E099: Somethings new

"Together Emma and Donald find new things to explore"

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A week later, Donald gets to delve into his shopping fetish.  He spends time every day previewing the new fashions of the seasons on different websites.  Then moving to his favorite shopping sites to choose items he wants to include in his cart for consideration.  He works his way through his different classifications of clothes: the lingerie, the outfits, the apparel.  The only thing he has not yet shopped for is the suits for his and Emma’s special nights.  But that will come.

Emma is being so docile and agreeable to all his desires these days.  Donald is basking in the attention and subservience.  But, the more complacent Emma becomes, accepting everything Donald dictates to her, the more he finds himself wanting to pleasure her as much as he can.




And this new fixation on Emma’s feet and toes have carried him away some.  Come Friday, when she gets her usual mani/pedi he tells the tech to just buff and preen her toes, but not to put any polish on.  Emma is a bit surprised after months of them being pampered, but she is starting to wonder about Donald’s new interest in her feet.

When he more or less rushes them through their trimming with Sasha and leave without any of their playtime, Emma is more and more curious.

Donald tries to act nonchalant about it all, but Emma sees him visibly shaking some as they get into the car to drive home.

She knows he has been paying a lot of attention to her feet the last few days, which has been in a strange way to her very erotic.  But Donald has not expressed himself at all to explain this new interest.

When they get home, Donald quickly undresses them both and leads Emma to the living room couch where he has her sit.  He sits on the coffee table facing her, his knees between her spread legs.  He has a wonderful view of her cunt to peek at from time to time when he allows his concentration to waver. 

But right now, he has something else on his mind.  He lifts Emma’s right foot up on his knee and then bring out a small box from under the table.  Emma is curious where this has come from as she has never seen it before. 

When Donald opens the box, she sees it has several bottles of polish, toe separators and other implements for pedicures.  She smiles a bit, wondering where this is going.

Donald first lifts her foot to his lips and sucks on each toe from the smallest to the big toe as he massages her soles and ankles.  After the treatment earlier at the spa, this just adds to the relaxation Emma feels.  After fully enjoying the delights Emma’s toes now offer Donald, he takes a wet wipe and cleans her foot.  Then lifts her left foot and does the same. 

Then he puts the toe separators on to spread them out a bit.  Donald picks up two or three different bottles of polish, deciding which he wants to use.  Settling on one finally he opens it and takes the brush out.

Emma is amazed at how skillful he is at applying the polish starting at her baby toe, working his way up the toes to the main one.  She knows Donald never goes into anything half-heartedly but is curious how he learned to apply the polish so well.

Her curiosity gets the better of her, and Emma asks Donald about this.  He turns a little red and sheepishly tells her, “I practiced some on my own feet.  Luckily I could get all the polish off before you got home.”

On hearing this, the tinkling of Emma’s laughter fills the room.

Donald does an excellent and professional job painting her toenails.  He feels himself hardening with each swipe of the brush.  When all have polish on them, he lifts the foot some and just blows against each toe to help the polish dry.  The soft wafting on her toes does stir Emma, and she feels herself begin to get wet.

Donald completes this same ritual with her other foot.  Then back for the second coat on all.  Holding both her feet, Emma’s soles pressed against the sides of his standing cock he just blows and fans her feet for almost a half-hour to make sure the polish is all dry.

Emma admires his handiwork and tells him it looks as good, or better than what the spa does. Donald looks pumped up from the praise.  For the last time, he takes each foot in turn in his mouth for a final sucking, spending extra time on each big toe and the slit between the nail and flesh.

Both are hot and ready for satisfaction by the time Donald has finished, so he moves over to the couch, pulls Emma on his lap facing away from him.  His legs are up on the coffee table, and he moves hers to be on top his.  He lifts her to slide onto his aching cock, and as he rocks and rocks her to both of their climaxes, he enjoys seeing her newly polished toes dancing up and down on his legs with each new thrust up in her.




