E109: Donald begins telling about his former subjects: Tuesday afternoon

"As requested by his mistress Donald begins to tell about his previous subjects"

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Emma rises from the bed, totally satisfied for now, her top and bra needing a little adjustment.  Watching her, Donald finds himself getting hot again.  Emma in the man’s shirt, just the two middle buttons hooked, her lacy shelf bra peeking out, no panties, so while the shirt semi covers her, seeing her clipped pussy peeping out is so arousing.

Emma just smiles at him like she can mindread what is running through Donald’s mind but tells him to “get his ass to the living room right away.”

Donald quickly complies and kneels by the couch, waiting his next instructions.  Emma is surprised those words come out of her mouth.  She has never talked that way, but now in this new role Donald seems to have placed her she can be controlling and stern.

Emma comes into the living room with a bottle of wine and just one glass.  Donald is twittering with delight, why he can’t fully comprehend, but the idea that she might deny him any pleasures enraptures him.  He is wholly her slave now.

Emma sits on the sofa with him right of her left thigh as her pet.  She fills a glass of wine and drinks gulp-fulls from it.  When she fills her glass for the second time, she does lift it to Donald’s lips for a sip or two.

“So Donald, I think we need to begin, and we will see where this leads.  From the first, how did you choose your Subjects, and what happened with each?  And why did you do it?” Emma inquires.

Donald gulps, how does he explain how it all began?  It was so long ago when he was in graduate school.  He had found this interest in human sexuality, the psychological and sociological aspects of it, especially.  All from that summer before he started college.  Never thinking he would make much money from it, but he didn’t really need that much income since he had his parents estate to supplement him.

But then he had found ways to become rather wealthy on his own from his research, writings, and speaking.  But now, to explain it all to Emma from the beginning.  He knows it is time to, and suddenly he wants to so bad, but how to begin?

He explains to her basically what he is just thinking, and then, he turns to how the subjects began, the first one, Subject A.

Kneeling beside Emma as she leans back on the couch, sipping wine as he starts the tale, occasionally allowing him a sip too, he begins:

By the time I was in graduate school, my interest, especially in the more diverse ways of people’s sexual needs and desires, was my focus.  Later I would expand this study to include helping people realize their sexuality and how to release themselves enough to find their possibilities and boundaries.

Since that summer at the cape with the married woman, I really hadn’t been with anyone much.  Yes, I know that is probably funny considering the field I was in, but I just hadn’t found anyone I was attracted to.  A few random dates while I was at Harvard, but nothing to write home about.

Then while at Cornell, working on my masters, this woman a couple of years younger than me and living in the same dorm as I was, seemed to begin to focus her attention on me.

I lived in the dorms throughout my college years, it was just easier than worrying about an apartment or housing.  The cafeteria food was readily available, I after my freshman year I had single rooms so I could just focus on my work without disturbances, for the most part, so all was good.

But anyway, back to Mary; that was her name which I would learn; who would become Subject A.  She began popping up everywhere I was.  If I was down in the lounge watching tv, she would suddenly appear.  Just nodding hello but nothing else really. But sitting on a nearby couch and watching the show too.  She would find herself in line for food near me and comment about the selection, but more just out loud, not to me specifically, or so I thought.

Mary was a junior that first year I was there.  My focus was so directed to what I was learning to further understand all the elements of an individual’s sexuality, that I did not pick up the vibes she was sending me.  So much for my observational skills at the time.

She more or less stalked me that year I realized later, but never in a menacing way to make me uneasy.  But the next year, when I did have to find a topic for my thesis before spring, she was now on the same dorm hall as me – just at the other end, the woman’s end.  Whether just a weird coincidence or if somehow she maneuvered it I never knew.

The second day there that fall, she directly spoke to me for the first time really.  She came and knocked on my door around seven that evening.  I could tell she had been building up her courage to do so, probably all summer, or even the whole last year.

“Donald, could I talk to you for a few minutes?” Mary asked me as she stood almost shaking at my door.  I was a bit surprised that she knew my name.

I invited her into my room, planning on keeping the door open, but when she entered, she closed it behind her.  She went and sat on my bed, and I turned my desk chair to face her.

