E122: Who Are They?

"It is now time to begin to map out Donald and Emma's future"

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During the next few days, Emma and Donald talk a lot about what their future will hold for them.  They realize they need to define the roles each will play in their marriage, so both are happy and content with all that goes on.

The conversation begins Monday morning as they eat breakfast.  They both have meetings and work today, so the discussion is more about what they should think about.  Who should be the dominant partner?  Should there even be one now?  What things do they like best?  The least?

Both their heads are filled with much to think about as they go their separate ways until mid-afternoon.  During her meetings, Emma finds her mind wandering to the things Donald does to her, which stirs her the most.  She feels herself starting to drip as the speaker drones on about a proposed new wing for the hospital.  She just nods her head encouragingly now and then as she longs to move her fingers between her legs to satisfy the sexual itch she feels in her pussy.  She feels her clit even throbbing some thinking about Donald’s lips on her cunt.

Donald is finding it hard to concentrate at The Institute himself.  Thoughts of Emma’s fingers up his ass as she sucks him dance through his head.  And then he remembers the wonderful prostate massage she gave him.  Oh, he needs her to do that again.  His whole body was alive with a climax from her skill.  And how she just instinctively knew what to do.

(Donald does not know that Emma spent a great deal of time doing research on the internet each time he suggested something new, so she fully understood it and the best techniques.)

By the time they both get home, they are in aroused states and need each other badly.  Clothes are tossed aside, and they are groping each other on the bed in minutes.  Emma’s hand is covering Donald’s shaft and giving him a nice handjob as his fingers run up and down her slit, in and out her vag and over and around her clit. 

Kissing and making out like two teens, they find this more innocent play with each other very enjoyable and stimulating.  They are learning that great sexual satisfaction can be found in many ways, not just with intercourse.

And so they begin to pace themselves and just continue to hand-play with each other, both knowing the exact spots each enjoys the most.  They do not even bring their lips and tongue into the equation except for the kissing.  Their fingers are doing all the work to bring each other to a wonderful climax.

Emma moans as she feels two of Donald’s fingers slide up into her leaking vag and find her G-spot to press and tickle.  Her hand still clenches Donald’s shaft. She leans her head back against the pillow and allows herself to wallow in the delights she is feeling.  A low groan begins deep within her as she moves closer and closer to an orgasm. 

It grows louder.  Her back arches up, Donald feels the sides of her vagina crushing against his fingers in spasms and Emma cries out as wave after wave of release wash over her.  She almost squeezes Donald’s prick too hard in her frenzy.  But he is able to pull away from her clenched hand as she rides out this climax to completion.

Once calmed some, Emma takes Donald’s glans back in her fingers and runs her thumbnail back and forth over his slit, pressing her nail in him some.  Her fingers pinch against the rim just under the glans, and then her other hand begins cupping his balls and massaging them to fill.

Done with the glans play, Emma’s fingers tighten around Donald’s shaft and begin to jerk it up and down and back and forth, getting him harder and harder.  He feels his balls fill, as is his shaft; precum is starting to drip just a bit.  Donald wants to hold back to enjoy this hand play, but he knows it will not be long before he too needs to release.

When Emma’s fingers move from his balls back to his perineum and press against it repeatedly as she squeezes and jerks his cock, he knows it is a lost cause.  And when her fingers flutter back to circle his rosebud and suggest she is about to press up into his hole, he explodes.  His stomach is covered in string after string of his cum.  The final drop just hangs from his slit, working up the pressure to drip off him. 

Emma watches all this in awe, and when over a minute passes as Donald catches his breath and the final drip still hangs, it is only then that she bends her head and licks the drop up with her tongue.  Donald sighs deeply at the feel of her warm wet tongue against him as Emma begins to clean all his cum from his mons and stomach.

He dips his fingers between Emma’s legs again to scoop up some of her drippings for his own enjoyment as he licks his fingers clean.  When both are finished and filled, they just lie with their faces looking at each other’s feet.

Emma’s toes in front of him are too much for Donald, and he begins to pull them to his mouth and suck and lick each toe.  Emma giggles from the feeling of this and pulls his feet to her and begins sucking his toes too, something new for Donald to feel.  As much as he loves to suck Emma’s toes, feeling her do it to him at the same time sends additional rushes through his body.

A few minutes later, both their bodies shiver with delight as a soft climax washes over them.  These smaller, but fulfilling, interludes add so much to the whole delightful sexual package they have between them.

Donald moves and turns, so they are now face-to-face – just a foot apart.  Close enough to lean and kiss.  Close enough to feel each other’s breath.   But just far enough apart to be able to talk sincerely.

They begin by talking about how both like being in control and controlled, though part of that is out of their system from each playing both roles over the last months together.  They fully know each other’s bodies, each’s likes and dislikes from both sides now.  Yes, they will need from time to time the headiness of being in charge, and wonderful release to have someone governing them, but just how often they wonder. 