Early the next week Donald has completed his preliminary shopping.  Now is the time to seriously choose which outfits to purchase, and Emma needs to be a part of this.  After both being out during the day at the college and meetings, when they get home, Donald helps Emma undress completely, and she gazes at him as he does the same.  He leads her to the dining room table, where he has a laptop set up. 

Taking her on his lap, his starting to harden cock between her legs, resting in her slit, he opens the first of the clothes sites for Emma to see what he wants to buy for her.  Emma is flabbergasted.  All the clothes Donald already has for her is mind-boggling, more clothes than she probably had in her lifetime.  And now, this whole new wardrobe.  She can’t fully take it in.

As Donald shows her over forty outfits, dresses, for the most part, telling her to pick her favorites to order. She is overwhelmed.

“Donald, they are all lovely, but why so many new things.  The dresses you have already gotten me are barely five months old,” Emma laments to him.

“Emma, I want you to always look perfect for every season.  Please just indulge me, I like doing this and seeing you in new outfits,” Donald replies.

“But the closet is overflowing already,” Emma counters.

“Don’t worry, most of the last seasons will be given away to make room for your fall outfits,” Donald assures her.

And then Emma begins to comprehend.  If this is important to Donald.  And, if the clothes, hardly worn, are going to a good cause. She will accept this quirk that Donald seems to need.  And to be honest, all of the outfits he has been dressing her in do make her feel so different than the bland wardrobe she wore until meeting this man of her dreams.

As Donald begins the fashion show on the laptop, seeing these wonderful possibilities before her, Emma does begin to drip for some reason.  ‘Is she now a clothes horse,’ she wonders. 

But her wetness against Donald’s shaft lying next to her slit does wonders for him too.  And the realization that Emma is getting excited over the clothes too.  His cock grows more and more until it is a hard rod lying in Emma’s crotch.  The glans touching her clit, the balls settling so close to her vag.

They continue the shopping show as both let out sighs feeling each other so close.  This wanting to consummate the act, but both knowing they want to hold this feeling for as long as they can.  So they review the outfits.

As Donald clicks on each dress in the cart, he gauges whether to keep it or not on the throbs he feels against his shaft from Emma’s cunt.  Dresses she seems to like makes her clench and unclench unconsciously.  Ones that she does not care for, get no reaction.  She comments on each, and even says some she does not react to are nice.  Donald only cares for her sexual response to each, so even if she says he likes one if he does not feel the pulsing against his hard shaft, he deletes it from the cart.

Donald’s analytical researcher mind stores this reaction to shopping away for further study.  Is there a noticeable sexual reaction to outfits individuals are drawn to?  Do women feel something inside them when they see the ‘perfect’ outfit?  Do they feel their bodies reacting in such situations?

By the time they get to the lingerie, Donald’s prick is well oiled from Emma’s juices now flowing so readily from her.  He turns her on his lap to face the computer screen and lifts her up and down on his quivering cock.  They will continue this part of the shopping spree with him up deep inside her.

Emma sighs with pleasure as she feels Donald’s hard shaft up where it is always supposed to be.  As she looks at the skimpy panties and bras, she continues to contract against him in a mixture of enjoying him up in her, and the display of underwear clicking by in front of her.

Both are taking longer to go through this selection as Emma lifts and lowers herself on Donald over and over.  The longing to reach the illustrious height they both know so well is taking over their concentration.

As the last set of undies are displayed, Emma shouts out, “Yes, yes, yes!”  Her body shaking as tremors run through her, the sides of her vagina squeeze tight against Donald’s cock as she milks the cum out of him as she submits to the climax overwhelming her.

Together they both feel electrical shockwave run through them as they cascade over the mighty falls of total completion.  Emma holds on to the table to support herself, and Donald, who is leaning against her back, his mouth just below her ear, breathing deeply, trying to catch his breath again.

When both have calmed, they lean back in the chair, Donald still up in her as she now gently throbs against him in post-coitus satisfaction.

