Thursday night I sat on the couch waiting for my husband to get home. My mind was reflecting on the events of my day, but weighing heavier was what was to come tomorrow.
When Rob came in, he went straight up to our bathroom to shower. I went up and waited for him in bed, feeling a sense of obligation to offer myself to him, especially with what I was going to do tomorrow.
When he came out and climbed into bed, I snuggled up to him and we talked briefly as I started to touch him. I was a little surprised when he stopped me and said he was really tired and wasn’t feeling it tonight, and for us to wait to do something this weekend.
I told him I understood and that was fine as I gave him a kiss goodnight and rolled over. For a moment as I laid there I thought it’s not usual for a man to stop a woman from stroking him, I wonder what’s up with him.
That thought was quickly gone as I started thinking about the package I had received earlier in the week from Megan. It was a small box containing my schedule for the day of meetings, instructions for some of the meetings, and what to wear. It also contained a small velvet pouch with a set of metal balls that vibrated with weights inside of them when you moved them. I believe they’re called Ben Wa balls.
I used a pair many years ago after my son was born for their intended purpose, to help strengthen the pelvic muscles after childbirth, but since then on a few occasions I’ve experienced them for pleasure.
One of the men, Mr. Ozmann, my first appointment, requested that I insert them as I left my house.
My night was restless and I didn’t sleep very well with the anticipation of what the day would bring. Up to this point, everything I had experienced with John and Anthony happened either by surprise or in a way that just unfolded and I had to deal with it in the moment. The same was the case with all the other men that Anthony and John have made me available to, I just had to accept it as it happened.
But the meetings were planned with enough time for me to nervously anticipate the day. Although I may have met many of these men briefly, I know none of them. While I don’t know what each man specifically has planned, I know I have to be fully prepared to let him expose me, violate me, use me in any way he can imagine during his time.
The mix of emotion between excitement and arousal and nervousness and fear have been overwhelming at times.
I got up at 6 am to start getting ready since I had to be there for the first meeting at 8 am. I got my bath and shaved and prepared myself like I was going on a date, not to work.
As I was laying there in the hot water of my tub, I actually thought to myself I should get prepared for what I know is bound to happen. I pushed up out of the tub and wrapped my robe around me. I crept through the bedroom trying not to wake my sleeping husband as I went into my closet to retrieve one of my molded life-like toys.
Back in the tub, I took a few minutes to work the realistic toy all the way into my pussy. My intention wasn’t to masturbate or for arousal, it was purely preparation, giving my body the time to adjust and accommodate its size at my pace. After a few minutes of relaxing with it inside of me and some slow stroking, I slid it out, soaped it liberally and then moved it to my next hole. This was where I wanted to be better prepared. I had no idea how aggressive or quickly I would be taken that way, but I knew it was inevitable and wanted to be somewhat ready.
I slowly pushed, relaxing my anus as I felt the head slip inside the ring of my ass. Breathing calmly I continued to push until I had its full length all the way inside my ass. Although not intending to, I brought the fingers of my other hand down to rub my pussy as I stroked the dildo in and out of my ass, beginning to feel more aroused and receptive to it all.
I didn’t have time to continue this long as I slid it from my body, rinsed it off, and hid it under my sink.
When my husband woke up to get ready to leave for work, I slipped my robe on and went downstairs and had my coffee until he left.
I gave him a kiss goodbye as he headed out the front door and then back up to my bedroom to get dressed.
As I was instructed, I slipped the black garter belt around my hips and clipped it, then smoothed the black stockings up my legs. These were stockings with a seam up the back that one man requested I wear. I took care to make sure the seam was lined up the back of my calf and thigh before clipping them to the garter straps. Next I slipped on my prized Louboutin black high heels. These were definitely not my typical heels I would wear to work, but again they were specified in the instructions if I had them. The final piece was a red, short sleeve, wrap-around dress that fell about mid thigh, tied at the hip and draped loosely over my cleavage. It was made clear in the instructions to not wear underwear, so no panties, no bra. The dress was selected for its ease of removal and slipping back on in between meetings as I assumed that would be the theme for the day.
I picked up the small velvet bag with the metal balls inside and took them into the bathroom. After rinsing them off and applying a light coat of lubricant, I opened the bottom wrap of my dress and slowly slid them into my pussy. It took a moment to get them positioned and accustomed to. As I walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs I could definitely feel them vibrate against each other with every step. It wasn’t unbearable or too distracting by any means, but just a subtle reminder they were there, sending small shocks of pleasure.
