After the adventure in the lighthouse, the four head for home. All have partaken the treats and drinks offered from the couple tending the lighthouse so have no need for lunch.
Emma and Donald don swimsuits and go to the beach for a while. They talk about taking the sailboat out again, but just lying in the sun other is so enjoyable that they decide it would take too much effort. They realize they will not have another opportunity to this trip, but after their wonderful time, they want to keep that as their memory of being at sea together.
Maude and Dorothy putter around the house and garden some. Then Dorothy spends some time baking, and Maude begins to marinate steaks for dinner. They told the ‘children’ to stay at the beach as long as they wanted to this afternoon, so it is approaching seven when they arrive back at the house.
Maude starts up the grill while they quickly showered and changed, taking a few minutes to rub aloe and lotion all over each other from the afternoon in the sun.
They have dinner at the picnic table in the yard, and all are well filled when finishing around nine pm. They quickly clean up, and then all move to sit on the porch looking out at the bay in the twilight. Lighting bugs blink over the yard, making it look like a fairyland. Especially with the tiny white lights, Dorothy and Maude had strung around the greenhouse.
Donald and Emma sit in a glider side by side and Dorothy and Maude in rocking chairs next to each other. All have drinks to sip on as they sit contently, first in quiet solitude then Maude begins to tell the next part of her and Dorothy’s story. Emma and Donald are happy to hear more and lean back in the glider to listen.
Maude picks up the tale from their first kiss:
“Our first kiss led to many others that night. Never had a kiss felt sweeter and more delightful to me. So different from the men I had kissed and something I suddenly knew I preferred, or enjoyed, in a totally different way. Clinging to each other neither of us wanted this to end.
But after a bit, we reluctantly pulled apart and just stared into each other’s eyes. We both nodded to confirm that what just happened between us was perfect and as it should be.
The rest of that year we went slow. We did regularly ‘check’ each other’s breasts and soon were sucking each other’s tits on a daily basis. We would separate for classes, but as soon as finished were playing together on one or the other of our beds until the chime of the dinner bell.
We hid our developing love, and lust, well from others. No one suspected. And after the first month of only us together each day and evening, we realized that we would have to go back to dating enough, so others did not catch on.
We were spending each night together in one of our beds, holding each other as we fell asleep. I am not sure which I enjoyed more, the nights that Dorothy’s back to me, feeling her ass against my cunt as I kissed the back of her neck until she fell asleep. Or the nights we faced each other our breast through our nightgowns touching as her head laid on my shoulder. Or when Dorothy held me from behind and ran her hands up and down over my breasts and stomach.
We were rather shy in many ways then. We did not explore below the waist, we wore nightgowns or pajamas every night, though we would enjoy each other’s exposed breasts in the afternoon and evenings after our homework for the day was done.
It was a wonderful beginning of our relationship as winter turned to spring, and then the end of our freshman year approached.
We did go back to dating in mid-February, starting with a couple of guys taking us to the Valentine’s Dance. We would make out with our dates some, and even suck them and fuck them occasionally to keep up appearances, and because we both did enjoy those activities also. After, back in our room, we would chat and discuss that while it was fun, at that time, it was nowhere as good as what we had.
We made it through summer, somehow, being apart for most of it, but it was soon Fall, and we were back together. From our sophomore year on, we were able to get a turret room in one of the four towers of Shafer dorm. It was perfect for us, and we reveled in the delights it offered us.
Dorothy now picks up the story. She and Maude have been grinning at each other as each revelation is disclosed.
It was an ideal room, and the fact that we got to live in it for the next three years was perfect for us.
That fall, after only being together for perhaps three weeks during the summer, one me visiting Maude in Rhode Island, her a couple of weeks at the Cape with my family. Each visit was ideal. While we romped and talked unendingly during the day at the beaches, each night, as we each had queen-size beds in our rooms, the thrill of coupling together made the weeks apart endurable.
Oh, and there were a few times we would take the sailboat out alone and find if anchoring off the coast away such delightful fun could be had in the cockpit of that ship.”