Donald is able to place the order whispering in Emma’s ear in between licking it, that everything should be here for her fall wardrobe before the autumn equinox.




At the beginning of October, Emma hears from her realtor.  Her house has been sold. 

For an amazing amount, more than she had even listed it for.  It seems there had been a bidding war between three parties all wanting the house.  All the time and money Emma had spent having it painted and cleaned to a lighter, airier feel paid off nicely it seems.

After over a month of them bidding the price up over and over, the victor emerged when the others dropped back from anteing up.

Emma now has a nice fortune between what has been sold at the auction house, which has finally finished; the hundred dollar bills she had found and the ones she has been selling for added value; and now the house.  And she hasn’t really started selling her mother’s jewelry yet to bring in that additional income.

Emma tries to give some of the money to Donald, but he refuses.  He tells her to put it all into her accounts and investments and spend the money, or give it away. Whatever way she wants.  His income and investments are enough for them to live; however, they fancy.

So, Emma visits the bank once again.  Grace, the assistant greets her and chats with her when she arrives, and then the bank president trying to draw out her visit as long as he can as he lusts over the transformed Emma who he would so like to be able to care for and cherish. 

He knows he will never have a chance with her.  He has seen how she looks at that Dr. Ryan in such a way to know she is fully taken by another.  But he will do all he can in the small capacity she allows him, caring for her investments and savings.

They decide where the money should be placed to get the best return on her money.  As of now, just the income from the return is a nice annual income for her, but she hardly touches it, so it continues to grow and multiple.

When he tells her the current value of her accounts, Emma immediately writes substantial checks to her church, the community library, the local food pantry, and soup kitchen, and to other worthy groups desperate for funds.

The president watches as she writes check after check with no concern about how much she is giving away.  He makes sure all of the paperwork is completed properly for her taxes.  He knows her balance will not be hurt much by these generous donations, but it is fascinating seeing such dollar amount be given.

And as the president watches Emma distribute these funds, leaning into his desk to write the check, he lets himself fantasize over what he can’t have in real life.

He can see her cleavage as she leans forward, her low cut dress does just give a peek at her lace bra.  He imagines standing and walking in front of Emma in the leather chair.  Reaching behind her and unzipping her dress, so it falls down her arms and lays at her waist.  He trembles at the sight of seeing her lovely breasts heaving in her bra.  She wants him as much as he needs her. 

She looks up into his eyes and puts her arms around his neck to pull him down to her to kiss him.  Oh, the sweetness of her kiss.  He wants it to go on and on.  As they continue to kiss, he reaches behind her and unhooks her bra and moves her arms from his neck to draws the bra off her to lay in her lap mingled with the top of her dress.

Her magnificent orbs on full display for him.  Emma areolas are a rosy pink against her tan skin.  He is enthralled seeing her breast nice and tan too.  From the fleeting glimpse, he has had the president had come to imagine her being tan all over now.

Emma nipples are so hard and perking at him, showing him how ready and willing she is for him.

He imagines his cock, which is hard now in his pants, being brought out to lay between her breasts. Emma reaches her hands to squeeze her boobs against his hard-throbbing prick entombing it within this lovely warm cavern.

He feels himself pumping himself there, lifting his head to peek out at the top as his balls brush against the bottom of her tits.  Over and over. 

Then he runs his hand down Emma’s stomach, inside her dress, searching, searching.  He finds the top of her panties and slides his fingers inside the elastic to get to the prize awaiting him.

He runs over her mons, how clipped and short she is, he takes a moment to wander over the soft tufts of hair there.  Then his middle finger presses against the top of her slit.  Such sticky wetness greets him. 

He slides so easily down the inch to Emma’s clitoris and begins to circle in spreading her wetness over it to add to the commotion he is giving her.  She breathes harder and harder, her bottom twisting and squirming trying to feel more of the pressure of his touch on her as she holds her boobs in place as he fucks her breast.

“Can you make sure all of these are mailed to the different organizations?” Emma says as she writes the last entry into her checkbook, bringing the bank president back out of his fantasy to the reality in front of him. 