They know they need and do rather enjoy their exercise regime now and decide that on Mondays and Wednesdays, Emma will run Donald through his session, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Donald will be in command.  Both giggle together about what that will all involve.

They even discussed some exercises they could do together.  Emma shows Donald one of the exercises on the bed.  They both sit up legs apart over each other’s knees.  Emma leans back, so her body is against the mattress.  Donald pulls her up and to him as he leans back against the bed.  Emma bends over to take his cock in her mouth and suck it for half a minute.  Then she raises her head and pulls Donald to her to provide a similar service to her cunt as she lies back and relaxes until she is pulled forward again. 

Adding sucking time to the exercise makes it go on for a while as each takes more and more time satisfying each other on each go-round.  Both are panting by the time they fall together into each other’s arms, feeling their bodies toned and strong.

“And we must not forget time with the crowning chair,” Donald tells her, “I really did enjoy that for some reason.  Such lovely access to all your magnificent delights was wonderful.”

“We’ll make sure that is regularly included,” Emma promises him.

Content in each other’s arms, they know they both will be able to let the other know when they need to be the dominant to make this a happy experience between them, and in the same way that the need to be submissive has come over them.

In the weeks that follow, Donald will give off modest clues that he wants his femdom to take control of him.  And Emma will do the same when she wants to be totally submissive.  It works out wonderfully, both getting and giving what is needed.

They spend a couple evenings each week chatting on the adult sites, joining discussion groups, texting a little one on one with people, but Emma and Donald are always as one as they do this.  Neither enter conversations the other does not know about.

They develop a bit of a following as others like their comments, suggestions, and advice.  This makes them popular both individually, but also as a couple.  During this time, they do not broadcast much as they are trying to decide how best to go about this and get their ‘studio’ set up.

During the couple of weeks leading to Valentine’s Day, Emma and Donald have some in-depth conversations about things.  The first has to do with Connie from the Institute.  It had been bothering Donald in the back of his head since Emma, at the end of his week of punishment, mentioned in passing she had considered inviting Connie over to play again.

Did Emma want something with Connie?  He knows how Connie is, a bit of a predator, staking out new claims and conquests.  Is this something Emma wants to experience more?  Emma and Sasha play together so well, including Donald in most of their games, but Connie is something different.  Even that day, when Emma became so upset when he and Connie were together, it was like Connie was getting off on upsetting Emma.

As they cuddle on the couch one night, Donald brings this up.  “Emma, I have been wondering, you mentioned being with Connie again, is that something you want to have happen?”

Emma looks at him seriously and assures him, “Oh no, it was just a passing thought I had at first when I was still annoyed with you.  By the time the week ended, I wanted no such thing.  I have a feeling that, for the most part, she could be bad news to get involved with.”

Donald hugs her and tells her that yes, Connie can be a handful.  That he believes she does not even know what she wants sexually, just a lot of attention and adoration.  He tells Emma about what happened with Connie and Subject J, which somewhat confirm a lot about Connie.

Donald begins to elaborate, “I told you about them together at the club, how enamored Subject J seemed to be with Connie, and Connie’s attempt to contact her again afterward.  There was more to it I found out.

“Connie was rather good at arousing another woman, especially one who never had been with a woman before.  She just seemed to know how to start things somewhat slowly, a soft caress of their inner arm as they chat, rubbing the back of their neck to help them relax, things like that.  She would take her time to make the woman feel comfortable, not exactly knowing where it was leading.

“Then she would come in for her kill.  Her arm around a woman’s shoulders, just naturally there it would seem, Connie would turn to the woman, take her face in her hand gently and lean and kiss her chastely on the lips for the first time.  She would feel the trembles run through the woman’s body, and that was pay-dirt for her.

“The woman would look a little surprised at Connie, but something would stir in her making her lean to Connie and kiss her back, often already willing to open her mouth for a deeper, longer, kiss.  The satisfying smile Connie would have on her lips as she pulled away told it all.  Connie knew she had conquered another victim with her charms.

“All that followed in different ways was, in the long run, the same.  Connie would get the woman naked in no time, have the woman undress her as she caressed the woman’s back, chest, and stomach.  Then, without fail usually, somehow, she managed to maneuver the woman to be the first to kiss and lick her cunt.  Making it out like the woman was the aggressor in this encounter, not her.

“Connie would gasp with delight as she felt the woman’s hands and lips on her nether regions.  Almost like she was surprised to have anything like this happen to her.  I actually think in her mind, Connie did like to imagine she was a shy, lesbian virgin at each encounter.  Like she was the innocent in all that was happening,” Donald went on.

“But Connie would quickly take control of the situation, showing the woman how to touch and lick properly to give pleasure and enjoy the encounter.  Connie does love the scent and taste of a woman, so it never was too long before her head was between her most recent conquest’s legs.  And then they would be all over each other.  Connie did have great stamina, and the initial interchange with a new woman would go on for hours and hours.

