Engagement Present: Proposing to Izzy

"Greg enjoys time with Danny and Jolene before meeting Izzy."

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Greg smiled as he entered what had become his bedroom, seeing the sight arrayed on the bed. Jolene and Danny both lay naked waiting for him; Danny grinning broadly, Jolene’s smile wasn’t as big. Greg hurriedly stripped, intrigued by what the two on the bed had planned for him.

Since they had returned from the camping trip Greg and Jolene hadn’t had any time alone or anytime together sexually, even with Danny involved. Greg smiled warmly as he moved slowly towards the bed. Danny’s eyes never once left Greg’s body as he slowly stroked his cock. Jolene’s eyes shifting rapidly between both men as if she couldn’t decide who or what she wanted or even if her desires were right. Greg stood still at the foot of the bed, his eyes travelling up and down Jolene’s body.

“So how are we doing this?” Greg asked, knowing it would be fun no matter what.

“I was thinking a Jolene sandwich, where we switch,” Danny said with a wink.

“No! I mean wouldn’t it be better having a Danny sandwich? Just think of his tight ass, Greg, you know only you get his ass,” Jolene interjected rapidly. Greg looked dejected slightly but quickly masked it.

Danny nodded, curious about Greg and Jolene’s lack of contact but decided that they would sort it out themselves. He kissed Jolene as Greg got on the bed, before turning to kiss Greg passionately. Danny’s cock throbbed in anticipation; he couldn’t wait to feel his ass stretch around Greg’s cock while he filled Jolene’s pussy.

“Why don’t you help me get Greg ready to take my ass? I know he will love it and I’ve wanted to share sucking his cock with you?” Danny asked Jolene. She nodded and they both moved to kiss opposite sides of Greg’s cock. Danny moving his kisses down as she moved her kisses up, and moving back the middle their lips touching.

Instinctively, Danny returned to kissing down to Greg’s balls, sucking on them softly as Jolene’s eyes shut and she took Greg’s cock head into her mouth. Letting her instincts and desires guide her, she sucked lovingly as she moved slowly down his shaft, her tongue moving rapidly.

Danny looked up as he sucked on Greg’s balls rolling them around in his mouth. He saw how Jolene was sucking Greg’s shaft and got hopeful that he would see the man he loved to fuck with the woman he loved and was going to marry. Jolene smiled around Greg’s cock, enjoying being close to both the men she loved, letting herself forget her worries and concerns about whether this was right. Jolene focused on using a lot of saliva, enjoying taking Greg into her throat. Danny pulled away and smiled as he watched Jolene work; Greg’s moans were like music to his ears.

“Babe, I think he is ready, we don’t want him cumming too soon do we?” Danny said as he saw Greg’s cock glistening with saliva. Jolene opened her eyes and pulled slowly off of Greg, a look of shame and embarrassment flashing in her eyes as she did so. She quickly laid on her back and spread her legs waiting for Danny to take her. Danny smiled and moved, lying over Jolene he thrust slowly into her kissing her as he did. He held still deep in her and looked at Greg his eyes asking him to hurry up and make it a Danny sandwich.

Greg moved behind Danny spreading his cheeks and spitting on his ass, before lining his cock up with the inviting winking hole. Greg pushed slowly into him enjoying how tight Danny still was around his cock. Danny groaned as he started to thrust slowly, feeling Greg moving slowly too. Jolene moaned as the two men instinctively fell into a perfect rhythm, their tempo building as they lost themselves in their pleasure. Each one had their eyes shut just enjoying the sensations they were feeling. Too soon, Jolene was screaming in orgasm a fraction of a second before Danny, who in turn was a fraction of a second before Greg.

Greg pulled out first and laid beside them as Danny pulled out and laid in the middle. All three of them shut their eyes, content to just enjoy the afterglow of their orgasms. They started to drift off to sleep as Greg’s phone started to ring. Jolene being the nearest, picked it up and upon seeing who was calling she tossed the phone moodily at Greg who caught it effortlessly. He smiled as he saw who was calling before answering.