On hearing this, Emma and Donald both blush, remembering what they had done there too. Dorothy acts like she does not notice and goes on:
“In our tower room, it felt like we were home. As soon as our parents departed, we were clinging to each other, kissing and unbuttoning our blouses. We could not get enough of each other as we sucked and played with our tits and nipples.
Then Maude took it to the next level for us. Her hand moved to my crotch, and through my pants, she rubbed me. I instinctively spread my legs and began to moan. Now all our top play had gotten us both wet over and over, but feeling her hand against me, moving up and down over my slit, even through clothes, felt so thrilling. She rolled on top of me and we ground our cunts against each other as we kissed and licked each other’s faces and necks.
Both moaning so, our tops off, we needed something more. But then the dinner bell rang. With lust in our eyes, this new throbbing and huge wetness between or legs, saturating both our panties, we helped each other into our bras and tops. We brushed each other’s hair quickly to hide what had just been going on. Added some lipstick and went to dinner.
The next hour socializing with classmates and dormmates as we ate was hard. We both just wanted to be back in our room to see where this all might now lead. But we played the parts we were supposed to and made it through the meal.
We returned to our room and were suddenly shy with each other. We knew what had just started would change things so much between us. Both wanting it so, but a bit unsure how we would proceed.
We sat next to each other on my bed. We talked about what we had learned about lesbianism at the different talks and gatherings we had attended. All were billed more as emerging feminist meetings but usually did slip to the feelings and activities between women. And we pulled out our ‘secret book’ we had gotten at one event. It showed different positions of women together for the most enjoyment.
Until now, for the most part, we had only looked at the beginning and how to enjoy each other’s breasts to the fullest. Now we wanted to know where further we could go.
For the next hour or so, we poured over the diagrams and drawings of women together. All the possibilities that awaited us. We both knew how to be with men to give them pleasure and had tinges of enjoyment from them. But at that point in time, while men pressed us to go down on them, enjoying the blow jobs we bother were rather talented at. While the guy would offer a little hand play in our cunts, they never moved their mouths to reciprocate the lip service we gave them.
So, the idea of us moving to that zone for each other held us back a little. That night we put our nightgowns on and did cuddle as we fell asleep.
Years later, we both confessed that we both wanted to lift each other’s hem and explore each other’s pleasure cave, but that was much later when we revealed our feelings from that night.
The next few days were filled with starting classes, getting into a groove of school once again it wasn’t until the next Saturday afternoon that things truly progressed.
It was a rainy afternoon, and the thought of doing anything much was dismissed. We both had finished all the work needed for our classes by lunchtime. And when we returned to our room after lunch, we both knew we needed to do something about the throbbing we were having in our nether regions.”
Again, Dorothy and Maude smile at each other, remembering back to that day. Donald and Emma are entranced with what they are hearing. Emma feels her panties filling again with her juices, and as she glances at Donald, she can see he is getting a bit hard from what he is hearing.
Maude picks up the story again.
“We both knew we were ready to take that next step, but still a little hesitant. We came together between our beds and kissed deeply how we have come to enjoy. Then slowly, carefully we undid each other’s tops to push them aside so we could gaze at each other’s breast even encased in bras. Yes, bras of the early ’60s were a bit much, but we reached around each other to release them and allow us to gaze on each other’s wonderful orbs which we both so lusted for.
We caressed and squeezed each other back and forth until we leaned down and in turn, took each other’s nipples into our mouths to suck and harden. We did so enjoy each other’s breasts. I loved Dorothy’s large, like wonderful grapefruit tits. Mine, more like an orange in size which she seemed to crave to suck and lick. We were both working our way to the frenzied delight we had been enjoying for months now.
But there was this deeper craving in both of us. We fell down on Dorothy’s bed, and my hand moved now into her pants. I wanted to feel if she was as wet as I was. Pressing down further as she gasped at what was happening, I found her slit and was rewarded with this sticky wetness coming from her. I kissed her deeply at my discovery.
‘Baby,’ I whispered in her ear, and I began to unzip her, ‘let me touch and stroke you please, I so want to.’
Dorothy moaned with joy and responded, ‘please, yes, take me.’ That was all that was needed. Her pants were off her, and I saw my love totally naked before me on the bed. She reached up, quivering, and undid my pants and had me out of them in a moment.
