Emma stirs awake on Sunday morning somewhat early and is surprised to see that Donald is not there. Then she hears him opening the bedroom door and coming in.
What follows is almost an identical repeat of the first morning she had been at the house.
Emma feels her stomach growl a little and hopes it is not audible. It has been so long since she last ate anything. With all that had happened yesterday, they never really got around to eating much of anything.
She is rather thirsty too.
So, it is a great surprise to her watching Donald walk into the room and stand next to the bed with a tray of food. There are scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon, toast, and a full glass of wine.
‘Wine at nine a.m.? Why not, it is not like we never have before,’ Emma thinks as she smiles at Donald for his thoughtfulness.
Like the first time, Donald tells her to sit up, and he sits down on the bed, his naked ass resting against her thigh as he places the tray on her lap. He picks up the fork and begins to feed her the first mouthful. The creaminess of the cheesy eggs is delicious. Emma grins at him.
There is something so appealing about Donald taking the time and care to make this exact meal for her, and now to feed it to her so lovingly. And it is done lovingly now she knows for sure.
Donald is deriving immense pleasure from slowly bringing a forkful of food to her lips and her taking it in. When her lips graze his fingers as he holds pieces of toast or bacon up for her, he feels something electrical run through his body. He can never do this enough with Emma without these emotions and desires cascading over him.
He holds the glass of wine to her lips, and she takes a sip. He then turns the glass so his lips will be over where hers have been and takes a sip too. The smile of remembrance that comes to Emma’s lips as he does this starts to harden him.
He takes his time feeding her, How she still sits with her hands folded in her lap as he does pleasures him so. It is like they are back in time, but also at some point in the future when they will have done this again and again.
“Emma,” Donald starts, in a quivering voice, “I meant what I told you last night. I love you. Deeply, madly, violently, and compassionately. I cannot imagine my life without you in it now. I have known this for a while now, but I just could not put it into words to you.”
“You have brought me to know so much about myself, especially this last week that I don’t know if I can ever thank you enough,” Donald stumbled on. “Emma, will you marry me?”
And as Donald says this, he brings forth a ring box and opens it to display a lovely antique diamond ring with a gold band.
With tears in her eyes, Emma replies, “Donald, I love you and have from the start, so much, my heart can hardly hold it all. Everything you have done for me and how we have discovered so much about each other and ourselves these last months I would have never imagined even a year ago. Yes, it would be my honor to be your wife.”
With that, Donald slips the ring on her finger, moves the tray out of the way, and slides on top of her kissing her over and over. Mainly on the lips, but every part of her face and neck are included. Kissing her closed eyelids sends shivers through them both.
Emma spreads her legs and lifts them over Donald’s waist to welcome him into her. He does not need to be invited twice, and soon his cock is up deep in her slowly stroking her love box as it is how he thinks of it now.
They take their time with this wedding dance of love. They both are appreciating each other so much that each stroke causes waves of both sheer joy and emotions to flow through their bodies. Finally, with expressed knowledge of their devoted love for each other, this sexual encounter is in a way so different and escalated to a higher level.
Emma’s hands find their way to Donald’s ass cheeks and clench them to press him fully up in her. They moan with mutual delight as his cock trembles in her and her sides contract and holds him firmly. Donald feels his balls filling fuller than he has ever felt them before. When Emma moves her one hand to squeeze them and press his taint the cry of bliss is wonderful to both their ears.
Donald moves his head down to take in one of Emma’s nipples and gently sucks on it as his hands knead her other breast to let it know it is not forgotten. Her reaction as he moves his other hand to stroke her clit is magnificent. His touch sends the message to her brain and nerve endings that she is in a moment of rapture now.
Their slow waltz begins to speed up as each feels their temperature, and other things, rising. The needed release is not far off now. Fast and faster Donald pumps Emma as he rubs her clit, and her hand continues to massage his balls as the fingers of her other hand rim his asshole.
Their bodies are both shaking with delight, Emma’s legs clamp him harder to her as her back begins to arch beneath her. She holds his prick in a vice grip in her as she bleats out a cry of intense elation. Donald can’t hold back either, and with a roar, he shoots his seed well up in her, feeling his balls empty totally and completely.
They collapse together wholly spent. Sweat covers both their bodies from these moments of exultation. They giggle together with the joy of shared love as they gaze at each other, leaning to kiss over and over.
Finally, Donald pulls back a bit and tells Emma they need to hurry to get to church on time. She suddenly does realize it is Sunday morning, and yes, there is so much she is now thankful for she does want to go.
Showered and dressed, they leave for the church. They cannot keep their hands from each other during the service, but respectfully. Donald’s arm is around her shoulder as she holds his hands, both the one over her shoulder, but also the other, the left one, which she holds on his knee. She keeps looking down at the beautiful ring and what it means.
Donald just whispers to her to be good and pay attention to the service rather than letting her mind wander. She smiles contently, knowing Donald, for now, is back in charge.
As they are leaving the church, speaking with the minister as they depart, Donald totally astonishes Emma by telling the pastor that he would like to join the church, as soon as he can. What does he need to do to make this happen? The preacher, noticing the ring on Emma’s finger, grins and tells Donald that he is sure they can make that happen very soon; he would be a welcomed member of the flock.
