E086: Out on a sailboat

"A day on the water"

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The next morning Emma awakes around eight in the morning.  Donald is not there.  She is a little hazy about where she is until she remembers she is in Donald’s bedroom on Cape Cod.  But where is he?

She gets up a bit groggy and fumbles to the bathroom to shower.  It is different not having Donald in it with her.  The first time is so long.  She dries and styles her hair, and then wonders what to wear.  It is a little strange to her that in just over four months, she is so used to Donald taking care of all these things for her, she is confused and unsure what to do.

Then she sees that a sundress is laid out for her and realizes Donald has not abandoned her, rather has things ready for when she wakes.

She dresses quickly, hearing movement downstairs, and heads to the kitchen.

Donald is sitting at the table with his aunt and Maude, him in running shorts and sneakers, them in house dresses.  All are eating what looks like delicious pastries.

“Come join us, Emma,” Dorothy tells her, “Donald made an early morning run to the bakery wanting to taste these Danishes he always has loved.  Here, sit, try one.  Would you like some tea? Or coffee?”

Emma replies that tea would be wonderful, she doesn’t drink coffee.

Maude laughs and tells her to join the club, neither of them ever cared for coffee either.  Donald says while he does now and then have coffee, it must be his aunt’s influence because he prefers tea also.

They chatter away for almost an hour in a companionable way.  Getting to know each other more and realizing how much they all enjoy each other’s company. 

Dorothy then tells Donald, “Dear, you should take Emma out on the boat today.  I can pack a nice lunch for you, and you can sail around the bay, and if you feel you still can, go out along the ocean shoreline.”

Donald readily agrees with the suggestion as it has been a long time since he has had the chance to sail but knew he had never lost the skills. Emma is overjoyed with the suggestion as she has never been sailing before.

They quickly change to swimsuits with shorts and tops over them.  Deck shoes, of course.  They head down to the dock where a thirty-foot sailboat is tied up.  Donald takes time to get the boat ready, Maude helping some when she and Dorothy bring the basket of food down to them.

Together the three explained the basic of coming about, hoisting the sails, etc.  Dorothy insists that Donald stays in the bay, not far from shore until Emma knows what she will have to do to help.  Donald promises as he starts the engine to take them out a bit into the bay to catch a breeze.

Emma is a quick learner and can lift the sails and turn the winch to tighten the sails as they tack around the bay line.  They are having a wonderful time sitting close to each other as often as possible as Donald shows her how to steer with the rudder.

She is soon holding the rudder firm and turning as he directs her as he shifts the sails to turn a different direction.  By the time they have run close to the shore towards Sandwich, Massachusetts, so Emma can see the beachfront there, he knows she is ready.  He turns them to cross over the center of the bay, tacking back and forth at a wonderful speed.  The boat leaning with the wind to a nice thirty-degree angle.

The wind on their faces, the sun shining overhead, and just the overall rush Emma is having from experiencing this wonderful adventure is making Emma’s cheeks red and a gleam showing in her eyes.  Every time she is able to, she hugs and kisses Donald in her excitement.

Donald is coming to cherish every moment like this when he can give Emma something new and exciting for her.  She is an adult and sophisticated woman, but her childlike glee at these new pleasures fills him with such joy.

They head to the tip of the cape and then maneuver around it to head out to the ocean side. There they run down the coastline to Nauset Beach.  This so far has taken about three hours, and it is now after one o’clock.

Donald drops the anchor and the sails close to shore, telling Emma that why don’t they take a swim before they eat their lunch.

“From here?” Emma asks him, “How will we get back onto the boat?”

Donald tosses the rope ladder over the side and explains that while they can dive off, they will be able to climb back up on to the boat after.  Emma squeals with delight.

Quickly shedding their tops, shorts, and shoes, they stand holding hands at the side of the boat and jump into the ocean together.  The water is over 20 feet deep where they are, so they have to start swimming around the boat at once.  The cool ocean water, with its saltiness, is so wonderful and allows them to float on their backs for a while.

There are a lot of people on the beach, but they are out far enough from shore to not have anyone around them.  They frolic and play together, treading water some of the time, other swimming side by side.  After a little over a half hour, both have had enough water for now.  The climb back up into the boat and looking around seeing no other boats anywhere near.  Donald suggests they take their suits off. 

Emma is more than willing to comply. They are soon on the floor of the cockpit groping at each other like it has been a month since they coupled, rather than twenty-four hours.