For the first time, we were both naked in front of each other. It took a moment or two for us to take in each other and begin to reach and caress our full bodies.
We laid side by side, exploring each other. Running our hands up and down our hips and thighs. Tingles ran through us both as we gently touched and explored each other. That in itself was almost enough for us for the moment.
But both our hands roamed their way to each other’s pussy to discover what delights might be offered there. In unison our fingers found their way to each of our slits, spreading our labia to find the wetness awaiting.
Together we stroked up and down each other’s slit. Buffing our clits and pressing just a little into each other’s vags. For this first time, we both were in heaven.
While we had played and pleasured each other before, neither of us had really cum together, or with any of the males, we played with. But this small act to start between us brought us both to the peak and over. The feeling of euphoria was more than either of us could imagine, and to reach such a state together, at the same moment, overwhelmed us.
Our bodies convulsing, we were not even sure what overtook us, but we knew we had reached a new phase in our relationship. Holding each other tightly, after a bit, we pulled back the covers and climbed into the bed to sleep. After that night, we never wore sleepwear again.
We now were so bound together. It would take time for us to try more and more together, but by the end of our sophomore year we were grinding and fingering, and then sucking and licking each other to maximin pleasure each night.
This was the start of something wonderful, which we never wanted to end.”
Emma and Donald are breathing hard hearing this remembrance, it is a bit strange for Donald that his aunt is so willing to share about her and Maude’s sexual start, but his heart is a bit warmed that she feels so comfortable telling the tale now.
And when Maude picked up the tale again, she is a bit breathless herself to start.
“It was a rather heady year, it was hard to keep our lust and love for each other a secret at the school, but we managed. There were a few women which we later realized were in similar situations, who would attend the feminist rallies and symposiums, and we would chat with superfluously. We did not want any of what we had together to ever be exposed or got back to our families.
Then the most amazing thing of all happened.
We had continued to date at least once a week. You both need to understand, Dorothy and I enjoyed the feel of a man’s penis, playing with it and up in us. So while the love we felt for each other was not really felt for others, the pleasure of being with a man was still desired. The difference in the experience made the delight we had in each other even more intent.
In the spring of that year, we met two roommates who did become our constant dates. After three or four outings with them, all of us engaging in basic foreplay and then on to the actual deed; over dinner one night, when no one was near our table, David and Bobby with a great deal of hesitation confessed something.
It seemed that like us, they loved each other and were engaged in a sexual relationship. They too liked the touch and experience of a woman from time to time, but their commitment was to each other. Dorothy and I started to laugh uncontrollably, which did upset them some until we calmed ourselves enough to explain we were in the same position. Then all of us began laughing in delight together. We would be perfect beards for each other, and in a very enjoyable way to boot.
It did not take long for it all to be decided between us. Yes, we would all ‘date’ regularly, to keep people from wondering, but all understood our true interests in life.
We are all still friends and have spent many, many times the four of us in bed together. Dorothy and I playing with one or the other, then us together for them to watch and enjoy, then us as the audience as they bring each other to a summit.
It always, for outward appearances Dorothy with David, and I with Bobby, but we would switch and mix and match between us when we played. It has been a perfect solution for us, even now that all of us are out in the open. We still see and play with them several times during the year. Not as much as when we started, but time does take its toll some”.
As Maude pauses, Donald interjects to Dorothy, “I remember them being around, and you all going to New York to see plays together. I vaguely recall Grandma and Grandpa going on about wondering why you and David never got to the point of marrying. It does now all start to make some sense.”
Dorothy and Maude laugh telling him and Emma that yes, for years both sets of parents thought that they were perfect matches, which all worked towards their favor. And by the time they did not have to pretend anymore, all four of them were such good friends and did love their interplay together, they just continued on all these years.
It is funny in some ways that their relationships with David and Bobby is almost as long as their own together has been.
It is then that Dorothy looks at the clock and sees that it is approaching two in the morning. “Well, I think with the holiday ahead of us tomorrow we should all head to bed,” she says. They clear their glasses away, go into the house and up the stairs to their bedrooms.
Both Donald and Emma are rather aroused by all that they have just heard.