In the kitchen, Emma suggests that the sandwiches left from lunch would be fine for dinner, rather than fixing anything more. That in itself won so many points with Dorothy and Maude. Emma being so considerate. They go about getting things out, setting the table, making a salad, and bringing out the seafood macaroni.
All are a little worried what a repeat of lunch might arouse, but now all so sexually satisfied for the moment it is fine.
Dinner on the table, bottles of wine opened to share, they have a wonderful dinner. Donald and Emma telling, well only in part, their trip north.
Dorothy and Maude ask Emma about her hometown and what she does, and Emma finds herself relaxing so around them telling them about growing up in a small town where her father and grandfather were so well known and important. She tries to keep it light, but they can hear the underlying unhappiness she experienced growing up.
As does Donald for the first time hearing this. His heart hurts, hearing what she went through. Before he can do it, Dorothy is out of her chair and hugging Emma tight telling her that everything from now on will be okay.
And Donald realizes, his aunt promising this to Emma is probably even better than if he had tried to comfort her. He knows that now he will do everything in his power to make her life happy and her much more confident in herself.
After dinner is cleaned up, they settle in the parlor over drinks. Dorothy and Maude tell the story of how they met. It was even more enthralling than what Donald had told. Much more detailed.
Maude began.
“I grew up in a small town on the coast of Rhode Island. My parents did want me to go to college, and I had good enough grades to be accepted at Wellesley College. I was an only child, who my parents had later in life, so I was given a free-hand and was a bit wild.
I couldn’t wait to get to college and really start expanding my horizons you could say. My mother, worried about me, had taken me to a doctor and got birth control pills for me at the end of my senior year. Telling me, she was not quite ready to be a grandmother yet. That gave me the green light to begin exploring.
Kennedy was now our president, the whole Camelot thing. The first men in space, the starting of the Peace Corps, even the Bay of Pigs, and East Germany closing the wall, all showed how the world was changing.
I let my hair grow long, hitchhiked to Vermont to hike and camp during the summer, and began wearing the styles I saw coming from California – bolder prints, ponchos, the flowing longer dresses, and jeans which would soon become normal even on the east coast.
I arrived first in our dorm room in September. We didn’t have any idea who our roommate would be or even which dorm we would be in. We were assigned a room in Pomeroy Hall, The Pom, on the third floor looking out on the quad.
My parents helped me unpack, and then after we had lunch together, they headed home. I was finally on my own, free, well as free as being in a woman’s dorm of an all woman’s college in 1961 allowed.
While I was gone, Dorothy arrived.”
At this point, Dorothy picks up the story.
“My parents and I arrived just after twelve that Saturday afternoon. They had insisted we go to church first. I just want to get to college and see what my room was like. It was only a half-hour from our house, but the drive seemed to take forever.
I had toured the college last year when applying and loved everything about it. Wellesley was a hard school to get into. You needed almost all A’s, be active in your school, and show outward confidence about yourself. I was ecstatic that I was accepted, and since the weekend orientation I attended in July, I had been counting the days to when I could start.
When we got to the room I saw someone had moved in already, her things were all unpacked on the left side of the room. My mother helped me put my things away and made my bed for me. Dad, after carrying everything up, was just wandering around the quad for a bit as I got settled.
And then the moment arrived. The door opened, and Maude walked in the door. I was mesmerized by her. Luckily, I was standing behind my mother so she could not see the expression on my face. But I knew Maude had.
She was beautiful, I thought. Tall, almost six-foot-tall; gorgeous long flowing golden hair falling down her back. She had on tight capris and a loose-fitting sweater. She was a little heavier, but her curves were lovely. Her breasts were not that large, but I could see the outline of them through her sweater. There was just a golden glow all about her.
I do not know why I noticed and acknowledge all things about her on first meeting, but this happiness just radiated from her.
She introduced herself to my mother and me. I found my voice and said hello and who I was. Then my mother started babbling asking where she was from, all about her, telling her all about me. Maude answered her questions, but both of us just stood there, listening to her for the most part.
Luckily my father appeared and said it was time for them to be heading home. I mouthed thank you to him, as he knew how carried away my mother can get with new people at times. He winked at me and told her to let us get to know each other on our own.
I hugged and kissed them both, and after my father slipping me a twenty-dollar bill telling me for us to go out for a nice dinner, they were gone.
We laughed together after they left, and I apologized for my mother. Maude just said it was a good thing her mother had left before we had arrived, or we would have known everything about each other from the moment we exited their wombs.
