Oh! My god!”

I had pushed my hands around his small ass cheeks and felt him squeeze them tight as I pushed my tongue hard into his pee hole.

Then I dropped my head to engulf his entire shaft, pushing his head just into my throat. I began pulsing and swallowing against him. My gulping was audible as I passionately tried to swallow every inch of his sex.

I started bobbing my head in a slow fuck of his cock from head to base, my tongue out to contact his constricted balls with every stroke. His head pushed against my throat and my tongue hit his balls with every downstroke. I closed my lips tightly on his sensitive head with every upstroke.

I increased my speed over the course of a minute or so. His breathing increased in speed and volume every second.

When I felt his throbbing hit its peak, I pulled his ass cheeks as hard and tight as possible, burying my nose in his thick hair. His cock head was pressed against my throat when he finally exploded his bitter serum into me.

After the first few thick pulses, I pulled him back to finish on my tongue as I swallowed and licked against the underside of his shaft and frenulum.

He twitched so hard at times, I thought he was going to pull out of me. His entire body convulsed in his barber chair.

I released him just for an instant.

“Give me every drop, Alex!” I begged. “Please!”

I held him in my mouth, sucking sometimes hard, sometimes lightly until he was empty and panting.

I could feel his pulse racing as I let his cock leak and shrink in my hot, sticky mouth.

“Oh! My God!” he panted. “You’re a master!”

I stood up and used the towel I’d worn from upstairs to wipe off my face.

I leaned against the bench naked to wait for Alex to collect himself. He started getting dressed before his breathing returned to normal.

We discussed making arrangements for the next month while I followed him upstairs, where he watched me get dressed.

When I left, I had an appointment in four weeks for another haircut-for-pleasure trade.

Published 2 years ago

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