Later Emma would consider how the timing of his call could not have been better. That everything was geared to happen they way it did. In any other situation, she could easily have slammed the door on his suggestion and thought no more about it. But, as she was to see, everything in the circumstances was set right.
First, she hadn’t had a man for just over a year, when her husband had gone off with a young bimbo, just over half her own age of 38.
No hand, other than her own had stroked between her thighs for too long.
She’d had dates with three men, but none had aroused her enough to allow them any liberties with her body. Sexual frustration, was not infrequent, but seemed to come in waves, and on that particular evening it was on a very high wave. She had languished in a hot bath, deliciously squeezing the wet sponge between her thighs. Wishing that the cosy sensation was something more, she climbed out of the bath and rubbed herself dry.
Clean and refreshed, but not relieved, she had donned her thin silken gown, so sensuous against her bare skin, poured herself a liberal white wine, and tried to read her book. She’d taken just two sips of wine when the door-bell rang. Five past eight on a rapidly darkening September evening, and she had to wonder who could be calling at this time. She knew her best friend Joy, was in London with her husband, so it couldn’t be her.
Just a little nervous, she went out into the hall, and saw through the frosted glass of the front door, the unmistakable shape of a tall man. Her nervousness hadn’t lessened but her curiosity was wearing it away.
She switched on the porch light before slowly, cautiously opening the door, even while her eyes were trying to identify him, he, in a deep brown voice, told her, “Yes, please keep the door fastened on the chain until I’ve said what I have to say. And, of course, you have the option to close it at any time.”
While he was making his unusual introduction, her eyes viewed his muscular looking frame, covered in a light weight jacket, and thin fawn cotton pants. But his face, she knew from somewhere. There was something familiar about the depth of the blue eyes, set in a strong handsome face, something that had caught her attention somewhere.
Clutching her robe tight to her neck she asked, “Why are you here?”
His smile was warm, and already she was warning herself to be cautious. His answer to her question was not one she had expected.
“I suppose you could say, in one sense, I’m a stalker.”
“Stalking me?” She should be scared, shouldn’t she? So, why wasn’t she?
“On another level, I would suggest that my only wish is to pleasure you.”
Oh, that was it! No thanks, and she began to close the door.
He leaned forward, and the light reflected in those eyes, “Please, hear me out, and if you aren’t interested then I’ll just leave. And no hard feelings. Okay?”
She allowed the door to reopen to the extent of the chain, “Go on,” she said, something had opened in the back of her mind, a recall of eyes meeting.
“From the moment I first saw you I have been –well—enchanted by the sight of you.”
Oh, God, with words like that—‘enchanted’? By her?
He went on, “I know it sounds corny but the first time you were in a pale lavender summer dress. It was in the library, and I forgot about the book I was reading. Your face, that tawny hair framing it, well it stopped my breath. And then you were gone. I was telling myself to forget it, when, in the supermarket the next day, there you were, and my breath was gone again.”
Ah, yes, the supermarket, that was where she’d become aware of those blue eyes. She couldn’t know how long he’d been watching her, but she did recall that moment when their eyes met, and she’d experienced a strange tremor deep down inside her. Of course, she had ignored it, hadn’t she? Yet it had happened again later.
His voice came to her again, gentle, and sounded, very genuine, “Please, don’t misunderstand what I’m going to say. I started going to the supermarket at times I learned you could be there.” He paused here, and she became aware of him taking in a deep breath. “Now, as I said, I was drawn by your face—your beauty.”
“Flattery will get you anything,” she laughed.
“We’ll see. But soon, as I watched you, I was admiring other parts. Your breasts looked so good and their curve matched the curve of your waist and hips. In other words, so shapely. Came the day when I was sitting in my car watching the supermarket exit. There was a strong wind, and you came through the exit wearing your standard summer dress, and carrying a heavy bag in each hand. Immediately the wind caught the hem of your dress and it was lifted to reveal an attractive length of bare thigh as you struggled to keep covered. Then you turned directly into the wind, and your dress was pressed against your breasts, your belly and between your thighs so that magic upside-down V was like seeing you naked.” He stopped here to give her what was almost a shy smile, before he added, “At that moment, sitting in my car I found myself becoming incredibly hard—you know what I mean?”
Indeed, she did, and as a sign of that, she was aware of an almost forgotten moistening between her thighs, as his words worked on her libido. And they went on to a most revealing revelation. “Since that incident the big surprise has been that every time I saw you, no matter where or when, I had a very definite hardening.”
