Emma sat on the floor with her back upright, and her legs bent under her. She was completely naked except for the black socks that went a little above her knees. Her feet were bent and stuck out below her bum. She drank her water and handed the glass back to William, who was now standing in front of her. After he put it down on the desk, he turned so that his cock was in front of her face. Alexander stood next to her, and Emma took them in each hand and began jerking them off.
She turned towards William and opened her mouth. He grabbed her face with both hands and pushed his cock in and pressed on. He was, without any problems, able to get in all the way down her throat. He continued to hold her face while he mouthfucked her with quick movements. After a few minutes, she pressed her palms against his thighs, and he released his grip. She turned to Alexander who also grabbed her face and drove his cock into her mouth. He could not push as fast or as far down and after only a few minutes he released her. She turned again to William who started again.
As soon as William released her face for the second time, she got down on all fours again. Alex who had not fucked for a while now walked up behind her and pressed his cock against her pussy. William poured himself a glass of water and sat down on the bed and watched as Emma received Alexander’s big cock. Much bigger than his own.
In all honesty, he could not understand how he could ever get to know someone like Emma. He had certainly noticed the cute, blonde girl who hung around the club from Gothenburg at that national boot camp last autumn. He had seen her when he said hello to some guys he knew and maybe they had greeted each other politely, but nothing more than that. She was not the kind of person he would ever waste his energy on. She was the typical fifteen- or sixteen-year-old who could have gone places, if it wasn’t for the fact that she soon was about to quit. He saw it, everyone who was serious saw it. The only ones who did not seem to see it were the coaches who always insisted that people like her attended camps like these. He knew that she was only there to have fun and meet friends. He was genuinely uninterested in her. Except that she was really damn cute, or hot, or maybe cuteiehot? Pretty short, blonde hair that hung down over her shoulders and a pretty but a bit narrow face. In any case, they had ended up in the same group of sofas later that evening.
He had been sitting with his friends from the Gothenburg club and she was talking to two girls from his. She had glanced in his direction a few times and he could not help but constantly throw looks at her. Someone had suggested that they play cards and a couple of hands later, they were in the middle of a squabble about hillbillies versus hipsters and Gothenburgers vs Stockholmers. He had gotten up to go to the toilet and when he got out, she had been standing there. She had pushed him up against the door and kissed him. She had pulled him towards an empty meeting room and pulled down his trousers without saying a word.
He had not been a virgin but it was more than a year since he last slept with anyone. He studied at a sports school where almost no one was interested in partying. It was a place for serious athletes or at least for those who aspired to be one. There were probably girls who wanted to have sex with him. He was almost famous and about to “become someone” after all. if they only knew how easy it was to get him? Instead, they trotted around craving something they thought was unattainable. Emma had already made it clear the first evening that she did not “stan” him. He was good looking, he was funny, she wanted to get laid, and he seemed interested. He could have been the archangel Gabriel and she would not care. Being starstruck was apparently not her thing.
They had hooked up again when they met at a national Christmas gathering a couple of months later, and he had been happy to learn that she would come to this competition. He had become a little less happy when he met Alexander. He had assumed that she had sex with other people but did not know for sure until earlier today. Now he sat in her hotel room and watched as said Alexander was fucking her from behind, with his big, fat cock. He could not tear his eyes away from it.
Emma stood on all fours on the floor. Her upper body was leaning forwards and she rested her face between her arms. Alexander was standing over her in the same way as he had stood just moments before. From where he was sitting, he could clearly see how the large shaft parted Emma’s pussy lips as it was pushed in and out of her cunt at high speed. She breathed heavily and moaned every time Alex seemed to reach the bottom.
Alexander pulled out of her and grabbed her by the arms. She willingly followed as he pulled her to a standing position and spun her halfway so that she stood facing him. He bent down and kissed her before pushing her down on the bed, parting her legs before throwing himself between them. He licked her aggressively and wildly with his whole mouth over her pussy. He licked her furiously over her clitoris and continued downwards and pressed his tongue against her anal opening. Emma lay on her back and caressed herself over her body. She tugged on her breasts and pinched her nipples. She moved her hand down over her stomach but when it approached her pussy Alex pushed it firmly back up towards her breast.
“Can you hold her, William?” he asked
William went over to the bed and knelt beside her face. He raised his arms in the air and held her hands together.