“What can I do for you?  And perhaps to start, what is your name?” I asked her, as until then, I recognized her from the past year but had no idea who she was.

“My name is Mary; I saw you around often last year but was afraid to really approach you.  But now I feel I must take a chance,” she said.

Then twisting her hands in her lap, she went on, “I want you so much, I would be your slave if you allowed me, whatever your desires, I would love to fill them.  Treat me however you choose, but please let me shower my attention on you.”

To say the least, I was flabbergasted at what she said, and before I could even reply, she was on her knees in front of me, opening my pants and taking my member out.  It wasn’t hard yet, but her lips were on my glans in seconds and as she sucked and licked I grew quickly.

I probably should have stopped her from the start, but I was fascinated by what was happening.  And while she was not that experienced at sucking, she was putting her all into it.

Before the evening was over a couple hours later, she had sucked me hard.  We had abandoned our clothes, and I was between her legs as she lifted them to take my cock into her.  She moaned as I entered her, not so much in pleasure at first, but the tone quickly changed as I thrust in and out of her deeper and deeper each time. 

Her hot wet pussy was so inviting and wanting.  She whimpered and gasped at each thrust.  Her sides soon contrasting against me.

It was only later when we laid side by side on my single bed did she confess that I was her first.  She had never had sex before.  Her kisses all over my face told it all.

When I sat up, she dropped to the floor between my legs, leaning her head on my knee and begged, “Please master, will you let me serve you?  I will do whatever you say, but please, please, do not send me away not to see you again,” Mary cried to me.

Now I had studied about this submissive/dominant aspect and the needs some have to be one or the other, but as of yet in my career, I had never met anyone yet who fell into either of these roles.  My time with clinical studies was just beginning that year.  Over the years, I would meet, interview, and even observe many in this and other sexual roles.

Emma drinks some more wine and refills the glass.  She allows Donald a few sips as his voice telling this story is getting a bit raspy.

All the time Donald is telling this story, he is gently caressing Emma’s inner thighs, working his way to her wonder well, but not yet reaching it.

“So Mary, out of the blue, offers herself to you to be your sex slave?  What did you feel hearing her saying this to you?  What did you do?  And how did this lead to her being Subject A?” Emma questions Donald.

Donald returns to his story, trying to answer the questions posed.

It was so much to grasp.  Mary a virgin until with me, how could she want to be subservient or even understand that concept?  Mary and I talked for the next half hour.  I tried to get her to sit beside me on the bed, but she kept saying, she knew where here place was to be.

It all came out then.  Her parents lived this lifestyle, her mother submissive to her father.  And even usually sitting as Mary was now.  Regardless if Mary was there or not.  With others from outside the family, her mother and father would act pretty normal, but her mother waited on her father always.

“That is what I want with you, Donald,” Mary told me.

This was such a fascinating idea to me at the time, and I told Mary that yes, perhaps she could be that for me.  Was that the best decision?  Probably not, but the clinical side of me just jumped at this opportunity to observe first hand such diverse sexual desire.

The idea that her parents had shown her this type of lifestyle, and it was what she expected for herself was interesting to me, and I wanted to learn more.  But after the nice sexual release with her just then, after five years of mostly taking care of myself, it would be nice to have someone to be there regularly also ran through my head.

So the fall progressed.  From the moment we were back from classes in the afternoon, through the evening, she would be by my side.  Kneeling at my feet as I worked at my desk, her studying on the floor.  When we went to dinner, she would have me just sit at the table while she would get my food for me, before she got her own trayful.  After dinner, it would be more study time until about eight o’clock when we would fuck or more often, she would satisfy me.

When we came back to my room after dinner, we would undress. Well, Mary would undress me and put my clothes away, and she then would strip before kneeling at her place.

When eight o’clock was approaching, she would close her books and wiggle herself between my legs to begin to suck me.  If I still had work to finish I would push her away a bit, and she would just sit between my legs on the floor, her head resting on my knee until I would tap her head and she knew she could then begin to prep me.