“Hello baby, what are you doing up so late?” Greg asked with a smile as he listened to the person on the other end of the phone. “You’re able to come over?” Greg asked in disbelief. “Flying out to Wyoming in two days?” His grin got bigger as he thought of seeing the person he was talking to.

“I can’t wait to see you, I miss you, baby, I love you, Izzy. Now try to get some rest, I know you’re excited, and email me all the details okay? See you soon, baby.” Greg hung up the phone smiling as he got out of bed and started to pack a bag.

Greg started rummaging through his writings and finding the plans and phone numbers he had for his surprise holiday with Izzy. Greg started to phone the numbers getting stuff booked, packing all the while, making sure that he packed a small ring box. Danny’s eyes sparkled as he realised what the ring box signified as Jolene turned and looked away.

“So when is your plane leaving, Greg?” Danny asked getting out of bed and starting to get dressed.

“The flight leaves in six hours. So do you think you could give me a lift in ten minutes to the airport?” Greg asked as he too got dressed.

“I assumed that you would need a lift. I’m ready when you are,” Danny chuckled.

“See you when me and Izzy come here, okay, Jolene?” Greg asked as he was on his way out.

“Sure that sounds fine,” She muttered in response.

Greg and Danny left with full haste, Danny asking Greg what he had planned. All Greg would tell him was that he and Izzy were going camping and horseback riding. Greg told Danny straight that there weren’t any plans for him to propose yet. It was too soon for a proposal and that the perfect proposal was already planned out. As Danny drove, he reached over and caressed Greg’s crotch softly and quickly.

“No wanking, save it for when you see your love.” Danny offered his advice hoping Greg would take it. Greg nodded not trusting himself to speak as they arrived at the airport. Greg kissed Danny’s cheek before getting his stuff and going to the airport. Greg’s wait at the airport was relatively uneventful, just doing last minute prep for when he saw Izzy.

He slept on the plane and negotiated the airport with no issues making his way across the street to the hotel where he booked a room for three nights paying in advance. Greg let Danny know he had arrived safely then spent his time waiting for Izzy to arrive.

Greg stood in a tuxedo waiting for Izzy to arrive, he was nervously rubbing his hands together. He couldn’t wait to see his golden-haired goddess pet. Greg moved and sat with an Earl Grey tea with lemon, smiling as he was trying to look stereotypically British. He saw Izzy from behind first recognising her tight ass in her skin tight black jeans. He smiled as he watched her turn around, her eyes scanning all the people who stood waiting for loved ones.

She lost her smile when she didn’t see Greg. She was about to walk out and look for a hotel room when she chuckled, remembering that Greg didn’t like to conform. She started to look at the people not watching arrivals and spotted Greg quickly, grinning as he was reading a history book. She moved over to him and sat opposite him, knowing he knew she was there but waiting.

“You arrived just as I was reading how Arthur Wellesley details the Spanish failure to provide the promised supplies to his army in eighteen ten,” Greg said slowly closing his book, “I’ve missed you, Izzy. These two months have been hard for me.”

“Hard? I bet you barely thought of me, what with Danny and Jolene to keep your dick satisfied,” Izzy said with a sly grin.

“And who do you think I have spent the most time in bed with? And who do you think I have arranged a very romantic holiday for?” Greg reached out and held Izzy’s hand.

“I bet mostly with Jolene and it’s me you have arranged the holiday for,” Izzy’s grin turned to a loving smile.

“No, Danny is the one I’ve mostly been with, but yes, the holiday is for you.” Greg kissed her hand, before standing and taking her bags and hand leading her across the street to the hotel room he had booked. Once in the room he kissed her passionately holding her close to him, not wanting to let go of her now he had her back.

She pulled away, yawning as she did. Her eyes looked to the bed then back at Greg. Greg nodded as he knew what she wanted. He slowly stripped them both before lying on the bed holding his arms out. Izzy cuddled up to Greg kissing his cheek softly.

“Greg, I’m sorry, I tried to sleep on the plane but I was too excited to be seeing you. You’re not mad that I want to sleep instead of having sex?” Izzy asked in a small voice.