He released one of her hands for a short while and crawled a little closer to her so that his cock reached her mouth. She opened it immediately and he could easily slide the whole cock in. He had never even fantasised about being deepthroated before he met Emma, but now he loved it. Until tonight, it had only been an end to a blowjob and a nice way to finish off by dumping his load down her throat. From tonight on it would be different. He realised that he loved to throatfuck her. To hear the sounds she made as his cock went down and up while he had a firm grip around her head.
He held her hands above her head and drove his cock in as far as he could. She was lying on her back with her face turned to the right so the angle was perhaps not the best.
Alexander pushed three fingers into Emma’s pussy and slowly began to move them. She lay on her back with her legs wide apart and the soles of her feet pressed against the mattress. Alexander pulled his right hand out of her and pushed it in again, bending forward to lick her clit. He placed his face between her legs again and while he continued to finger her, he pressed his left thumb against her rear opening. There was quite a lot of resistance but in the end, he was able to get his fingertip to push past her muscle. He thought that she definitely would need some more warming up before anyone could have his cock up there. After adding some saliva and gentle pushing he was eventually able to slide his thumb all the way in. He bent his finger up and pressed it against the wall separating the two openings. He once again bent down and put his tongue against her clit.
She turned her face away from Williams’ cock, looked straight up at the ceiling and screamed as she reached her climax. Her ass tightened a little, but the feeling of pain got mixed with the feeling of pleasure when she came, and it all became overwhelming.
Alexander stopped licking for a while but kept his hands in her until she came down from orgasm.
“Bloody hell!” she exclaimed in a whispered voice. “Damn. That was nice.”
She continued to breathe heavily, and her heart was pounding hard in her chest, but the guys were not going to give her any more rest now. They had promised to fuck her until she could not take it anymore and both William and Alexander seemed to think that now was the time to deliver on their promise. William lay down next to Emma so that his crotch once again lay against her mouth. He grabbed her face and twisted it towards his cock. She had barely opened her mouth before he pushed his cock in and drove it all the way down her throat. He lay on his side, holding her head while pumping his cock in her mouth. At the same time, Alexander stood at the foot of the bed and lifted her feet and put them on his shoulders.
With full force, he pushed his cock into her and while holding her legs he began to thrust. She got a little break a few minutes later when he pulled out and reached for one of the pillows that were lying on the bed. He signalled that Emma should lift herself a little so that he could put it underneath her. William stopped what he was doing during the few seconds it took to get everything ready, but as soon as she was in position, he drove his cock in again. Alexander now got a better angle and Emma felt how his cock hit her g-spot every time he pushed into her.
After a while, William pulled out of Emma’s mouth, and she took the opportunity to take a few deep breaths. Alex slowed down a bit but did not stop fucking her. Just as he was about to increase his pace, William came up next to him and he immediately took the hint and moved to the side so that William could take over his place. Emma lay with her head leaning backwards, staring into the wall so she did not notice the changeover until she felt Williams’ slightly narrower cock enter her. Alex came over to her and knelt over her face. She immediately opened her mouth so he could insert his dick.
He was able to get a little further down her throat in this position but there was no question about taking him all the way down. Especially not as William now was pumping her hard and fast. She was still lying with her bottom on the pillows so that both pussy and ass were at the right angle to be penetrated. William pulled out and tryingly put his cock against the rear opening. Emma pushed Alexander a little and asked him to get off so she could get up.
She got down from the bed, went to her bag and got out some lube and gave it to William. He received the bottle, opened it and squeezed some of the gel on his fingers. A sweet, chemical scent of strawberries immediately filled the room.
He bent down between Emma’s legs and licked her for a few minutes before putting the bottle against her anal opening and squirted some of the liquid. He began to work the lubricant into her while continuing to lick over her clit. Alex stood next to her and watched as William worked another finger into her ass. Two fingers became three before he stood up, put some lube on his cock and put the head between her buttocks. He looked up at her face and she met his gaze. He pushed himself in while she relaxed as much as she could. She was quite used to anal sex by now, and it was easy for her to let Williams’ narrow cock enter her. Both sighed as it slid in completely.
They stayed that way for a few seconds to get used to the feeling before he slowly began to move inside her. Alex was still standing next to the bed, pulling on his cock occasionally. He watched as William began to move faster and faster inside his friend’s tight asshole.
“Ah, ah, ah, ah,” was heard in short pulses from Emma as William started to pound her.
He increased the pace gradually and finally he pumped her ass in quick short strokes. Alexander got up on the bed again and aimed his cock at Emma’s mouth and she opened wide for him. ‘I will have really sore jaws tomorrow,’ she thought as she began to receive him.
