She got up from the bed and put on a tracksuit in the club’s colours. After a quick brush through her hair, she went down to the restaurant to get some breakfast. She filled a bowl with yoghurt, berries and some fruit and got a cup of coffee. About half an hour later she went back to the room and made the final preparations before walking off to the arena.
Maybe the best way was to just talk to Alexander? She could bring up the subject and ask for his opinion and if he was interested, just text William. She was not very much into that idea though. It required too many steps. First, she had to convince Alex to have a threesome with someone he’d never met and then do the same with William. It would have been so much easier if she could just talk to them at the same time.
Looking back at it all, she felt that there was not much to say about Saturday’s competitions. The arena was basically just a large swimming hall and not nearly as grand as it could have been expected. She had no heats of her own until the afternoon but had promised to come and cheer Alex on. He had his one, and only, heat at eleven o’clock. He swam well and beat his personal best but finished just outside qualifying for the final. However, he had a chance of getting in on time. Their coach was ecstatic, and Emma could see that Alex was proud of himself, even though he tried to play it down.
They went off by themselves to try to find a snack before she would run her race at two o’clock. On the way to the cafeteria, they met Willian who was just on his way back out. Even though he must have been in a hurry he still took the time to say hi to Emma. He did not even look at Alex.
“Hiya! Fun seeing you here.”
“Same. Don’t know how it happened but it’s always fun to get to hang out and compete a bit and meet people,” she replied and smiled flirtatiously at him.
“So, how’s it been so far?” he asked.
“Not done anything yet.”
“Going in about two hours. So. Thought I’d try to get something to eat.”
“Ah ok. Good luck, then.”
“Thank you.”
“Uh. My friend Alex here has a chance to get to the final on time so if I don’t go any further then I’ll always have his success to celebrate.”
“Oh. That’s great,” he replied without seeming to mean it.
The idea of Emma having another guy with her seemed to lower his mood quite a bit.
“Ok. Maybe see you later then,” he said a little quieter.
“Yea. Really hope so,” she said and smiled flirtatiously again.
“And. Eh. Yea. Maybe I should introduce you to each other?”
“Alex, William. William Alex,” she said, gesturing towards them in turn and the two guys greeted each other.
“So. Alexander and I have known each other since, like forever, and I met William at the camp last fall. Eh. We usually do kind of the same things when we hang out, so I wondered if you guys wanted to do something tonight. Together? All three of us,” she blurted out at a furious pace. She could feel her cheeks getting warm.
“Uh, What?” William asked.
“You guys have, well … common interests.”
”You do the same kinda’ stuff when we meet.”
“So you’re like, having sex, with ….?” Alex tried to formulate a sentence but failed.
“We’re both having sex with you?” he eventually finished.
“Yes. Exactly. You are both having sex with me,” she concluded and exhaled.
She hadn’t noticed it until now, but it felt like she’d been holding her breath since she introduced the guys to each other.
“But for fuck sake Emma!? How many more guys are you screwing?”
“William! That’s nothing, absolutely nothing that concerns you! It’s your cock that I want to suck right now so just relax and enjoy it! Ok?!”
“Jealousy is the unsexiest thing I know! If you’re going to be like that, I’m going to cut you right away. Got it?” she glared at William and then at Alex. She hoped that both of them would get the memo and realise that she was serious. She didn’t want to cut any of them off, but if they were going to behave like kids fighting over a toy; she would.
“So, what do you say? You’re in?”
“Take it you are Alex, aren’t you?”
“At least it sounded like that, yesterday.”
Alexander didn’t know what to say. He didn’t even know how he felt about Emma screwing William fucking Svensson. He guessed the guy was good looking. Maybe Emma thought he was better looking than him? He felt a little sting in his chest. He’d never been in love with Emma. They’d been friends for far too long for something like that to happen. The sex was a result of them joking about it one night. He’d always assumed that she was hooking up with someone else, but William? And now she wanted to be with them both. But? On the other hand. How could he even think about turning it down? Like, really? How could he?
“Ok What the hell? Sounds like fun.”
‘Fake it till you make it, or something,’ he thought.
“Yea. It really sounds fun, but I don’t know how I feel tonight. Have some major things tomorrow and there could be tough finals this afternoon,” William said evasively. He wasn’t at all sure that he liked the turn this was taking.
“Well. Your loss! But it’s not like it has stopped you before, has it? Or affected your results for that matter”
“But maybe you have something better planned for your Saturday night than a threesome?”
