As Donald resets the GPS for their continued route, he checks ahead and nods his head slightly at what he sees. They pass under the Welcome To Maryland banner, and Emma gives a small shout of joy that she is now in another state. And the “north” – Yankeeland. She has never been this far away from her home before.
Her elation about this makes her babble on and on to Donald about how wonderful this is, how she never got to go anywhere when young, all the new sights and things she is seeing and experiencing.
This morning, Donald dressed her in a patterned sundress. The background is pale yellow with small pink and blue flowers covering it. While it is sloop necked, it has a Peter Pan collar. It is a lovely and innocent dress Emma is wearing today.
Donald drives the next ten of the twenty miles to cross the state, and on the north side of Hagerstown, there is a rest area. He pulls off the freeway into it, and drives to the back of the area, away from any other cars and backs in. The trunk of the car is facing the woods behind the lot, leaving just enough room to lift the trunk. Being Tuesday, there are not very many people in the rest area at a little before one o’clock.
He gets out of his door and opens the back seat and puts that down. Then goes to the trunk where he moves their suitcases a bit to make a nice area. Only then does he walk to Emma’s door and open it to let her out. Somehow, for whatever reason, the look on Emma’s face, which she probably does not even know she is expressing, changes all of Donald’s plans for this interlude.
He had planned to have Emma lie down on the trunk while he licked and enjoyed her, along with some finger play to bring her to climax. It would have played out so well, realizing he could not harden and cum within a half hour of their play at the for-sale house this would be a nice diversion, but something did happen.
But something in Emma’s look as he opens the door for her to get out changes it all. She looks so sweet and innocent, but with a glimmer of knowing she has been bad. And that takes Donald over the brink and into a fantasy for them both to play out.
As he helps her from the front seat, he says to her, “Young lady, I am very disappointed in your behavior, and as your daddy, I think we need to address it right away.”
Not at all what she is expecting at this stop in the rest area to ‘star’ the next state, Emma immediately gets the fantasy Donald wants to play and replies, “Daddy, I am sorry, I try to be good, but…”
Donald takes her by her wrist and leads her to the back of the Navigator. Playing the role he asks, “And where were you earlier today? And what were you doing? I know you have misbehaved, but you must tell me the details.”
“I was playing with a boy in the kitchen,” Emma meekly says.
“And how were you playing, what did you do?” Donald asks sternly.
“I let him put his willy in me. It was so much fun,” Emma replies.
Donald sits in the trunk part of the vehicle and pulls Emma to him to lie across his knees. Her head and chest are leaning into the SUV; one of her legs is up, bent in the truck, the other is hanging over the side.
Donald starts, “That is very bad behavior; you are going to need a thorough spanking from Daddy.” He lifts her dress to her waist and acts surprised that she has no panties on and continues, “What is this, you are not wearing panties? Now you are really in for it. I don’t have your hairbrush handy so I will start your punishment now; the rest will have to be done this evening before bed.”
This comment makes the drippings from Emma increase tenfold. She feels herself throbbing at the thought of not only being spanked here in the outdoors by a woods but also another one ahead tonight. And the fantasy of Daddy and his bad girl is rather enjoyable. Should they keep it up for the rest of the day?
Emma doesn’t have time to think of much else as her ‘Daddy’ lands the first spank on her bottom. She cries out a little. And then another swift spank on her other cheek.
Spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank.
Over and over, covering all inches of her ass cheeks and upper thighs. Emma squirms, wiggles, and kicks her feet as she begins to cry that wonderful release as she feels herself moving towards a spectacular climax.
And it happens. She lifts her ass up to be spanked closer as she cries out and throbs as the climax overtakes her. She does feel so wicked that she enjoys cumming this way so much,
Donald continues spanking her a little more, fifteen minutes in total, before he slows some and ends with rubbing her reddened cheeks. The wetness of the tears spilling from her eyes nowhere compares with what is dripping freely from her vag now.
“Are you going to be my good little girl now?” Donald asks her
“Yes, Daddy, I will be good. Thank you, I needed that to see the errors of my ways,” Emma replies in a meek voice.