I was fascinated by her making such a bold statement and laughed at it. And so, helping each other finish unpacking, we chatted for the next couple of hours.”
Maude chimed in again:
“I saw the look that crossed Dorothy’s face, and I tried to keep my expression neutral as I was for some reason feeling the same thing about seeing her for the first time. But her mother was looking right at me, and while neither of us understood what we felt, I knew her mother would not approve of such a look.
Dorothy says she thought I was beautiful, which is kind of her, but she was magnificent. Only about five foot three, her auburn hair pulled back with a blue headband. She is wearing a white cashmere sweater and a blue plaid skirt, with a string of pearls around her neck. I realized she had dressed more or less in the school’s colors. The blue accented her magnificent hair, and the sweater pulled across her large firm breasts. She was tan from the summer and had just a smug of freckles over her cheeks and nose. She just smelt of sweetness and light.
In the same way, I did not even comprehend the idea of being with a woman. That summer, while camping, I had lost my virginity to one of the guys in the group. We had known each other throughout high school, dating and moving along to some of the bases, but under the starry sky one night it just seemed so right, I knew I would never end up with him, but he was a good beginning.
So thinking about a girl was the farthest thing from my mind, but there just was something about Dorothy that made my heart skip a beat or two.
After her parents left and we finished unpacking we fell on the one bed just laughing. We seemed to do that to each other. Everything we said to each other came out so witty adding to our mirth.”
Dorothy takes up the story again, smiling at Maude:
“It was a fun afternoon, but when night came, and we were in bed with the lights out, things came over me. I was away from my family for the first time, sharing a room with someone which I never had before. Suddenly all the changes now taking place made tears come to my eyes. I really don’t know why because I was so excited about this new chapter of my life. But they did.
Maude heard my quiet sobbing, and as our beds were not that far apart, she reached her hand out and took mine squeezing it, and we fell asleep that way.
That fall was such a new adventure. Maude knew so many college men near us. She did have a way of talking with them, whether in friendly banter or more suggestively. I think that is why she did so well in advertising. She understands men so well.
We were soon going on double dates or to weekend football games. Maude always insisted that whoever she went with found a date for me too so we would go together as a group. She was even friendly with the townie boys that way too. Wednesday nights we would go to the movie in town, and inevitably some guys would meet up with us.
Seated in the darkened theater, I could help to glance at Maude and her date. They would be kissing and him running his hands over her breasts. Watching secretively I felt shudders run through me each time her tits were squeezed or saw the guy run his hand up and down her stocking covered thigh.
A couple of times we went to the drive-in. I was in the front seat with my date, and Maude and hers were in the back. By then, I would let guys kiss me and play with my breasts, run their hands up about halfway on my thigh too. But the one night what was happening in the back set really held all my attention.
Hearing the heavy panting and moaning, I had to peek. My date had been kissing me for a while, so I turned my face, so my neck was there for him. Then through eye slits, I watch what was happening. I didn’t want them to know I was watching, being such a voyeur, but I could not tear my eyes away.
I should say that this resulted in my having a hickey on my neck from my date, which required I wore turtlenecks for a few days.
As I watched, the date unbuttoned Maude’s blouse lifted her bra, and her lovely boobs were on display. I held back a gasp seeing this. He lowered his head and took one nipple in his mouth to suck. Maude moaned from the attention and was fondling his hair. Before long, she was rubbing the front of his trousers, and I could see him grow from her caresses.
He sat back up, leaned against the back of the seat as Maude undid his pants, and pulled his cock and balls out. This was the first time I really saw a man’s equipment, and even in the dim light as Maude jerked him hard, it was interesting to see. But what I was enjoying more was seeing the command Maude had over him. She would kiss him as she squeezed his shaft up and down, but when a little precum started, I watched as she rubbed it with her fingers around his glans.
Then making me shake in excitement, Maude lowered her head over his prick and began sucking it. Now he was moaning deeply, my trembling made my date think I was enjoying his attention, which now included opening my blouse and lifting my bra to squeeze and knead my boobs.
That being a cover, and I did enjoy it some, I was able to moan myself as I watch Maude in action. After only moments, her date’s whole body quivered, and he shouted out some. I could see Maude was swallowing something and then lift away from his now flaccid cock.
I turned and kissed my date so not to be caught looking at the back seat. He was nice, and before the movie ended, I did rub outside his pants for him a little.
