E111: Subject C – Wednesday

"A new facet to Donald's life now is added"

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Totally enjoying his mistress allowing him to have sexual intercourse with her, Donald is very tired when Emma tells him it is time for bed.  So much happened in the last two days, everything is at opposite poles.  He crawls to the foot of the bed to sleep at Emma’s feet.  Where he knows he deserves to be.

His head on her calves, they both fall into a deep sleep until morning. 

When Donald awakes, he realizes Emma is not there.  But he hears her moving around in the house.  He wonders what she is up to, especially when she returns to the room carrying a delivery box.

Emma greets him and says they need to get showered as he has a class to teach that day.  They do, and Emma makes sure her pet is well-scrubbed and cleaned thoroughly.  After drying him, she leads him to the bedroom where she has him sit on the bed as she opens the box.

“I think it would be a good idea for you to completely understand your position.  I would hate for you to forget and assume you have any control over things just because you are not with me,” Emma says with a smile.  She pulls out a pair of women’s silk panties and puts them on Donald.

The feel of the silk is rather interesting to Donald, he has never felt that sensation of having a pair of women’s panties on before.  But he also blushes with embarrassment realizing what Emma is making him submit to.

And it doesn’t stop with just the panties either.  A lace garter belt and black stocking are also put on him.  Again, the feel of the stockings is exhilarating.  Donald always enjoys the feeling of Emma’s stocking-clad legs rubbing against him, but to feel them on his own legs sends electrifying charges through his body.

Again, this is a mixture of shame that she is forcing him to wear these things and the pleasure of their feel against his body.

“I probably should have shaved your legs before putting these on so you can have the full feel of wearing women’s stockings.  Perhaps I will have Sasha wax your legs this Friday too.  Would you like that, my pet?” Emma asks.

Donald, contemplating that is flabbergasted. ‘Could he yield to such an action?’ he wonders.  But replies to his mistress, “If you feel it should be done.”

Emma just smiles at him and leans down and kisses his forehead.

She finishes dressing him in his shirt, tie, pants, and jacket.  Only he will know what he is wearing, but him knowing is enough of a surrender to Emma’s will.  And feeling these rub against him as he walks, and even when lecturing, will be a reminder that Donald is now her slave.

Donald doesn’t fully comprehend why Emma is forcing him to wear this, but he does feel so in her power.  Emma knows, though. From the research she did yesterday while he was in the corner, finding how best to get Donald to accept his new subservient position.  The suggestion of some feminization feelings to help the man understand his obsequious position now was repeatedly suggested.  And ordering online is so easy to get the things needed. 

She does not think she will go much farther than this, but a few days of him wearing such things when dressed will go a long way she figures.

Donald is rather quiet for himself through breakfast, but Emma chats away about what is ahead for both of them today.  He has his class, and then a few hours work at the Institute, being home by three o’clock.  She has meetings to attend and will not be home until five.

Emma tells Donald that when he gets home, he should undress but leave the panties and stocking on.  There will be something else left for him to put on to wear for her return.

Now Donald is fully embarrassed wondering what else Emma has in mind.  And he knows Karen or Julie, or maybe even both, could see him dressed this way during the time before Emma’s arrival.  Could he face that?

He does as he is told though.  While he lectures, he keeps feeling the panties and garters rub against his ass cheeks.  At the Institute it is hard to concentrate at the board meeting as his legs rub together to allow him to feel the stockings.  He makes it through everything and is home by three p.m. 

When he walks into the bedroom, he sees a very sheer, short, pink negligee.  So translucent everything can be seen.  And then he looks down, and there are matching high heels which he realizes are in his size.  He sighs to himself as he takes his suit off, steps into the high heels, and pulls the gown over his head and smooths it against his body.

The softness of the negligee is delightful but trying to walk in the heels takes a few turns around the room to get the hang of.  He looks at himself in the mirror with a mixture of horror and glee.  It is interesting the responses he is having to what Emma is making him do, and he willingly deferring to her commands.

The research scientist in him comes out, and he realizes all this should also be documented.  He hurries, as well as he can in heels, to his den and begins recording all that has happened since Monday, and his feelings and reactions to it.  This is a very new sexual release to investigate even more.  If Emma would agree, Donald is going to ask his mistress to include her responses to all this in the report also.

About an hour later, Donald hears Karen and Julie in the kitchen.  He is so immersed in this newest development between Emma and him, he acknowledges that he does want to present himself to them.  So Karen and Julie know the different order of things now.

It takes Donald a few minutes to mustard the courage to act, then he stands and walks into the kitchen.  Karen and Julie see him as he is now dressed and on display and both gasp a little, but then act as it is the most normal thing in the world.