I walked in the kitchen and Tommy was standing right there and startled me. I didn’t hear him get up. I immediately felt a little self conscious as I watched his eyes move up and down my body.
“Morning Mom,” he said with a smile as he stepped forward and gave me a hug.
I responded “Good morning. Did you sleep ok?”
“Yeah, ok, I guess.”
He hugged me the same way he did the night before. It lasted a little longer than would be expected.
Oh my, I can feel him… he’s pushing his erection against me… he wants me to feel it.
I could feel his hands moving over my back as well.
What is he feeling for? He’s checking to see if I’m wearing a bra… Oh god, he’s tracing my garter belt around my waist now.
He broke the hug, stepped back slightly but still held me by my hips. He looked me right in the eye and said “You look great mom… what’s the special occasion?”
As he asked that, I unmistakably felt his fingers at the back sides of my hips feeling the tops of the garter straps that went down framing my ass.
He knows I’m wearing a garter belt and stockings. What is he… is he going to… oh, he’s tracing the garter straps down my ass. I can’t believe he’s doing that…
I was responding, hearing myself stuttering, “Thank you, honey. I have meetings all day at a client’s facility. I just wanted to look nice and make a good impression.”
As I was saying that, he cocked his head to the side, still holding my hips, and was looking down at my legs. He even twisted my hips so he could see down the back of my calf.
It felt so embarrassing and awkward the way he was touching me and looking at me and not letting go of my hips.
His eyes came back up to mine and he said, “Those are some sexy stockings. I’ll bet you’re going to make a good impression with every guy you meet today.”
I honestly didn’t know how to respond to that. I nervously put my hands over his and pulled to move them from my hips, but he held them firm at first and I couldn’t budge them.
What the hell are you doing Tommy? He’s not letting go…
I pulled again and he let go as I stepped back and grabbed my purse and bag. It was a little surprising, as if he was showing me he could overpower me and he would let go when he wanted to.
“I have to go honey, I don’t want to be late, have a good day.”
I smiled and looked back at him as I walked out of the kitchen. He was staring at my ass and legs as I walked away.
What’s gotten into him? I wondered as I hurried out to my car, not sure what to make of all of that. I thought, He definitely seems to be watching me and paying more attention to my body lately. The poor guy must be horny and not seeing his girlfriend enough. I’ll let him get his little thrills, but it’s not my place to help him with that.
Putting those thoughts aside, I returned to focusing on my drive and feeling the metal orbs vibrating deep between my thighs with all the bumps, vibrations, and turns of the car. I even found myself clenching my thighs together as I drove.
I pulled into the parking garage for the Code Genetics building, grabbed my bag and purse, and started walking toward the entrance. With every step I took, I could feel the movement of the balls inside of me and the pit in my stomach growing as my nervousness was overtaking me.
As I walked I laughed to myself and all I could think was These things feel good but they make me feel like I have to pee!
I stood in the lobby waiting for the elevator with a group of men and women in nice suits, squeezing my thighs, the thought running through my mind God, don’t let one of these balls slip out of me right here.
I exited the elevator and walked down the hall toward Megan’s desk. She watched me approaching her, her eyes scanning up and down my body, as a smile crossed her face and she said “Nice shoes!”
I smiled back with a little chuckle and said “Thanks.”
Nervous and trying to get some idea what to expect from Megan, I asked “So, how bad is today going to be? Will I be able to walk at the end of the day?”
She stood up and walked around from behind her desk and said, “I can’t really say, I just know that you’re in for some very interesting experiences. Some of the men are actually more about your pleasure than theirs, but some of them will definitely test you.”
She took my bag and purse and said she’d hold them for me since I won’t be needing them.
“It’s almost eight, Mr. Ozmann does not not appreciate tardiness. This way.”
I followed Megan down the hallway to a door at the end.
She smiled and gave me a wink and said “Enjoy your day, I’ll see you shortly.”
She left me standing there, alone and nervous, as I brought my trembling hand up and knocked on the door.
The rough voice of an older gentleman came through saying “Come in.”
I slowly opened the door and stepped inside. As I shut the door behind me I heard his voice say “Lock it.”