She took him at his word. He was there in front of her, looking into her face, and she just could not resist, glancing down towards his crotch. Oh, God, he wasn’t lying. There was no denying the extent of the bulge in the front of his pants. But what could she say—his words, that bulge, his honesty, and her insides were churning. That moistness, the throbbing in her lower body, the quickening of her breath. It was so close to –She longed to drop her hand to finger herself. How long since she had felt this way?
He spoke again, and where this was going became vividly clear, “I began following you. You weren’t aware?”
“No, I wasn’t,” And her voice sounded so strained, so breathless.
“I knew it was a kind of stalking and against the law, but I had to know where you lived. So many needs were building inside me. I was longing to pleasure you. You have listened to me without closing the door, and that is such a relief.” His eyes held hers as he went on, “Now I have only one request, and you don’t need to take off the chain.”
“What request?”
He licked his lips, full lips, and she wondered how they would feel in a kiss. “May I reach through the gap and touch—your skin.”
She said nothing, almost unable to speak as she moved her body close to the door opening, but switching off the porch light. She was prepared for him to decide what section of her skin he would want to touch. Was she being crazy? But, A hot excitement gripped her, and that moistness was so demanding.
From his face, so close now, she peered down, watching his hand as it parted her robe, and rested gently on her belly, fingers pointing up towards her navel. When his hand made a gentle caress, electric sparks flashed signals exactly where her juices were already in full flood. Her legs trembled when his hand turned and his fingers were pointing into, and maybe touching, her bush.
Trying to control her breath, she was wondering if she dared ask him to move his fingers through her bush and touch her wet folds. Oh, yes, she so wanted that, as she pressed her body against his teasing hand. Then, he made his next fateful request.
“Might I ask you to touch me?” She heard a zip being lowered as she gave her positive response, and was immediately aware just where he wanted to be touched.
Yet she had no hesitation as she reached through the gap, aware that his fingers were fluttering into her bush. From the moment her fingers touched his hardness she knew she was gone. A brief stroke along its wondrous length, then she was gripping it eagerly, pulling on it, and, with her whole being screaming for release, her own hands took over.
With her right hand gripping and tugging at his swollen cock, her left hand loosened the chain, and as this man pushed through the opening door, her hand reached for his belt buckle, but there wasn’t one, only a button, which quickly came undone. And as she, nearly frantic, pulled him staggering, as his pants fell around his knees, towards an inevitable conclusion.
He started to groan, “This is not—” but their mouths came together, tongues immediately probing. She sensed his knees bending as she placed this solid cock between her thighs, and as he came up straight, her entry opened to accept it eagerly. The power of it driving up along her eager, long-neglected channel brought on her first orgasm. His next push was so forceful the ecstatic pressure lifted her off her feet and she wrapped her legs around him, desperately trying to suppress the squeals of delight bursting from her lips. Now, high as she was, she recognised his faster thrusts and his grunts, signalling his own cumming. She squeezed her legs around him, as a second orgasm gripped her, and she tried to get her inner muscles to nip the head of the delicious cock that was pouring into her.
With his cock slipping out of her, she heard him murmur, “Oh, God, I should have known.” As her feet touched the floor, her legs collapsed under her and she went down, taking him with her. Emma was aware of his softening cock trailing wetly along her thigh as he settled close to her.
Panting, and perspiring she found her voice and said, “Should have known what?”
His eyes looked at her as he replied, “That you’d be hard to resist.”
Feeling so replete after such treatment, she teased, “You wanted to resist?”
“No, but as I told you when I was outside, I wanted to pleasure you.”
Emma sat up and touched his face, “And you think you didn’t? My God, I had two rapid orgasms. That has never happened to me.”
“I’m pleased it was good for you, but we only fucked.”
His words surprised her, “Yes, we did and I–“
“Animals fuck. I wanted to pleasure you.”
“Is there a difference?”
“That difference is what I wanted to give to you.”
A new warmth was filling her, “Maybe you’d like to demonstrate?”
“If you wouldn’t mind.”
“Mind? I’m intrigued.” She struggled to her feet, pulling her robe closed, like some shy maiden. “Aren’t you going to kiss me again?” she asked, holding her face up towards him. Hell. I’ve had this brazen hussy locked inside me all this time, but there was no doubt, it was what she wanted.
