Entertaining The Neighbours – Dagmar And Trudy, Part 2

"Trudy makes a welcome addition to my fan base"

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I had some reservations about taking up Dagmar’s offer, that she might join me on one of my morning walks. Was this an offer to join me dressed, while I was naked? Good! Or was she offering to be naked too? Dangerous! Or was she expecting us to both be dressed? What would be the point? Or was she indicating an interest in some deeper relationship? Too close to home!

Three or four weeks passed, the last of which Barbara, my wife, and I spent on a golfing week, up the coast, with some friends. On our return, following a five-hour drive, the thing I needed most was a shower. As I was drying myself after the shower, the front doorbell rang. Barbara called out from the kitchen that it was probably Dagmar. When we were away, Dagmar collected our mail from the outside box, as we did for her when she was away. “She probably has our mail,” suggested Barbara.

Here was another opportunity to let Dagmar see me naked. “I’ll get it,” I offered, dropping my towel onto the floor, and stepping out into the hallway leading to the front door.

“You wouldn’t dare,” laughed Barbara, who stood at the other end of the hallway at the doors to the living room. She then stepped back from sight.

I thought I would pretend it was Barbara at the door, who had stepped out for something. So I unlocked the door, and as I opened it, immediately turned, stepping back up the hallway, leaving my arm behind to open the door wider. “Why did you leave the door open, or take your keys?” I asked the visitor, who I was pretending to believe was Barbara.

Barbara appeared again at the end of the hallway. “Sorry, Trudy, my husband is such a dreadful exhibitionist,” she apologised. 

So it was Trudy, not Dagmar, behind me, and it was she who had the close, unfettered view of my nudity. So I turned, to give her an unedited version of my front. She still had not responded to Barbara, but staring straight at my jewels, she now managed to utter, “It’s okay. A man is allowed to be naked in his own home.”

Smiling at her somewhat confused face, I managed a simple “Sorry.” This was an unexpected bonus for me, and I intended to exploit it as far as I could.

Trudy, and her husband, Manny, lived in the apartment below Dagmar, on the bottom level. They were unmistakenly Jewish, and although they moved mostly in Jewish circles, were not outwardly religious. They were lovely people. Trudy was a petite livewire, gregarious, happy, amusing, entertaining. As she was somewhat the opposite of Dagmar, you could not escape an encounter with Trudy without an animated conversation. Manny was equally amusing and entertaining, but substantially more reserved than Trudy. Trudy was at the auction when we bought our apartment, was the first to introduce herself and congratulate us and was delighted to know that we intended to live in the apartment, rather than lease it out.

After an initial hesitation, she walked up to my side, explaining that there was an urgent matter that had come up during our absence that she needed to go over with me. Manny was the principal of our body corporate, and Trudy the self-elected ambassador. Together with Dagmar, we were the only resident owners. As we slowly walked, side by side, towards Barbara, she showed me some document, telling both Barbara and myself that she and Manny would value our input on how to handle the matter at hand. She was ignoring my nakedness completely.

We had joined Barbara at the doorway to the living room, when Barbara noticed Dagmar entering the hallway, clutching a stack of mail in one hand. “I have your mail,” announced Dagmar. She did not appear to notice my nakedness, until halfway up the hall. She exchanged hellos with Trudy and Barbara, before acknowledging me. “Comfortably and casually attired today, I see,” she addressed me, as she gave the mail to Barbara, a broad smile filling her face. “What a delightful surprise.” To me, the stars were aligned. 

“Glad you’re here, Dagmar,” said Trudy, “we have an important matter to go over together.”

No-one had asked me to get dressed, so I saw no need to. “Let’s go into the living room,” I suggested. As Barbara and Dagmar sat themselves down, Trudy was still brandishing the document in my face, wanting me to take a look. She took a seat in a single armchair, furthest from the hallway, with me standing at her side. I explained that I needed my glasses and left to retrieve them, down the hall to the second bedroom, that I mostly used as my office. I held the document in one hand. 

I was reading the document as I slowly re-entered the living room. As I passed Dagmar, as she had done weeks before, she placed my cock on her upturned hand and announced, mainly to Trudy, how much better a penis looked when it was circumcised. “But being Jewish, this is normal for you, isn’t it?”