“I am content just holding you in my arms. Besides we have an early start and a busy day tomorrow. So sleep and just be happy we are together.” Greg told her kissing her neck as she rolled over pressing her ass against his crotch.

Greg slept easily and deeply, his dreams filled with Izzy of the way she moved and of the future he was planning for them both. Having her in his arms just felt natural and right. As he dreamt his subconscious mind filled with the idea of proposing sooner rather than later, his arms wrapping tighter around her.

Izzy dreamt of wearing a white wedding dress, marrying Greg. Her dreams made her feel warm and loved. She knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Greg when she saw him at the airport. The way her heart fluttered made her know that he was the man she needed to spend eternity with.

In the morning when they woke, Greg gave her a quick kiss as he got out of bed and got dressed. He watched Izzy stretch and yawn as she wondered just what Greg was planning for her. She knew Greg had plans to propose to her, he had left his plans out in the open, forgetting that she would be able to see it. She couldn’t tell what the plans were as he had used a code to write them. She watched as Greg made sure the bags were packed as he ordered room service, pancakes, bacon and orange juice as well as tea.

Izzy wrapped the duvet around her as the youngish porter brought them their food. She felt the porter’s eyes on her, his gaze trying to penetrate the duvet. She found herself liking the attention but knowing only two men would be seeing what the porter wanted to see, only Greg and Danny.

She watched as the man slowly left and noticed that his uniform trousers had started to bulge. Greg shut the door and smiled at Izzy bringing the food over to her. They ate in silence as Izzy let the duvet fall so Greg could see her near perfect naked body.

Greg found it hard to take his eyes off off her body. The desire to propose was too much so he stood and got the bags together. Greg took out the clothes that were going to be most suitable for Izzy to wear for the day’s events; skin-tight black jeans, a tight fitting long sleeved dark blue t-shirt and a little bag with a surprise.

Izzy finished eating and got dressed slowly leaving the little bag till last. She opened it and smiled as she saw what was there for her. A necklace of two horses head coming together into a heart shape, she smiled and put it around her neck moving to Greg and kissing him.

Greg led Izzy to the street where a car was waiting for him and Izzy, he grinned as she held his hand and he opened the door for her. For the hour of travelling, they talked about general things, mostly about what was happening back home in England and about how her job was going. Greg found he was missing working as a pot washer in the restaurant that Izzy worked in. The times they worked together had always made him smile. He even started to sing as he worked after she started, she was just so easy to get along with.

Izzy’s eyes widened as she saw them pull up to a ranch. She knew Greg was planning a surprise with horses, and she knew Greg really knew her perfectly. She turned his head to face her, kissing him passionately and letting their tongues dance with desire. Greg broke the kiss grinning, he slowly got out of the car and led her into the ranch. Izzy watched as Greg repacked their bags so they only needed one for the clothes they needed. As she watched she took a mental note and decided that they would be going camping.

Izzy felt jealous when the ranch owner, an attractive woman with flaming red hair with breasts bigger than Izzy’s hugged Greg, handing him a larger bag with camping gear. She noticed how the woman was undressing Greg with her eyes and didn’t like it, so she pulled him close to her kissing him passionately. The woman chuckled and smiled warmly at Izzy.

“Sweetie, your man ain’t going to be going anywhere. Now you can pick the horses that you and he will be using this weekend,” The woman stated, leading Izzy to the stable. Greg stayed outside waiting. Izzy and the ranch owner were leading a pair of grey horses. Izzy choosing grey because she knew Greg liked the Scots Greys of the Union Brigade.

Greg gave Izzy the lighter of the bags as they got ready and mounted the horses. Greg told Izzy the brief overview of where they were going as they set off, despite Greg being a natural it still took them most of the day to reach the campsite. Greg started to set up the camp while Izzy took care of the horses. I started a fire and made a makeshift spit skewering several steaks on it.

Greg stood by the fire, slowly turning the meat on the spit as he watched Izzy grooming the horses, her back to him. The setting sun bathed her in a glow making her messy golden hair look like a halo. Even thou Greg couldn’t see her face he knew she was smiling, a broad infectious smile that he found himself imitating. He knew then as he watched how she treated her fellow animals that she was the one for him.