Emma starts on her back, on a towel Donald throws down for her.  He is kissing her neck as he bends over her.  “Would you like me to give you a hickey like Aunt Dorothy got?” he jokes with her.

“Umm,” Emma replies, but then sensibility takes over and continues, “I would like to feel that Donald, but I would be so embarrassed if they saw it.”

Donald just laughs and licks her neck instead.  “My southern belle,” he whispers in her ear.

His mouth moves south to suck on her nipples one after the other, back and forth until she is crying out in anguish.  He is laying between her legs and the weight of his stomach, just above her mons is pressing against her clit.  Each time he moves to suck on her more, he rubs and torments it.

Emma’s arms are wrapped around his neck, her fingers running through his hair, pressing him into her nipples as he sucks.  When she thinks she can’t stand any more of this, needing to feel him in her pussy slit now, he seems to know her yearning and moves down farther.  Now he is licking and tonguing her belly button.

Oh, how he teases her, this feeling of him running his tongue around and around her innie does send spasms through her, but not the ones she so desperately needs right now.  She moans, and her legs lock over his back.

Donald knows what Emma wants, and seems to need so much now, but to help her learn to enjoy the ride to that essential summit, he continues to just take his time with her. 

Still, no moving to where she is longing for him to go, he lifts her legs up high placing them on each seat spread wide and high.  He moves lower and lifts her ass up enough and spreads her cheeks to see her lovely rosebud glimmering at him.  Her juices have dripped down and are wetting her crack and pooling by her back hole.

He licks them all away and begins to rim her, circling her hole, and then sticking his tongue in just a little at first, but then more and more.  Emma is now beside herself.  This does feel so good.  Not what she was hoping for, but a wonderous diversion for the moment.

The rocking of the boat adds an arousing effect to all she is feeling being done to her.

Donald raises up between her legs, his cock so hard for her now.  He rubs it up and down Emma’s slit as she squeals with delight, especially as he rubs his glans over and over on her clit.

Donald can feel the sun beating down on his back, being out on the ocean and with the white cockpit he can feel his back and ass starting to burn a bit, but he does not care at the moment.

Lifting Emma’s legs up to his shoulders as he kneels, his lubricated cock thrusts into her wonderful woman cavern that he so loves to explore.

On his first thrust, Emma cries out in passion, she immediately grips his cock as he presses into her.  He feels how much she is throbbing, as actually, he is too at the moment.

The build-up for Emma makes it a short time before she shakes, arches, clenches and howls out as she cums hard.  She is panting from this, and her body is glowing from perspiration.  The wetness of her running on to Donald and the lustful fragrance coming from Emma presses Donald on to his own summit.

Letting his load squirt up in Emma, spent, he falls on to her.

She wraps her arms around him and holds him tight as they both descend from the peak they were just on.

When semi-calm, but feeling their mingled juices between both their legs, Emma urges Donald to roll over on his back, and she moves down between his legs to start to lick and suck him clean. 

The taste and scent of their combined juices is heady stuff.  Emma does love this taste, she realizes, which brings a blush to her cheeks.

Why is everything Donald and she do together so intense for her?  What spell has he cast over her?  But then Emma realizes she does not care what spell it might be, she just wants it to go on and on forever.

By the time she has finished administering some cleansing for Donald, she can feel the heat of the sun on her back and ass too.  Both of them are rather tan all over, but it has been a week since all parts of them were exposed, so the heated ocean sun out here has made both their backs and asses a bit sunburned.

Now, almost three o’clock, they do compose themselves and eat the wonderful picnic lunch packed for them.  After reluctantly they get back into their clothes, their bathing suits, now dry placed in the basket to take back to the house.

Donald raises the anchor, adjust the sails, and they start the northern trek back up the coast and around the head to their dock.

It is close to six o’clock when they do pull up to the dock.  And another half hour until everything is cleaned and stored.  They are both so happy, but a little sunburned on their backsides, as they walk up the path to the cottage.

Donald leaves the basket in the kitchen where Dorothy and Maude are fixing dinner, and they head upstairs to shower and change.

When they come back down, they see their swimsuits hanging on the stair’s rail.  Dorothy kids them as she brings dinner into the dining room, “I think you might have forgotten some things which seems to have been abandon during your sail.”

Both Donald and Emma blush, and not from sunburn, as they take their seats at the table for dinner.


Published 6 years ago

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