William put Emma’s feet on his shoulders and began to ram his cock in long deep thrusts as Alex continued to push his cock into her mouth. For William and Emma, this was a perfect position. Alex, on the other hand, had a really hard time trying to access her mouth. Soon they decided to swap so that Emma was standing on all fours on the bed. Alex immediately placed himself behind her and after applying some lube to himself and pushed his cock up her ass.
Emma appreciated anal sex with Alexander but preferred other positions than doggy. He got in a bit too deep and it became uncomfortable. William knelt by her face and she opened her mouth to receive him. Of course, she knew where his cock had just been, but she also knew that she had cleaned herself thoroughly earlier to be able to suck a cock that had just been in her ass.
She took the cock in her left hand and started jerking it before opening her mouth. She licked around the head and took it in her mouth while continuing to jerk him off. She licked the far end of the shaft and back again. At the same time, Alex had gotten his cock in properly and started to fuck her ass at a slow pace. Emma let Williams’ cock rest in her mouth and put her hand on the bed. Alex immediately increased his pace and shortly William started to sync his movements. It did not take long before they were fucking her hard from both ends. The only thing she could do was to receive although she felt a bit uncomfortable taking Alex’s cock from behind. She raised her right hand slightly and placed it against Williams’ thighs. He pulled out his cock and looked at her.
“Time to swap,” she said.
Alex stopped pumping her ass and stood down on the floor while Emma sat down on the bed, breathing for a few seconds.
“Everything all right?” Alex asked.
“Yeah,” She nodded. “You’re a little too big for it to work from behind though. Perhaps you could sit or lie down on the bed so I can ride?”
“Sure. Does it work if I sit in the armchair? ‘D be nice with some support”
“Sure. Can try,” she answered him. “Can I just grab some water first?”
“Cause. I probably need a glass too.”
They poured a glass of ice water each and sat down. Alexander in the armchair closest to the bed and William in the nearest to the desk. Emma sat on Alex’s lap.
After they had drunk their water in silence, Emma got up and went to the bed where she picked up the bottle of lubricant. She went back to the armchair and handed it to Alexander, who immediately began to lubricate her rear entrance. When she had enough, he put some liquid on himself and pulled her back towards him. She sat down on his lap again and lifted her feet against the small table. William was quickly there and removed all the bottles and glasses which he instead put on the desk.
Emma parted her legs and lifted herself while Alex held his cock straight up with a firm grip. Emma sank gently down and felt the cock begin to push up her ass. She moved her feet off the table and put them down next to Alex’s legs on the seat cushion and placed her hands on the armrests. She slowly slid down on him and sat for a while with his cock as far inside as she thought was comfortable. There was still a bit of his shaft that was left outside of her. She pushed down with her feet and arms to lift herself up and then slid down his cock again. She found it quite difficult to do all the job yourself.
“Can you help a little?” she asked him.
He pulled her back so that she was laying over his stomach and began to slowly move in and out of her. His feet were pressed against the floor so he could easily get the strength to lift himself. Lying as they did also meant that he could not get too far inside her. She looked at the full body mirror where she could see herself with her pussy open and Alexander’s cock up her ass. She could clearly see how he was moving in and out of her.
William got up and tried to climb up on the armchair’s wide armrests. He had to get up on the table first and then step over from there. He stood leaning with his hands against the wall, his cock touching Emma’s lips. She opened her mouth, and he began to thrust.
She already knew that a backwards cowgirl was the best way to take Alexander’s big cock in the rear. She tried to meet his thrusts and, soon they came into a pretty good rhythm together. William moved at a leisurely pace and only drove in half of his cock in her mouth. After a few minutes, Emma leaned back completely and put the back of her head against Alexander’s shoulder. He immediately started hitting her ass a little harder.
William jumped back to the table and onto the floor. He grabbed Emma’s legs and put her feet up on the armrests. In the mirror, she could see how she now lay with her pussy spread open while she was receiving Alex’s cock in her ass. William leaned forward and put his tongue against her clitoris and began to lick. She moaned as she felt his tongue over her little button. She was a little surprised that he went down on her so close to another guy’s cock. Not that she complained. On the contrary.
William continued his licking over her and inserted two fingers into her pussy. ‘Oh my fucking god!’ she thought as she moaned excitedly.
“Oh. Yes. Continue!”