‘Oooohhh. Snap. That must have hurt,’ Alex thought and just about managed not to laugh.
“No. Not really.”
“When, and how, would we do this, in that case?”
“We can do it in my room. Just give me an hour or so after dinner. Text before you get there, and I’ll open.”
“Ok, I’ll see you then, then.”
“Right. Good! See ya William” she said and gave him a butterfly kiss. Very satisfied to see the rather confused look on his face as he was following her with his gaze.
Emma and Alexander went on to the café and bought an energy bar each to keep the blood sugar at a reasonable level without being overly saturated before swimming.
“Are we really going to do this? Be all three, I mean?” Alex asked when they sat down at a table.
“Yes. Cause we are! As long as none of you chickens out, that is. I’m really excited.”
“Okaaay. I want to, I think. It’s going to be amazing, I guess, but I don’t know if I can handle it.”
“Handle what?”
“Well. Being with another guy, I guess.”
“But get over yourself! I want you to care about me and only me! Unless you really, really want to, I don’t expect you to do anything with each other. It’s going to be awesome. Just do what you usually do. I like it!”
“Thanks,” he said with a small laugh.
“It’s going to be fun. I’m looking forward to it, I think. I just have to think away my mind ghosts.”
“Yea. You do that. I really, really want to do this,” Emma said, and she meant it. She had, after all, toyed with the thought of having sex with multiple people at the same time and the more she thought about Alice’s suggestion the more right it felt. Of course, she should have Alex and William at the same time!
Somehow it just felt wrong to share Oskar. They weren’t a couple, and she was certainly not in love but the idea of having sex with others when Oskar was there just felt, odd.
“I’ve been fantasising about this for a while, and you and William are by far the best guys I can think of.”
‘Or the best I can get hold of,’ she thought. Objectively, Oskar and Alex were probably the best combo
– – –
‘Damn. Why do the guys have to make it so complicated?’ she thought while she went back to prepare for her race. ‘Why do they always have to be scared of looking gay or, so jealous or, insecure?’ She really didn’t like Williams’ attitude earlier. She almost started to regret the whole thing. Unlike Alexander and Oskar, he wasn’t even a very amazing fuck. Ok, but not amazing. Not that he did anything wrong. It was just that Emma had been spoiled with better.
She went into the locker room and locked herself in a cubicle to change into her swimwear. Once changed, she took out her phone, put on some calming music and closed her eyes. After a few minutes, she opened them again and took a deep breath. She got up and walked out towards the pool. Gone were the thoughts of disturbing noisy Danish men, guys who were either too jealous or afraid of having sex with another man present. Gone were the thoughts of Oskar and Alice. Gone were all the thoughts except those of the track in front of her and the lengths she was about to swim.
She finished sixth and had absolutely zero chances of further advancement. She stayed behind to see if Alexander qualified for further competition, but unfortunately, his time was beaten by only a few hundredths of a second. He felt a little sad but, on the other hand, none of them had expected that he would be even close to going through in the first place. She waited for him to change and together they went back to the hotel.
“See you at dinner!” Emma shouted as she walked out of the elevator at her floor.
Once in her room, she laid down fully clothed on the bed. She began to mentally prepare herself for the evening. She thought about how she wanted it to be, and what she wanted them to do to her. She took off her clothes and lay down and held up her phone as far away as she could. Her face and breasts could be seen on the screen. She snapped a photo and sent it to Alice.
> This little bitch is getting ready to get fucked by two cocks tonight!
It only took a few seconds for the answer to come.
> Mmmm. Nice! I want all the deets later. Remember the pictures!
> Hahaha. Don’t think I can get pictures tbh. Hardly the time for a selfie.
> But pleeeease. Wanna’ see what they do to my little sex-bestie. Someone gotta’ look out for you and know that they’re treating you right.
> Well, we’ll see,” she wrote, ending the message with a few hearts.
Emma thought that Alice actually was quite wired. She had never been attracted to men but loved hearing about how Emma had sex with guys. She did not want to have sex with men and was disgusted by the mere thought of it, but at the same time, she liked to watch heterosexual porn. Alice was weird but totally amazing and Emma’s absolute best friend. She didn’t think there was anything they couldn’t talk about.
