Donald and Emma undress and lie close together in the bed. The only option that’s possible in this narrow cot. They talk about what Dorothy and Maude revealed and their on-going relationship with David and Bobby.
All through their quiet chatting, they caress each other’s privates, enjoying the leisurely, gentle touch each is feeling as slowly the heat rises in them both.
Around three in the morning, both now perspiring a good bit, Donald suggests, “Let’s go down to the beach to sleep, it is too warm in here.”
Emma readily agrees.
Donald pulls two light blankets from the chest at the end of his bed. He wraps one around Emma and the other around himself, and they tiptoe down the staircase, out over the porch, and down the path to the beach.
Between the glow of the moon, and the sun just starting to peek over the horizon, they spread the blankets down and run hand in hand to the bay. The water cools their skin, but not the heat of desire filling them both.
They are quickly back on the blankets, twisting and turning to provide oral gratification to each other. Emma spreads her legs to allow Donald to lick and suck her slit. The slight roughness of his tongue makes her juices drip.
She has the shaft of his prick in her hand squeezing and jerking it as she takes his glans into her mouth to suck and lick. Donald feels her pressing the tip of her tongue into his slit a bit deeper and deeper. Her other hand is rubbing his balls back and forth against her palm. He moans with glee as he continues to travel over every millimeter of Emma’s pussy.
She squeals with appreciation as Donald’s tongue discovers the opening of her vagina, waiting restlessly for attention. Emma feels his tongue pressing up into her as she takes in more of his prick to suck on. Now her lips are just below the glans in that sensitive little band below his mushroom cap. She bites it gently with her teeth before circling around it with her tongue.
Both are making each other so ready to consummate their joint passion. It is not much longer until Donald swings around and rolls Emma on her stomach. He lifts her ass enough for him to run his cock up and down her womanhood to wet it fully. Emma whimpers in anticipation, lifting her ass up more and spreading her legs wide.
Donald slaps each of her cheeks once and tells her to be patient. She gasps at the sting and just shakes her head to let him know she understands.
Now Donald decides to tease her more, make her wait for the final amusement. He just rubs his shaft up and down her slit, the glans tormenting her clit as she whines and wiggles, trying to feel his touch fully. He takes his peter away and runs the wet sticky glans up and down her crack; against her ass hole, playing that he is going to enter her that way.
Emma knows he is not going to fuck her in that manner, as Donald is always careful to wear a rubber when they engage in that, but just the small press against her opening makes her shiver with the unexpected pleasure of this pestering. As Donald plays her this way, back and forth between wetting himself more, then up and down her crack, they both are getting so aroused and anxious for final entry into Emma’s awaiting cave. She can already feel herself throbbing and clenching.
But as Donald continues to goad her, acting as if he might withhold the final joy from her, Emma realizes that he is helping her to fall back into the role of his subordinate. And the frustration she is feeling with his torment helps her remember her place when he wants her there.
“Please, Sir, please,” is all that Emma can gasp out.
Donald is overjoyed at hearing her call him ‘Sir,’ it has been a while since she has. He smacks her cheeks again and asks her, “Please? What do you want? What do you desire? Tell me what you are requesting.”
Tears of frustration are running down Emma’s face as she fumbles over her words, saying, “Sir, I am unworthy, but please, Sir, will you fuck me? Fuck me hard, Sir.”
Donald is satisfied with her reply and tells her that since she has been so good, making her master so pleased on this trip, he will grant her this wish.
With that, he trusts his manhood up deep inside her. Emma cries out in glee, feeling Donald up in her so fully. Her sides crush against him as he begins to repeatedly shove into her, each time a little deeper. Trying to access the beginning of her cervix it feels like. Emma is beside herself and just keeps whispering over and over, “Thank you, Sir, you are so kind. Thank you, Sir…”
To see Emma in this mindset as he enjoys the wetness and tightness she offers him is stimulating to Donald. He holds himself back from the final thrust and release as long as he can. Watching Emma’s body, moist again with perspiration in the of glowing moonlight mixed with the pink radiance of the rising sun, is miraculous.
Donald continues to slide his dick into her over and over. He knows he does not have long to go before he needs to release. He lifts his hand to Emma’s clit, presses back the hood and begins to orbit her planet.
He knows this will take her over the brink, and he hears her guttural moan as her back arches towards him, and she clamps against him throbbing. Yes, Emma is having her first release.
But Donald does not let up. Now he starts a wonderful tap dance on her clit as he thrusts in and out of her, enjoying Emma compressing against him with each drive into her.
It is not long now; both cannot hold back any longer. Emma is needing to explode once again as she feels Donald’s cock shaking in her signaling he is about to shoot his wad. And it happens. As Emma shouts out from climaxing a second time in moments, she feels Donald cum filling her and mixing with all her juices flowing from her.
They collapse on each other, breathing deeply to recover and then roll so Donald can hold her as they both fall fast asleep as the sun begins its ascent.
Lying there naked on the blankets, the cool morning breeze lulls them both into a deep sleep. They fall asleep around four in the morning and sleep until almost eight when Donald feels a foot gently kicking him awake.
He rolls towards the source and sees Maude standing over him. She has a bucket filled with clams in her hand.
She grins at him and says, “While it is lovely to see both of you this way as a start to the holiday today, perhaps you better collect yourselves before people start coming down to the beach.” Emma is lying on her back, so both of them is totally exposed to Maude for her appreciation.
