Emma’s Orgasm

"Emma’s orgasm is described as she is taken in a lustful outburst of sexual need."

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I’ve been trying to explain it all my life but without much success.

It’s one of those things that starts with good conversation and a few drinks and finishes when my whole body oozes sweat. In between there is the exploration of each other’s body by hands and tongues; the fondling and the caressing, the kissing, the lewd gestures with fingers and mouths that cause the two of us to arrive at the ultimate gateway to pleasure.

By the time the penetration happens I know that I am in a state of desperation and need.

Let me try and explain-

My orgasm starts when I know that I want to share my body with the man sitting opposite me; often sipping a drink at the bar while engaged in conversation. I find myself smiling at his every word. I’m intrigued by him. I find myself wanting to listen and find out more about him but also pensive as to how the night is going to develop. Questions that cannot be answered flood my mind; will he want me as much as I want him? Will he be good in bed? Does he have a satisfying cock?

The usual culprits.

The point is, my orgasm has already made itself known to me. My body tingles, my heart rate increases, my eyes flutter and my mouth twitches and I find myself biting the edge of my lip. My nipples are taught and drawing attention to themselves underneath my tight fitting T-shirt and my pussy tingles whenever a dirty thought crosses my mind. I can already taste and smell the sex that will cover my lips and pervade my modest bedroom. I can hear the sounds that I will make and hope that he approves of them.

I want him.

I feel my pussy clench between my thighs. It’s the conversation that has caused that to happen; turning a little sensual and suggestive in the last five minutes.

Neither of us are strangers to casual sex, that’s why we are here, talking and sussing each other out in the hope of some fun and frolics. I’m not looking for true love or anything like that. I’m looking for pleasure that we can both share.

I made my mind up ten minutes ago when the Manic Street Preachers were playing ‘It’s not war’ on the jukebox; tapping my foot on the rung of the bar stool and nodding my head enthusiastically. My tits were probably jiggling as well. I’m now waiting for him to make his mind up!

My orgasm experiences a hiccup; in a good way. His hand reaches out across the top of the bar and he tentatively strokes mine.  My heart flutters.  I accept the touches and stroking that he bestows on me. And I start to think that maybe he wants me after all. I turn it all around and before he knows what’s happened my hand is on top of his and I’m leaning in, slowly at first, making it obvious that I’m approaching for a kiss. He doesn’t pull away.

When our lips touch, I know that he wants me too.

My orgasm has now stepped up a level and as we kiss I can feel it pulling at my senses. My mind has now triggered a sequence of events that I won’t be able to undo. Our tongues mingle slowly in the open air between our lips. A rush of pleasure flows through me. My nipples stand on end and my pussy clenches. I feel wetness between my legs and a wetness that he is going to be well pleased with. They really shouldn’t play Lily Allen’s ‘Who’d Have Known’ in pubs, especially when I’m in this state of expectation.

We take ages to break apart. I don’t want the kissing to stop, but it must. We must move. I want him to bring his hand up on my breast and cup it. I want him to pull me in towards him so that I can feel his erection.

I want to go home now.

I want to invite him in to my house, push him on the sofa, strip him bare and fuck him senseless. I want my orgasm to have its day.

Slipping off the bar stool I grab his hand and take him with me. He drops off and stands before me his hand around my waist before I know what’s happened. I like the feeling.

Leaving the pub, we head for my home. It won’t be the first time I’ve done this and it certainly won’t be the last. I feel his hand on the cheek of my arse as we leave the pub behind. We laugh and giggle and I love the way he squeezes my bum periodically. My orgasm is standing to attention now. It knows there will be an end to it eventually. Every touch fires me up. My senses are in a different world. I can feel what is happening, but my mind is already ten moves ahead of me.

Expectation is everything. In my mind, I am already being fucked and everything leading up to this moment has already happened, though I am not sure of the precise events before he entered me.

I fumble with the key to my house. My hands shake; just like my lips are quivering and my pussy is wetting itself. It doesn’t help that I close my eyes to the caressing of his hand on my buttocks. A finger finds its way into the cleft of my bottom and I wish my jeans were not there. The heat of the sun presses down onto my back and it’s not helping in the slightest.

Not long to go now, I reassure myself.

I find the keyhole and push the door open. I step inside and pull him with me. He is ever the gentleman and closes the door behind him. I like men that take their time.