William continued to move his fingers in and out of her, licking her clit. He did his best not to bump into Alex’s cock but it was quite inevitable that he did it a few times. ‘Oh well. Why bother?’ he thought and leaned forward between her and Alex’s legs so that he could get better access without having to hold a hand against the floor. As he used his right hand to finger her, he let his left hand stroke her stomach and up to her breasts, which he gently squeezed.
It wasn’t very long since Emma had an orgasm last time and now she felt that she was getting closer to another one. All fucking had been fantastic, but it was Williams’ licking that now made her start to get her over the finish line. She closed her eyes and breathed even harder before she came with a small growling noise. Alex increased the pace from below and used all the muscle strength he could muster to pound her hard throughout the orgasm. William, on the other hand, backed away and saw how her pussy contracted and how small squirts of her pussy juice flowed out of her.
She opened her eyes and looked up. She was still lying on Alexander’s stomach and still had his cock in her ass. Alex had stopped moving in her for a while but now he slowly started to fuck her little asshole again. William got up and was now standing with his stiff cock facing her. He took a few steps forward and parted her legs as much as possible. She now lay with her calves on each armrest and her feet dangling over the edges. He got to the edge of the armchair, grabbed the backrest and aimed his cock at her pussy. Emma gasped before his cock even touched her opening. ‘Would he??’ He looked down at Emma’s face and asked.
“You ok? Can I?”
She nodded.
She opened her eyes and mouth wide when she felt how William begin to insert his cock between her outer lips and into her pussy. Alex stopped his fucking when he understood what was happening.
This was something new for all three of them. Something to read about in erotic stories on the internet or to watch in a porn movie. William did not really know where he got the idea, but it felt like the only thing to do. Maybe he was porn-damaged, maybe it was just instinct? He did not know, and he did not care. He started to pump his cock in and out of Emma’s tight pussy, now even tighter. He could feel Alex cock moving in her through the thin wall separating her two openings.
Alexander had been surprised when he realised what William was about to do. This was not part of the plan, was it? When had Emma asked for a double? He had felt how she nodded at William, so she was clearly in on it. Maybe they’ve just decided to go with the flow. He was going to do so anyway, he thought and started to pound her from below. It was a bit difficult for the two guys to find a common rhythm, but after laying still during some of Williams’ thrusts, he was able to start moving in sync with them. They pushed and pulled their cocks every other time. When Alex was on his way out, William was on his way in.
For the first few seconds, Emma was completely speechless. She just lay still on Alex’s stomach and received the two guys’ cocks in both of her holes, almost without breathing. The feeling was absolutely overpowering. She felt so utterly and completely full. The two cocks jointly tightened her holes and worked together like a giant rod that reached into both openings. At the same time, it was two cocks that were pumping her. All in all, it was an incredibly amazing feeling. It felt like she was going to have an orgasm right away. So stuffed, so much that was going on at the same time. She had not expected this.
Emma tilted her head to the right and looked at herself through the mirror. She saw her sweaty face peeking out between the boys’ heads. She looked at her legs that were spread wide and hanging from the armrests. She saw the underside of her feet that were still covered by the black socks. She looked straight in between her legs where the two cocks took turns pushing into her. The light from the spotlights in the ceiling was perfect. No shadows. Only her lower body and the cocks pumping in her two holes. She reached out with her left hand towards the desk and could just grab her phone.
Without being able to see what she was doing, she swiped her thumb to the left on the lock screen so that the phone’s camera was activated. She pointed the camera at the mirror and pressed the volume up button. A recorded synthetic camera click sounded as she took the picture. She heard Alex snigger. It wasn’t only Alice and Oskar who sometimes got sent sexy pictures from her. She swiped her thumb to the right and pressed the volume button again. This time a discreet ping was heard when the phone started recording the scene. None of the guys said anything but just continued to fuck the sixteen-year-old girl at a leisurely pace. After about a minute, she could no longer keep her arm outstretched and stopped the recording and dropped the phone back on the desk.
“Can we change a little?”
William got up and helped Emma out of the armchair.
“Are you ok? Is it too much?” he asked.
“Am ok! So, fucking good! Can not even… hu. Good! Wow. Just wow,”
She fell silent and took a deep breath.
“Alex. Could you lie on the bed so I can get you in the pussy instead? I get very stuffed, and it is quite tense in the ass”
“Yeah,” he replied and got up from the armchair.
“Just a second Alex,” she said and got down in front of him, and took him in her mouth.
She licked around the head and along the shaft. She had it in her mouth for short moments but mostly let her tongue slide over it. When she felt sure it was clean, she pushed him down on the bed and threw herself at him with a laugh. They moved up to the headboard and Alex put a pillow under his head. Emma sat cross-legged over him, steered his cock in and started to ride him.
