E088: Emma’s confession

"Emma enjoys the consequences"

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After a glass of wine together and some cheese and crackers, Emma and Donald go back into the water one more time.  They swim and play together, but Donald can tell Emma is distracted. 

When they get back on the shore, he has her lay on her stomach as he rubs the aloe vera over her shoulders, back, and thighs where she is the reddest. Emma sighs with contentment as he does.

But then she rolls over and looks him in the eyes and tells him, “Donald, I did something horrible.  I feel so bad.  When I went up to the house before I caught a glimpse of Dorothy and Maude making love in the greenhouse and I was frozen to the spot watching them for the longest time.  It was so arousing and delightful to watch how they interacted with each other I could not pull myself away.  And now I don’t know how to face them.”

Donald is surprised by her disclosure but is rather enthralled by what she is telling him.  “What do you think you should do about it, Emma?” he asks her.  Personally he thinks nothing of what she has done, and actually, it is a bit arousing to think of her watching them.  But he knows Emma’s tendency to feel guilt and her need now for it to be taken care of.

“I guess I need to confess to them.  If they want me to leave, I understand.  I can go to a hotel in town until you are ready to leave, if you still want me,” Emma says, besides herself in self anguish.

Donald hugs her and tells her he doesn’t think anything quite that drastic will come of it, but perhaps she should tell Dorothy and Maude what she did.  He is sure they will understand.

He wipes the tears from her eyes, and they pack up and head to the cottage.  Donald tells her to go upstairs and clean up, along with what she should put on for dinner.  She does as he tells her.

Dorothy and Maude are in the kitchen starting dinner.  He motions to Maude, and she comes and meets him in the parlor.  Donald tells her about what Emma has done and how contrite she is about it.  Maude laughs and assures Donald that both she and Dorothy saw her watching and it is fine with both of them.  Actually, they rather enjoyed the look on Emma’s face as she watched.

Donald explains to Maude that Emma needs to confess and apologize.  Not that he is making her, but because of her makeup. Maude understands.  And then Donald expands a little.

Now first, it should be mentioned that over the years growing up, Donald did come to understand that Maude was the one in control of his aunt for the most part.  And he knew she had spanked Dorothy from time to time.  Both of them enjoying it a great deal.  Which leads him to suggest something to Maude.

“Emma does rather enjoy being spanked when she feels she has misbehaved, perhaps you spanking her for her offense might give her the release and enjoyment she needs to overcome her remorse,” Donald hints.

Maude laughs fully at the idea, but something in her is stirred, and she knows Dorothy would be too at such fun.  So she and Donald plot what the evening ahead would be.  After, when Donald goes upstairs to clean up, Maude shares all that has transpired between her and Donald with Dorothy who giggles and is so gleeful for the fun evening ahead.

Maybe it is a little unfair to plot this out for Emma, but knowing she does so enjoy it, especially the surprise it will be to her, seems like an excellent idea.

And so, the evening begins.

Donald goes upstairs to clean up and change.  He finds Emma sitting on the bed, fidgeting with her hands and a worried expression on her face.  He takes her in his arms and holds her while stroking her hair.

“Emma, it will all be fine, you will feel better for telling them, and whatever happens it will because they care for you so,” Donald tells her.

They go down the stairs together and into the dining room.  The food is on the table and Dorothy and Maude already in their seats.  After grace and the food served, Emma clears her throat a couple of times and tells the women she has something to confess.

Dorothy and Maude try hard to hide their grins and just look quizzically at her as Emma stammers out her confession of seeing them in the greenhouse and she didn’t know why she stayed and watched.

Both women assured her that it was alright and could understand seeing that happening to be entranced. “But,” Maude says, “You seem to feel guilty over it, do you feel you should be punished for doing so?”

Emma gasps, taking in what is being said to her if she understands correctly.  Is Maude suggesting she would spank Emma?  She has never been spanked by a woman, well not anyone besides Donald, so it might be exciting to know what that feels like.

Would Donald and Dorothy watch her being spanked?  Except for that one time with Sasha when Donald spanked both of them, no one has just watched her being punished.  Oh my, she can feel her juices begin to drip out of her and her beginning to throb. 