My orgasm is already building and I can feel my body ache with a dull pleasure that needs to be awakened. All sorts of sequences flow through my head. I know what I want to happen but I have come to realise that the twists and turns of making out never go the way you want them to.  My mind is playing with me. My orgasm is trying to second guess which way this will go and I am almost experiencing different orgasms before I have even started.

An oral orgasm hits me hard when his hand comes up from my waist and onto my breast. I feel him caress me and I am desperate for his tongue to touch my nipples. A penetrative orgasm takes over my thoughts as I imagine myself on top of him; taking his cock deep inside me and riding him to our shared conclusion. A naughty orgasm crosses my mind ever so briefly as I take him up my arse. I’m not sure how he got there as I never allow that on a first date. But, there he is and I find myself accepting him and moaning and groaning out loud.

I sigh at his touch as his fingers encircle my nipple and make it stiffen. I turn to him and we kiss once more. My hand is on the back of his neck and I pull him down slightly to my level. My orgasm can feel his stiffness underneath our clothes and it wants to extend its tendrils and touch the source of its impending pleasure.

I let it.

My hand reaches down and I let the palm of my hand slide along his semi-erect cock. Our kisses become passionate and I leave his cock. My orgasm’s desperation steps in and takes control of my hands and lips.

I claw at his shirt and start unfastening the buttons; walking backwards into the lounge as I strip him of his clothes. His hands grasps the underneath of my T-shirt and I feel it being pulled upwards as he struggles to keep up with me. I abandon the buttons on his shirt with only two left to go and raise my hands in the air.

My orgasm announces that it feels much better for that. My hands return to the task in hand and I remove his shirt with glee written all over my face. My orgasm is now pleading with me to get my jeans off and let him play with me.

My breathing is heavy and loud. I struggle with the buckle of his belt, but the buttons of his jeans undo of their own accord; assisted by the little tug I give to either side of his jeans.

He takes control and I undo my jeans and slip them off as he strips naked in front of me. As soon as he stands up my hands come up on his erect and silky cock. My orgasm is now pleading with me and suggesting all the lewd things I should do to him such as pulling on his cock, rubbing my hand over the head, cup and fondle his balls, suck his cock and take him down my throat.

I perform the first three of these before his head takes my nipple into his mouth to suck on it.

My orgasm forgets his cock completely and now wants to let out a scream for itself.

I help my orgasm along and do its bidding. I cry out with pleasure.

The feedback of his hand cupping and mauling one breast and his mouth on my other nipple is sending signals to my pussy. I feel my juices escape and wet my upper thighs. My mind examines his cock with my hands and I can feel its length and girth. My lips smile as I pull on his length.

So slowly. So slowly. Savouring its length, grasping its firmness, squeezing it.

My building orgasm has already closed my eyes and told me to savour every feeling that bombards my body. My senses are approaching overload. My nipples are sending electric shivers down to my pussy. One hand strokes the back of his neck while the other busies itself on his cock and balls. My stomach feels the touch of his cockhead; silky and smooth as it scrapes across my skin.

I let out an almighty loud moan as a finger slips over my wet folds and I arch my back; pushing my pussy further into his hand. His finger slips inside me and my orgasm is pushing me forwards at a relentless speed. His fingers stroke my outer lips and snake its way across my clit.

I cry out – again!

I have moaned and groaned at every touch, breath and bite; all from his actions. My orgasm is nearly there and now the game starts. I push it down, preventing it from reaching the surface and denying me – my ultimate goal.

I love denial. Orgasmic denial is one of the best ways to experience fulfilling sex. I hope he understands.

His fingers push into me and I rock my body on his hand. I look into his eyes and he connects with me. I can see his thoughts and I can smell my sex as it leaks over his fingers. His lips quiver as he pushes into me. I want to come, and I know he can see it in my eyes.

I hold my orgasm back, but only just. I pull away from him; leading him by his cock to the sofa behind me. I tug on his firm member and revel in its feel. I point to the sofa.

He falls onto it and holds out his hands; guiding me on top of him and onto his raging hard-on.

I straddle him and let him position his cock to my entrance. My orgasm is now screaming at me.

Put it in. Put it in. Take it you slut. Fuck the arse off him!

My orgasm is now like a spoilt child as it demands everything from me. I let the tantrums flow over me because I know I’m in control.