There was still some time left until dinner so she decided to take a shower. She brought her razor and shaving foam and headed for the bathroom. When she’d stood long enough in the warm water, she started to shave her pussy. She used to epilate her whole body, but it was a while ago and tiny hairs had started to grow out. Since the epilator needed a certain length to work anyway, she shaved off the tiny hairs that began to grow on her pubic mound, as well as those on her legs and arms. Usually, she wouldn’t have bothered, but this night was, after all, going to be something special.
At dinner, they sat at the same table as they did the day before. She smiled at the Danish girl but didn’t say anything. The coach talked about how it’s been a good day and about how the two girls progressed to the final and ended up just without a medal. Still, they had new chances tomorrow. He was going on about how close Alexander had been to landing himself a place in the final. For some reason, Emma was forgotten in the speech. Anders-Olof was not mentioned either.
Emma sighed a little when the same appetiser as the night before was brought out and put in front of her. It was tasty, ‘but what’s up with the chef’s imagination?’ She glanced at the table next to them and saw that the pretty girl also looked a bit dejected. The noisy guy was strangely quiet. Pasta and a tomato sauce with vegetables were served for the main. Much tastier, but slightly simpler, than last night. Hardly fine dining. As soon as Emma was done with the food, she excused herself and left the table.
She rushed into her room and threw off her clothes again. She sent a snap to both guys where she suggested that they’d take a shower and get ready if they hadn’t already done so. ‘Emotional labour – always make sure that dudes do the most basic of things,’ she thought while rummaging through her bag to pick out some clothes. She had never been the kind of person who unpacked when travelling.
She was a little unsure of what to wear for the evening. Admittedly, she could have opened the door completely naked. She was bound to get undressed sooner or later anyway. However, she thought it might be nice to wear something that would be pleasant to take off. Luckily, she had planned to get laid over the weekend, so she was at least a little prepared. She picked out some matching black panties and bra with some lace details and a pair of black socks that went up a bit above the knee. But what else should she wear? Now it just looked ”porny”. She did not want to look like a porn star, she wanted a cuter “come and take care of me” look. She ended up putting on the same black dress that she had worn the day before. It almost looked like she was wearing the same clothes, the guys might even think she was. But did that matter? She felt both cute and sexy at the same time. But the bra had to go back into the bag. She didn’t need one with that dress, she thought and threw the bag back into the wardrobe.
She went into the bathroom and rolled on a perfume-free deodorant, then she sprayed on some perfume and finished with a spray of body splash. She thought it smelled really nice when she took a sniff of herself. She put on her clothes and added a light make-up that suited the cute look and went out into the room. She sat down to wait in one of two small, and slightly uncomfortable, armchairs. The clock was just about to strike a quarter to ten and all she had to do now was to wait.
She sat there for a few minutes and felt the nervousness rise by the second. This was one occasion where she really would have liked some alcohol, just to cope with everything. The room had of course no minibar and she wouldn’t be able to buy anything herself. William, who was a year older than her, had just turned eighteen, and would, under any other circumstances, be able to buy a few drinks and bring them up to the room. Unfortunately, (for her) almost all clubs had a total zero tolerance for alcohol at camps and competitions. The hotel was bound to be aware of this and even if they actually would sell him anything, the risk of being caught on the way up to the room would have been too great. Emma knew all this, so she hadn’t even considered asking him. Not until now.
Instead, she opened one of the two bottles of mineral water that stood on the small table that separated the two armchairs and poured a small glass which she emptied in one gulp. She had heard someone mention something about an ice machine in the hallway. She stepped into her sneakers and went out in search of it. It was right next to the elevator and she really couldn’t understand how she hadn’t noticed it before. She filled a bucket with ice and went back to her room. Once there, she brought out a one-and-a-half-litre bottle of coke, that she had in her bag. Along with the mineral water and ordinary tap water, it had to do for the evening. She poured another glass and waited.
Just seconds later, her phone sounded. She picked it up and saw that it was a notification telling her that Alexander had started typing a message on Snapchat. One more sound and there was the notification about the message. She opened the app, and the screen was instantly filled with a picture of her door. She giggled and got up to open it.
“Hey,” she said a little shyly.
“Hello,” he answered unsurely.
It was always a little awkward the first few minutes. They stood in silence for a while and just looked at each other. Alexander looked a little like his namesake in the old TV series Adam and Eva where he stood in short tousled blond hair, a white V-neck t-shirt and black jeans. He took off his shoes and went in.
“Well, Eh. Hello again, Eh. Have a seat,” Emma said nervously and gesticulated towards the corner where the armchairs and table stood.
“You want some Coke?”
“Sure. Thanks,” he replied.
