Driving with Uber – An Unexpected Benefit, Chapter 8

"Khrys' sister finds herself in trouble"

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It was a Wednesday in July and Khrys had invited me to go with her to a Cubs game.  She had gotten some tickets right behind home plate from one of her clients, and she knew that I loved baseball.  It turned out to be a great night with the weather cooperating and the Cubs walking away with a “W”.  After the game we headed to the VIP Lounge I was a member of over at Casey Moran’s, a great bar across the street from Wrigley Field.

During the course of our conversation, Khrystiana asked me if I could join her and Klara the next Saturday night for dinner at her place.  She reminded me that Klara had not visited her this past weekend as she had joined friends to spend the weekend in Green Bay.  The main reason for the visit was to hit up the gambling casino run by the Oneida Indians.  Casino gambling had been allowed for years in the United States on Native American Indian Reservations.  Khrystiana was a bit reticent about reasons for the invite but I was happy to accept.   We made plans for that Saturday with me bringing the wine and the girls taking care of the dinner.

Saturday came and I found myself once more sitting with two absolutely beautiful Scandinavian women.  Over dinner, I realized that while Khrys was her normal very chatty and bubbly self, her sister was not.  I noticed that she seemed to be totally preoccupied and twice I had to repeat a question that I had asked her.  I thought it was very odd that she did not want to talk about her weekend in Green Bay.  We finished dinner and did our usual cooperative clean up. We then headed out to Khrys’ balcony to enjoy the city lights as they started coming on.  

We had been sitting outside about fifteen minutes when I finally just looked at Klara and asked her if she was feeling ok.  I told her that she had been somewhere else the whole evening and I was a bit concerned about her.  Khrys looked at her sister and asked her if she wanted to tell me what had been on her mind that evening, in fact, what had been on her mind all week.  I simply sat there a little confused as these two young women had a vague discussion about what Klara wanted to do.  Klara finally looked at her sister and said, “No, Khrys, I do not want to tell Chuck what has been on my mind all week.  I know that you feel I should but I do not want to.  However, I have been thinking a lot about what you told me a couple of days ago and, even though I do not want to, I actually have to agree with you.  Once I discuss this with Chuck and we move on, I will feel better”.

Klara stood up and walked over to pour herself another glass of wine while also offering both Khrys and me a refill.  She sat down, took a sip, placed her glass on the table and then sat back on the sofa next to her sister.

“Chuck, you asked me how my weekend in Green Bay was.  Actually, we had a lot of fun and Saturday night at the casino started out to be really great but it did not end up being so great.  I went to the casino with $200 knowing that I could afford to lose it.  I would have had a lot of fun with the cost being $200.  For the first couple of hours, I won a little then lost a little but had about $250.  I guess my luck changed at that point because within about an hour I had lost it all.  I should have quit then but decided to go to the ATM and pull out more cash.  I know that part of the issue was that the free drinks made me think I was not going to lose.  But bottom line, I had soon zeroed out my checking account.

“When I woke up Sunday I realized that I had really screwed up because I had written and mailed a couple of checks on Thursday that would be cashed on Monday or Tuesday and both of them were going to bounce.  I had just dug a much deeper hole for myself.”

I looked at Klara.  “I don’t need to tell you, Klara, how irresponsible your actions were.  It is obvious that you already know that.  What did you do?  How much is the bank going to charge you for the overdrafts?”

Klara looked over at her sister and then looked back at me.  “Actually they did not bounce, Chuck.  I called Khrys that Sunday afternoon after I got back to my apartment and she came to my rescue.  She wired $500 from her account to mine Sunday evening so that it was there on Monday.  Big sister to the rescue!”

“Why are you telling me this, Klara?  When I asked how the weekend was you could have simply told me that you had a lot of fun but you had lost some money gambling.  Almost everyone does that.  Why did you decide to go into the details.”

“Chuck, I think that you know the answer to that question”.

Klara had snapped an answer to me.  From the look on Khrystiana’s face, it was obvious that she was upset and disappointed in her sister.

“No, young lady, I do not necessarily know the answer to that question.  If you simply wanted me to know the details, that is one thing.  However, if you want me to be involved in this or if you want me to take any sort of action you need to tell me what you want.”