Donald helps her stand, straightens her skirt, and walks her back to her seat in the car. Sitting, she does feel the wonderful sting of her spanking and sighs as he clicks her seat belt in for her.
He walks back around the Navigator, closing the trunk with a wry smile thinking of what just happened there. He is rather hard from it all. Emma’s ability to fall into roles for fantasies now and then is so breathtaking.
As he climbs into the driver seat, Emma can see the pup tent in his pants.
“Daddy, should I help you with that?” she asks Donald.
‘Oh gracious, Emma is letting this play on and on,’ Donald thinks, and replies, “Baby, if you can help your Daddy feel better, more relaxed before we continue on, that would be nice.”
In response, Emma undoes his zipper once again like yesterday and lowers her head to take his glans in her lips. Emma so knowing how to suck Donald to the zenith begins at his tip, and then she runs her tongue up and down his shaft as her fingers jerk him. Then more of him in her mouth. More and more, deeper and deeper does he enter her mouth and press against her throat. She does have to pull back every bit to gasp for air, but diligently she is back fully sucking him.
With such treatment, it does not take long for Donald to reach that peak. Feeling his balls, which Emma is squeezing, fill with his desire. And then, telling her, “Baby, I am going to cum now,” he explodes in her. Emma sucks up all of his spurting cum, lapping up all that did not get into her mouth.
She lifts and kisses Donald so he can taste it too, then says in a girly voice, “Daddy, did I do a good job for you? Are you better now?”
Donald hugs her tight and tells her she did wonderfully, but she undid her seatbelt to do so. He leans and pulls it over her, brushing her tits and very hard nipples as he put it on her. He tucks and zips himself and then starts the car.
“Pennsylvania, here we come,” he exclaims as he pulls out.
Within minutes, they cross into the next state. Emma hardly has time to put the star against Maryland and add Pennsylvania before they do. She suddenly realizes that she should be taking phone pictures of every border she is crossing.
She is, truly now, for the first time in her life in the Northern United States – the Union states, the Yankees. All who her upbringing told her to be wary of, but the man sitting beside her, who is taking her to such heights and pleasure is ‘one of them.’ So Emma shakes off the shackles of her youth and encompasses what all is ahead.
And the game Donald has started, she so wants to play out to fruition. As he drives, Emma leans her head on his shoulder and in a small voice continues with the scenario. “Daddy I am soo sorry I was bad. I should never have let that man put his thing in me. But it felt so good at the time, Daddy. But I know I needed that spanking, and the one I will get tonight before bed. I hope I learn to be your good girl,” she says as she clings to his arm and rubs her head against his neck and shoulder.
Donald laughs at her antics and puts his arm around her shoulder to hold her tight against him. “Yes, you were a very bad girl, and then me finding you with no panties on, you do need to learn how to be my good girl and behave properly,” he gently scolds her.
Emma sighs in contentment and stays against him hugging his waist for the last hour or so of today’s drive.
They arrive in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and as they drive to their destination for the night, they pass Chocolate World. Emma exclaims in the squeaky voice she is beginning to enjoy for today, “Oh, Daddy, Daddy, can we stop here and go on the tour? Please, please, please.”
Donald looks at her, and her excitement. While this started as only a roadside stop game, it is nice she is playing it out for the day. Then other thoughts enter his head. Emma never really got to do anything like this when she was young, so perhaps allowing her while she is in the pretending role will give her a memory of like what it would have been.
It is about three o’clock, so Donald says to her, “Are you going to be a good, good young lady for me if we do?”
“Oh, yes, Daddy, I will be an angel for you, please!” Emma swears to him.
Donald laughs and pulls into the parking lot. On a Tuesday afternoon, even in late summer, Chocolate World is not that busy. Emma wiggles with anticipation in her seat as he calls the bed and breakfast where he had made reservations to assure them they will be there, but it might be after six o’clock.
Then he undoes Emma’s seat belt and tells her to sit still. He takes her panties from his pocket where they have been since this morning’s fun, and slips them over her feet, pulls them up to her calves and thighs as she shivers. Then he has her lift herself enough so he can pull them up on her. Then takes a moment to run his fingers on the outside of her panties, up and down her slit. Yes, she is very wet again.