“You got ice?”
“Yea. There was a machine next to the elevator. Did you miss it, too?”
“Looks like it. Or there’s only one on your floor?”
“Well, maybe. So? Eh? what’s up?” Emma asked to make the time pass.
Alexander shrugged.
“Same old. School, training. You?”
She was about to respond when she was rescued by a “blip” from the phone. She glanced at the screen and saw that William had started typing. After a few seconds came the next sound. “Got out of the elevator.”
Emma opened the door and showed William into the room. He sat down in the same chair she just occupied, and she opted to sit on the edge of the bed instead.
“So, we’re all here then,” she said.
“Yea,” both guys replied at just about the same time.
“Soo. How do we do this?” Alexander asked.
“Are we sure we’re going to do this? Is everyone ok?” William asked with some uncertainty in his voice.
“At least I am,” Emma replied.
“I’ve been having fantasies about sex with two guys for a while now and can’t think of two better guys to have it with.”
”I want you to take me tonight. I want you to focus everything you have on me. I want you to make me go crazy. I want you to fucking fuck my brains out! Are you guys up for that?”
“Uh. Okay?” William replied. He wasn’t really expecting this from her.
“Can we handle it?”
“Let’s do our best,” Alex replied, getting up from his seat.
If the great elite swimmer William wasn’t sure he was going to make it, at least he wasn’t going to chicken out. Sweden’s next Olympic hope may not be able to satisfy Emma’s desires, but at least he could. He knew from experience that he could get her off. He was pretty sure he was going to make it happen this time too.
He walked up to the edge of the bed where she was sitting. He lifted one of her legs and started massaging it. He moved his hands along her shin and over her knee before moving down again. After massaging one leg, he started doing the same thing with the other. After a few minutes, he put Emma’s feet on the floor and slightly parted her legs. He continued to massage up the top of her thighs and let his hands leave the fabric-clad parts and began massaging over her bare skin. He squeezed hard over her fit thighs and finally let his thumbs touch over her panties. Just as he was about to put his fingers over the point that hid her pussy, she cut him off.
“Wait, wait. I’m not quite ready yet. Still a little nervous, I think. Keep going softly.”
“Ok,” he replied and went back over the legs.
Meanwhile, William got up and sat on the bed behind her. He massaged her shoulders and neck and kissed her behind the ear, lightly biting the earlobe.
“Are you’re ready to get some cock, Emma?” he whispered and bit again.
“Soon,” she replied in a low voice.
“We’re going to give you so much cock tonight, Emma. We’ll make sure you’re completely exhausted by the time the night’s over. Do you want that?”
“We’re going to take turns fucking you, Emma. We can last a long while. We’ll take breaks. Once we start, it won’t be empty in you for more than a few seconds. Do you think you can take it?”
“Yes. I want you to fuck me hard and long. I don’t want to stop until we’re all exhausted.”
“Good. Then we’ll do just that.”
“We won’t stop until you’ve had enough,” he said a little louder so that Alex also could hear him.
He kissed her on the side of her neck and licked down to the clavicle. Lifted his mouth back to her ear while continuing to massage her along her arms, then up again and out over her upper body. He squeezed her breast and pulled one of the shoulder straps so that it slipped a little down one arm.
“Where do you want us?” he said in a low voice.
“First, I want you in my mouth. I’m almost ready for this but I think I’ll be able to get into it more if I suck you. I want to take turns sucking you. I want you to try to go down my throat. I want to take you as far down as I can.”
“Sounds good. We’re going to try to push far into your mouth. We’ll be gentle but at the same time determined when we try to get our cocks down.”
“Right, Alex?” Alexander looked up from his seat between Emma’s legs and nodded.
While William had been egging Emma on, Alex had continued to caress her along her legs and feet. He had messaged her for a long time before approaching her thighs with his mouth and tongue. Right now, he moved his hands over her panties while sometimes pressing his thumbs over her opening. After answering Williams’ question, he pulled out the fabric a little bit and pressed it together so he could see Emma’s labia. He brought the fabric up and down so that it lightly stroked over her clitoris. Emma gasped and closed her eyes.
“What do you want us to do next?” William asked and kissed the lower part of her neck.
“I want you in me. I want you to fuck me hard and long.”
“Where do you want our dicks, Emma?”
“I want you in my pussy. I want to take you in my ass. I want to keep sucking you during the evening. I want you to fuck me in the pussy and mouth at the same time.”