There were weekends away at football games, and more adventures for the two of us those three months. Often we would be in the same room making out on opposite beds. The first time I heard Maude being fucked, I couldn’t really understand my feeling of jealousy. Not of what she was experiencing, but the joy the guy must be getting to be inside of her.”
Maude cuts in here:
“Dorothy wasn’t the only one feeling envious at that time. Every date we were on I would be looking over at her, and she would seem so engrossed with her date, laughing and chatting together. And then she started to move forward more herself, and I found myself in the same place she was, spying on what was going on.
That night after the drive-in when I saw the hickey on her neck, something stirred in me, thinking of the guy sucking on her lovely neck and marking it. We giggled over it as we readied for bed.
Dorothy mentioned seeing my boobs that night for the first time, and it was somewhat true. While we shared a room and dressed at the same time it was usually with our backs turned half in the closets. Or we would dress in the shower stall area behind curtains.
Once or twice I did get to catch a glimpse of Dorothy wonderfully shaped orbs, the perfect shaped nipple so perky on each. That only happened when her robe fell a little opened, but the sight did amaze me.
In late October, seeing how far Dorothy was moving along following my antics, I encouraged her to go to Planned Parenthood to get some sort of birth control. Condoms just weren’t enough to rely on. Women needed to take control of their own bodies, so ‘accidents’ didn’t happen.
She was hesitant at first, but after the night I watched from the back seat as she went down on her date the first time, I knew where it would all lead.
So, rather than a movie on Wednesday when we did not have classes in the afternoon, we hopped on a bus and rode to Worcester, Massachusetts to a clinic there so not to be found out.
When there, Dorothy had to be examined and get a pap smear. She never had one before so was nervous and insisted I stay with her in the examination room as it was done. That was the best invitation I ever got.
She undressed and put the paper robe around her, but it didn’t really cover her that well. Jumping up on the table and spreading the cloth over her legs gave me a wonderful momentary view of both Dorothy’s breast and her pussy. It was so cute with the curly auburn mons hairs. I felt myself becoming a little wet between my legs.
The doctor, a woman, came in, and as I got to watch it all. First, she opened the robe to show Dorothy’s full breasts as she checked and kneaded them, explaining how to self-check yourself regularly. I so wanted to be the doctor at that moment, but what she said next to Dorothy made me want to kiss her.
‘You could both actually check each other regularly, a lot of women are doing that with a friend now, someone else doing so might notice something more than you would yourself,’ the doctor suggested.
I wondered if Dorothy would agree to that.
I then got to watch as Dorothy’s legs were spread in the stirrups and her full lovely flower was on display for both the doctor and me. I saw there was a little wetness already between her legs too and wonder if it was from the exam or thinking about us checking each other. I so hoped it was the later.
The exam over, a six-month supply of pills in Dorothy’s purse, we headed back to campus. A week later, she was able to start taking the pills, and right after the Thanksgiving holiday, Dorothy had lost her virginity. He was a nice enough guy, as were all we dated, but by then we enjoyed giggling over our dates and what we did with them afterward more than being with them really.
After the Christmas break, when we did get back together after three weeks apart, we both had realized there was something more than just best friends between us. On being reunited in January, we had to endure a dinner with all our parents who had brought us back to school before they finally left. Dorothy and I just kept stealing glances at each other throughout the meal. Our first semester grades had come, and we both were on the dean’s list with almost all A’s. Both sets of parents were proud of this, and the dinner was in celebration. I remember both our father’s commenting on what good influences we were on each other, and how wonderful it was that we had become friends.
Finally, they left, and we were in our room, standing facing each other. We laughed in joy of seeing each other again, and back to our lives here, then it happened. It was not like either of us was the initiator, rather we just fell into each other’s arms hugging, kissing each other’s cheeks, and then as one our heads turned, and we passionately kissed each other for the first time.
There would be no going back from there.
With that, they all noticed the time, almost midnight.
Dorothy stood and collected the glasses and bottles and pushed the cart to the kitchen, saying as she left, “I think it is time for all of us to get to bed. Today was a full day, and we have the whole long weekend ahead of us.”
All agreed, and after a quick clean up, they headed to their rooms for the night.
Lying in bed in Donald’s arms, Emma thought about the day and how wonderful it all was. It was nice to sleep in this smaller bed. She turned and kissed Donald good night and thanked him for bringing her on this wonderful trip. He hugged her in return, and they fell asleep.
There had been enough action for today, and the cool breeze off the bay made them both yawn and close their eyes.