His cock is so hard in his pants, and luckily, Emma brought him back to the present reality when she did.  A moment more and he would have exploded in his trousers.

He assures her they will be mailed today, and as she stands to leave, he just half stands stretching his hand out to shake hers across his desk.  He does not dare to stand more, or all would be revealed.

Emma shakes his hand and leaves.  Smiling to herself as she does.  She had seen the blank expression on the president’s face as she wrote the checks, and knew he was in his own space.  She can imagine what was happening there for him.  She remembers the online chat with him months ago and what he had revealed, so her visit today must have offered him some mental enjoyment at least.

She wonders if Donald dressed her purposely today in this low-cut dress knowing the reaction it would have on the bank president.  She would not be surprised if Donald had.  But she will not ask.

Back in his office, the president quickly shuts and locks his office door, and then moves to stand in front of his desk, leaning a little on it in front of the chair Emma has just vacated.  He opens his pants and takes his still throbbing cock from it.  Imagining her in front of him, he jerks himself hard until he comes, squirting all over the leather chair as if his cum is covering Emma’s breasts and stomach. 

It takes him several minutes to come down from the high.  He quickly gets some tissues, cleans off the chair and goes and opens his office door.

‘Grace, make sure the cleaning people wipe down all the chairs in here good tonight,” the bank president tells his assistant.

Grace, knowing what would go on in the president’s office, just smiles as she says she will leave them a note to do it every other night.



Since their visit to New York, and that special store, Emma now and then goes to their site to study more and more of the toys and treats they have to offer.  It is expanding her horizons of what all there is to add to play.  She has put a few things in a wishlist but does not yet have the courage to purchase.

But one day she sees something different, and it stirs something in her.  She reads all the details about it, how to use them, and what is included.  Emma giggles with delight as she adds this to her cart to purchase now.

Emma smiling hits the order button.  When she first started viewing the site, she had been so bold as to add all the information for shipping and charge card.  Her confirmation tells her it will all be here in a couple of days.  She shivers in anticipation and hopes that Donald will enjoy.  Finding new things to arouse him does seem to be her main focus these days.

Two days later, the package arrives, and she hurries to get it from the door and scurries to the bedroom to prepare.  She throws two large towels over the bed to cover it.  She opens the box and takes the things out, placing them on the bed.  She strips completely and then calls to Donald, asking if he is free at the moment.

Donald has been working in his office all morning, stopping only for a quick lunch with Emma.   He heard her moving around a bit ago as he is finishing up his work.  He knows she opened the front door a bit ago and then go down the hall to the bedroom.

His day has been productive, so he welcomes whatever interlude Emma is now suggesting.

He calls back he will be right there, saves his work, and closes his computer.

He walks into the bedroom and is delighted to see a fully naked Emma standing before him. She does have her pearl necklace on which is such a part of her now, a wonderful reminder for both of them of the road they have traveled together to this moment in time.

He sees the towels on the bed behind her, and his eyebrows raise a bit until he sees what is also laying on the bed.  The one box says it contains an edible, glow-in-the-dark paint kit, and the other is a set of washable magic makers.  What has Emma come up with now?

He laughs as he undresses dropping his clothes on the floor where he stands, and then moves to take Emma in his arms to kiss her.

It is always so satisfying when they stand like this, so close together, her breast rubbing just below his nipples, her cunt, so wet pressed against his cock.  Even when he is not yet hard, feeling her juices against him starts his manhood to grow.

“So, my minx, what do you have here?  What do you have planned for us?” Donald asks her as he kisses her hair.

Emma chuckles as they drop to the bed.  Sitting cross-legged facing each other, they open the box of paints.  They each pick up a brush and one of the pots of paint.  They begin to decorate each other’s arms, neck, chests, and stomach.  Switching colors now and then to add to the artwork.

The feel of the brushes stroking against them lightly is poignant.  Then Donald tells Emma to lean back, he spreads her legs over his knees, and with a very serious and determined look on his face, he begins to paint flowers all over her mons, down the crease in her legs and over her thighs. 

