The Tuesday after their wonderful reunion with Sasha, Emma is worried and in a state of excitement at the same time. Tonight is going to be so special and revealing; her nerves are on end. She wasn’t in such a state when Donald took her to be displayed at the club as her final pearl, but this is so different. And so important.
During the months Emma and Donald have been together, she has never been to the Institute where he works. The ISE, Institute for Sexual Exploration, where Donald spends so much of his time away from her. The organization which has been such a big part of Donald’s life – since he first left college, well, even before really.
Tonight she will visit it for the first time. It is the anniversary celebration of ISE, which has been in existence for twenty-five years now. Cocktails, speeches, a tour of the facility, and later a band for dancing are planned. Donald told her about the event weeks ago, but Emma had put that knowledge aside so she did not have to think about what it might mean in reality.
She is so nervous about giving a good impression to Donald’s colleagues. Yes, in a way, she had ‘met’ some of them that afternoon months ago. But she hopes they see her in a different light, not the nude, shining figure on display for them that day.
And Connie, she will be there too. Could Emma face seeing her again, after the interaction they had?
To say the least, Emma is in a state of anxiety all day.
By afternoon Donald becomes aware of this and worries about how to help Emma calm herself. He is so excited to introduce her formally to his colleagues and her to see the Institute. He has an idea, a plan, for their future, which in part includes Emma being comfortable and feel at home at the Institute.
So, after they finished their lunch, Donald lifts Emma and carries her to the bedroom. This is a unique experience for Emma, as Donald has never carried her before. Her arms entwine around his neck, her head on his shoulder, she enjoys this short trip in Donald’s arms.
He lays her on the bed and slowly undresses her. Then as Emma watches, Donald undresses. Seeing his tan, sleek, body displayed before her always sends shivers through Emma’s body. They are naked so much of the time when they are home, so Emma does get to enjoy the beauty of Donald’s body often. The act of Donald getting to such a state for her, the abandoning of his clothes for her, makes her tingle so, even now.
Donald crawls up the bed to her and lays on top of Emma. Emma’s legs are slightly spread so Donald’s prick lies against her pussy. His sheered chest rubs against her breasts as their nipples touch each other. Donald places his hands on each side of Emma’s head as he leans and begins to kiss her with a flaming passion.
Emma so enthralls him every time he is with her. Donald will never get enough of this wonderful woman, this prize, he discovered. As he kisses and kisses her, Donald feels all the love he has for her flow through him, something he never experienced before Emma.
Emma’s arms move around his neck to hold him close, and they kiss and explore each other’s mouths as lust builds between them. Her hands move to run over his shoulders and back. Then up to caress his head and play with his hair as they kiss on and on.
The concerns for this evening begin to fall away from Emma, and when Donald lifts his hips some to press into her dripping love cave, they disappear as Emma feels Donald’s adored hard and firm wand up in her.
Donald thrusts in and out of Emma, pressing in farther with each lunge of his cock. His glans brush against the back of Emma’s vag, pressing against her cervix over and over. Emma cries out with delight at each drive into her. The sides of her snatch begin their clasping. Both are so fully in this moment.
The kissing stops; they just stare into each other’s eyes with each plunge. Emma and Donald are gasping each time he pushes deep in her, her sides gripping his tarse so tightly. They are in the throes of agonizing desire.
The climax approaches and they both are breathing hard. A flush covers both their faces, and it gets nearer and nearer. Emma lifts up, cries out as her cunt clamps against Donald’s dick. That is all the encouragement Donald needs to shoot his jism, feeling that wonderful release as it does.
They lie happily together in mutual bliss for a while. Donald looks at the time and realizes they need to start getting ready. He wants to fully pamper Emma as he prepares her for this important outing. He already knows what he will have her wear to show off all her assets in the best light. First, though, a massage for her to relax, followed by a long and luscious bath.
He presses the buzzer and sends Emma off to the tanning and massage room with a swat on her butt, which she giggles at. He tells her to tan for a bit, and then Julie will be there to massage her.
As Emma comes out of the tanning bed to climb on the massage table, she confronts Julie standing waiting for her. During the weeks that had followed that evening interaction between them, Emma and Julie would blush each time they met. After a few days, they were alone together, and they talked about the incident and their reactions to it. In the end, they were laughing, and once again, comfortable together. Glad they had shared such an interesting experience, but knowing it would not be repeated.