“What are you suggesting?” Emma manages to squeak out.

Maude replies, “Well, from time to time, Dorothy has needed a little discipline over the years, which we found being over my lap, a bare bottom spanking usually clears everything up.”

“Yes,” Dorothy pipes in, “You must spank her exactly like you do me.”  She winks at Maude, who smiles at her.

“Perhaps that would be best,” Emma says weakly as she feels herself throb harder and harder.  Why is she so turned on by the prospect?  When she looks to Donald, he just winks at her with a smile.

“Well, that is settled, after dinner and clean up, I think we should all retire to the parlor and take that course of action,” Maude says.

All through dinner, Emma squirms in her seat, wondering what it will be like.  She realizes her panties are now soaked, and she is going to be embarrassed when they all see that.  And she wonders what Dorothy meant by ‘exactly like you do me.’ The possibilities swarm through her mind making her throb even more.

By the time dessert is served, Emma has a small climax, just thinking of the possibilities.  Her vagina is dancing away, and she can feel the heat of her pussy rising more and more.

The clean up seems to take forever as Emma shivers each time Maude walks near her.  Then she tells Donald to take a dining room chair to the center of the parlor and for them to wait for her and Dorothy there.

Donald does as asked, and then sits on the couch holding Emma on his lap.  He asks her if she is sure she wants to go through with this?  No one would mind if she did not want to.  Neither Dorothy nor Maude were upset by her watching them.

Emma replies, “No, I think Maude should spank me.  Even more because of how wet I am just imagining it happening.  Do you mind though if she does?

Donald laughs and hugs her telling her, “No, I figured you want this, and so a new experience for you, and I will enjoy watching your lovely ass being spanked.  As I think both Maude and Dorothy will.  It is a little strange me indulging in this with my aunt, but hey it is nothing between us, and you and Maude are not related at all.”

Emma half-heartedly laughs with him.  She knows she will love the sensation, but she hopes she does not become a bawling mess feeling regret for her actions resulting in the spanking.

Meanwhile, Dorothy and Maude are in their room, collecting the special hairbrush.  It is old, silver-headed, with sharp horsehair bristles.  They talk a little, Dorothy telling Maude to have fun with Emma and to check her wetness regularly, as Maude does her when being spanked.

“Dorothy, are you sure you want me to touch her?  We never did that before,” Maude asks her.

“Emma is different and special, you both will enjoy it, and I will too seeing the looks on both your faces.  From her wiggling, at dinner, I think she is probably rather wet already.  Just know, as soon as it is over we need to get to bed as I want to lick up all the juices which will be flowing out of you,” Dorothy tells her.

“You little vixen, you just might need a spanking before bed tonight too,” Maude kids her.

“Is that a promise?” Dorothy replies, grinning widely.

They go downstairs to the parlor, Dorothy holding the hairbrush for now.  She knows the lovely sting it gives and is envious of what Emma is going to experience.  But hopefully later.  She sits down on the couch near Donald.  They have a front row seat for what is to transpire.

Maude sits on the dining room chair facing them, lifting the front of her dress to her thighs and spreads her legs a bit for Dorothy to have a good view of the cunt she so loves.

Maude tells Emma to come to her, and she gets off Donald’s lap and comes to stand beside Maude. 

Maude lifts her dress up to her waist and tells her to hold it there.  Then she slowly lowers Emma’s panties to her knees.  Dorothy tries to stifle the puff of delight, seeing Emma’ short cropped mons glittering with dew. Donald is just as in awe as she is from the view.

Maude helps Emma to bend over her lap and adjusts her, so both are comfortable.  Maude’ skirt is raised enough that she can feel Emma’s wetness against her thigh.  My, she is a moist one.

Maude begins by rubbing Emma’s ass cheeks as she tells Emma she must say why she is getting a spanking.

All three are surprised by the answer Emma stammers out, “For after seeing you and Dorothy in the greenhouse, instead of continuing on minding my own business, I stood and watched you together.  First, I was in enamored by how beautiful your naked bodies both were, then seeing the love you were sharing together.  It was so apparent how well you both knew each other’s bodies and the desire you had to please each other to the maximum.  I was held captive.”