I take over and hold his cock below me. His hands flow onto and around my waist. The soft touches of his fingers and hands make me shiver. I hold his cock over my entrance and wiggle my hand to and fro; wetting the head with my juices that are now flowing out of me. I let his cock rest at my entrance; pushing it inside slightly to keep it in place.

I watch his face. His hands caress me but his eyes are fixed on the end of his cock.

I wonder. I wonder if his orgasm is speaking to him like mine is to me.

My orgasm has stopped its tantrums and is now pleading with me to let this cock slip inside and pleasure me. My mind is crying out for me to fuck it. It knows something is at my entrance and is telling me to let it in – quickly.

Then I hear him tell me to fuck it. My orgasm loves the sound of his words. His hands grasp my waist.

Too late!

Before he pulls me onto his cock I drop down on him and feel him stretch and fill me.

My orgasm cries out; wailing with excitement.  It was just what my orgasm ordered.

The sensations inside me are pulling my senses apart. I feel him stretch me; too big? Never too big, I confirm to myself. I let my cunt get used to his size and I slowly raise and lower my body onto him. I feel the movement of his cock massage my pussy lips; the sensations causing shooting stars in my mind with every downward movement. When his cock bottoms out inside me I feel the pressure of penetration and my mind instructs my lips to let out a guttural groan. The sponginess of his cockhead moves slightly before I release the pressure by raising my body.

I drop down on him repeatedly causing each sensation to repeat itself.

My orgasm is now screaming at me. My breathing is rapid and I feel him grasp tightly around my waist; pulling me down onto him every time I raise my body.

There is no feeling in the entire world that is better than my orgasm. I try and hold back but the relentless pulsing pleasure of massage-pressure-release, massage-pressure-release is exciting my whole body. My mind loves the feeling of his cock and of his hands around my waist.

I experience an outer body vision where I see me ride his hard cock from above, from the side and looking at it as it enters and leaves my cunt. My orgasm feeds on all these false visuals, but the feelings are very real indeed. They fuel my pleasure and I speed up.

I will let my orgasm have its time.

I quicken my motions. My hands fall on his shoulders as I fuck his cock. With my body trapping his entire cock, I thrust to and fro bringing myself off on rapid movements that massage the inside of my cunt. My clit is being massaged from the inside as well. The briefest of stimulations pushes me onwards; growing with each thrust. Sometimes I feel my orgasm come to a head only to be lost when other sensations take over and cloud its judgement but the continual presence of his cock concentrates my senses.

My eyes close. I grunt and groan. I utter a few expletives and I find he fucks me harder once he hears me utter them.

Every grunt is associated with a grimace on my face as my orgasm is reaching the highest it has ever been, in a very long time.

I want this more than anything.

I want to come.

I start to reach the summit of the mountain I have been climbing since we started our conversation in the pub; I peek over it but there’s nothing there. I pound onto his cock, moaning and groaning with each thrust.

Suddenly, I feel myself start to tense up, relax and then tense again. I clench my pussy around his cock as my stomach contracts each time. I see the ground rush up towards me and with my eyes shut tight the fireworks start to go off in my head. Exploding blooms of starlight like glowing chrysanthemums appear and disappear with urgent need. I thrash my body onto his like a recurring tidal wave.

My orgasm explodes inside me, only being let out by my verbal outcry. My orgasm punches me in several parts of my body at the same time. I feel it grow, subside, twist and turn. I see the lights and fireworks in my head and I smell desire and fulfilment as my body tenses.

I have to stop. If it were him, fucking me, I’m sure he would propel me through more than one orgasm, but my legs are shaking and my hands flailing over his torso.

I hear him cry out and he grasps me hard and pulls my body down onto his cock; keeping me still as he jerks his buttocks upwards and fills me with his fluids.

My mind instructs my body to shake once more on feeling his reaction to our coupling.

My breathing calms, my eyes open and we smile at each other.

We confirm that this is just the start of more to come.

My orgasm starts once more; from a different direction this time. It has stored away the first flush of excitement, need and want – this time it starts from a position of knowing. It adjusts its stance slightly and starts to builds once more.

Satisfied, it relaxes and starts over. It knows the next one will be neither slow nor rushed and the ending may well be different.

I can’t wait for the next one, and I tell him as much.

I like the way he smiles back at me.

Published 7 years ago

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