“Baby, I think you are going to need some more attention soon,” Donald whispers in her ear.
Emma replies in just as quiet a voice, “Yes, Daddy, I think I am going to.”
Donald laughs as he helps her from the Navigator and taking her hand firmly they walk to the entrance. They are lucky that the next tour will be starting in about ten minutes, and there are seats available for it. The whole tour with several stops will take about three and a half hours.
Emma is squealing quietly with excitement. The tour includes making your own chocolate bar, chocolate tasting, a 4-D movie, and a trolley tour about the history of Hershey and chocolate. Emma is shaking in anticipation. The trolley arrives to start the tour, and they can get seats up front to see things and hear the guide.
They are taken to the chocolate bar factory, where they are led to an area with all sorts of melting chocolate and items to use to create their chocolate bar. They are guided around to see all that they can use to make their bars. Then they are led to a large table where blank wrappers and all sorts of magic markers, crayons, and pens are available for them to make the wrapper for their candy and name it.
Donald can see Emma is concentrating, trying to think of a name for her candy. He knows exactly what his bar will be after seeing the available ingredients, and also the name for it. It will be for Emma, all her favorite things, and just for today’s fun; its name will be ‘Daddy-Oh.’ He begins to color and design his wrapper.
Emma continues to sit and think for a moment. She is in the Daddy’s-girl space, so she is concentrating about it is as she would have done as a girl. What would she call it?
Unconsciously, she is experiencing this as Donald wants her to, as a treat she missed when she was growing up. But she still is a lustful woman, and it comes to her so easily now. Her perfect candy bar, for Donald, would be called ‘Ohyes!’
Emma is so engrossed in drawing her wrapper she does not pay any attention to what Donald is doing, but Donald is checking on her, seeing her detailed wrapper drawing. She does Georgia O’Keeffe proud. Donald realizes that not only does she have a full art-history education, but her artistic skills are also remarkable.
Just as O’Keeffe could interlace labia into an iris, Emma is doing the same all over her wrapper. So subtly does she do this, that if not looking for it, it would not be noticed. But for Donald, he is starting to stir in his pants. The lines are blurred enough that he knows this is being done especially for him, and when Emma looks up at him her smile as she comprehends his understanding sends rushes of pleasure through Donald.
They create their concoctions for the bars, which are both dipped in the dark chocolate they choose; then they are shown how to wrap the bars, which are put into individual insulated bags so they will not melt. Donald is glad for this short diversion. It allows him to get himself back in hand before they move to the 4-D movie.
At the theater, in the dark, Emma squeezes his hand, still maintaining the role she is playing, to let him know her excitement. And for the first time, them being in a darkened theater together to watch a movie, it does not take long for Emma’s fingers to find their way to Donald’s upper thighs to caress them.
There is no one near them in the theater, so Donald decides to play back. His hand reaches up under Emma’s dress, tickling up her thigh to her wet awaiting panties. He leans close to her ear and whispers, “Someone is being a bad girl, how did you get so wet?”
Emma giggles quietly as she replies, “Oh Daddy, you can make me that way just with a look.”
Donald chuckles in response and slides his fingers inside the leg of her panties to get to her dripping slit uncovered. Emma moans softly at his touch.
It is the best movie Emma has ever sat through. Donald keeps up constant attention on her clit and vag, slowing to gentle strokes to keep the tingles running through her, then faster and more intense at other points to take her almost to that final plateau. Only once during the thirty-minute movie, towards the end, does Emma cum. She presses her face into Donald’s arm to muffle herself as gasps escape her. She is shaking in the final response as the lights come on.
Donald lifts his fingers to her lips, and she quickly licks them clean as they wait to leave the theater.
The chocolate tasting is even better; they get to choose ten different types of chocolate from white chocolate to dark Swiss chocolate to taste. Most are given in tiny cups of the chocolate liquid, others as tiny bars. Rather than using the small spoons provided, Donald and Emma take turns dipping their fingers in the cups and allow the other to lick and suck the chocolate off.