Without hesitation, he bent to place his lips on hers and they shared a kiss that was warm, and genuine without ever overheating. She broke away before it could, and declared, “I think I’ll take a shower. Follow me. Second door on the right is my bedroom, and there’s an en-suite.” She started up the stairs/ but she stopped on the third step, and turned back to say, “Oh, and it would be useful to know the name of the man who has just fu–seduced me.”
“Yes, names would help. I’m Dave.”
She told him her name, as she hurried up the stairs.
The glow already inside her increased as he called after her, “A beautiful name, and it suits you perfectly.”
With the warm shower water washing over her body, she had time to consider just how unbelievable this all was. Less than an hour ago this complete stranger had rung her door bell. In the minutes since then, his deep voice, his intimate words had persuaded her to allow him to enter her porch and then enter her body, where he had rung a very different bell. The rushing water had washed away the juices of that moment, but could not remove the deep-rooted heat in her lower belly.
A moment of rationality made her wonder where he might be right now. He’d had his way with her. He might have dressed, maybe stolen a few things, and vanished into the night. Cursing herself for being so gullible, she turned off the water and slid the door open–And there he was, smiling, his eyes caressing her naked body, and holding out a towel for her. He was bare chested, and had a towel wrapped around his lower body.
“God, you are so beautiful,” he murmured, and he drew back his arm. “I don’t think I’ll give you the towel. Just let me ogle.” He laughed, while Emma was amazed how having him look at her nakedness in that way, didn’t bother her at all.
In fact, she quickly stepped out of the cubicle, shot out a hand, and laughed, “Then I’ll have to borrow yours.” And, before he could back away she had whipped away the white towel covering his loins, and made a teasing “Oooh,” sound at the sight of his already semi-erect cock.
Joining in with her laughter, he darted into the shower and it was wonderful to watch him soaping himself down. Emma was wishing that the cubicle had been begin enough for her to help him.
She was still standing, wet, and with the towel around her shoulders as he stepped out, and for the next few minutes they proceeded to rub each other dry. His strong hands passing over her body, even behind a towel, were exciting, but she had a question which needed an answer.
“Dave, how many other women have you done this with?”
“Dried with a towel?”
Ignoring his impish smile, she said, “You know what I mean.”
His face was more serious as his eyes held hers, “Are you prepared to believe that I have never stalked any one before?”
There was no doubt in her mind what she wanted to believe, and as he went on, she was even more reassured, “My greatest hope is that, when this time together is over, you would like to see me again.”
The full implication of what he was saying would not hit her until later and, for now, it was only necessary to ask, “Where do we start?”
“Right here,” he told her, stepping in close so that they were skin-on-skin, mouth exploring mouth, tongue tangling tongue, her breasts pressed into his lower rib cage, her belly getting the thrill of his hardening manhood, her thighs parting to accept the push of his muscular thigh. Simply perfect, she was thinking, when without warning, he stooped and swept her up in his arms.
With the kiss broken she gasped, “What are you doing?”
Moving into the bedroom, he said gruffly, “Taking you to stage two.”
“And that will entail?”
Lowering her onto the bed, he said, in a mock scolding voice,”Will you stop asking questions? From here on in, you just go with the flow. The only thing you might want to say is, ‘Stop’, and if you do that I will stop.”
His sense of purpose, his forcefulness, were so overwhelming that she just could not imagine wanting to say, ‘stop’. He kneeled on the bed beside her, leaned over to part her legs just a little more. That, in itself, was thrilling.
“Now,” he said, leaning back, as his eyes moved hungrily up and down her nakedness, like an extra caress, “the big question becomes where to start.” He hesitated for only a moment more before bringing his face close to hers. “I think from the point we were at, in the bathroom.”
As she watched him expectantly, he slid his right hand behind her head, and drew her head up into a hot, tongue lashing kiss, to which she responded avidly. But, this time, his left hand strayed gently over her breasts, before settling like a nesting bird over her right breast, gently squeezing, his palm subtly stroking over her nipple. Emma had never considered her breasts to be very sensitive, so how was this man, this Dave, creating such palpitations inside her with his gentle left hand?
Her tongue continued the delightful tangle and tingling with his, as it patrolled the inside of her cheeks. She closed her eyes and tried to guess what his next move would be. The logic of past experience made her sure it would be the movement of his hand from her breast, and from a broken kiss his lips would begin to savour her breasts and nipples.