“Good Emma. Then we’ll do just that. You’re going to get cock from both ends. We’ll have you on all fours and give you cock deep in your pussy and in your mouth at the same time. Do you want that??”
Meanwhile, Alex had continued to rub Emma’s panties against her clitoris. He had kissed her over the pussy and let his saliva wet her panties. He now lifted the fabric away and lightly blew some warm air over her clitoris. Emma shuddered. He pulled the fabric completely aside and put his tongue against it.
“Oh, yes, yes,” She gasped.
“Alex. Continue!”
Alex continued to focus his attention straight at the clitoris for a few seconds before licking his way down her slit. Ha made his tongue as hard as he could and then inserted just the tip between her lips, before licking all the way down and up again. He opened his mouth wide and started to suck in all her juices. She started to get really wet now. Enough for him to be able to insert two fingers. He started to move them slowly while hooking them upwards so that his fingertips gently touched the sealing of her pussy.
At the same time, William moved the shoulder straps completely to the side and pulled the dress down over Emma’s small breasts. He was still sitting behind her, stroking his hands lightly over them. He lifted his hands and put his index fingers over her now stiff nipples and circled them. He added his thumbs and pinched her nipples lightly before squeezing with a little more force. Emma took another gasping breath. Before she had time to get back to her usual, but at this point, heavy breathing, she felt Alex briefly bite into her clitoris.
“Oh!” she exclaimed.
“Ok. Sorry,” he replied.
Instead, he took it between his lips and pressed with his teeth through them.
“Ooohhh, Ohhho,” she moaned when Alex, again, started licking over her clit while, at the same time, quickly moving three fingers inside her.
”Hu, hu, hu.”
William put his mouth to her ear again and said in a quiet voice.
“We’ll fuck you so hard tonight.”
“Or what do you say Alex? We’ll fill all her holes and fuck her crazy tonight, right?” he asked a little louder.
Alex lifted his face from Emma’s pussy and answered.
“Yes. Emma. We’ll fuck you everywhere.”
He put his tongue against her clit again. He quickly licked over it while continuing to push his fingers hard into her. He bent his fingers upwards and met the pressure with his other hand on her stomach. At the same time, William pulled Emma backwards so that she was lying with her back on the bed. He moved so that he could bend down and suck on her breasts. He first switched between the nipples but eventually focused on the right one which he sucked on intensely while squeezing the left breast with one hand. He let the other hand slide down the far end of her stomach. When he met Alex’s hand, he also pressed and met the fingers that worked inside her. She was breathing hard now and occasionally made small growls. Alex removed his hand from her stomach and moved it down to her pussy. He removed his mouth for a few seconds and let his fingers play over it before he started licking again. William got up on his knees so that he stood above Emma’s stomach, grabbed her legs and lifted them as straight up as he could.
Emma’s bum slid up a little and exposed her anal opening. Alex took a short break to pull Emma’s panties up along the legs, William caught them and threw them on the floor. Alex, who had returned to meet his thrusts with his left hand, instead let it seek its way down to the rear opening. He pulled his fingers out of her pussy and lightly soaked his middle finger with her juices, licked a little on it and put it, tryingly, against the opening. When the sphincter did not want to give way, he instead licked downwards and put his tongue over the narrow entrance. He once again placed his mouth completely over her pussy and sipped as much juice as possible before going down to her ass again where he tried to use his tongue to get it into her. It wasn’t easy and it mostly wet the bed linen although he managed to lubricate her a little. He got some of his tongue inside her channel and tried with his middle finger again. He put his right hand back inside her front opening and went down on her clit. He now bent his fingers downwards instead and met them with a hard push through the diaphragm. He kept his finger completely still while pressing with the four fingers of his right hand. At the same time, William stood over her and kept her legs up. Emma raised one hand and tried to feel his cock while she pressed her stomach. She was damn close now and the boys could hear it.
She came with a real shake. Alex felt as if waves were rushing through her pussy, totally soaking his hand. He stopped licking her and opened his mouth and let the juice fill it, got up and leaned over Emma’s face. She opened her mouth and they met in a wild kiss.
William stood up and carefully laid Emma’s legs down again so that her feet touched the floor. Emma remained laying on the bed, breathing heavily. Had she really said all that? Had she asked her two friends to take her at the same time? It wasn’t like she hadn’t thought about it; she had. But to admit it? To ask for it. And how did William become so pushing all of a sudden? She hadn’t expected him to take the lead in this way. Or did he? It was Alexander who was the first to do anything, but Williams’ talk was really turning her on. She was surprised. The previous times they had sex with each other, he had not exactly been communicative. They kind of just did stuff without talking so much. Sometimes they asked each other if they should change position, not more than that.