“William. Come,” she said, turning her head towards him.
William took the now almost empty bottle of lube and placed himself behind her. Now it was easy to press in both two and three fingers and no more softening was really needed. He lifted his upper body slightly and pushed himself into her anal. He sank into her without any problems and began to move while Alex began to thrust from below.
“Oh. Holy fuck! Oooohhh good you are! Fuck me harder! At the same time!! Feel like one cock!”
The guys increased the pace and almost managed to keep a steady rhythm in her. She felt how Alexander’s cock stretched her pussy at the same time as William was filling her ass. It stimulated so many parts of her body. She did not understand what all these nerves were for. She had never known they existed before.
“Yaaaaaa !! Continue! Doooooon stoooop …”
It was the first time she could remember that she came from penetration alone. She otherwise had to get the clitoris stimulated for it to work. Once, with Alex, she was close to having an orgasm when he took her in the ass but they’d stopped before it happened.
“God …. Fuck ….“ she gasped.
Alexander and William had stopped their movements but had not withdrawn from her.
“Huh, huh, Continue,” she said and took a few breaths. “Keep fucking me. Start slowly.”
They slowly began to hump her again. Alexander pushed himself up in Emma’s pussy while William slowly pulled out of her ass. On the way down again, Alex pulled out. He could not make as long thrusts as William but they still managed to find a decent rhythm in the end.
“Faster,” Emma moaned.
William put his hands against the wall and began to move in faster but shorter thrusts. At the same time, Alex lifted his knees a little and put his feet in the mattress as he began to push hard in her.
“Moooore. Fuck me haooooo!!”
They tried to increase the pace even more. There was not much of a rhythm now just cocks going in and out of her pussy and ass at different times. The guys could feel each other through the thin wall and Emma felt the difference between having both cocks out, one in and one out or both of them slammed all the way in. She found it hard to lay still between the guys as they were going at her tight holes.
“Haaaardeeeerr!!!” she screamed again. Still wanting more.
They tried to fuck her harder and, without warning, she exploded again.
“Aaaaaahhaaaahaahaahhaahha. Yyyyyyyhhee. Oooohhh. Huuu.”
Both Alex and William had continued to fuck her through the orgasm even though they slowed down a bit. But as soon as Emma seemed to get through the biggest wave, they increased the pace again.
“Yeeeeaaaaa. Fuuuuuck. Continue! Neeeeevveeeerr stoooop!! Aaaaaah”
A new wave washed over her before the first one really stopped. They continued to fuck her without slowing down. Emma lay on her stomach, pressed hard against Alexander’s chest. She moaned and screamed as the cocks continued to slam inside her. ‘Bloody hell,’ was the only thing she could think. So far, the guys did not seem to give any signs of being on their way to their climax.
“Please. Just liiiiiittlee harder,” she moaned.
With their last strengths, they pushed themselves as far as they could and increased the speed that last bit that they thought was impossible.
“Aarght! it’s close now,” Alex moaned in a strained voice.
“Dooooon’t cuuuuume iiiiin meeee. Waaaa, hu, hu, hu, on my, ah, ah, booobss,” she panted.
William got off and landed in the bed next to her. She herself rolled off Alexander who got up and aimed his cock at her breasts. She sat up and stared at his cock as it began to squirt long powerful jets of cum between her tits and down over her stomach. When he could not get out anymore, he shook the last drops off over her mounds and wiped himself against her nipples.
William had been jerking off for a while but was not quite as close as Alex had been. He stood with his cock against Emma’s mouth, and she immediately opened it for him. For the last time this evening, he grabbed her head and started mouthfucking her. His cock was pushed down and up her throat with violent force and saliva ran down her chin and got mixed with Alexander’s semen. After a couple of minutes, William was also ready to cum. He pulled out of her throat and aimed his cock at her chest. Thick rays splashed down the top of her breasts and slowly ran down to her nipples. William sat down on the right side of her, Alex was already on the left.
“My phone?” she asked.
William was quickest to get up on his feet and handed it to her. She knelt again and asked them to stand up in bed and hold their cocks against each of her nipples. They did as she asked them and heard her take some more photos.
“Thank you,” she said panting. Then she threw herself backwards on the bed and the two guys did the same thing.
They laid next to each other and just breathed. None of them wanted to say anything. All three of them just wanted to capture and save all the emotions and gently get down from everything.