She was wrong, but only partly. The hand did move, but the kiss continue, and it was still stimulating her, but when the hand moved it travelled lightly over her belly, across to her híp, up to her waist and back to her breast before making the return journey, and it went on like that for a while, hip, waist and breast, to return over and over, making her aware of what Dave had said, when he was outside her door, about her terrific figure.
Her body gave an involuntary squirm at the thought. That caused Dave to break the kiss, smile down at her before his lips trailed along her hairline, kissed around her eyes, and his tongue made a little poke into each ear making her shiver with the pleasure of it. His left hand continued to emphasise her figure, as he withdrew his right hand from behind her head, and traced warm fingers around her cheeks and onto her lips, where, he found it easy to insert one finger between her lips to touch her inner cheek. Was this a sign of what he would want to do with his cock?
She had done it with her husband, but he had been too insistent and too quick, and she had never enjoyed it. Emma was very aware that her own hands had done very little on Dave’s body, apart from gripping and stroking his wide shoulders, and thinking how good his skin felt under her hands. But he seemed to be keeping his lower body away from her touch.
His lips now moved down the side of her neck, and along her left shoulder. Emma could not believe how every minor touch from him could be so enticing. That was the point at which his combined actions became so breath-catching. First, he buried his face between her breasts, and that alone had her gasping, before his mouth moved exclusively to her right breast to lick and suckle at her nipple, while his right hand closed around her left breast, one finger flickering around that nipple.
Even while she was panting from this movement, his left hand, which had been so busy marking her shape, stroked smoothly over her belly, held briefly in the position it had been in at the part open door, with fingers pointing down into her bush. But this time, there was no stopping, as his fingers shuffled through her bush, and then, Emma held her breath as she felt his fingers slide over her slit.
He was going to plough into her pink regions where already her moistness was increasing. But once again she was wrong. With just one finger he traced along her outer lower lips, forward and back, and Emma was wanting to scream out, ‘Grope me. Feel me.’ God, the walls, the muscles of her channel were pulsing to take whatever came.
His attention to her breasts had not diminished and there was a sparking there that was sending extra pulses to her eager loins. But as she was urging his finger to probe, his mouth left her nipple and lips and tongue, moving downwards, set her skin alight. While Dave was performing this movement, his fingers had encouraged her to part her legs more, and while his tongue was probing into her navel, he flattened the fingers of his left hand and pressed against her desperate lower lips. Emma was sure that every muscle in her body had gone into spasm in the excitement of that pressure.
She was being delivered into a valley of delight like she had never known, yet it was all tinged with the madness of frustration, of wanting so much more. Now, as before the hand moved away and stroked along the smoothness of her inner thigh. Instantly, his lips were nuzzling her bush, and that tongue, that luscious tongue, was exploring the opening to her crease.
She moaned in anticipation of it moving just a short distance further where he would be licking her—
CLIT! She didn’t voice the word but she was whining, and heading into her first orgasm as his tongue licked over the tiny eager nub. Such was the power of her impassioned surrender that she couldn’t stop her heaving hips from temporarily dislodging his hungry tongue. For a moment her knees raised and clamped on either side of his head, as though some salacious power inside her, was trying to imprison him there. As she continued panting like a steam train, Dave, getting his tongue and lips working on her clit once more, moved his whole body round until his head was between her thighs. His right hand left her breast, stroked down to rest on her hip like some eager vulture ready to feast.
Now Dave moved his tongue through her soaked pink folds, while the vulture that was his right hand fluttered in to claim her clit, and his left hand slid along her thigh to where his fingers could tease at her entry. God, this treatment was so ecstatic that she could not recall ever having this kind of attention. And this Dave, this stranger, this stalker was revealing a level of expertise that shed could never have imagined.
She noticed him beginning to breath more deeply, and there were little grunts as his tongue patrolled her folds. Maybe he was ready to go for her climax. But she had done nothing for him. She longed to touch him to feel his hot hardness. She might even—
Without any warning, one of the fingers of his left hand drove up into her weeping passage. So sudden, so unexpected, so utterly titillating that she hit another immediate orgasm as that finger wriggled inside her, and, oh, God, a second finger joined it so that the pair fluttered inside her like trapped birds. Dave drew his head back as her hips heaved, but she did not dislodge the fingers that worked at both ends of her slit.
As Emma regained some composure, Dave’s head began to move back towards her pink petals, she gasped, “I need to touch you. You’ve touched all of me.”