“And because watching you together I felt myself become soggy between my legs and my vagina was throbbing so hard uncontrollably.  I am not sure why, but watching you together was better than any erotic film could ever be,” Emma finishes.

Maude is so taken back she wonders if she can spank Emma after that.  And the looks of amazement on Donald’s and Dorothy’s faces show they are amazed by Emma’s responses too.

“Emma, that is very kind of you to say, do you feel you should be spanked for what you did?” Maude asks her.

“Oh yes ma’am, I should not have watched, that was an invasion of your privacy,” Emma says.

On that, Maude looks and Dorothy and Donald and raises her arm in the air and comes down to spank Emma of her left cheek.  Emma jumps and oohs in response.  Then her right cheek.  Emma squirms a little.

And the spanking begins.  After several spanks on each cheek, Maude moves her left hand under Emma and slides her fingers up and down her slit, feeling how sopping she already is.  She begins to gently buff Emma’s clit as she returns to hand spanking her.

Emma is developing tears in her eyes, at the same time, her vag is throbbing so hard from the attention her clit is receiving.  Maude is skilled at spanking, cupping her hand just right and swatting her upward from the bottom of her ass cheeks to make the sting reverberate through her pussy.

Maude pauses now and then in the spanking to lift Emma’s hair up and off her face and neck.  It is getting damp, and Emma is perspiring some from the exertion and the warm air flowing through the room.

All four in the room can smell the sexual aroma coming from Emma.  A mixture of her cum, sweat and the perfume she is wearing gives off a heady scent.

After several minutes of the hand spanking, Emma’s ass nice and rosy now, Maude motions to Dorothy to bring her the hairbrush.  Emma quivers envisioning what is ahead.

Donald has been getting erect watching all this.  He would have never imagined that just being an observer of Emma being disciplined could be so arousing.  He sees Emma look towards him, and he is aware she sees his rising penis through his pants and knows.  Donald moves the pillow between him and Dorothy, so she does not notice, and hopes Maude doesn’t either.

But both women see and as Dorothy hands Maude the hairbrush they give each other a small nod and wink, smiling over the effect this evening entertainment is having on everyone.  Dorothy’s face is flushed from the enjoyment of seeing all unfold, and Maude knows she is going to find Dorothy dripping wet when they get to their room, as moist as Maude is herself.

Maude taps the hairbrush around Emma’s cheeks as she moans, knowing what is coming. Maude places her left hand on the small of Emma’s back now to hold her as she brings the brush down the first time on her left cheek. 

Followed immediately by one to the right cheek.

Minutes later, from the onslaught of being spanked so well, tears are flowing down Emma’s face as she is trying to catch her breath. 

And then it happens.

Emma’s body convulses, her head lifts up as her back arch, and she cries out from a crashing orgasm. Donald and Dorothy watching both almost cum themselves seeing her in the thralls of ecstasy.

The room, warm from the weather, and now fragrant from all of their hormones, is reeking with a decadent scent.

Maude slows her spanking of Emma as she crashes down from her climax, strokes her back as her breath calms, then helps her rise.  Maude stands and takes Emma in her arms and kisses her face telling her it is all over now.

Emma gasps and gulps as she turns and hurries to Donald who takes her on his lap to hold and comfort her.  Neither really notice Dorothy and Maude’s hasty departure.

When Emma is calm, Donald picks her up in his arms and carries her upstairs to his room.  There he carefully undresses her and helps her to bed under the covers.

He undresses and crawls in beside her.  Both are at such a sexual frenzy from all that has happened that it is a very fast dance before Donald in thrust up in Emma and they are consummating the lustful need between them.

It takes only minutes before Emma is throbbing against Donald, and he, in turn, is shaking all over, especially his member in her, as he whines and quakes to a climax filling Emma fully.

She hugs him tightly as she feels his release deep within her, and together they collapse in a satisfying release.  Entwined together they fall into a deep sleep as the breeze off the bay slides over they dampened bodies.




Published 6 years ago

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