I saw that Klara was a little embarrassed at the tone I had taken so I softened my voice a bit as I went on.

“Klara, you are well aware that your sister and I have a very special relationship.  I will admit that it is also somewhat of an unusual relationship. However, it is one we mutually decided upon and agreed upon after some very long and honest conversations.  Interestingly enough, the first time that she and I actually acted upon that relationship it was over her handling of money.  When we finally did agree as to how our relationship would be we came to an understanding.   I explained to her that the first time she felt that she needed to be punished she would have to ask me to punish her.  I do think that I know what you are leading to but I am not going to try to read your mind.  Have you and Khrys talked much this week about this situation?”

Klara actually giggled slightly when she told me that this was about the only thing that they had discussed all week and that they had been on the phone a good amount each night.  She told me that it was obvious to her what Khrys felt her actions should be.  Khrys had very bluntly told her that she needed a spanking.   She also told me that even though she agreed with Khrys she simply did not want to be spanked.  She said that in the past she never had the option to not be spanked, her dad simply did it.  This was different.  

“Khrys told me, Chuck, that if I were to ask you to punish me for this you would probably do so even though you would prefer not to.  I saw for myself when you spanked Khrys a few weeks ago that it was not something you were enjoying.  She also told me that the spanking would most likely be hard and severe.  She knew that from personal experience.  The last thing she told me though is what has been keeping this whole mess in my head.  She told me that tomorrow I would feel a lot better about the whole thing.  I would know that I really screwed up but the screwup was paid for and forgiven and hopefully, I would have learned from it.”

Klara sat forward and took another sip of wine before sitting back but reaching out for her sister’s hand.

“Chuck, I really do not want to ask you to do this but I have to.  Will you please punish me as you think I deserve for last weekend?”

Khrystiana decided to add some comments.  “Chuck, I really wanted to discuss this with you after the game this past Wednesday but I felt I did not have the right to do that.  This was something that Klara had to talk with you about and not me.

 I did want to forewarn you that Klara could possibly bring this up and, if she did, I wanted to ask you to please do as she asked.  I really think that she needs your ‘special friendship’ right now.”

I looked at both girls and then focused on Klara.

“Klara, you saw a few weeks ago the spanking that your sister got for drinking and driving.  If you really want me to step into this situation, I will do so.  But before you ask again, know that the spanking you will receive will not be as severe as the one I gave Khrystiana but it will be close.  Do you really want me to do this.”

“God, no, Chuck.  I do not want you to do it.  But I need you to do it.  There is a huge difference.  Please do punish me as you think I should be punished.”

I stood up and walked over to the sofa and held my hand out to Klara.  She looked up at me,  reached out and took my hand.  I led her off the balcony and back into Khrys’ living room.  Khrys followed and closed the door behind us.  She sat down on one of the chairs in her living room.   Klara had kicked her shoes off when she was sitting on the balcony.  I stood in front of her and simply unbuttoned the front of her blouse and dropped it off her shoulders.  I handed it to her and told her to fold it and place it on the table.  She returned to me and turned her back to me so I could unsnap her bra which she added to the table.  I unsnapped and lowered the zipper on her shorts and allowed her to step out of them and then did the same for her panties.  I then told her to go face the wall with her hands on top of her head.  

“I want you to think about the situation that you have put yourself into, Klara.  I want you to think about how sore you are going to be in a few minutes. I also want you to think about whether your money management behavior last weekend was worth what is going on right now and what will be going on for the next half hour or so.”

I sat next to Khrys and simply looked at Klara’s rear.   Her shoulders were about the same width as her sister but they tapered to an even thinner waist line before flaring out into her hips.  Her bottom was a little flatter than Khrys’ but she, like her sister, was very fit and toned.  Her tan lines were very obvious.  Her love of sun bathing was very obvious.  While I was sitting there Khrys had reached out and taken my hand.

I finally stood up and moved into the dining area to get a straight backed chair to put in front of Khrys angled so that Klara’s leg would be pointing towards her.  I sat down and asked Klara to come over to me.  She moved to my right side and, since I am left handed, had to bring her so that she was facing my left knee.  Klara looked at her sister and then back to me.  She said, “I am really sorry, you guys.”

