Embarrassment Turns To Ecstasy For Meagan

"The firm’s annual formal Christmas Party was held on Friday, December 13th this year.  What could go wrong?"

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Meagan slipped into her formal black dress for the firm’s annual Christmas Party.  The gown was floor length, below the spikes of her ankle-strap stilettos.  She smoothed down the gown, grabbed her clutch, and hurried downstairs to the waiting taxi, impatiently honking its horn.

She was dropped off at the main entrance of the downtown hotel that the firm had rented for the party.  No expense had been spared for the enjoyment of the employees. The ballroom provided ample room to dance and the adjacent dining room was well-supplied with liquors of every description and the selection of food, prepared by some of the finest chefs of the wider metropolitan area, was both bountiful and varied.

The party was loud and boisterous. The joviality of the season prevailed, helped, no doubt, by the copious amounts of the aforementioned alcohol being consumed.

Meg mingled among the other employees, engaging in small talk as she daintily sampled some of the various entrees and sides provided, and washed them down with sips from a glass of wine from one of Virginia’s top vineyards. 

Suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, one of the firm’s partners asked her to dance.  The orchestra had struck up a tango, and she was uncertain about stepping out onto the dance floor. She was unfamiliar with formal dancing, not to mention her nervousness before the crowd of fellow employees that surrounded the dance floor.  The fact that her dance companion was one of the firm’s partners – a ‘god’ in the eyes of a lowly associate such as herself – only added to her apprehension.

Meagan’s anxiety was immediately apparent to her dance partner.  “Relax, just follow my lead.  You’ll do just fine, I promise.” 

“I must warn you, I’ve never danced the Tango before.  I’ve seen it, in the movie ‘Scent of a Woman,’ but never thought I’d have an opportunity to dance it.  Also, you’re one of the partners, I’m just one of the many junior associates in the firm.  I’m surprised you’d even notice me.”

“It wasn’t an accident that I picked you to dance, Meg.  You’re an exceptionally talented attorney, and I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you that I and the other partners have noticed the fine work you’ve been doing for the firm.  Also, if you don’t mind me telling you so, you’re an incredibly attractive woman and your gown only accentuates your natural beauty.  Your poise and style add to the ambiance of the party.  It was hard not to notice you tonight!”

“Thank you, sir,” was all I could think of at the moment in reply.  “I appreciate your praise of my work.  I try diligently to be the best employee I can be.”

At this moment, I felt myself being spun around and, whether subconsciously or consciously, lifted my opposite leg and tried to reach the knee of my pivot leg.

The pirouette didn’t work!  Instead, the spike of my stiletto caught the satin fabric of the gown, and a loud rip ensued as I fell backward, further ripping the gown.  As I struggled to stand back up, the gown was further ripped, revealing my stocking top and the straps of my garter belt as well as a glimpse of my black lace thong.   I turned beat red with embarrassment at both the clothing malfunction and my ineptitude.

My partner, seeing both my embarrassment and the whispers and finger-pointing among the crowd, gathered his topcoat and wrapped it around me while addressing the crowd “Evil to those who think evil of it.”  The snickers turned to clapping as I was escorted off the dance floor.

“Meagan, I’m sorry this happened to you.  Do you have a car to get back home?  Can I call you a cab?  Or, if you wish, I can drive you home myself.”

“I don’t want to be any more of a burden than I’ve already been, sir.”

“Please, stop calling me sir.  I’m Paul.  Please call me Paul.”

“Alright, Paul.”

“Now, I think it would be best, under these unfortunate circumstances, if I were to drive you home myself.  I would feel more comfortable, I’m certain you would be as well.”

“I would, thank you for your kindness and compassion.”

“It’s Christmas, Meagan.  A season for kindness and compassion.”

As a post-script, Paul was a perfect gentleman – in more ways than one.  After seeing me safely home, we opened a bottle of wine, and long story short, Paul spent the night, and both of us ended up unwrapping our bodies as Christmas presents to each other.  Needless to say, the embarrassment experienced early that evening was quickly replaced by unbridled ecstasy – on both of our parts.

Published 3 months ago

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