“Coke?” Emma asked.
“Yeah, thanks,” William replied
“Sure,” Alex added.
Both of them sat down in the armchairs again while Emma took a seat on the edge of the bed. Nearly all ice had melted by now, but she took the last small bits and put them in one glass each and poured the brown and sugary carbonated drink over it. She could not even put up with the idea of Zero. Why even drink cola if you did NOT want to fill yourself with an overdose of sugar? She took a big gulp of the drink, put the glass down on the table and finally pulled off her socks. It had looked sexy when she wore them – Sexy but warm.
“Wow,” Alex said after a moment of silence.
“Yes. Wow,” Emma replied.
They fell silent for a few seconds. This time the silence actually got a bit embarrassing. Everyone was waiting for someone to say something.
“Did it turn out the way you thought it would?” William asked.
“Much better actually!!” she said with a giggle. “I have never dared to dream of daring a double but it was absolutely fantastic.”
“What was so amazing?”
“Everything!” she answered him. “Like. The thing itself. To receive you in both ass and pussy at the same time. So extreme.
“And then the feeling. There was cock fucking everywhere! It felt like you were a giant cock that could reach everywhere and at the same time, it was two cocks who were doing it separately! Crazy.”
“Sounds crazy. And fantastic,” William said thoughtfully.
“How was it for you then?”
“I did not understand what was happening,” Alex replied. “I could feel William through the wall and it became so damn tight all of a sudden. A little better room when we changed so I was at the bottom of the bed.”
“Yeah,” Emma replied. “It was a bit too tight at first.” She looked over at William. “You?”
“Well. This whole evening has been more and harder than anything I’ve ever done before. I love to take you deep down your throat. Can we do more of that sometime?”
“It was really cool for me too,” she said and smiled, almost shyly. “I have never really been mouthfucked like that before. Definitely, something to do again!”
They all sat quietly and looked at each other for a while.
“How did you get the idea to double her?” Alex asked.
“I don’t know really. Felt like the only thing to do,” William replied thoughtfully. “It was not really possible to get to her mouth as you were sitting and the pussy was wide open,” he continued and smiled a little.
“I was very surprised when you started licking me with Alex’s cock just millimetres away,” Emma added.
“So were I,” Alex said with a laugh.
“In other words. I did not think much about it. As I said. There was not much else to do, and I wanted to give you some attention.”
“So, then you pushed your cock in her pussy while I fucked her ass?”
“Yeah. What? I checked if she was ok.”
“But that was nothing you said anything about earlier? Were you surprised?” Alex asked and turned towards Emma.
“A little maybe but it’s all right. Really. It is!” she said to assure him. “William checked that everything was ok and it, it felt right in the moment. And when you fucked me, I got like … was it two, or, three orgasms? Anyway. It was… amazing?”
“Cool. That’s. Yeah …”
“Really. Totally insane,” she continued his sentence.
“Have you fantasised about being taken like that?” William asked.
“Nah. Or yes. Or, don’t know. Nothing I dared to think out loud anyway.” She paused. “But now I’d love to do it again sometime.”
“Maybe we should try to find a good opportunity to meet up again then?” it was William who asked. Emma was still a little surprised.
“Yeeah! Really! I really, really want that. Soon!
“But hey, guys. Sorry, but I’m exhausted and really need to sleep, so if you don’t mind too much … I think I will throw you out now,” she then said with a small giggle.
The guys laughed and started to gather and put on their clothes. Their jeans came on all right, but their belts were not tightened and their shirts were not tucked in. They took on their shoes without bothering to put on any socks. Anyone who happen to meet them at this late hour would immediately see that they had just been kicked out of someone’s room after an evening of adventures.
Emma checked the watch on her mobile. Twenty to one. ‘Time does fly when you’re having fun,’ she thought and sent the picture of her sperm-covered breasts to Alice.
> This is what they did to your little sex bestie! 😛
She went to the shower and started to wash herself. She thought that she’d lost count of how many times she’d been in there. She was sore, she was exhausted. She was extremely tired and she just wanted to sleep! However, when she came out into the room, she discovered a problem. ‘Exactly where would she sleep?’ The beds were a single large pile of messy and sweaty sheets that in some places fell off the mattress. However, the bed furthest from the armchairs was the least used and the least sweaty. She simply pulled the beds apart again and threw herself naked on it. She found a crumpled pillow that still seemed fresh in the gap between the beds and a duvet that was just halfway out of its cover. She draped herself in it, laid her head on the pillow and fell asleep.