It was nearly thirty minutes now, not a word had been spoken. As I drove, I could see Elaine was biting her bottom lip. She wanted to talk, but couldn’t. This was ominous, I thought.
I knew she wasn’t herself when she had arrived two hours earlier. I had called her on her way to my place.
“I’m so horny… I really don’t want you wearing panties when you get here”.
When I opened the door, there wasn’t even a hello. I grabbed her, kissing her passionately while running my hand up the back of her skirt.
She had done as I had asked. My fingers pressed against her bare ass and then ran around the front to the thin strip of bush that covered her pussy. She was already moist, ready for me. Our lips hardly parted on our way to the bedroom. Garment by garment, our clothes fell to the floor. She reached down to grab my hard cock and then suddenly, her face changed. She didn’t say anything but I knew that look.
Disappointment is a different emotion to hide, especially in those situations. But right now, I didn’t care about her satisfaction. I hadn’t seen her in three weeks and my balls felt like large coconuts. I didn’t want to go down on her now, just get my five-inch hard-on into her. Five inches that that were more spring onion than courgette. She verbalised her dissatisfaction without even realising it. “Are you in yet?” she asked.
“Yeah… can you feel me”? I replied
“Oh yeah, I can now… that’s nice,” Elaine replied.
This wasn’t the first time in our two-year on-off relationship we’d had this back and forth.
“You can go harder,” she sighed.
Two minutes later, she suggested putting a pillow under her ass so I could get deeper. It made no difference. Five minutes later, I was starting to soften. Not willing to wait, I pulled out and wanked as fast as I could until I came on her belly. Usually, she’d be okay with that. She understands when there are times I really need to blow. She’d seen my soft dick cum in her hand before we’d even got started in the past, to which she often just giggled.
But she wasn’t giggling today. She was quiet, immediately getting up and going to clean herself in the bathroom. No tasting my cum on her finger or asking me to lick it off her. She was disinterested, despondent even. I was still stretched out in the bed when she got out of the shower. She had always admired my 6ft 2 muscular frame. Not so much my five inches which had now shrivelled down to one. She had told me she’d like me to shave it, so it would appear bigger, but I feared the reaction of my football team-mates in the shower. Today, she didn’t go there, nor did she get back into bed. “Let’s go for a drive”.
We had been driving for forty minutes before I got to the lakeshore. This had been a favourite spot for us in the early days when she used to be around more. Now she had taken a job two hours from home, so I had got more used to driving to see her in the city at the weekends.
Normally, in these situations, we’d be all chat, laughing and joking. She knew I liked it when she reminisced about her exes, especially the ones who were well-hung. She’d often reach over and unzip me as we were driving, giving me a handjob as she spoke about how Sean, who used to throw her over his lap and spank her during their college romance, or her threesomes in Cork with housemates Ryan and Ian.
The first time I asked her to compare their cocks to mine, she was slightly taken aback. She soon realised how much of a turn on it was for me, though. She learned that talking about other guys was her best chance of getting me really hard. Elaine embraced this, even going as far as to show me old dick pics they would have sent her she still had in her phone.
Today was different, though. Thirty minutes without a word. As I pulled up at the lake, I looked sideways and saw the tears building in her.
“P, there’s something I need to tell you,” she said.