For Donald, he would be happy just letting Emma lick and suck all of the chocolate up. Each time as she takes one to three of his fingers in her mouth to clean it feels like she is lapping at his cock. He feels the same pull on his fingers as he does on his glans and shaft when she is in full-throttle cock-sucking. He is disappointed when that half-hour ends. And he needs to take Emma’s shawl from her to carry in front of him as they leave.
As they climb and sit in the trolley for the final part of the tour Emma whispers to him, “Daddy, did I do a good job? Are you happy?”
Donald lifts her shawl from his lap enough for her to see the large bulge in his pants and tells her, “Yes, baby, you have made Daddy very happy.”
Everyone on the trolley hears the light peal of Emma’s laughter. Somehow the glow over Emma since being spanked and starting on this silly little game with ‘Daddy’ has made Emma look so much younger. She always did look younger than her forty-two years, but now appears barely thirty to those observing the couple. Many think to themselves what a lovely young lady she is, and how devoted she must be to the man she is with.
A few of the older individuals on the tour have noticed the sexual play between Emma and Donald and from observing feel a throbbing themselves, some for the first time in years. By morning, there will be a lot of happy couples from today’s tour.
Emma and Donald behave themselves during the next hour of the chocolate history tour. Donald is able to calm himself, and Emma enjoys everything she sees and hears, often pulling at Donald’s arm to point some small detail out.
By the time they are back in the Navigator and ready to finally head to the bed and breakfast Emma is at a high level of excitement from it all. She babbles and babbles to Donald about all she saw, calling him ‘Daddy’ over and over and hugging him repeatedly and thanking him.
Her face is flushed with her excitement, and Donald is a little concerned. But when they check into the B&B, she acts refined and calm. Only when they are safe in their room alone does she go back to her role-playing, and now in a different way.
While Donald unpacks a few things for the night, Emma goes to the suitcase and takes the hairbrush from it, comes and stands in front of Donald and says, “Daddy, I know I was a very bad girl today and must have the rest of my punishment. Can we do it now so it is behind us and we can have a nice dinner?”
Donald’s heart melts at how innocent and contrite Emma is, her lower lip even quivering as she gazes down. He does not want to punish his baby anymore, but he knows she does love it so. And it is time to bring this silly role play to an end.
“Yes, young lady, I think that would be a good idea,” he tells her as he takes the hairbrush in one hand, her hand in his other, and leads her to the bed. He sits on it and places her over his lap.
Her lovely ass even covered in her dress and panties is such a delight to him. Donald strokes her cheeks over and over as they both prepare themselves for what is ahead. Donald moves back into the ‘Daddy’ role and admonishes Emma for her bad behavior which has led to this moment.
Emma is already dripping as she listens to what a bad girl she has been earlier today. She whimpers a little and tells her ‘Daddy’ she is sorry and yes understands why she deserves to be further spanked now.
From all the different ways they have enjoyed each other today, and this final part of the fantasy that out of nowhere they created, both Emma and Donald are on pins and needles, all of their senses fully aroused, and so close to the edge anything could trigger an onslaught.
Donald lifts her dress over her back, the hem up to her shoulders. Emma’s gasps of delight accompany his deep sighs. And as he lowers her panties to her knees, they can feel each other throbbing. They both wonder how long they can play this out, hoping it lasts for a while.
Donald runs his hands over her ass cheeks, pinching and kneading each, helping them both to calm from the franticness they both are feeling. When he hears Emma sigh in contentment from the treatment, he raises his hand in the air and brings it down on her right cheek spanking it sharply — followed right behind with the same to her left cheek.
Emma is caught a little by surprise when he begins and cries out. He continues back and forth over both cheeks making them nice and rosy. Emma whimpers with each stroke, but Donald can feel her juices dripping out of her onto his thighs.
This adds to his cock getting harder and harder between Emma’s thighs. She can feel his rising excitement, which pushes her closer and closer to the edge.
After several minutes of hand spanking, Donald slows and stops, but just long enough to pick up the hairbrush.