Sometimes I would just make her suck me to cumming.  Taking my glans in her mouth, I instructed her how to properly pleasure me.  Licking around the head, running her tongue back and forth over the slit then taking the glans in fully so to nibble at that wonderful ridge just under the glans’ base.  Then licking and nibbling up and down the shaft, taking my balls in to suck them hard, then back up and down the shaft.  Finally, back at the glans, whereby now there was usually some precum to lick clean, and then take more and more of my cock into her mouth.  Sucking all of me into her mouth and throat.

At times, I would even have her lay on her back on the bed, her head hanging over the side as I moved my chair, my cock, to her so she could take more of me in.  All the way in to fully suck me.  She would choke a little and have to pull out some, but she was so willing my prick would be back in her throat as she brought me to climax.

After she finished, if that was how I came, she would be dismissed.  I think something was added for her with this routine.  Each night as I made her walk back to her room, books in hand, but clothes askew gave her a rush.  And when I did not allow her to come to climax; like the nights I did not fuck her, just her bringing me off orally; this rush satisfied her need for humiliation.  Often there would be people in the hall chatting and watching her complete the walk of shame back from my room.

Telling, and remembering, this part of the story has Donald hard as he moves his hands closer and closer to the wet, warm, chamber of Emma’s he so wants; but in his role now he is afraid to approach without permission from his mistress.

He goes on with his story, but feels Emma’s hand over his, moving it up closer to the prize and knowing this is the sign he is waiting for uses his fingers to spread her labia to start.

I know I was falling into this dominance position so easily with Mary.  It was funny in many ways.  Mary was studying to be a systems engineer, which so did not mesh with her personal inclinations.  A part of me knew I needed to help her to lose this desire to be someone’s sex servant, but at that point, I was having too much fun to aid her in that way.

We had rules.  Mary must report how she was doing in all her classes to me, and on tests.  If she did not perform at an optimal level, her sexual pleasure was withheld for the day, days, a week, and once a bit longer.  That was when she developed her oral skills.

I never, in the beginning, even gave her a taste of how she could be treated.  I never really fingered her besides parting her to enter.  No oral play for her.  And even my kissing her was minimal.

She was my sex slut.  There to pleasure me how I wanted, with no thought to her needs.  I never really had any feelings for her, she was nice to have around, but not anything I would ever present as my partner or date.  And she sensed this, and while at times tears would slip from her eyes when I would tell her I would not be around for an evening as I had a function to go to – where she was never invited to attend with me, she meekly accepted her role in my life.

Then November arrived.  Mary and I had been together for almost two months.  I had to submit my thesis topic.  And it came to me.  This thing between Mary and I – the subtleties was perfect.  I presented my summary of the psychological and sociological mindset of a sexual submissive. And possibly I realized, the ‘rehabilitation’ of such tendencies.

I had primary source materials at my fingertips.  And other possibilities for background research.  My advisor was enthusiastic about my suggested topic.  Mary transformed from that moment on to Subject A.

She never knew about her role changing with me, which probably is for the best.

I wanted to learn more about her parents and their dynamics together, which added to the effects on her environment, leading Mary to want this type of attention.  So when Thanksgiving came I suggested I go home with her for the holiday.

This was probably cruel as Mary took it as I had a real interest in her, and the slavish servitude she gave me the week before we left was amazing.

She had moved past just sucking my cock and balls down lower and started rimming me regularly.  Sticking her small tongue in my asshole to add to my pleasure.  I realized that this might be a source to taunt her with also.

One day, just before leaving for the holiday, I had her go to the grocery store and get a bunch of large carrots.  She wondered why but did as told. 

That night I had her kneel on the bed, legs spread.  Using her own wetness to lubricate her ass I pressed first one of the smaller of the bunch up in her rectum.  She moaned and cried out some from this new attack to her body.  She did respond when I began to use the greens to pull and press the carrot in and out of her, “Yes sir, do as you will with me.”

I could see she was dripping hard from this treatment, so I took the largest one and pressed it up into her vag.  She screamed with excitement at that.  I plunge them both in and out of her for almost a half-hour before she succumbed and climaxed.

This just added to my understanding of how far she was willing to transmute herself.

