E081: Back on the road Wednesday morning

"Emma and Donald's road trip continues"

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As they had fallen asleep so early last night and had not eaten, Donald and Emma are up at dawn, ready to face a long day of driving ahead of them.  They quickly shower and dress.  Today, Donald does not put panties on Emma.  She looks quizzically at him over this, but he just swats her ass cheeks and tells her he likes her easily accessible.

She jumps a little at the swat and giggles, today should be an interesting day.  Since leaving home, she has been earning stars.  When she gets into the car, she updates the notebook through last night.  Alabama – one star (though all that has happened there it should have hundreds more); Georgia – the second star; Tennessee – three there, so now five stars; Virginia – once again three, now at eight stars in the notebook;  West Virginia – one more, nine stars; Maryland – two, eleven stars; Pennsylvania – as Emma adds two, no three, for yesterday, they are now at fourteen stars.  And there are five states ahead of them today before this game comes to an end.

Both of their stomachs grumble a bit, but it is only six o’clock in the morning when they start on the road.  Donald tells her when they get into New Jersey, they will stop for a big breakfast.  Emma adds New Jersey to her list to be ready.  When they pass through the state line’s ‘Welcome’ Emma does take a picture of it.  She is taking pictures of many things she sees as they pass along.  Some of Donald driving, a couple long-armed selfies of them, and each of the locations of a newly earned star.

It is less than two hours when Donald gets off the expressway in Lebanon, New Jersey, and drives to a pancake house for breakfast.  It is about eight a.m. when they arrive and are seated at a small round booth.  They sit right next to each other, and before their beverages arrive, Donald’s hand is rubbing up higher and higher on Emma’s thigh.  She giggles with excitement and places her hand on his thigh to squeeze in return.

They order breakfast – eggs, sausage, toast, and stacks of pancakes to follow, with plenty of butter and warm syrup Emma requests.  She leans and kisses Donald on the cheek and tells him she will be right back; she needs something from the car.

Donald nods, but he is getting semi-hard now, and Emma is beginning to squirm, so he is not sure why she stops their finger play right now.  But she is soon back with a Cheshire grin on her face.  Now he is even more curious.

She slides in and is back right beside him, with her hand now directly stroking his cock through his khakis.  It feels so good like it always does when Donald feels Emma’s touch.  She starts out so timid and softly, and works her way to a stronger, faster stroking as he hardens.

Their eggs are served and intermittently as they eat their hands find their way back to finger and tease each other.  Donald works his way up Emma’s thigh, past her labia, to stroke her wet slit.  Fingers playing in her vag and buffing her clit.

Emma opens Donald’s pants, spreads them apart, and brings his cock and balls out to air.  She strokes and plays with them as he hardens.  Through bites of egg and sausage, Donald lets out low moans.

When their empty plates are removed, and they wait for their pancakes to arrive, Emma takes one of the extra cloth napkins from their table and places it below Donald’s balls, pulling it up over the base of his shaft.  It is like a bib on his cock.  Donald has no idea what Emma has in mind, but he is game.

Their stacks of pancakes arrive, and as Emma requested extra butter and warmed syrup.  She grins when she sees this.  She quickly butters her stack and pours some of the syrup on.  Donald does the same.  But what she does next blows Donald away.

She takes some of the soft butter and spreads it on her palm discreetly; lowers her hand to Donald’s cock and smooths it over his shaft.  Her firm hands and the greasiness of the butter feels so good.  Then Emma removes her hand and lifts the one small pitcher of warm syrup and pours it over his glans, down his shaft and a bit on his balls.  The heat of it makes Donald shudder, and he feels ready to cum.

Emma whispers to him to not cum yet, and with sheer willpower, he controls himself.  He looks down, and Emma is opening a condom in her lap – what she must have gone back to the car for.  She takes it and places it on his buttery, sticky prick and rolls it down him.  She lifts the triangle of the napkin up over his swollen prick and tucks him back into his khakis.  He does have a bit of a bulge there now, but just feeling the sensation of Emma’s project he knows he will not soften soon.

Emma tells him to eat his pancakes before they get cold; she has already prepared a dessert for herself when they get back the Navigator.

Donald laughs at her antics, and they both quickly devour their stacks, enjoying the anticipation of what is ahead as much as the food itself.  Finishing, Emma leans and kisses him deeply so they both can share the taste of the syrup and butter on each other’s lips.

Donald has Emma walk in front of him as they leave the table and head for their car.  He tells her to get into the back seat, which she grins as she does.  They had parked over to the side, under a tree to keep the car cool and there are no other vehicles near them.

Emma has Donald’s pants undone and down in seconds, just admiring his dripping, condom covered cock for a moment.  Donald tells Emma to lift her dress high and to lean back.  He puts another of the napkins from the table under her and brings forth one of the little pitchers of syrup with butter melting in it.  He tells her to spread her legs some, and he drizzles the mixture up and down her slit.  Then he turns, so her head is below his cock, and he can lean to lick her at the same time.

Emma rolls the condom off him and has him in her mouth immediately, Donald is not far behind as he licks and cleans up and down her slit.  Both are moaning at the attention receiving and giving. 