Emma is becoming a work of art.  She closes her eyes to just feel the sensation of the brush against her skin.

Then she feels something different.  Donald has taken the markers in hand and adding delicate features to his paintwork.

He spreads her labia, and she feels the pen against her clit, circling and marking it.  She opens her eyes just a bit to see if she can tell what color Donald is using.

Then the paintbrush is back coloring her labia.  When Donald is finished, he tells her to lay with her legs spread.  He gets off the bed for a minute and then is back with his phone in his hand.

Emma looks at him questioningly, and he tells her just to spread her arms too, he wants to get a picture of the canvas he has just created.  Emma does as told, spreads her arms and legs, closes her eyes again as she smiles, and can tell the flash is going off several times.

Finished, Emma sit up and takes the phone from him and tells Donald to lay back as it is his turn now.  She does want to see the artwork Donald has done on her, but first, she wants to create a masterpiece on him too.

She paints around his nipples and down his chest and stomach in abstract figures and designs.  Donald realizes the pleasure of feeling the paint covered brush run over his body.  It does send shivers through him.

When she paints up and down his shaft, and then covers his balls with the paint, it is provoking.  After using the markers on his thighs, making sure he is tattoo-covered, Emma takes Donald’s phone and snaps pictures of his painted body now.

Then she tosses the phone aside for them to enjoy the pictures later. 

She turns off the lights, and with the heavy drapes, the room is engulfed in darkness.  Except for the glow of the paint on each of them.  The phone is brought back out, and pictures of drawing dancing in the dark on each of them are taken to see later.

Now, Emma wants to taste this edible paint.  She kisses Donald deeply and then begins to run her tongue down over the artwork following the lines she has just painted.  The paint has a fruity taste to it, but the enjoyment of investigating Donald’s body with her mouth is what is the true enjoyment.

Donald realizing what she is doing and loving the sensation of her tongue running over him wants to be in the game too.  He flips Emma on her back and begins to devour his artwork too.

Back and forth, they toss and turn, taking turns to enjoy removing the paint now.  Working down over each other’s nipples, chest, and stomach.  Then on both legs, saving the best of the banquet for the last course.

And then they are both at that final platter.  Donald twists around, so they are lying side by side in the sixty-nine position.  Both just breathing heavily as they catch their breaths for the final indulgence.

Donald licks around Emma’s mons and creases, making her moan for him to get to the inner treat.  Emma is just licking his glans lightly to start, cleaning away the paint there completely.  Then up and down Donald’s shaft before taking it fully into her mouth to suck away her artwork.

Donald has worked his way to her colored labia and sucks on each in turn to clean them.  Then spreads them so he can fully concentrate on her painted clit.  The wonderful feeling rushing through Emma as he does erase his artistry from earlier.

Donald’s balls are not forgotten either.  Emma takes one at a time into her mouth to suck and clean.  They feel so filled right now.  Rushing fluid to his hard cock, which bounces against her forehead as she sucks away.

Both are at that pinnacle point when release is immediately needed.  It is stirring how quickly Donald flips himself around as he rolls Emma on her stomach and lifts her ass up.  He barely wets himself with her juices before ramming into her vagina, up in her deep.  Hitting the entrance to her cervix.

Emma shouts out in ecstasy, feeling Donald in her.  She throbs against him with unabashed lust.  This coupling does not last all that long due to the wonderful buildup to this moment.  Donald bangs her over and over as she cries out in pleasure, feeling him so hard and fully in her. 

Together they both cum to a crashing finale.  Emma feels Donald’s sperm already starting to drip out of her with her abundant juices before he has even pulled out of her.

They laugh together at the silliness they have just engaged in.  When totally recovered, they venture to a long shower making sure all evidence of their afternoon play is washed away.  Later, Emma and Donald take their time admiring each other’s artwork from the pictures that they have taken.


Published 6 years ago

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