Donald shakes his head to awaken, and grins back at her, apologizing saying he had not realized how late it already is. He nudges Emma awake as Maude tells him she had seen them when she came down to the beach to search for clams this morning. They were so sweet looking together asleep that she decided to let them continue until she was done.
As Emma becomes alert to her surrounding, she sees Maude smiling at her in appreciation of her glowing body. Emma blushes, realizing the state Maude is seeing her in, but after the other night over her knee and all that happened, it seems only fair that Maude could enjoy the view of her now.
They scurry to the cottage; their blankets wrapped around them as Maude follows at her leisure. They enter the house and head for the stairs when Dorothy emerges from the kitchen. Dorothy laughs and says, “So Donald, you decided to camp out on the beach, did you? You did like to do that when young, but then always alone, and with more than a blanket.”
Donald mumbles a reply, both he and Emma blushing deep red and hurry up the stairs to their room. There they could not help but fall together laughing at being caught. Their blankets dropping to the floor as they hold each other, feeling their bodies together as they laugh with mirth.
Unbeknown to them, on rising this morning, Maude and Dorothy looked down on them both on the beach sleeping naked. They even went so far as to pull out binoculars to see the delightful display close up. Seeing the younger, tanned bodies, perhaps not perfectly fit, but a wonder to behold, was as good as gazing at any painting in an art museum.
Maude had passed them when heading clamming but knew they had to have been up very late, so she let them sleep for the hour more as she filled her bucket. She and Dorothy will be making a delicious clam chowder for lunch from her morning efforts.
Dorothy calls up the stairs to Donald and Emma and suggests they get a little more sleep, as it is a few hours until the lunch picnic they will be attending.
And so, after a bit of tease and tickle between them, Emma and Donald do fall back to sleep for three more hours.
When they arise, they hurry to shower, there will be no playing together there this morning and are dressed and downstairs by eleven-thirty to help pack up the picnic baskets.
The block in Provincetown where the cottage is situated has a Labor Day picnic for all the summer residences before they begin to pack up and head back home that evening. It always is a fun community event, and Dorothy and Maude are excited to show off Donald, home again, and now Emma too. The clam chowder, hot and ready is their contribution to the feast.
They pack the Navigator and head to the picnic which takes place on the beach close to the causeway near the tip of the Cape. Even those that just summer for a few weeks each year at the scattered resorts along the street join in the festivities.
Donald is surrounded by people offering hugs and greetings seeing him again after so many years. Dorothy and Maude beam at his reception. And Emma is not left out at all, she is hugged and kissed on the cheek in welcome. And even gets a few pinches to her ass from some of the old-timer men.
Lunch and the afternoon speeds by. So much good food, drink, and camaraderie makes the ending of summer perfect. Many of the younger families pack up by two o’clock to get on the road for the slow parade down the cape to the highway and home. All with regret that another season at the shore is now over.
Those older and now retired, laughed at their ability to be able to take their time shutting up their cottages and enjoying into the Indian Summer still at the cape. Dorothy and Maude do not head back to Boston until late September, early October anymore.
They all mingle and chat, moving from one picnic table to the next sharing memories and talking about more recent events. By the time the sun starts to descend, Donald is up to date about all he has missed over the last several years.
Everyone is enchanted with Emma and spills over each other, explaining any references made that she might not understand.
As six o’clock approaches, they begin to pack up to head back to the cottage. All are tired, a little sunburned, and ready to call it a day. Good-byes are said, and they leave, promising that Donald and Emma will try to return each summer.
Hearing this, such a long-term promise from Donald stirs Emma’s heart. Did he really mean that he feels they will be together from now on? She knows he has added her to his house deed and did tell her he saw them together from now on, but still in the back of her mind she wonders just how long this dream will last. It is hardly five months since she attended his lecture. Her mind whirls comprehending how far they have come in such a short period of time.
She wants it to continue forever, but she is not sure, not confident enough, to yet truly believe what is happening between them.
So when they are in bed by ten o’clock, exhausted from little sleep last night, and all the fresh air of today, she does rally enough to slide under the sheets, down, down over Donald’s chest, stomach and mons to find his awaiting tool.
She takes his dick into her mouth and begins to suck and play it like a masterful flute, using her fingers to press the notes being played against his shaft. Donald does let out a song of delight as he feels her lips on him. But when she lifts her head from him for a moment to ask through the muffle of the sheet, “Sir, master, is this pleasing to you? Tell me what you desire,” he almost loses his load hearing this.
He pushes down the sheet to just over the back of Emma’s calves so he can watch her at work. He caresses her head and tells her she is pleasing him very much. They both sigh with happiness as Emma now takes him fully into her mouth.
Sucking him over and over her hands reach for his balls to lift them enough for her to suck on them some before returning to his shaft. And then the fingers of her other hand begin to circle his asshole and press against the opening over and over. Oh, he wants to feel himself up in her, but this right now is more than enough. She is bringing him to such a summit of bliss.
He doesn’t want to, but all the events of the day come crashing in, and he shortly cums. Emma sucks some of it up but lets the last bursts fall all over his mons. She wastes no time licking him clean, then moving up to be held in his arms tightly. His now flaccid phallus pressing against her crack they fall asleep for their last night, for now, in this narrow bed on the Cape.