Echo in the Mirror

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In silence,
I sit and I stare at a ray of sunlight
It’s forced its way through the cracks in my window blinds.
Blinds meant to block the glow,
Meant to keep the radiance out.
But, it finds a way to penetrate
Cascading down,
Etching shadows in the ripples of the wood floor.
It wants to rouse me
To open my eyes and breathe life into my soul.

I run my fingers through the beam,
My skin responds with chills
The warmth wraps its arms around me,
Holding me in the moment.
Like little luminous dust particles
Frozen in an airless room.
I float weightless in the memory of you
Remembering the first time I saw you smile
It was something I said
Something mundane, but you smiled nonetheless
And I felt fire,
As if every nerve lit up simultaneously.

I wanted that fever to burn forever
But, it faded and I remember losing you
It too was something I said…
Maybe something I did
Maybe something I failed to do.
Funny, how effortlessly
The pain from that burn lingers.

In silence, I sit and stare at the sunlight,
Penetrating down through my window blind.
It wants to breathe life into my soul
To expose the woman hiding in the shadows
The woman scared to look in the mirror.
Scared of what she is unable to see in the reflection,
Blurred by a perpetual recollection
Of highs and lows.

I long for you …
To wrap your arms around me again,
To hold me, and snap me back to that moment
When the burn was love and not pain,
When you were my echo in the mirror.

Published 7 years ago

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