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This poem only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.

You are in the hiss of the white glowing foam
That quickly crawls its way
Up the moonlit sand,
Where tiny pinpricks of Neptune’s stars
Twinkle their way up the beach.

You are in the roar of the waterfalls,
Dancing and sparkling in the noonday sun,
Cascading down from a silent beginning,
Majestic and thundering to the rocks below,
Smoothing them beneath shining power.

You are in the gurgle of the woodland stream,
Peat-rich and copper brown with
White garlands of bubbling lace
That wend their way between
Waving ferns and past weeping willows.

You are in the fizz of sweet lemonade,
Happy popping of delightful sharpness,
Kissing my nose in a torrent of giggling,
Touching my lips with a clear, shining freshness,
Making me bless the refreshing liquid.

And you are in my colander,
In the rise of a billion oxygen diamonds
As they rush their tiny way to the surface,
Energised by my turning on the tap,
Flowing out deliciously fast
And reminding me where your name flows in deep, unswerving rivers.

You are in my dreams and my fantasies,
My wandering worlds and my deepest wishes.
You are in my silly every day, my needful every breath,
And my very grateful heart.

This poem only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.

Published 12 years ago

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