He left the meat and went to get the ring box with the custom-made ring in, from its hiding place in the bag. Izzy saw Greg take the box out of the bag but paid no attention to it as he walked to her. He coughed softly drawing her attention to him, she turned to face him fully.

“Izzy, in all the time I have known you, I have known this moment was coming. Not this exact moment, I actually have it all planned out for back home in Devizes. I was going to take you to where we first met and where I first said I love you.” He took a deep breath realising how much he was rambling, “What I am trying to say is this.” Greg dropped to one knee and opened the box showing her the ring. “Izzy, I love you, will you marry me and make me the happiest may in the world?”

She looked at the ring, noticing that it was two stylised Celtic horse heads butting with a rose between them, set with a single ruby in the centre. She took it out of the box and put it on her finger, smiling but not actually giving him an answer.

“Why now? Why do this today?” She asked looking at Greg.

“When you know, you know, you know. I’m not actually explaining, am I?” he chuckled softly.

“You mean you know you want to be with me forever and couldn’t see a reason to wait?” She asked softly to which Greg nodded slowly. “Yes, Greg I will marry you.” Greg stood up and kissed her wrapping his arms around her.

“Greg, you should return to cooking and I need to finish grooming the horses but I don’t want to let you go,” She whispered in his ear, “You don’t have to stop being with Danny and Jolene just because you have put a ring on my finger you know.” She pulled away and resumed grooming the horses as he went back to cooking.

Soon the steaks were done to perfection and the peppers were roasted by the fire with some unleavened bread. She sat opposite him as they ate in comfortable silence, Greg pulled out a bottle of mead and poured two cups giving her one. They sipped the mead as Greg looked at her.

“To our future together,” Greg said raising his cup.

“To our future family.” She replied before they both took a deep drink. Izzy finished drinking and eating before she started to strip. She stood naked before Greg before moving into the tent lying on her back as she did. Greg stood stripping too, as he followed her into the tent.

He kissed her passionately and started to slowly move the kissing down her body stopping and sucking on her nipples softly. As she moaned he softly clamped his teeth around her nipple and pulled it away from her body. His hands ran along her sides as he switched his attention to her other nipple. One hand moved to the breast his mouth had just moved away from as the other moved to her pussy and started to rub softly, slowly he pushed two fingers into her, moving them slowly in and out. She moaned softly wanting more, wanting to feel his rhythmic movements.

Greg slowly, teasingly inserted a third finger, holding them still as he rested his thumb on her clit. He kissed her neck, as he started to move his fingers in his special rhythm. He started to move his fingers rapidly in and out of her moving his thumb in a circular motion over her clit. He quickened his actions as he bit her neck hard enough to leave teeth marks as she screamed in orgasm, coating his fingers.

Greg grinned as he removed his fingers sucking them clean as he lined his hard throbbing member with her slit. He pushed into her as he looked into her eyes lovingly. He slowly filled her tight perfect pussy moaning as he did. He loved the feeling of her tight pussy wrapping around his shaft. Greg thrust slowly in and out as he kissed Izzy, her legs wrapping around him. Greg started to thrust quicker, Izzy’s fingertips raking down Greg’s back. Izzy held Greg still in her just wanting to feel him deep in her. She wanted to enjoy him with her, to lose herself in the moment.

“I love you, Greg.” She whispered as she looked into his eyes. Greg blushed, knowing in his heart that he and Izzy were destined to be together for the rest of their lives. He kissed her as he started to thrust, teasingly slowly at first, gradually building up the tempo. Izzy’s moans built into screams as Greg slammed his cock deeply and roughly into her, his teeth grazing her neck as he kissed it.

Soon Izzy screamed in orgasm, the scream loud on the plain, her fingernails digging deeply into Greg’s back. Greg groaned as he pushed deep and started to fill his fiancée’s pussy. They lay together just holding each other with Greg’s cock still in her, bathed in their post-orgasmic glow.

“My future wife, how did I get so lucky?” Greg whispered to no one in particular.

Published 6 years ago

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