He was a distinguished looking man, perhaps around 70, dressed in a nice suit. As he continued to seem busy at his desk, I smiled and began to introduce myself.
He cut me off in a very dismissive tone and said “Come before me and strip. I want to see you in your heels, stockings and garter belt only.”
Swallowing down all of my nervousness and taking a deep breath, I stepped over in front of him at his desk. I brought my right hand across my hip, pulled the string tied in a bow, and felt my dress fall open. Bringing my hands up I pushed my red dress back off of my shoulders and let it slide down my arms, then laid it over the edge of his desk. Bringing my hands back to my sides, I stood before him naked except for my black garter belt, stockings, and high heels.
I watched his face, expressionless, as he examined my body and simply said “Turn.”
Slowly, taking small steps, I turned in a circle in front of him displaying myself from all sides.
I heard him say in a low voice “Beautiful… absolutely beautiful.”
He brought his hand to the desk edge directly in front of him and gave a couple taps. I knew what he wanted as I walked around his desk. He slid his chair slightly back as I positioned myself directly in front of him and sat on the edge. Still feeling embarrassed and shy, I watched as he slid his chair slightly forward. He touched the two arms of his chair, as he stared into my eyes as if he was looking through me and said “Put your feet here, open your legs wide, show me your cunt.”
His demeanor and choice of words we’re a little shocking to me. Despite all that Anthony and John had done with me, I never once heard them use that word.
I brought up one foot and then the other, placing the toe of each high heel on each side of him. Steadying myself with my hands behind me on his desk, I pushed my knees wide, opening myself right in front of his face.
He licked his index and middle finger of his right hand and then palm up, moved his hand between my legs, sliding his fingers deep into my pussy. My hips rolled slightly and my breathing and body responded to his fingers probing inside of me. Then, one by one, he worked the metal balls from my pussy. I let out a gasp as each one slid free.
I looked down and watched as he laid them to the side of his desk and then reached for a bowl of fresh strawberries.
What the hell is he going to do? I thought.
I didn’t have to wonder long as I watched him take a large strawberry from the bowl, placing it against the lips of my pussy, and steadily push it up inside of me.
It was definitely a unique sensation, slightly rough and odd shaped. He proceeded to do this with two more strawberries, pushing them up inside of my pussy. I was feeling a full sensation, more than from the metal balls.
He then slid back and began caressing and kissing his way up my stocking clad legs. My calves… my knees… up my thighs… leaving a trail over the bare skin at my inner thigh, then bringing his lips and tongue between my legs to kiss and flick at me sending a shiver up my spine.
He licked me for a few moments and continued as he slid a finger back inside of me. He pulled his lips from my pussy for just a moment and said “Squeeze the muscles in your cunt and push the strawberry into my mouth.”
It added to the stimulation as I was bearing down in connection with his tongue flicking at me and his finger pushed inside of me slowly working the strawberry out of me.
He pulled the strawberry from between my lips and into his. Then he stood up and leaned forward, pressing his lips to my mouth, pushing the strawberry into my lips part way before biting it in half, leaving me with my share.
He sat back down, intently watching me, as I saw him chew and swallow the strawberry in his mouth. He broke eye contact with me as he leaned in and repeated the process again, retrieving another strawberry from my pussy. After the third time, he brought his mouth back to my pussy and began intensely licking and flicking my clit with his tongue while he pumped two of his fingers in and out of me.
The whole experience was very sensual and intense, and not at all how I was expecting to start this day. He was relentless with his tongue and continual thrusts of his fingers, not stopping until he brought me to an orgasm, right there on the edge of his desk.
I was still shaking and barely holding myself up as I felt him push the metal balls back up inside of my pussy.
Then, just as dismissive as he was when I first arrived, he pushed his chair back, my feet slipping down off the arms to the floor, and he said “Get dressed, I believe it’s almost time for your next meeting. At the end of the day you will come back to my office before you leave.”
He sat there staring at me, as if I was in his way, until I stepped back around the front of the desk and picked up my dress. He went back to his work as if I was no longer there. I slipped my dress back over my shoulders and wrapped and tied it at my hip.
Feeling awkward like I didn’t know if I should say anything, I just quietly let myself out.
As I stepped into the hallway and closed his door, I turned and Megan was there waiting to escort me to the next meeting.
“How was your first meeting?” she asked.
It was… Interesting. I can’t…