As I reached out for her hand Klara slid over my lap.  I positioned her and started rubbing her very cute backside and continued the lecture and scolding I had begun.  I then brought my left hand down sharply on her left cheek and then her right.  Klara jumped.  I then continued the spanking bringing my hand down to cover her bottom and upper thighs as her bottom grew brighter and pinker and warmer.  Outside of some mutters and some “ow’s” and “ouches” and “sorries” Klara took the spanking more quietly than her sister did.  Eventually, I did stop and, very much like her sister, Klara took a few minutes before realizing that I had stopped.  I helped her up and motioned her again to the wall reminding her not to rub and keep her hands up.

After a few minutes, I asked Klara to face me and put her hands to her side.  She did so.  It was readily apparent that she was embarrassed about standing in front of me with her breasts and vaginal area fully exposed.   I asked her if she was ready for part two.  She asked me if there really had to be a part two as she told me that she had really learned her lesson.  Based on her body language I did not feel that she had learned the lesson I wanted to impart so I simply shook my head.   Klara dropped her head.  Khrys had told me that when she had told Klara about the fact that I had spanked her that Klara had asked for details.  This was obvious in Klara’s next comment.

“I guess I have to go find Khrys’s slipper, correct?”

I nodded.   Klara disappeared into Khrys’ bedroom and quickly returned with slipper in hand.  I wondered if she had located it earlier in the day in case she needed it.  She brought it to me and without any coaxing from me returned to my lap.  I pulled her close and decided that I had better place my left leg over her legs based on how she had kicked when I was using only my hand.  As I did Klara grabbed my right leg with both her hands and just hung on.  I started with the slipper over and over covering her entire bottom and sit spot and upper thighs.  This time her vocalizations were louder and her gyrations over my lap were much more vigorous.   I finally felt Klara almost collapse and all the fight went out of her.  I gave her a couple more spanks and then dropped the slipper.  

I started very softly rubbing her now very red and very hot bottom.  I kept her there until she wanted to get up.  She slowly turned and sat on my lap, put her arms around my neck and started sobbing onto my shoulder.  I just held her and rubbed her back letting her cry.  I finally stood Klara up and she took my hand and started leading me into Khrys’ bedroom.  Once again she was showing me that she “knew the routine.” Khrys in the meantime stood up and told us that she was getting some ice water and towels.  Khrys brought the supplies in along with the tube of aloe lotion.  She whispered to me that she would be on the balcony and left the room.   I stayed with Klara about fifteen to twenty minutes before she dozed off.  

I headed to the balcony and realized that Khrys wanted me to stick around for a while as she had brought out a bottle of brandy and a couple of glasses.  After we had sat down she leaned over to me and gave me a soft kiss on the lips.  

“That is my way of saying thank you.  I am sorry that we had to ask you to do this.  Klara is going to be physically feeling pretty lousy tomorrow but will be better by mid-week.  However, I know that tomorrow she is going to be much, much better emotionally.  She has been in a real funk this whole week.”

We continued our chat for about a half hour and I decided it was time for me to head home.  I told Khrys that and she told me that she had one more thing to tell me before I left and also had a request to make.  

“Uncle Chuck, I had noticed a few times in the past whenever I was watching daddy spank one of us that sometimes I got a bit excited about it.  I know that you are going to think that I am a pervert or something but the same thing happened tonight especially when you were hand spanking Klara.  I actually got turned on some.  I wanted to let you know that and hope that you don’t think badly of me.”

“Khrys, we have kind of talked about this before.  I don’t feel badly about that at all and it really does not surprise me.  We have talked about how there is a thin line between pain and pleasure and that spanking can be very sexual in nature.  So, no, I do not.  But what is the request you have of me?”

Khrystiana grinned as she looked at me.

“Klara is heading home tomorrow about 5:00.  Can I come to your place tomorrow evening.  I think that I need a reminder spanking.”

I laughed as I gave her a hug and told my darling young friend that I would see her tomorrow around 6:00 or so and that we would grill some burgers before getting down to business.  She kissed me good night as I headed out the door.



Published 8 years ago

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