“Oh. Fuck. Unbelievable,” she said with a breath.
“That was just the beginning,” William said confidently.
‘You haven’t even done anything but talk yet,’ Alex thought and pulled off his t-shirt.
He had nothing to be ashamed of when it came to his body. None of them had. He was slim but with supple muscles on his arms and legs from all the swimming. He quickly took off his jeans, socks and black boxers. He lifted Emma’s legs so that they were at the height of his waist and aimed his cock at her pussy. He reckoned someone had to get things going.
“Wait. I’m still a little sensitive down there. I want to suck you first,” she said and slid down on the floor and sat on her knees.
Her legs stuck out from beneath her and the still stocking-clad feet protruded behind her. The skirt had fallen so that it now hid her pussy and parts of her legs. She grabbed Alexander’s cock and slowly began to jerk him off.
William remained dressed and watched as Emma moved her hands and licked on Alexander’s cock. She brought her tongue up from the scrotum, along the shaft and finally around the head before taking the long and thick cock in her mouth.
Alexander was big. William thought the penis must be somewhere around nineteen centimetres long and it looked thick. He himself had been quite satisfied with his just over sixteen centimetres long, but rather narrow cock, but now his insecurities increased. Sure, Emma had seen him naked before and they’ve had sex a few times, but this guy Alexander simply seemed to be a little more, well, … advanced?
Emma sensed that William felt a little insecure in the situation and sighed inside. ‘Always have to take responsibility for everything.’
She stretched out her right hand towards him and began to slide her finger over his belt and down over his crotch, trying to loosen it. She let go of Alexander for a few seconds and focused her attention entirely on William. She opened his belt, pulled open the buttons of the jeans and pulled them down. She caressed his dark blue tight boxers and let her fingers follow the outline of his cock through the fabric before slowly pulling them down. It came loose and pointed straight at her face. He did not get much of a warm-up before she took the head in her mouth and licked around it. She took it out again and lifted his cock so that it pointed straight up. She then licked him along the shaft and stopped to take one of his balls in her mouth. William gasped and she let go of it.
Alex just stood and watched while slowly stroking himself but when Emma briefly let go of Williams, he grabbed her left hand and brought it gently back towards his own member. She grabbed it and started jerking him off while doing the same to William. The two guys looked at each other and then let their gaze go down towards the floor and Emma. She bent her face towards Alex’s cock and stuck out her tongue so that it touched the top of his cock and opened her mouth. She licked a little on the underside before letting her lips enclose it. Alexander pushed a little forward and pushed himself into her mouth. He felt Emma suck on it before pulling it out again so she could lick the underside and up to the head again. After a few seconds, he pushed his cock into her mouth again and put his hands around her face. He wrapped his fingers in her hair and pulled them upwards and let it slide between his fingers. At the same time, he continued to slowly thrust his cock in and out of her mouth. Emma continued to jack William with her left hand while leaning with her right hand against Alex’s thigh.
Alexander placed his palms against the side of her head and gently pulled her towards him while he thrust his cock into her mouth. She responded by moving her head backwards so that it almost slid completely out of her mouth and then pushed herself forward again while he pulled her towards him. He quickly started mouthfucking her and after a few thrusts, about half of him was inside her mouth and he began to reach her throat. He held still for a few seconds just as he bumped into her palate. Emma took a deep breath through her nose and exhaled as he slowly pulled out his cock. He waited a few seconds to check on Emma’s reaction before pushing his cock in the same way again. He then drove it in three slow strokes before he, once again, started mouthfucking her.
Emma had found it difficult to jack off William at the same time as she was being done by Alex, so the next time he pulled himself out of her mouth, she again turned her attention to William. She grabbed his cock with both of her hands and started to jerk and lick him at the same time before taking him in her mouth. She pushed herself forward and took a little more than half of his long narrow shaft before taking it out. She felt William put his hands on her head as he slowly push himself into her mouth. She released her grip on Alex and focused on receiving William. She leaned forward and put her hands against the floor, letting him push himself further and further in. Just like Alex had done before him, he pressed the head of his cock against the palate and let it rest there for a few seconds, before pulling out. Emma took a deep breath and leaned forward to receive him again. She raised her right hand and grabbed the part of the cock that was outside her mouth and now supported herself with his left hand against his thigh. The next time William reached for the palate, she breathed in through her nose, held her breath for a moment, and tried to relax her throat as much as possible. He pulled it out almost completely before driving it in with a hard blow. Emma pressed on his thigh and he took a step back.