Emma and Donald leave with the glow continuing around them. In the car, Donald drives them out to that lake where they went to the first time. Emma blushes remembering her visit there a week ago. It is a crisp winter’s day, so they stay in the car just looking over the lake.
Donald turns to her and tells her what he had left out earlier that morning, “The ring was my mother’s, and my father’s grandmother’s before that. It has been in my family for a long time. Dorothy had it since my parents died until this summer when she gave it to me before we left the Cape. She told me she thought you were the right one to have it. I knew it was true then, and I don’t know why it has taken me this long to act on what I wanted.”
“Perhaps it was I felt I didn’t deserve you. Dorothy did pester me about it at Christmas, and I promised when the time was right, I would. She told me not to wait forever, or it might be too late. When you left last week I was so afraid Dorothy was right. But now I realize it what needed to happen for us to come full circle with things between us to be at this perfect place and time,” Donald continues.
Emma, with tears in her eyes, but her lips turned up in happiness, tells him, “Donald, it doesn’t matter what it took to get you to this point, but you are right, it is the correct time, and place, that we have reached. I never would have believed I would ever imagine being married, but since you entered my life, you showed me there was the right person out there, waiting for me. There is much we must talk about I think, but first, we probably should call Dorothy and Maude and share our news. And then perhaps let Karen and Julie know. Besides Sasha, who we will tell, there is no one else really I am concerned about anymore.”
They hug and kiss some more, then with Emma’s head on Donald’s shoulder, his arms around her, they just sit there for a while watching the water ripple across the lake.
Back at home, they call Dorothy and Maude to share their news. It is a long and happy video call filled with congratulations, best wishes, and love. Both women tell Emma that since meeting her she has been part of the family, but they are so glad that Donald finally came to his senses and is making it official.
As Donald blushes, Emma laughs as his aunt scolds him for taking so long.
After that is finished, Donald gets out flutes and champagne, and they toast to their future. Donald buzzes for Karen and Julie, something which doesn’t happen that often anymore, and they are there in moments with inquiring look on their faces.
Donald fills glasses for them and announces his and Emma’s plans for the future, the near future, he emphasizes. Both women hug and kiss them both wishing them complete happiness together.
They soon leave, and Donald and Emma are alone. As their natural habit, they go to the bedroom and undress so they can fully feel themselves against each other. Back in the living room, Donald makes them the drinks they enjoy best as Emma brings out sandwiches and sides for them to munch on.
They spend part of the afternoon into the evening watching more of the videos Donald had made, but as evening falls he gets the diary he has kept of Subject Z and gives it to Emma to read.
“I’ll read it, Donald, but I want to hear you read the beginning to me. I have a feeling it will be the best bedtime story I have ever heard,” Emma tells him.
Donald pulls her on his lap and begins from the beginning. Her first message to him. Emma, as she listens, does wonder how many times he has read that message over and over for him to have it memorized word for word last night.
The amount of detail Donald includes about how he feels and reacts to all of it shows that from the start with her, he has felt so different and began to open to his own emotions. Not as fully at the start as now, he still had an arrogant manner in his prose at the beginning. Emma realizes she will want to read the diary carefully to note when that begins to drop, and the Donald she now knows so well begins to appear.
It is not long until Donald is hard; she positions his cock against her slit, so the glans just brushes against her clit as he reads on. Both are enjoying this sensation as Donald continues reading until he is sending her on her way after their first evening together.
By then, they need to pleasure each other completely, so the book abandoned; they make their way to their bedroom. But Donald surprises Emma once again and carries her to the tub to sit on the side as he fills it with warm bubbly water for them to play in.
She climbs in first, her back against the end of the tub, Donald between her legs lifted over his shoulders. She is positioned in a V. He takes his fingers to spread her labia and then directs his cock up into her.
Never experiencing this angle before both are overwhelmed with how tight it makes Emma feel and the close contact it offers as Donald thrusts in and out of her. Her arms wrap around his neck, and they splash away, sending water over the sides some, but neither caring. It will all dry or be cleaned up later. For now, the crescendoing happening between them is all that matters. The fact that each time they couple the need and lust they share takes them to such heights is amazing to both of them.
Donald’s prick up in Emma so far and held so tightly the direction he is pounding her is a bit different, and she feels his balls banging against her ass with each thump. She is almost singing with the sexual release this is giving her. Donald is feeling this different approach also and how unique it is. He is flabbergasted that once more, Emma and he astound themselves with their ability to reach new sexual levels, not to mention positions they never thought of before.
Over and over, he presses up into her as they both pant with excitement. And as the water crashes over the sides of the tub, they crash with their orgasms also. It takes a moment for him to slid back out of her and Emma to lower her legs and stretch. They roll, and Emma is now between Donald’s legs her back facing him. He fills the tub with more warm water and begins to wash her.
So slowly and carefully, enjoying each inch of her skin, every crease, and curve. Donald knows her body so well now, but each time he touches Emma gives him new awareness about her physique. Emma leans and treasures this time of Donald pampering her. She does want to return the favor in washing him, but she knows tonight he wants to just care for her.
After they dry themselves and climb into bed, as Emma slides next to Donald to sleep, she gazes at her ring and thinks, “This was a wonderful first day of the rest of my life.”