The action was entirely casual, and in no way provocative, except that it was not really normal. If she had been holding up my hand, or some other part of my body, to demonstrate her point, this would have been normal. But to her, the penis was just another part of the body, and it was there, available to illustrate the point she was making. So she used it, briefly.

“Yes, I’ve always thought so myself. Not that I consider myself an expert,” replied Trudy.

Barbara felt a need to join in. “Yes, we had our son circumcised. I’ve heard it is also advised for health reasons,” she added.

I sat on the arm of Trudy’s chair, as I read aloud the main points of the document. In this position, Trudy needed only to glance down a foot or so to be able to inspect, at very close quarters, the entirety of my manhood. She did so while appearing to pay full attention to what I was saying.

I then announced my reaction to the contents of the document, seeking the opinions of the others. We all agreed, and Trudy thanked me warmly for my assistance. I stood up and invited the ladies to partake in a cup of tea, or coffee. “I am used to being Barbara’s naked waiter,” I explained.

I went about my duties while the ladies chatted, staying clear of mentioning my nakedness. On my return with my own cup, the discussion turned to public nudity as a general issue, before settling down to my specific example. Barbara was well used to my penchant for showing off my naked body. She sometimes worried that I might offend someone, or get in trouble with the law. But she delighted in people’s reactions and saw nothing intrinsically sinful in mere nudity, although reluctant to partake herself. She was not against allowing others to enjoy my exhibitionism, and even allowed matters to develop further sometimes, providing it was all “in good fun”.

Dagmar believed it was entirely appropriate for adults to practice and enjoy nudity with others. “The human body is a beautiful thing, and is meant to be enjoyed.” As usual, a woman of few words, quiet, and to the point. “Your husband has been gifted such a body and looks after it well. You must be proud of him,” she told Barbara.

Trudy gave us a detailed recollection of a holiday she had experienced with Manny, years before, at a nudist resort on the French coast. She emphasised the sense of freedom she experienced as her inhibitions disappeared. “We adore statues of people, usually naked, why not the real thing?”

As for myself, I squeezed every bit of thrill I could, from taking advantage of the situation that luck, and a bit of engineering, had presented me. I exploited my nakedness without embarrassment or censorship. I remained on my feet throughout my duties, lingering close to each lady as I took each order, as I delivered the tea or coffee, as I retrieved the empty cups, as I listened to their comments, and when I had something to say. The more they allowed me to display myself, the greater my thrill, my abandonment and my flagrancy.

Feeling totally unrestrained, I “accidentally” dropped a spoon on my way back towards the kitchen. Having delivered the other cups and cutlery to the kitchen, I returned to retrieve the wayward spoon that had conveniently rolled under the sideboard. I bent low, exposing my hairless hole, trying to reach the offending spoon. A backward glance saw Trudy gazing with open mouth. Dagmar noticed me looking, smiled, and winked. There still being no hint of discomfort in my audience, I got down on my knees, bare arse in the air, and slowly managed to recover the recalcitrant piece of cutlery. 

It was while I remained in that delightfully shameful position, that my cock began to stir. Once it began, there was no holding it back. By the time I got to my feet, it was perpendicular to the rest of my body and rising. I made no effort to conceal it. Trudy watched it closely, speechless. Dagmar laughed, applauded and uttered, “The beast has woken.”

Barbara had her look of embarrassment but managed a smile anyway.

“Perfectly natural, with such an appreciative audience,” I explained as I stood still, allowing my cock to reach full bloom. I then theatrically allowed each lady, in turn, a closer inspection, before returning to the centre of the room, bowing and escaping to the kitchen to do the dishes.

On my return, a minute or two later, the ladies were all on their feet, chattering excitedly, before Barbara and I escorted them down the hall to the front door.

“We must do that again soon,” suggested Dagmar.

“I’d be in that,” Trudy agreed.

“I’ll let you know,” replied Barbara.

Once inside, Barbara broke down laughing. “You’ve opened up a can of worms, haven’t you!”



Published 6 years ago

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