After a wonderful massage, Emma enters the bathroom to see Donald waiting for her sitting on the side of a bubble-filled tub. She smiles at him as he helps her into the tub and climbs in behind her. Resting her back and head against his chest, Emma sighs with contentment as he washes and caresses every inch of her body.
The coddling Emma receives as Donald first rubs lotion all over her to make her tan glisten, pleasures her so much. He then fusses over her hair and makeup wanting it to be just right. Soon he has Emma dressed in a mid-knee three-quarter sleeved violet dress. Her lingerie is the same shade, not that anyone would see it. Well, perhaps a hint of the shelf bra as the neckline of the dress is rather low, showing off her breasts to their fullest. Her legs tan and lotioned do not need stockings tonight, and the high heels are just a shade lighter than her dress, which matches the clutch purse Donald has chosen for her tonight.
Donald dresses in a dark grey suit, with a lighter violet shirt, but a shining tie the exact color of Emma’s dress. Together they make a magnificent couple to enter the festivities.
Driving the short distance to the Institute, Emma’s nerves return. But, Donald’s hand over her thigh squeezing it in assurance calms her.
They enter the Institute, Emma, for the first time, as the celebration is starting. There are so many people present, employees of the organization, their spouses or dates, people from other ISE locations, and executives from the headquarters. All are excited about this milestone they have reached.
Cocktails are soon in hand as Donald walks Emma around the room, meeting many of the people. All who are so friendly and warmly welcome her. Many offer best wishes to Emma and Donald on their engagement, asking when they will marry. That question Donald brushes aside saying it would be soon, but they haven’t made plans for it yet.
Donald then takes her around the building showing her the various lab rooms, interview suites, and conference rooms. All are clean and comfortable. The lab rooms, where staff interacts with clients, are all in white, but with comfortable beds, chairs, and other features. One room did have different furniture and implements in it, leaning towards their basement playroom. The other rooms all had closets filled with toys and aids for any sort of interaction.
Emma imagines what it would be like to be in one of these rooms, Donald acting in his doctor/research mode having her try new positions or using pleasure providers on her. She begins to feel a bit wet in her panties at such thoughts.
When Donald takes Emma into one of the observation rooms, they are surprised to see a couple on the other side of the glass in a state of undress in one of the lab rooms. Donald and Emma stand next to each other, watching the action unfold in front of them. More or less frozen to the spot. Donald tells her he is not sure what is going on. The couple are employees of the Institute, but he did not know they were attracted to each other.
But it is apparent they are. Or that a few drinks at the reception have loosened their libidos for this to be happening. The way they tentatively touched each other, going slowly, shows that this is their first time together. Donald moves to a control panel in front of the two-way mirror and clicks a few switches.
“I want to tape this as we do not get documentation of initial sexual interactions that often. Being with a member of our research staff, in a controlled setting for the client is different. But two people finding an attraction to each other and their first acting on it in impulse is a rare thing to observe,” Donald tells Emma as he clicks another switch, and they are suddenly able to hear what is being said in the room.
“Is it alright to be watching and taping them?” Emma asks.
“All employees of the Institute sign a waiver that they can be filmed and watched at any time when they are at the Institute. That is mainly a release for when they are helping clients, but I will discuss this with the two in the near future, so they know they were observed,” Donald assures her.
Watching this interchange between the man and woman is interesting. It is a mating ritual, much like two animals who come together for the first time. The man strokes the woman’s face as they kiss over and over. His hand moves down to stroke her breasts and pinch her nipples. She lets out a sigh of total abandonment as he does. Her hand moves to scratch and twirl his mons hairs, moving tentatively closer to touch his pecker.
They talk some between kisses, each expressing their enjoyment and how they had envisioned this between them. Both confess to having a crush on each other for months but had been afraid to act on it.
The woman touches the man’s cock finally, and it springs fully to life. It had seemed to be hard, but with just the touch of the woman’s fingers, it grows and swells even more.
As Emma and Donald watch, the man lowers the woman to the bed and climbs between her legs. Emma looks up to the screens above the observation window and sees that cameras are filming this from several angles.
One screen shows close up the man’s prick beginning to enter the woman’s mewling quim so ready to greet him and show him all of her delights. Gasps come from both of them as they begin the sex dance known to so many. The first dance is always the best. The new experience, feeling each other as closely as any two people can.
Emma has tears in her eyes, watching and remembering the first time she felt Donald up deep inside her.
She and Donald watch a few more minutes, then Donald dries her tears with his handkerchief and takes the mascara from her purse and repairs the damages, Emma is again his goddess to present to his work world.