“By the time the woman would leave, they were hooked, at least for the minute of departure.  They would cling to Connie for introducing them to such different dimensions.  But, upon leaving, they would feel confused about what happened, and why they let themselves fall into something so different so quickly.

“Connie would feel infatuated with the woman for a while, never long, but would pull the woman to her as much as she could, making them more and more confused about their feelings and longings.  Then Connie would grow tired of them.  Something that became regular lost its flavor for Connie quickly.  Then the woman, now vested in this new and strange relationship, would be crushed.  Connie would toss someone aside rather easily with no regrets,” Donald continued his tale.

“Connie is a good researcher, which is why I keep her, but when she has these ‘spells’ of lust, it is somewhat hard.  I never should have invited her to be with us, knowing how she could be, but I thought that was a level, a pearl, you needed to experience fully.  She has had so many conquests, some within the range of her studies, others, probably inappropriate.  She has even seduced a few married women, totally confusing them about their sexuality for a period of time.  Luckily, all after being tossed aside by Connie, they have been able to pull themselves together.  Either feeling their time with Connie was just an interlude, or exploring this side of themselves with other, more appropriate partners,” Donald concludes.

Emma totally understands what Donald is telling her about Connie.  She felt something a bit off about her, especially how she had acted, and her rather wicked grin directed toward Emma when…

Which did make Emma remember something else she so wanted to ask Donald to understand why.

“Donald, all the discs of my pearls, I do somewhat understand you documenting them now.  Though again, I wish you would have let me know along the way that you were doing it.  But, Pearl twenty-six disc is not there.  I am glad it is not, as I do not know if I would want to watch you and Connie together again.  I was wondering why it was not there.  Where is it?”

Emma has remembered each pearl, and its number in her progression as she earned it to win Donald’s attention, then affection, and now love.  Which now, knowing how he feels truly about her sends waves of delight through her.

“That disc was destroyed,” Donald tells her. “I realized how wrong that was to put you through such an ordeal and did not want it documented in any way.”


What Donald does not say is that he had watched it once that evening after Connie left, and Emma had fallen to deep sleep from the events of that day.  Seeing what he hadn’t at the time, the anguish and hurt Emma displayed when he and Connie were not looking killed him.  How could he have done such a thing to Emma?

Tears welled in his eyes and then ran down his cheeks.  He never cried; why would he now?  He felt horrible about what Emma went through.  But he smiled some realizing how well she hid her sorrow when they looked to her.  Though even back then, he would not have admitted he was falling in love with Emma, but that video had tipped him over the ledge. 

From that moment on, all Donald wanted was to protect and care for this wonderful, delicate creature that had amazingly come to him.  While he had planned the holiday weekend trip before all that had happened after the one and only viewing of the video, he realized he needed to be more open to Emma and begin to let her in.


Emma replies to his statement, “Thank you, Donald.  I don’t know if I could have ever watched that again.  The images that I saw still surface in the back of my brain from time to time.  And confirm, while I can be polite to Connie, I would not really want anything to do with her again.  I apologize for even imagining being with her as a way to punish you.  Even when the idea passed through my brain, I knew if I did do that, I would be the one more punished in many ways.”

Donald pulls Emma to him and kisses her so long and deeply that all visions of Connie are erased from both their minds.  His hand descends to her cunt, and after a brief rub of her mons finds her wet and waiting cunt.   Emma gasps from his first touch on her clit.  Oh, it feels so wonderful.

Donald wets his finger in her dripping slit and finds his way back to pleasure her clit.  Emma’s arms around Donald’s neck cling to him as the first wave of passion crashes over her. 

How does Donald always know just where to touch and how to bring this outburst of desire over her?

Emma drops from her side facing Donald and lies on her back, spreading her legs so Donald can fully find and thrill her clit, which is suddenly so wanting.  Her hands drop from around his neck to reach and hold on to the bed slats as she squirms under his magnificent finger attention.

It doesn’t take long before Emma feels the tension mounting in her as she rises to the citadel of sexual want.  She is breathing hard and dripping so much.  Donald knows she is almost at the tipping point.  All of Emma’s ‘tells’ are on display, and the thought that he could bring her to another climax with just some finger action enthralls Donald, making him move his fingers on Emma’s clit faster and faster.

Emma moans with the enjoyment of Donald’s touch on her most delicate button.  Each rub and pinch send waves of glee through her body.  She does not want it to end, but she is getting closer and closer to that peak moment.  Her body lifts off the bed, her back arches, she feels her vag clenching with each stroke of her clit. 

Crying out in satisfaction, Emma rides out the climax to the utmost.  The throbbing and shivers which run through her body fill Emma with joy.  Being able to feel these emotions now, so regularly, after a lifetime of suppression, is so wonderful.  And all due to this lovely man beside her.  Her Donald.

Yes, he is hers now, until death separates them.  The life of joy and happiness ahead of them Emma will savor and appreciate, as will Donald.



Published 5 years ago

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