The four days with her parents was rather interesting from the start.  I don’t know if she had told her parents about me before we arrived or what was between us.  When we first met, Mary introduced me as her master.  She and her mother fell into their roles quickly.

In the living room over the drinks, just her father and I, the women after serving us, we were kneeling at our legs as perfect pets.

Her father talked to me openly about what his and his wife’s lifestyle was and glad I had taken Mary in hand as he was sure she needed a lot of attention to mold her.  He never directed a question to Mary at all, rather just to me, and I would tell her to answer when the questions were about her classes and such.

When she mentioned how I monitored her work to make sure she was performing at her maximum level, her father even suggested to me that perhaps discipline should be added to ensure she did not slip.

I looked at him questioningly, and he expanded that a good spanking, either by hand or with a brush or paddle, always is a good deterrent when needed.  The idea of adding that and seeing how much Mary could take did add another element to my study.

The whole holiday weekend was spent with every of her father’s and my needs being quickly and willingly attended to. To such a level that as we watched the college football games, the women would be between our legs sucking us each.  We were turned from each other enough so the women could not see the other in action, but we both could look at the other being serviced.

I did wonder what was going through Mary’s father’s head as he watched his daughter suck me.

Emma lets out a gasp as Donald made the last sentence.  What a strange situation she says to him.

Donald replies, “Yes, it was.  The whole weekend was, but rather eye-opening seeing this type of relationship which had existed for over twenty-five years between Mary’s parents in action.  In the end, that part featured prominently in my paper.”

“So what happened with Mary, Subject A?” Emma asks now not really wanting to hear too much more about his sexual exploitations with her.

Donald continues his story:

It was after that weekend that the study swung into full throttle.  We went back to college, and during the weeks until Christmas break, I tested how far, how low, Mary would go.  I did begin spanking her for any slight mistake.  She took them stoically and thanked me over and over for keeping her in line.

Then the three weeks for the break. Mary timidly asked if I would spend it with her and her parents.  I told her no; I was going home.

I decided she needed time away from me before I start to try to change her needs when we returned in January.

Over the vacation, I got most of the first half of my thesis written.  Describing the concepts of dominant/sub relationships.  How they had traditionally been viewed, and the increased awareness of them in society.  Subject A was mentioned about her request for such a role and the impact from that perspective.

I never said, with her, or any of the further subjects that it was me who was interacting with them.  Rather was just referred to as the instructor or guide or tutor.  From the start, all of the studies I conducted were to help someone realize their true desires and helping them achieve them for personal fulfillment.

With Subject A, while she so willingly submitted herself to this acquiesce position, knowing the field of work she was aiming toward, and seeing her interact with others and in classes show this really wasn’t what was her dominant side.  Yes, I observed her in different setting unknown to her, I even had her take some personality tests to see where she really fell.

So that was what the second part and main theme of my thesis was to be.  How to help Subject A remove what had been ingrained in her to be able to be the person she really did display tendencies to be.

The first week back together, I ran her hard as my sub.  She was spanked for all sorts of minor offenses, some deserved, many not.  Trying to get her to see that she was being unfairly treated.  I even withheld sexual intercourse with her, her only sucking me once or twice each night.

After two weeks of this, she began to show some signs of resentment for how she was being treated.  It was then that I introduced something new to her and started her to see what erotic experiences she could enjoy.

One night she came to my room as usual after dinner for study time.  She found me nude at my desk when she entered.  This was something different.

She quickly undressed and knelt to begin her studying.  An hour later, I ask if she was done.  She said just perhaps fifteen minutes more.  I replied that when she was done she should get on the bed, on her back, her knees in the air and thighs spread.  She shyly said she understood.

About ten minutes later she was in position, and I could see she was shaking in anticipation some. I made her stay that way for about five minutes more as I finished a paper I was writing.

I went over and sat on the bed beside her and leaned and kissed her deeply.  She sighed with delight as I did not kiss her that often or that deeply. My hands moved to caress her face and neck, things I never did to her before.  All of this was new to her, and her body responded wonderfully.