Later the two women will laugh and discuss the change in regimes which must have happened, now they just ask Donald if he needs anything.  Donald is blushing which to them is rather sweet and cute, such a side of him they have never seen before in this so hubris man.  He does appear so much softer and less prideful as he is now.

He asks humbly for a glass of water.  Donald would so like a good scotch right now but knows he must wait for his mistress to allow it.  Julie hands him one, he drinks it, and then thanks her returning the glass.  The two watch him walk back out of the kitchen with a slight swing to his step brought on by the heels.

Wanting Emma to be so pleased with him on her return and needing time to contemplate his mindset about all that is happening, he goes to his ‘corner’ in the living room, puts his hands behind his neck and stands facing the wall, and thinks over things.

Emma coming in about an hour later grins as she sees Donald standing how he is.  His whole outfit is charming to her.  The gown through which she can see his pantie and gartered covered ass, the lovely stockings down to his heels.  Somehow Donald dressed this way is arousing her, she is not sure why.  It is seeing him in such a different way.  She wonders how he feels about it.

Before going up to him, she hears Julie and Karen still in the kitchen and goes there first. They greet Emma with large grins on their face and talk quietly with her about what has happened.  Emma briefly tells them about the DVDs she found and the repercussions which followed from that discovery.  Donald wishes to yield to her will, and today’s actions to help him surrender to his new subservient role.  The women giggle a little over this, all knowing Donald’s usual self-important manner.  For him to accept a docile and obedient role now is amusing.

Julie and Karen hug Emma and tells her good luck, and they will support her in any way if she needs it.  Emma assures them that this change will not go on too long, just long enough for Donald to accept this side of his nature now.

Which is what Donald has been mulling over as he stands in the corner.  He heard Emma enter the room a while ago, and then leave.  He can hear low voices talking in the kitchen, and his face reddens knowing what they must be discussing.  The rush he feels about that going on adds to his insight into this different side to him now. 

He does want to be Emma’s pet, her slave, her servile sub, bending to her will as she wishes.  This position, allowing him to escape from his usual alpha-male face he presents to the world, is relaxing while being stirring.  To leave all decisions to someone else, to be cared for like someone’s possession, all are an awakening discernment to Donald.

Emma returns, moves his hands from his neck, wraps her arms around his waist, and kisses his nape and shoulders.  “Baby, you look so lovely this way.  Are you enjoying yourself?” Emma asks him.

Donald turns to be in her arms facing her, kisses her deeply and admits that yes, he is enjoying this.  Emma can tell how much he is from the bulge of his panties.  There is even a little wet spot on them from his precum.

As she lets Donald kiss her lips, cheeks, neck, showing his total devotion to her, Emma moves her right hand to squeeze his cock through silk panties.  Donald moans from the feel of the prick attention through the silk, a bit more precum stains them again.

“Now honey, go and make us each a drink, and let me see you walk around and model your outfit for me,” Emma tells him.

Once more, Donald sees the past being acted out in reverse.  Just as he made Emma show off her new outfit and high heels over the phone so long ago, it seems now he must do the same in return.

He walks around the living room once for her enjoyment, a little shaky on the heels, but a worthy performance, then he goes to the kitchen to get drinks for them both.  There, Julie and Karen just knowingly smile at him.  They are putting the finishing touches on the dinner they are preparing for Emma and Donald.

Emma follows Donald into the kitchen and tells him to make drinks for the women as she invites them to stay for dinner with them.  “Donald has been telling me about his previous subjects, I am sure you will enjoy the stories too,” Emma says to them.  They replied that it would be interesting for them to hear too and agreed to join Emma and Donald.

Donald puts drinks for them all, a bucket of ice, and the bottle of scotch on the cart and wheels it into the living room.  It will be an hour until dinner is finished cooking, so Emma suggests he begins his next tale.

Julie and Karen sit in chairs facing the couch as Emma sits on it, and Donald kneels at her feet.  Dressed this way, in his subservient position by his mistress, being watched by others now does send chills running through his body.  How has Emma found this way to make him feel so provoked?

“Donald, why don’t you begin telling us about Subject C,” Emma prods him.

Sitting at Emma’s feet, feeling the stockings, panties and soft gown against him, and the heels under his legs slightly pushing against them, Donald begins:

Yes, the next was Subject C.  It was seven years from Subject A the topic of my master’s thesis, and four since my dissertation was accepted, and I had graduated with my Ph.D.  I had taken a job with a sex research institute in upper New York where my mentor had gone.  I worked with him more on that research survey we had begun at the college.  There were teams all around the country now gathering data for us.  I spent most of my time just compiling and analyzing the findings.  That study in time would be the base data I used in all other research.