The flavor of Emma’s juices mixed with the buttery maple is so enticing.  Emma is enjoying the sweetness of the stickiness on Donald’s cock and balls.  And when she hears his deep moan as he licks her she takes his glans in her mouth, and then more of his cock in her to suck deeply as she feels him release himself of his sperm filled semen into her mouth.  She now enjoys the erotic mixture of Donald’s cream and sweetness. 

Between feeling him cum in her mouth and the attention Donald has been paying to her clit and vag, and even lifting her legs some so he could lick the syrup from her ass crack and hole, she cums hard too.  Her whole body trembling as she lifts her cunt up in Donald’s face to pleasure her more. 

After both have simmered down from that climax, Donald rolls over and sits on the little bump on the floor of the back seat, smiling at Emma as she lays on the seat.  He leans and kisses her together, sharing each other’s special treat; their tongues intermingle.

Emma sits up, so she is in front of where he is sitting, picks up the condom which has about a teaspoon or so of butter, syrup and Donald’s precum and puts it to her lips.  She sucks and squeezes all of that treat out into her mouth, and leans once again to kiss Donald, their tongues running together, tasting the last of their breakfast dessert.

Donald moves the now sticky napkin from the seat, places the purloined syrup pitcher on it and wraps both in his cock bib napkin, tying them together.  He puts his khakis back on, gets out of the car, and walks around the car to help Emma to the front seat. 

As he does, Emma comments, “I do feel a bit bad about us stealing those things from the restaurant.”

Donald chuckles as he picks up the tied-up napkin and replies, “I left a twenty-dollar tip, and we will leave these here by the tree for them to find.  Just a little laundering will be needed for the napkins.”

Donald can hear Emma’s soft laughter as he circles the car back to the driver’s seat.  They are back on the road just after nine.  Emma puts a star by New Jersey and adds New York to the list as directed by Donald.  There are fifteen stars now.

They drive first on Interstate 78 into Interstate 95 when they reach Newark, New Jersey, over to Manhattan, then the Bronx before heading towards the northern suburbs of New York City.  It is about an hour and a half later when Donald exits at New Rochelle, New York.  He drives through the city a bit and pulls into the New York Aquaria, a small, out of the way, aquarium.

There are only a few cars in the parking lot, not unexpected on a Wednesday late morning at the end of August.  Most everyone would want to be at the beach in the bay and seeing fish and more up close.

They pay the admission and go inside the darkened aquarium.  Only the light from the exhibits and fish tanks light the walkway.  Donald and Emma walk along the route looking at the different sea life, stopping now and then to admire different creatures of the deep.  As they move further around the path of the museum, the few people around seem to have moved ahead of them. 

At about the halfway point, they stand in front of the dolphin tank, watching them swim and frolic.  Sometimes the dolphins coming right up to the window like they are checking Donald and Emma out.

Donald looks around and assures himself that there is no one anywhere near, and presses Emma up against the tank window.  He lifts her dress up to her waist as he stands close behind her blocking her from the path view, but fully exposed to the dolphins who now are swimming around close in front of them.

Emma feels Donald unzip himself behind her and lets out a sigh.  His prick pops forth hard and ready.  He lifts his balls out to the air also. 

Emma feels his cock rubbing up and down her slit, getting wetter and wetter from her drippings.  And then she feels him push into her vag deep as his one hand comes around her to finger her clit.

“Oh!” is all that Emma can say at this moment.  Which she continues repeating over and over, not loud, but intensely as Donald rams into her over and over.

The dolphins are now all facing them, it is like they are watching the human show going on in front of them.  To Emma, it is like she has an audience watching her perform.  Will they judge her for how well her show is?  She imagines them all lifting scorecards giving their rating. 

Just that silly though makes her arch her back against Donald and cry out as the orgasm sweeps through her.  Her whole body is shuddering from the experience as the walls of her cunt clench against Donald.  He lets out a low moan and cums deep up in her.

Donald holds her tight in this position and the dolphin tap against the glass as if first kissing them both, but then a couple dive down lower as if inspecting Emma’s cunt still holding Donald in her.  Donald kisses and nuzzles her neck, asking in a whisper to her ear if she likes the dolphin sniffing her?

Emma giggles and Donald pulls from her and zips himself back in his pants again.  He lowers Emma’s dress back down and steps back from her just in time as he hears people approaching.  It is like the dolphins know they can’t be caught participating in what just happened and they swim off around the tank again.  Emma would swear though that one that was down lower winked at her as he swam off.

Donald put his hand on Emma’s ass and leads her on through the aquarium.  Emma feels their mingled cum starting to drip out of her vagina and hopes she does not drip on the ground before they get back to the car.  She whispers this to Donald as they stand to look at an exhibit for a minute. 

He pulls out a handkerchief and slides it up against Emma’s slit to catch the outflow.  It stays there as she walks with her legs held tightly together to hold it in place.  They do not linger long over the other exhibits and are leaving soon after.

Back at the Navigator, as Donald helps her into her seat, he slides his hand between Emma’s thighs, presses them apart, and wipes her thoroughly with the cloth before removing it.  He lifts it to his nose to enjoy their scent and even licks a little of the creamy blended cum.

Emma places the sixteenth star against New York and adds their next state, Connecticut to the list.  She begins to search on her phone for the right place for their stop in that state. 

Somewhere discreet but still around others perhaps, this being viewed while they play is making her yearn to go just a bit further and further.



Published 6 years ago

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