Before returning to the reception, Donald makes a couple of last stops for Emma to see first his large office. It is magnificent and daunting to a degree. Emma contemplates the straight back chair with no arms in front of the desk and smiles. She remembers his recount of Subject I as she imagined being over Donald’s lap in that chair, her panties down, dress up over her back and him spanking her over and over with his hand.
Again she feels her panties getting very damp.
The final stop is a vacant office, not as large as his, but filled with reference books, computers, and just as pleasant looking. Donald says nothing about it but does ask if Emma likes the setup. She tells him it is very nice, and she is sure whoever comes to work here will enjoy the space. It is only a few doors from his office.
Back at the reception, they only have time to meet Donald colleague Joseph Turner before the speeches begin. Emma is impressed with this younger man who does seem so knowledgeable, competent, and kind. Donald has often mentioned Joseph since he joined the Institute a few months ago, and always with praise and compliments about how well they worked together.
She knew Joseph is who stepped in to take some of the classes Donald had taught to ease that responsibility some for him last fall, and she, herself, is very grateful for that, and other things he seems to have done to help Donald become more self-aware of himself.
Donald finds seats for the two of them together as he goes to the stage as he is a major part of the speeches to come.
While Emma and Joseph wait for the program to begin, they chat more. Emma learns that Joseph is originally from the Midwest, earning his doctorate at a well-known western university and has worked at a couple of other Institute for Sexual Explorations sites around the country before coming here to this location.
Emma knows that that is how ISE grooms their most promising aspirants to quickly move up the ladder of the organization. Just as Donald had done years ago. Donald, now not only the head of this location but also the president of ISE as a whole. Donald is active on the board, determining the direction and focus of their studies. Along with helping ISE to gain support and contributions to continue their quest for a complete understanding of people’s sexual natures and preferences.
During their short talk, Emma has a feeling that Joseph will soon be joining that board himself.
Joseph tells Emma that he came to this location for the opportunity to work directly with Donald, to learn more from him, and hopefully creatively contribute to their studies. Emma assures him that he is a cherished asset to ISE, and his efforts are regularly recognized.
Joseph blushes a bit at hearing this, and the talk turns to a more personal side. Emma asks, and he replies to her question about where he lives. An apartment in the downtown area of town, but he hopes to buy a house soon. Though, he confesses, he would like to have someone to share it with. Emma quizzes him about this, and he tells her that he is single, never married, and has yet to meet anyone here that captures his attention.
The few dates he has had came to nothing. But he is hopeful he will find someone who is right for him one day soon.
The speeches begin, Donald first, introducing the dignitaries and welcoming all here to celebrate with them twenty-five productive years of research in their field. Expressing all of their hopes for expanding their knowledge in the years ahead. For the next hour or so, different individuals speak about the history and vision of ISE. All positive and excited for the future of the Institute.
The speeches finished, Donald joins Emma and Joseph again. The band begins playing, and Donald takes Emma onto the dance floor to hold her in his arms as they sway around the room. Emma’s head on Donald’s shoulder, his hand moving down to caress her ass. This is a magic moment for Emma, to be in Donald’s arms in front of all his colleagues and friends. Him publicly acknowledging the love they now share with each other. Emma could not be happier.
After a couple of dances, they rejoin Joseph, who has been watching them, yearning a bit to have someone like Emma himself. He would so enjoy waltzing someone special around this dance floor as others look on. The three have one more drink, nibble at the appetizers offered, and decide to all go to dinner together as it is getting late without them ever really eating.
As they are leaving, the last surprise of the day appears in the form of Connie rushing up to them to greet Emma. She leans to kiss Emma on the lips, but Emma is able to turn her head, so Connie’s lips just brush her cheek. Connie pulls back with a small pout on her lips.
“How are you, dear? I think of you often and wonder…” Connie babbles. “It is wonderful to see you, and here at the Institute. You must visit us here more often.”
Emma thanks her in a flat voice and offers congratulations to her for the Institute’s milestone. She asks Connie how long she has been a part of ISE? Connie replies that she has been here for seven years now, and she hopes many more to come.
Donald raises an eyebrow at that statement, and they quickly say goodbye and leave.
Over dinner, Emma gets to know Joseph more and realizes what a kind and interesting man he is. She hopes that she gets to see more of him in the future as his charm and intelligence are inspiring. And adding in his good looks do make her lust a bit deep inside, wondering what it would be like to ‘play’ with him.
The meal finished, and realizing how late it is, they part with best wishes to all and how nice it is for Emma and Joseph to finally meet.