After a while, another woman from the mall survey near the institute contacted us in reply to our invitation.  When I interviewed her, her situation suggested she would be rather good at the physical testing as Subject B was.

It seemed that she was very sexually active, and while often aroused, she never had been able to cum.  Not from someone else’s stimulation or even masturbation.  She had been with men and women and had many toys and vibrations trying to reach a climax, but she just never could.  And it was so frustrating to her.

The women snuggle in to hear this recitation.  Karen asks, “And you ‘cured’ her?”  Emma and Julie, both grin at her, knowing what she is doing, Donald does not see the exchange pass between them.

Donald starts to answer in his usual pompous manner, ‘Of course I did.’ But before he opened his mouth to speak, this new demeanor about himself swirled through him, and instead he meekly replied, “I tried my best to help her.”

The three women nod to each other, acknowledging Donald is in a new and very different place.  “Go on Donald,” Emma tells him.

Before he starts up again, he leans against Emma’s thigh, where he feels so comfortable now, he takes her hand in his, and with the fingers of his other hand, Donald begins gently rubbing her inner arm from bend in elbow down to wrist and back with just the tip of two fingers.  A tickling sweetness begins there in Emma’s arm, and then buzzes out – first all the way up her arm, across her shoulders, down her other arm to her fingertips even. 

Then as it goes on, she feels this electric current run down her spin, her ass, her thighs, calves, and even curls her toes.  But the full wonderful shocking pulse centers on her pussy as she feels herself begin to throb as this vibration circles all through her.

She moans a little as Donald continues.

We arranged for her to have regular appointments.  Much like before they included the physical time together, the follow-up with a researcher and her watching some tapes geared to her issue.  She was a challenge for me to resolve.

Before her first appointment, I did a lot of research on the best methods, positions, appliances, and settings to help a woman reach orgasm.  I found many suggestions, and before my time with her was done we had pretty much gone through the list.

Knowing her sexual background, I did think at some point if I was not succeeding a female assistant might also be needed, but that would come later. On her first visit she was taken to the examining room, told to undress completely and lie on the table. 

I entered in my lab coat, put on gloves, lifted her legs to take her temperature. I was finding these pre and post readings an interesting dynamic for gaging; as much as the monitors put on breast/chests and thighs.  All of us doing primary research at the institute besides recording our encounters did check these vital statistics each visit.

Hearing this, Emma’s mind wandered a bit.  Donald never did any measuring like that with her, was she different from the start than the rest?

His playing on her arm is making her drip so, and she does desperately want a release, but Karen and Julie are there, and there is still dinner ahead.

Almost as if they know, the two other women say that dinner should be ready now, let them go finish things and set the table.  Emma and Donald should join them when ready.  Emma’s look of thanks tells them everything.

Emma still had on the loose, dress she had been wearing to the meetings, but today, with all the wonderful new erotic sensations running between Donald and her, she had not worn panties, just her garter, and stockings.  As soon as Julie and Karen leave she tells Donald, “Pet, get between my legs right now, I do so need your devoted attention for a few minutes.”

Donald understands immediately, and now he on his knees between Emma’s thighs, his stocking rubbing against each other, and Emma’s holding the sides of his head with her stocking legs, he bends in to truly pleasure his mistress.  His tongue works its way through her labia, sucking on them for a bit, but he knows she needs direct attention immediately.

He is surprised how wet and sticky she is from just his finger play on her arm.  He must remember that for the future.  His fingers find their way to her vag, wettened as they go to press a couple up in her and search for her g-spot to press.  His lips and tongue find her clit to begin the wonderful sucking there.

Emma’s clit is like a third nipple for him to enjoy, and so much more from the fluid around it.  Taking in all her juices as he sucks on it is almost like enjoying a real nursing session, sucking the milk from her breasts to enjoy.  Suddenly Donald realizes this is a new sensation to consider.  Him suckling Emma to fully have her fill him in so many different ways.  He knows it is not an option, but he also realizes that from now on as he sucks her clit, those thoughts of nursing will pass through his head.

Emma comes hard and quickly with his help.  She knows he is rather hard now himself.  The idea of him having to walk into the kitchen in front of Karen and Julie sends this wicked little after rush through her.  She stands, helps Donald up on his heels, his cock so trying to escape the confines of the panties, and hand on his ass, with a spank or two, directs him into the kitchen.

Karen and Julie are a bit wide-eyed at his entrance and condition.  Not that they have ever felt anything sexual towards Donald, they do appreciate male endowments though not really drawn to them.  And yes, instead of Dr Ryan, as they always thought of him, he is just Donald to them now.  They had been thinking of him more this way since Emma’s arrival in their lives, but in his current state, he is so much more human, and in such a role with them.