He takes the bristle side and scratches at Emma’s reddened ass, making every nerve stand on end as he does. She moans and moans as he does. And before she is quite ready she feels the back side of the brush smack down on her tingling cheek, then the other. Back and forth, Donald goes.
He concentrates on one cheek for a bit, then down to a thigh, up to the other, and over and over on the other cheek. Tears are flowing down Emma’s face as she kicks and squirms at each hit.
Donald grabs her legs to hold them from thrashing and tells her to be still, or the spanking will go on longer. Emma sobs she is sorry and will hold still. And she tries as best as she can.
She gives into this strange and delightful sensation of her ass being so abused causing her to reach and succumb to this full and soul-consuming orgasm. Her body thrashes around in another way as she does, and her deep moan as her body shakes lets Donald know her current state.
He stops spanking her and moves his fingers into her vag to feel it crush against them as the orgasm overtakes her. His thumb rubbing her clit now makes her cry out as an immediate second orgasm rushes over her. She cries and cries, tears dropping to the floor from the intensity of it all.
Donald starts to rub her back to calm her as she lies over his lap for several minutes coming down from the high she to which she rose. Donald is in a great need of release right now himself, but by a Herculean effort is holding himself back.
Emma is well aware of how hard Donald is under her right now and knows he needs to give in to his primal needs quickly too. He is no longer ‘Daddy.’ That game is done; now they are two highly charged individuals who need to surrender to the yearning gnawing at them.
Even though Emma just came so hard, knowing Donald’s needs send magnetic charges through her needing to feel it all again, with him.
She stands in front of him and kicks her panties away as she lifts her dress over her head. Her bra is unhooked and off her in a nanosecond. Standing naked in front of him, as Donald gazes at her wonderful body before him, she lifts his shirt off him and quickly unzips his pants to have them and his boxers tossed away.
She bends to her knees between his legs, and his glans pops into her mouth where it longs to be. Donald feels her sucking on it like she does on his tits, and then she slides her tongue up and down and into his slit as far as she can. He moans with desire.
Her fingers are on his cock and balls. Squeezing his shaft with her thumb against the vein at the back as she jerks up and down on him; each time, the amount she is jerking decreases, only because she is taking more and more of him into her mouth. Donald’s body starts to shudder as she massages his balls and taint to encourage his semen to fill them.
Donald’s testicles are now so hard and full; it will not be long until he explodes. Emma wants that to happen deep up in her, so she stands, still holding his cock in her hand. She urges him to move back up on the bed more, and she climbs on top of him and guides his throbbing cock up into her waiting wet, vagina.
All Donald can do is to continue to moan with delight. To feel himself inside his wonderful, tight Emma again as she clenches and holds him fast every time she presses down to take him fully into her. It is the most wonderful dance Donald has ever had. She pulls up and almost out of him, just his glans in her entrance then thrusts down on him hard, gripping him to her and pressing him fully up in her.
Over and over.
Donald is amazed that he is holding back as long as he is. The feeling of him swelling and growing and the rushes running through him keeps him trying to keep this wonderful ride going a bit longer.
Donald can tell Emma is reaching her pinnacle; her face, neck, and chest are a glowing red, her breath is labored, and the low guttural moans coming through her let him know she is in the throes of lust.
Just as Donald does not think he can wait any longer, Emma arches her back. He feels her taut clench on his cock he explodes. He is shooting all that has built up in him up deep into her. Their overflowing juices mingling, they both give a final gasp as Emma falls to lie on his chest.
He is still deep inside her. She milks his prick of every last drop of cum before she slackens and allows him, now soft and satisfied, to slide from her. They roll on their sides facing each other, kissing and caressing each other’s necks and shoulders.
Both so fulfilled and now content, they move to under the covers. Who cares about dinner? They are not hungry. They can have a big breakfast in the morning before they hit the road again.
And as they fall asleep in each other’s arms, both are wondering what tomorrow will bring. Five states still to pass through before they get to their destination. So much they have done since leaving home Sunday morning, and it is only Tuesday night now.