Edwin Saunderson was a man on a mission. He was going to do something he had never done before. He was an ordinary little man…little in stature, little in luck, and sick to death of Being ordinary, but tonight he was going to fullfil a dream.
His sneaky business partner had been skimming the books, and his wife was a frigid cow who only knew how to spend money as fast as he could make it, and give nothing in return. All of his life he had done what was expected of him; A good loyal husband, a hard working businessman. A Good Man. Tonight he didnt Feel like a good man. He wanted to do something totally wicked, totally contrairy to his idea of norm. He was going to go to a Brothel and get his first blow job. He knew( to him) it was wild, it was naughty, and it was to be his own little secret. He didnt care; he was filled with frustrations and he wanted to do some wild and crazy for the first time in his well ordered-structured life. All the way to Vegas on the plane he thought about it, and for the first time in his life got a hard on in a public place. He felt so wicked and decadant that he giggled.
As he walked into the elegant Brothel, his knees shook and almost buckled on him. He took in the fine ladies, displayed in various forms of dress, and felt his cock stirring in his trousers for the first time in years. Here he was, 53 years old, in his very first Whore House to get a blow job from someone he didnt know. The notion set his brain a’whirl, and his cock on fire, now he was Actually going to do this!
He told the recieptionist what he wanted in a low, shakey, red faced voice, looking horribly embarrassed, and she tried to not burst out laughing at this dear little man.
Couldnt have been five foot tall if and inch, and Maybe 130 pounds soaking wet. But, he was a paying customer never the less. He told her he wanted it anonymously, not wanting to see the lady doing the blowing, and would gladly pay extra for it. She smiled and led him to a room down a long hall.
She told him, “Okay Mr.Saunderson. Remove all of your clothing and slip on this blindfold. Our girl will be in directly. Have fun, Hon”
She pattted him on the ass gently as she left the room.
With trembling hands, he removed his clothing and was going to fold them neatly, but muttered, “Fuck it. I’m going to have fun” and tossed them defiantly on the blue velvet chair. A little defiance felt So good, he snickered to himself.
He slipped the blue blindfold over his eyes, and stood there in nothing but his socks and a nervous grin; his hands folded over his cock. He was excited, but Terribly nervous as well.. A minute later, he heard noises behind him and he shivered in anticipation. He felt the prescence behind him, then felt warm breath on his neck from behind. He felt her body heat, and his cock jumped as she pressed her Amazon form up against him. Hands cupped his tight ass and he gasped. A mouth soft and warm sucked his earlobe, and bit his shoulder and neck. He tried to not moan, but it felt Wonderful! He could feel huge titties pressing against his shoulders as hands encircled him to pinch his nipples rather sharply.
“ Oh My!” he gasped out.
The tall woman behind him chuckled as one warm hand over his now concrete cock as the other groped his ass. His knees nearly buckled again, as her voice sounded in his ear; dark and mysterous and oh so hot.
“ Do you like this? Do you want this, Little Man? Tell me”
He groaned out loud and answered, “Oh Dear God, yes! I want it. Please!”
“ How do you want it, Slut? Easy and panzy-style, or do you want it raunchy and nasty? Tell me now, Bitch”
Her words excited him and he said, “Hard and raunchy? Please?”
Her voice because course and vulger and she growled out; “You got it!”
Before he knew what was happening she pulled him tight against her and began to move backwards, him right along with her.
“ What..?” was all he could eek out.
“ Stand right there. Dont move” he heard her command. He complied as he panted in excitement….and a little bit of fear too.
A second more and her body was pressed up against his back again, and she was pulling him backwards.. She had him laying on top of her as she gripped his ass cheeks hard, pulling them open roughly.
“ Wait, What? Oh God, what are you doing?” He stammered.
“ Shut up, fuck-Meat” she growled in his left ear.
The next instant couldnt have been move of a surprise if it was planned! She moved him on her big body and thrust up, impaling his virgin ass with a strapon dong! It wasnt too awfully big, but enough for His tiny virgin ass!
He yelled out as she said, “Take it Bitch. This is what you wanted, you Wanted me to fuck your miserable little ass, to make you feel like a piece of insignificant meat, to rape this ass and make it mine. Isnt it! Answer me, cunt!”
He was so shocked by the amount of pain and suddenness that at first he could not speak as he felt her dong slide all the way into his tender ass, then she began to fuck him. She spread his ass cheeks as far as they would go, having his legs spread wide, and she pumped up into his unsuspecting ass.
“ Oh God, No, wait, yes, oh Fuck! OhGoOhGodOhGod! ” he cried out.
She laughed harshly and stated “I InTend to fuck you.