They all sit at the table, Emma at the head, Donald beside her in her usual seat, and Julie and Karen across from him.  After serving the food, Emma tells him to go on with his recount of Subject C as they eat.

Our first exam was mainly checking her erogenous zones and her reaction to them.  While she had gotten wet and breathed heavily from several areas, she did not allow herself to fully release.  After, during the consultation with her, I asked her to give me more details about what she was feeling, and if she felt she was moving closer to that final spillover.

She had tears in her eyes as she told me it all felt so wonderful to her, but while so close to the cusp, she just seemed to shut down before jumping over.  I told her not to worry, we had time, and we would see if she could get to that leap she so wanted.

Over the next few months, twice a week she was on the table, I tried hand manipulation, lip service, vibrators, toys, all did get her to a highly aroused state but just nothing to get her to climax.  Several times she was so close, but something in her just seemed to shut down and nothing.

A female associate tried with her too.  By then, we had moved to the bedroom lab so she would feel more relaxed.  I watched as she licked and sucked and finger Subject C with no positive results.  Then the two of us together tried. 

I was up in her, my associate was licking her clit from below and pinching Subject C’s nipples, nothing.  I tried spanking her to see if this would help, but nothing.  Even the highest-level vibrator pressed against her while she was otherwise stimulated didn’t seem to help get her to trip the light fantastic.

Our research team was at a total loss as to how we could get her over this hump.  We reviewed once again her responses to different visual stimulation, and under scrutiny, we discovered that any of the scenes with running water gave off the largest responses from her.

Six months into this with Subject C and we might have found her Achilles heel for total release.  But would it be, or would she be so offended and upset if we tried it?  We discussed how to bring this into a possibility for her and came up with a plan.

Her next appointment started with her in my office for a consultation.  I explained what we had found and how it might be the answer.  She blushed and stammered some in response, but then nodded her head affirming she wanted to try.

In the bedroom lab to begin, we both undressed, and I did hand, lip, and vibrator stimulation to help her work her way toward the cusp once again.  When her breathing, color, and movements said she was so close I told her to get to the adjacent bathroom right away.

She scurried there; she so eager to see if this would work.

I walked in behind her.  She was sitting on the toilet; her legs spread wide.  I walked up between her thighs and pointed my prick toward her clit.  “Start,” I told her.

She did begin to pee all that had been building up in her.   As she did, I began to spray my urine directly on her clit.  She cried out in joy, feeling that hard stream against her.  Her back arched and this heat seemed to rise from her.

She was ecstatic.  Her body shook and shook as she had her first orgasm completely and fully.

Once she felt that pleasure running through her, I took her back to bed and fucked her hard and long, she now was able, knowing where it could go, to come over and over.

We did allow her a few more visits to the Institute, with my associate or me to assure she was now fully able to release and enjoy to the ultimate.  She did beg for the water play a few times to start things, but once feeling where she could ultimately go she soon was able to climax in several situations.  Though the urine play was added to her mix.

On the six months follow up with her, we learned she had found someone who also had that kink, and together they were having a very erotic sexual relationship. 

Donald, completing his story, and dinner finished, he amazingly cleared the plates from the table for them all as the women finished their glasses of wine.  It is enjoyable watching him in his heels move around the kitchen, being the one cleaning and washing the dishes.  This new attitude over him is so arousing it many ways to Emma.

Deep down she misses being controlled by Donald , but this side he is showing is so sweet and adoring that it does bring out other lustful feelings for her too.

Karen and Julie amused by all that has happened this afternoon; their head full of more research material for their own dissertations; and suddenly the idea of water sports swimming in their heads; give a hasty goodbye to Emma and Donald and head to their cottage.

When the dishes are done, Emma directs Donald to the bedroom, pushes him down on the bed, undresses completely as he watches lustfully.  She pulls off his panties which his rock-hard cock has been trying to escape and his high heels.

She climbs atop him and feels the wonderful silkiness of his stocking on her thighs, his negligee against her breasts – there is something so arousing about this she realizes.  Emma is so wet and wanting right now, she presses herself down on Donald’s waiting and wanting cock to fill her vag.

They both quickly fall to fucking hard and fast.  Donald is feeling the sensation of his feminine clothing also, and it is adding to his mounting pleasure.  Where have they gotten to, in such a short period of time really? 

This discovery for himself, of a totally unrealized side of him, is euphoric.  The different sides that Emma offers him is beyond Donald’s wildest dreams.





Published 5 years ago

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