“Not so hard. Just move a little slower.”
He nodded and Emma put her mouth over him again. He stopped when the cock reached the back of her mouth. Emma drew in some air once more before she bent forward and took in some more of him. She was sat on her knees but leaning forward with both hands on the floor and she felt like she had maybe three-quarters of his cock in her mouth. Once he pulled out again, she put herself on all fours and looked straight ahead at William and opened her mouth. William quickly came back to her and slowly started to push his shaft in while holding his hands around her head. Emma inhaled, tried to relax and work against the gag reflex as much as she could until her nose hit Williams’ pubic bone. He continued to hold her head and looked down to see that he had completely disappeared in her mouth.
After what could have been an eternity, but which was only a couple of seconds, he withdrew from her.
“Are you ok?”
She did not answer but instead put her mouth directly over his cock again. This time she did not take him all the way, instead stopped him about halfway in. He pulled out his cock, grabbed her head again and began to thrust in and out of her mouth. At the same time, Alex stood behind her, lifted her skirt and pushed himself into her soaking wet pussy.
Emma quickly drew some air and gasped when she felt Alex slowly entered her. He pulled completely out of her before slowly driving it in again. It was good that she was so warmed up and horny at this point because taking Alexander’s long and thick cock without any preparation was not something she wanted to do. She withdrew from Williams’ grip as Alex began to pump at a higher pace inside her.
“Oh. Yes Fuck!” she whimpered as Alex increased the pace further.
She opened her mouth and panted loudly and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she saw that William was standing right in front of her face, slowly stroking his cock.
“Yes, yes, yes,” She cried.
William shoved it into her open mouth and immediately started to mouthfuck her. He held her head and tried to sync up with Alex pace. Emma stood with her face up so that her neck was completely straight and received him all the way down while Alex quickly thrust his cock in and out of her pussy.
They continued like that for a few minutes. When William felt that he was beginning to approach his climax, he pulled out and sat on the edge of the bed to rest. Alex continued for a few more minutes before he also pulled out and threw himself into one of the armchairs. Emma turned to him and crawled in between his legs and gently nibbled on the scrotum and gently licked the far end of his cock. Alex pulled her up towards him and when her face was at the same height as his, kissed her.
Emma stood leaning over Alex with her calves pressed against his. Her dress was still slightly rolled up over her lower body so that it almost looked like a wide belt. She had her back and neck bent at a slightly uncomfortable angle while she and Alex made out wildly. Her ass and pussy were on full display for William who was still sitting on the bed opposite them.
William got up from the bed and pulled off his t-shirt and tossed it on top of his jeans and boxers that lay under the desk. They had ended up there when he kicked them off earlier. He went to the armchair and put his hands on Emma’s buttocks and began to knead them softly.
Alex and Emma stopped kissing each other as soon as William got up to them. While he kneaded her buttocks, Alex had begun to give Emma’s breasts the same treatment. He let his thumbs move over her nipples while he squeezed the whole breast with the rest of his palm. William rubbed his thumbs closer and closer to Emma’s rear entrance and after a while, his hands met over the small slit. He slid his index finger up and down along it a few times before gently pressing against the opening. He took some saliva on his index finger and pressed it again against the bud. Emma gasped as the tip of his finger began to penetrate her ass. He removed his finger and put his left hand hard against one of her buttocks while he put his cock against her pussy with his right hand. He pushed himself in at the same time as he took a hard grip on her bum.
Alex remained sitting below Emma without really knowing what to do. He continued to knead her breasts and rolled one nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He bent forward and took it in his mouth, but it was difficult in the position he was sitting. William, on the other hand, drove his cock fast and hard in Emma’s pussy while she held on with straight arms against the wall. After a while, Alexander gently pushed Emma away.
“Wait a minute, William,” she said.
William had already stopped when he felt Alex pressure and backed away from them both. She stepped down from the armchair and stood on the floor where she quickly pulled off the crumpled dress and kicked it away towards the rest of all the clothes. She leaned forward and stood on all fours with her face between Alexander’s legs.