Dave raised his head to look at her over the rises of her body and said, “But that was the intention.” He smiled as he added, “I have a huge hole to drill through down here.”
Emma couldn’t restrain a giggle as she replied, “Don’t you think I should inspect the tool you intend to use on the job. It might not be strong enough.”
Dave shared her laugh, as he replied with false reluctance, “Well, if you have doubts, I’ll have to resolve them.” And he raised his body and began to wriggle upwards with his knees on either side of her body. This meant removing both hands from the magic they had been creating, and momentarily Emma felt just a little empty.
Then Dave was straddling up near her head, and Emma was looking at this massive implement that had already filled her so admirably. When she closed her fingers around it he gave a slight grunt and she saw his eyes close. Keenly she brought the shining purple head to her lips and her tongue darted out to lick around it. She parted her lips, surprising herself at how willing she was to take him in, but he quickly drew back, and placed a hand over her mouth.
“Not this time,” he said with another delightful smile, “this rod has a much deeper shaft to clear down there, and it is ready to set the explosives.”
Just imagining that had Emma trembling again, “Maybe next time.”
Dave paused as he slid away down from her, “I like the sound of that,” he said.
Nestled down between her thighs once more, Dave made some adjustments that both surprised and intrigued Emma. One by one he lifted a thigh onto each of his shoulders, and she sensed that action widening her entry. Next only one finger was poked into her, as his mouth lowered to suckle her clit. Hell, this wasn’t going to take long, Emma was thinking, as the finger inside her pushed and prodded to its limit. But that was the moment that a companion finger on his left hand stroked back and she felt it rimming her little button-hole anus. So exciting, as her passion swelled.
When that finger plunged up into her rectum and the two fingers were ploughing backwards and forwards inside respective holes, Emma found herself in a world of salacious delight that she could never have dreamed of. She screamed out, “Dave!”
He was, clearly, well aware of how this would work out and he had his erect lance thrusting at her opening before she could even reach for it, which was what every impulse had been urging her to do. Now she found, as her mind went away, that with her legs over his shoulders he was able to thrust deep and deeper inside her. She felt she was bent almost double as he slammed his cock into her, so immense and filling her.
Dave was leaning in trying to kiss her, but she was gone, her head rolling with the sheer ecstasy. Of his log moving massively inside her. Her waist and hips jerked urging him on and when he finally climaxed, after four or five heavenly thrusts, Emma was sure that she could feel that purple head deep inside her, pumping his seed to mingle with her wild juices.
Slowly, very slowly, they came down from the turbulent cloud they had been sharing. Dave gently and lovingly moved her legs from his shoulders and lay alongside her, and that so relaxing contact of skin on skin had her in dreamland, looking into a future that no one could foretell. When his lips and tongue mingled with hers once more she could taste her own juices and that was so exhilarating.
They talked in quiet tones about themselves. Emma told him of Vic taking off, and Dave’s response to that was, “He must have been crazy.” She kissed him for his kind words and wondered whether it might be wise to tell him that his recent gift had far outweighed anything Vic had managed. But instead she told him of her magazine writing and how she worked mainly from home.
When Dave told her of his wife having died three years earlier her heart went out to him, because it was clear it was a loss which he was still feeling. “She was six years older than my twenty one years when we married, and so much more mature. Everything I’ve done to please you this evening, I learned through her.” She told him how honoured that made her feel. He was an architect, and laughing he told her that she had interfered with his current project.
Eventually, Emma knew they had reached the point when they look at the question of what happened next. She had no doubt about what she wanted, but she needed to know how he felt. It didn’t take him long.
“Have you ever been stalked before?” he asked.
She laughed, and passed a finger along his limp cock, “Not with a stalk like that,” she said, pleased that he shared the joke.
He looked like he was holding his breath as he asked, “If I did it again, would you let me in?”
Now she kissed him hard before telling him, “I would happily let you all the way in.”
By the time they had dressed and had moved to the door, they had exchanged cards.
“Just call me the next time you have this crest of a wave,” Dave said. She had told him of how he had caught her in the right mood.
Emma felt so good, as she replied, “I imagine you could help me reach that level at any time. Yes, I will call you.”
“If you don’t I’ll be stalking you again.”
“How long would you wait for a call?”
“Twenty four hours.”
They laughed and kissed once more, before he left.
She went back to the bed, and lay for a long time, reliving and reviewing all that had so sensually filled the evening, looking forward to whatever the future might have in store. Certain that it could only be good.