As I continued to kiss her, my hands moved down to her breasts and cupped them and squeezed the nipples.  She was beside herself with delight.  I could feel the inner shaking rising to the surface.

When I lifted my lips from hers and moved down to take one tit into my mouth to suck, and my hand wanders down over her stomach to play in her furry mons, she came for the first time. Trembling, she lets out a small peep of pleasure.

I switch tits and let my fingers find her labia to spread wide.  Her body shivered with delight as my fingers slide up and down her wet slit for the first time.  She gasped as I press into her vag and then ran her juices to cover her clit as I pinched and polished it.  She cried out as the second wave of pleasure washed over her.

At this point in the story, Emma lifts the wine bottle and empties it into her glass and downs it.  Donald suddenly realizes that perhaps he has been too detailed in his account of what happened which started him down this road of research.

He jumps up and goes and gets another bottle of wine for Emma and pours her a glass full.  She smiles on him to show she approves of his attention to her needs.

They settle themselves again, and Donald apologizes to her if he is telling more than needed.  His fingers now in her wonderful wet slit, running back and forth making Emma whimper with pleasure.  As Donald tells the rest of this story he will keep them there, warm and wet, and keeping his mistress happy as she listens.

Emma replies to his comment, “No, this is fine, it is interesting to understand how you began your subject studies.

Donald blushes acknowledging that he is sharing so much with Emma, then returns to finish about Subject A.

After sucking her breast and fingering her, I was hard and decided that was enough of a start for her.  I rolled on top of her and fucked her quickly and hard until we both came again.

Subject A had now experienced different pleasures, addressed to her as a woman, not her as a sub.  And to reinforce that feeling when she got up to dress to leave I pulled back the bed covers and invited her to sleep with me.

The grin which spread over her face for such an invitation told it all.

Over the next month, I introduced her to oral sex for her, some anal play to see the gratification she got from it and anything else I could think of for a woman enjoyment to help her understand all the sensuality available for her enjoyment.

She loved every moment of it, and in time she started to back away from the total subservient way she was with me.  She would now sit on the bed with her back to the wall as she studied. While she would come to me every day and eat with me at meals, her arrival was not as prompt as it had been.

Subject A was coming into herself. 

I had become acquainted with a younger man, her age, who had many of the same interest I learned Mary had.  Something she only started to reveal as she began to feel more equal in our relationship as the pleasuring was now more centered on her or our mutual satisfaction.

I talked to him a good bit about Mary.  Not telling him anything about our past only that I saw her a lot, but realized it was time to for us both to move on.  After, he began to join us for dinner in the cafeteria when their conversations took on a life of their own as I just sat back and observed.

In mid-April, I suggested to her that she should go out with the guy.  She looked at me with sadness in her eyes, but there was a gleam of possibilities too.

I explained to her it would not be long until I graduated and moved on to a different school.  She would be graduating too but was accepted there at Cornell for her master’s degree. I told her the man seemed to be a good fit for her now.  I urged her not to fall back into the submissive role unless she found she really wanted and longed for it.

We spent that last night together pleasuring each other in every way possible on a narrow dorm bed.  At dawn, she kissed me goodbye and left.

I saw her now and then over the next month finishing the year.  She and the man had begun dating, and I could tell it was the right fit.

I wrote up the rest of my study and submitted it for review.  During my defense of my thesis, all on the committee were intrigued by its focus and how Subject A was so easily swayed from her conditioning.

I explained that that would not always happen, but from the personality studies and observations, I realized Subject A did just need to see the alternatives available for her to have a truly sexually satisfying life.

The referrals they provided for my admittance to the doctoral program and recommendations for me to continue with my work with individuals, helping them find their true sexual nature and desires pushed me forward and into my career.

Emma fills the glass again when Donald finishes his account and hands it to him.  It is his turn to drain it as he feels parched and empty from sharing this beginning with Emma.

Her pat on his head and warm smile make him realize she is not angry with what she heard, rather interested and understanding.

Emma pulls him up to her, leads his hand down to her slit again to pleasure her as they kiss, and she caresses his shoulders.  Donald is hard again but knows he is deemed to wait until she decides to allow him that release.






Published 6 years ago

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