He didnt know what to think! All he knew was at first there had been pain, then it wasnt so painful any more…it felt bizarre but damn good! The buzzing that deep in his ass was overwhelming! It was the best thing he had ever felt in his little life.
A second after she was pounding up into him hard he heard,”Fuck it Bitch, fuck on it hard. Do it Now”
All he could do was take it. He was helpless in her tight embrace. She gripped his skinny hips and was making Him fuck down on her dong.
A new sensation make him almost scream. Hands pulled his legs down, then something warm and wet covered his cock and hands pulled on his cum swollen balls. A pair of talented lips slid up and down his small cock, and he thought he was in 7 th heaven. The woman on her knees expertly sucking his cock never spoke a word; but swallowd his 6 inches masterfully, and he was completely in sensory over load. Here was a woman sucking his cock, licking his balls, and one fucking his virgin ass!
The large one began pinching rapidly in his little nipple nubs and his loud moans filled the room. She then rammed into him as hard as she could. “Take it like a man, you little fucker! Take it deep!” She growled as his head bounced in between her huge titties nearly giving him an erotic concussion….
“ Oh fuck, OW! Yes, yes, fuck me! Do me please, take my asshole, you beautiful fucking whore! Suck that cock, suck it dry, ohhhh Dear God Yessssss!!!”
He screamed and filled the sucking mouth before him as the big whore rammed his ass to the hilt.
When he collapsed on top of her, panting like a Greyhound, his body convulsed several times and the surprised whore on the floor thought he never Was going to stop shooting cum into her mouth. The big woman chuckled and said, “ Happy Birthday, Edmond”
When he could, he wheezed out, “My, My name isnt Edmond, its Edwin, and its not my Birthday, but thank you anyway!”
The woman froze for a second and muttered, “Oh shit. Houston, we have a problem”
He felt her manuver to raise up into sitting position making the dong drive in even deeper inside his bowels, and before he knew it, he yelled out and came again–spraying the girl on the floor in front of him. He all but passed out from pleasure. “Well fuck, Gwen! Thanks a whole lot! He shot all over me!”
Said the whore on the floor.
The big woman held the semi-conscious man against her and said, “You better go get Fran, I think I fucked up Royal!”
Edwin’s head swam, and he could barely breathe as she stood him up, disengageing her cock from his ass. His head swam again and he groaned, almost passing out entirely.
She said, “Are you ok, Honey? Breathe for me, come on, nice deep breathes for me!”
He grinned stupidly and took a deep breath for her. A warm wash rag began to clean him up and he heard, “Ohhh fuck Gwen, what did you do??”
“ Mr. Saunderson, are you alright!??” the recieptionist asked urgently.
He swayed and replied, “Oh..yess…I’m, I’m fine, thank you”
A water bottle was lifted to his lips and he drank eagerly. The smile had never left his lips.
He heard. “Oh god, did you do it this time! This is Mr Saunderson, All he came in here for was a simple blow job. Thats all he paid for! Your client is Mr Anderson and he wanted to lose his Ass-Cherry on his 50 th Birthday. You got the Wrong one, you idiot!. Blue room, blow jobs. Red room, fucking. I cant believe you!” Hissed Fran.
She removed the blind fold and he blinked dazedly “Hi” he croaked.
“ Oh God Mr Saunderson. Our deepest apologies! There was a simple mix up, you were mistaken for another client”
“ Is ok…” He muttered drunkedly.
All of this was said as she hurriedly scooped up his clothes to thrust them in his stupified arms and hustle him toward the guest bathroom. The women began to dress him as he couldn’t see to get his lust-pleasured brain to fully function. They got him dressed and he kept muttering “Its ok, I’m fine, really.” over and over. Then promptly walked straight into the wall, almost knocking himself unconscious.
Fran hissed, “ Thats it! Get him out of here and make sure he gets back to his hotel safely. And you, you fucktard! Try being more careful next time. You’ve got an half an hour to get cleaned up and get ready for the Real client.! You have no idea that this guy could sue our asses off!”
Fran petted him and stated, “Mr Saunderson, you have a good weekend and here’s a complimentary coupon to come back and see us any time you want.”
“ Anytime?” he asked dreamily.
“ Yes Sir Anytime. Have a good night”
He waved sillily “Bye Bye”
Edwin was escorted outside and poured into the Ranch SUV, his car being driven by the Security Guard. Once he was sequestered back to his hotel room with much more apologies and ass kissing, he was alone.
His ass was still sore and tender, his cock felt like it had went thru a milking machine, and he was completely happy for the first time in Years. He never got to see his pleasureres, but at the moment it didnt matter. He was too much in extacy. He plopped back on his bed grinning and looking at his return to the Desert Ranch Pleasure Club coupon and thought, “Its a good thing that what happens in Vegas STAYS in Vegas!”
Minx 2012