William, who was standing still and waiting, knelt behind Emma and grabbed her buttocks. He felt how the carpet tore a little against his knees as he leaned forward and once again steered his cock into Emma’s pussy. He stood like that for a few seconds and met Alexander’s gaze. Soo, had the guy opposite him just had his cock in here? Did this really happen? He pushed his thoughts away and slowly began to hump against her. Emma moaned, grabbed Alexander’s thighs and leaned forward with her mouth open. Alex helped to steer his cock in, and Emma started to bob up and down on him as he started to make small moves upwards in return.
Emma was not even going to try to take Alexander’s cock as far down as she did with Williams. She knew it would not work. She let her mouth slide down over the head and a short way down the shaft and felt him push it in an extra half centimetre before he stopped. She would like to deepthroat Alexander at some point, but she would probably need to practice a lot first.
She was grateful that William had slowed down a bit. She needed some rest after the hard pounding. Not that she complained or anything. It was cool to get so properly fucked, but right now it was nice that they both took it easy with her.
Alexander had stopped humping and just sat and enjoyed the feeling of Emma’s mouth around his cock. He had known her for a few years now and had sex with her for just about half of one. It was not until that night when they jokingly flirted with each other that sex with Emma was even on his horizon. Not that she was too cool for him, that she was inaccessible or any other crap. No, they were swimming buddies and nothing more. “Sex with Emma” was simply not a concept he had even thought about. Now he sat and got a blowjob from her at the same time as one of Sweden’s junior elites slowly fucked her from behind. It was all totally and completely insane.
Emma lifted her face from Alexander’s cock and yanked her head slightly.
“Can you increase the pace a bit?”
William did not answer but took a harder grip on her buttocks and slowly began to increase the pace. Emma bent down again and pressed her mouth over Alexander’s cock.
It did not take long for William to get up to speed. He held Emma’s hips while he stood slightly backwards so that he could push his cock upwards. With each thrust, his pubic bone slammed her firm ass and threw her forward.
“Oh. Yes. Harder.”
William tried to bend a little over Emma’s back while he put his palms on the floor. He failed his first attempt as his cock slipped out and even at his next try it ended up just sliding against her stomach.
“Can you try to lean forward a little more?” he asked her.
She leaned a little deeper into the armchair and tried to push her ass as high up in the air as possible to give him access to her pussy. William got up a little, steered his cock in with his hand and pushed himself in. Both he and Emma felt how it went in deeper than it had done before. He got up carefully until he was almost completely out and pushed himself all the way in again.
“Oh,” they both moaned at the same time.
William tried to increase the speed and was soon fucking her faster than before. For each thrust, Emma’s face went down between Alexander’s legs with hard force. He had to back up and was now half-sitting against the backrest so that she could fit.
“Just a second,” he said.
“Can I try to sit a little further down?”
He slid down until he was half-lying in the armchair with his butt almost off the seat cushion. Emma had meanwhile risen a little and William had pulled out again. She crawled forward to Alex and put her mouth to the head of his cock and let her tongue circle around it for a few seconds. She kept it in her mouth while she swayed again towards William who bent over her and pushed his cock inside. He pulled it almost completely out again before shoving it into her with a powerful thrust. She was pushed forward, and her mouth went down on Alexander’s cock. She coughed so hard that William slipped out again.
“Not that fast,” she said after taking a gasping breath.
She leaned over Alexander again so that William could enter her. He made a few gentle long strokes as Emma lay bent forward and held on to Alexander’s buttocks while she had his cock in her mouth. For every slow thrust William made in her, her mouth went deeper. After a few strokes, she had learned to follow the movements up and down and began to move in sync with Williams’. He took this as a signal to increase the pace.
He quickly pulled his cock out of her and then pushed it in again with full force. She tried to keep her head still so that Alexander would not get too far into her mouth. Alex, who had been lying quite passively, grabbed her head and began to push himself up against her mouth while William increased the speed inside her. Her body moved back and forth in sync with the guys’ thrusts in her mouth and pussy. She was completely under their power now. William pounded her hard and fast while Alex pushed his cock against her throat.
William pulled out and backed away from her. It was not the best of positions and it was difficult to make it work. Emma crawled down from the armchair and put her forearms and her clasped hands on the floor. William was quick to return and pushed his cock into her and started pounding her immediately.
“Oh . Ah. Ooohhh . Ah, ah, ah. Fuck,“ she gasped.
William breathed heavily and after about five minutes he pulled out and reached for a glass of water.
“Yes, please,” Emma said and sat up. Alexander got up from the armchair and poured her a glass.